local Socket = require('socket') local synchronized = require('sync') local netfs = { } local function remoteCommand(node, msg) for i = 1, 2 do if not node.socket then node.socket = Socket.connect(node.id, 139) end if not node.socket then error('netfs: Unable to establish connection to ' .. node.id) fs.unmount(node.mountPoint) return end local ret synchronized(node.socket, function() node.socket:write(msg) ret = node.socket:read(1) end) if ret then return ret.response end node.socket:close() node.socket = nil end error('netfs: Connection failed', 2) end local methods = { 'delete', 'exists', 'getFreeSpace', 'makeDir', 'list', 'listEx' } local function resolveDir(dir, node) dir = dir:gsub(node.mountPoint, '', 1) return fs.combine(node.directory, dir) end for _,m in pairs(methods) do netfs[m] = function(node, dir) dir = resolveDir(dir, node) return remoteCommand(node, { fn = m, args = { dir }, }) end end function netfs.mount(dir, id, directory) if not id or not tonumber(id) then error('ramfs syntax: computerId [directory]') end return { id = tonumber(id), nodes = { }, directory = directory or '', } end function netfs.getDrive() return 'net' end function netfs.complete(node, partial, dir, includeFiles, includeSlash) dir = resolveDir(dir, node) return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'complete', args = { partial, dir, includeFiles, includeSlash }, }) end function netfs.copy(node, s, t) s = resolveDir(s, node) t = resolveDir(t, node) return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'copy', args = { s, t }, }) end function netfs.isDir(node, dir) if dir == node.mountPoint and node.directory == '' then return true end return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'isDir', args = { resolveDir(dir, node) }, }) end function netfs.isReadOnly(node, dir) if dir == node.mountPoint and node.directory == '' then return false end return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'isReadOnly', args = { resolveDir(dir, node) }, }) end function netfs.getSize(node, dir) if dir == node.mountPoint and node.directory == '' then return 0 end return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'getSize', args = { resolveDir(dir, node) }, }) end function netfs.find(node, spec) spec = resolveDir(spec, node) local list = remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'find', args = { spec }, }) for k,f in ipairs(list) do list[k] = fs.combine(node.mountPoint, f) end return list end function netfs.move(node, s, t) s = resolveDir(s, node) t = resolveDir(t, node) return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'move', args = { s, t }, }) end function netfs.open(node, fn, fl) fn = resolveDir(fn, node) local vfh = remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'open', args = { fn, fl }, }) if vfh then vfh.node = node for _,m in ipairs(vfh.methods) do vfh[m] = function(...) return remoteCommand(node, { fn = 'fileOp', args = { vfh.fileUid, m, ... }, }) end end end return vfh end return netfs