if fs.native then return end _G.requireInjector() local Util = require('util') local fs = _G.fs fs.native = Util.shallowCopy(fs) local fstypes = { } local nativefs = { } for k,fn in pairs(fs) do if type(fn) == 'function' then nativefs[k] = function(node, ...) return fn(...) end end end function nativefs.list(node, dir) local files if fs.native.isDir(dir) then files = fs.native.list(dir) end local function inList(l, e) for _,v in ipairs(l) do if v == e then return true end end end if dir == node.mountPoint and node.nodes then files = files or { } for k in pairs(node.nodes) do if not inList(files, k) then table.insert(files, k) end end end if not files then error('Not a directory', 2) end return files end function nativefs.getSize(node, dir, recursive) if recursive and fs.native.isDir(dir) then local function sum(dir) local total = 0 local files = fs.native.list(dir) for _,f in ipairs(files) do local fullName = fs.combine(dir, f) if fs.native.isDir(fullName) then total = total + sum(fullName) else total = total + fs.native.getSize(fullName) end end return total end return sum(dir) end if node.mountPoint == dir and node.nodes then return 0 end return fs.native.getSize(dir) end function nativefs.isDir(node, dir) if node.mountPoint == dir then return not not node.nodes end return fs.native.isDir(dir) end function nativefs.exists(node, dir) if node.mountPoint == dir then return true end return fs.native.exists(dir) end function nativefs.delete(node, dir) if node.mountPoint == dir then fs.unmount(dir) else fs.native.delete(dir) end end fstypes.nativefs = nativefs fs.nodes = { fs = nativefs, mountPoint = '', fstype = 'nativefs', nodes = { }, } local function splitpath(path) local parts = { } for match in string.gmatch(path, "[^/]+") do table.insert(parts, match) end return parts end local function getNode(dir) local cd = fs.combine(dir, '') local parts = splitpath(cd) local node = fs.nodes for _,d in ipairs(parts) do if node.nodes and node.nodes[d] then node = node.nodes[d] else break end end return node end local methods = { 'delete', 'getFreeSpace', 'exists', 'isDir', 'getSize', 'isReadOnly', 'makeDir', 'getDrive', 'list', 'open' } for _,m in pairs(methods) do fs[m] = function(dir, ...) dir = fs.combine(dir or '', '') local node = getNode(dir) return node.fs[m](node, dir, ...) end end function fs.complete(partial, dir, includeFiles, includeSlash) dir = fs.combine(dir, '') local node = getNode(dir) if node.fs.complete then return node.fs.complete(node, partial, dir, includeFiles, includeSlash) end return fs.native.complete(partial, dir, includeFiles, includeSlash) end function fs.listEx(dir) local node = getNode(dir) if node.fs.listEx then return node.fs.listEx(node, dir) end local t = { } local files = node.fs.list(node, dir) pcall(function() for _,f in ipairs(files) do local fullName = fs.combine(dir, f) local file = { name = f, isDir = fs.isDir(fullName), isReadOnly = fs.isReadOnly(fullName), } if not file.isDir then file.size = fs.getSize(fullName) end table.insert(t, file) end end) return t end function fs.copy(s, t) local sp = getNode(s) local tp = getNode(t) if sp == tp and sp.fs.copy then return sp.fs.copy(sp, s, t) end if fs.exists(t) then error('File exists') end if fs.isDir(s) then fs.makeDir(t) local list = fs.list(s) for _,f in ipairs(list) do fs.copy(fs.combine(s, f), fs.combine(t, f)) end else local sf = Util.readFile(s) if not sf then error('No such file') end Util.writeFile(t, sf) end end function fs.find(spec) -- not optimized -- local node = getNode(spec) -- local files = node.fs.find(node, spec) local files = { } -- method from https://github.com/N70/deltaOS/blob/dev/vfs local function recurse_spec(results, path, spec) local segment = spec:match('([^/]*)'):gsub('/', '') local pattern = '^' .. segment:gsub("[%.%[%]%(%)%%%+%-%?%^%$]","%%%1"):gsub("%z","%%z"):gsub("%*","[^/]-") .. '$' if fs.isDir(path) then for _, file in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do if file:match(pattern) then local f = fs.combine(path, file) if spec == segment then table.insert(results, f) end if fs.isDir(f) then recurse_spec(results, f, spec:sub(#segment + 2)) end end end end end recurse_spec(files, '', spec) table.sort(files) return files end function fs.move(s, t) local sp = getNode(s) local tp = getNode(t) if sp == tp and sp.fs.move then return sp.fs.move(sp, s, t) end fs.copy(s, t) fs.delete(s) end local function getfstype(fstype) local vfs = fstypes[fstype] if not vfs then vfs = require('fs.' .. fstype) fs.registerType(fstype, vfs) end return vfs end function fs.mount(path, fstype, ...) local vfs = getfstype(fstype) if not vfs then error('Invalid file system type') end local node = vfs.mount(path, ...) if node then local parts = splitpath(path) local targetName = table.remove(parts, #parts) local tp = fs.nodes for _,d in ipairs(parts) do if not tp.nodes then tp.nodes = { } end if not tp.nodes[d] then tp.nodes[d] = Util.shallowCopy(tp) tp.nodes[d].nodes = { } tp.nodes[d].mountPoint = fs.combine(tp.mountPoint, d) end tp = tp.nodes[d] end node.fs = vfs node.fstype = fstype if not targetName then node.mountPoint = '' fs.nodes = node else node.mountPoint = fs.combine(tp.mountPoint, targetName) tp.nodes[targetName] = node end end return node end function fs.loadTab(path) local mounts = Util.readFile(path) if mounts then for _,l in ipairs(Util.split(mounts)) do if l:sub(1, 1) ~= '#' then local s, m = pcall(function() fs.mount(table.unpack(Util.matches(l))) end) if not s then _G.printError('Mount failed') _G.printError(l) _G.printError(m) end end end end end local function getNodeByParts(parts) local node = fs.nodes for _,d in ipairs(parts) do if not node.nodes[d] then return end node = node.nodes[d] end return node end function fs.unmount(path) local parts = splitpath(path) local targetName = table.remove(parts, #parts) local node = getNodeByParts(parts) if node and node.nodes[targetName] then node.nodes[targetName] = nil end end function fs.registerType(name, fs) fstypes[name] = fs end function fs.getTypes() return fstypes end function fs.restore() local native = fs.native Util.clear(fs) Util.merge(fs, native) end