local Config = require('config') local UI = require('ui') local fs = _G.fs local turtle = _G.turtle if turtle then local Home = require('turtle.home') local values = { } Config.load('gps', values.home and { values.home } or { }) local gpsTab = UI.Tab { tabTitle = 'GPS', labelText = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 2, value = 'On restart, return to this location' }, grid = UI.Grid { x = 3, ex = -3, y = 4, height = 2, values = values, inactive = true, columns = { { heading = 'x', key = 'x' }, { heading = 'y', key = 'y' }, { heading = 'z', key = 'z' }, }, }, button1 = UI.Button { x = 3, y = 7, text = 'Set home', event = 'gps_set', }, button2 = UI.Button { ex = -3, y = 7, width = 7, text = 'Clear', event = 'gps_clear', }, } function gpsTab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'gps_set' then self:emit({ type = 'info_message', message = 'Determining location' }) self:sync() if Home.set() then Config.load('gps', values) self.grid:setValues(values.home and { values.home } or { }) self.grid:draw() self:emit({ type = 'success_message', message = 'Location set' }) else self:emit({ type = 'error_message', message = 'Unable to determine location' }) end return true elseif event.type == 'gps_clear' then fs.delete('usr/config/gps') self.grid:setValues({ }) self.grid:draw() return true end end return gpsTab end