local colors = _G.colors local os = _G.os local settings = _G.settings local term = _G.term local bootOptions = { { prompt = os.version() }, { prompt = 'Opus' , args = { '/sys/boot/opus.boot' } }, { prompt = 'Opus Shell' , args = { '/sys/boot/opus.boot', 'sys/apps/shell.lua' } }, { prompt = 'Opus Kiosk' , args = { '/sys/boot/kiosk.boot' } }, } local bootOption = 2 if settings then settings.load('.settings') bootOption = tonumber(settings.get('opus.boot_option')) or bootOption end local function startupMenu() local x, y = term.getSize() local align, selected = 0, 1 local function redraw() local title = "Boot Options:" term.clear() term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setCursorPos((x/2)-(#title/2), (y/2)-(#bootOptions/2)-1) term.write(title) for i = 1, #bootOptions do local txt = i..". "..bootOptions[i].prompt term.setCursorPos((x/2)-(align/2), (y/2)-(#bootOptions/2)+i) term.write(txt) end end for i = 1, #bootOptions do if (bootOptions[i].prompt):len() > align then align = (bootOptions[i].prompt):len() end end redraw() repeat term.setCursorPos((x/2)-(align/2)-2, (y/2)-(#bootOptions/2)+selected) if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) else term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) end term.write(">") local k = ({os.pullEvent()}) if k[1] == "mouse_scroll" then if k[2] == 1 then k = keys.down else k = keys.up end elseif k[1] == "key" then k = k[2] else k = nil end if k then if k == keys.enter or k == keys.right then return selected elseif k == keys.down then if selected == #bootOptions then selected = 0 end selected = selected+1 elseif k == keys.up then if selected == 1 then selected = #bootOptions+1 end selected = selected-1 elseif k >= keys.one and k <= #bootOptions+1 and k < keys.zero then selected = k-1 return selected end local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(cx-1, cy) term.write(" ") end until true == false end local function splash() local w, h = term.current().getSize() term.setTextColor(colors.white) if not term.isColor() then local str = 'Opus OS' term.setCursorPos((w - #str) / 2, h / 2) term.write(str) else term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clear() local opus = { 'fffff00', 'ffff07000', 'ff00770b00 4444', 'ff077777444444444', 'f07777744444444444', 'f0000777444444444', '070000111744444', '777770000', '7777000000', '70700000000', '077000000000', } for k,line in ipairs(opus) do term.setCursorPos((w - 18) / 2, k + (h - #opus) / 2) term.blit(string.rep(' ', #line), string.rep('a', #line), line) end end local str = 'Press any key for menu' term.setCursorPos((w - #str) / 2, h) term.write(str) end term.clear() splash() local timerId = os.startTimer(1.5) while true do local e, id = os.pullEvent() if e == 'timer' and id == timerId then break end if e == 'char' then bootOption = startupMenu() if settings then settings.set('opus.boot_option', bootOption) settings.save('.settings') end break end end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) if bootOptions[bootOption].args then os.run({}, table.unpack(bootOptions[bootOption].args)) else print(bootOptions[bootOption].prompt) end