local Array = require('opus.array') local Config = require('opus.config') local UI = require('opus.ui') local tab = UI.Tab { title = 'Preferred', description = 'Select preferred applications', apps = UI.ScrollingGrid { x = 2, y = 2, ex = 12, ey = -3, columns = { { key = 'name' }, }, sortColumn = 'name', disableHeader = true, }, choices = UI.Grid { x = 14, y = 2, ex = -2, ey = -3, disableHeader = true, columns = { { key = 'file' }, }, getRowTextColor = function(self, row) if row == self.values[1] then return 'yellow' end return UI.Grid.getRowTextColor(self, row) end, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar { values = 'Double-click to set as preferred' }, } function tab:updateChoices() local app = self.apps:getSelected().name local choices = { } for _, v in pairs(self.config[app]) do table.insert(choices, { file = v }) end self.choices:setValues(choices) self.choices:draw() end function tab:enable() self.config = Config.load('alternate') local apps = { } for k, _ in pairs(self.config) do table.insert(apps, { name = k }) end self.apps:setValues(apps) self:updateChoices() UI.Tab.enable(self) end function tab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_focus_row' and event.element == self.apps then self:updateChoices() elseif event.type == 'grid_select' and event.element == self.choices then local app = self.apps:getSelected().name Array.removeByValue(self.config[app], event.selected.file) table.insert(self.config[app], 1, event.selected.file) self:updateChoices() Config.update('alternate', self.config) else return UI.Tab.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end return tab