_G.requireInjector(_ENV) local Config = require('config') local Event = require('event') local Socket = require('socket') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local colors = _G.colors local device = _G.device local multishell = _ENV.multishell local network = _G.network local os = _G.os local shell = _ENV.shell UI:configure('Network', ...) local gridColumns = { { heading = 'Label', key = 'label' }, { heading = 'Dist', key = 'distance' }, { heading = 'Status', key = 'status' }, } local trusted = Util.readTable('usr/.known_hosts') local config = Config.load('network', { }) if UI.term.width >= 30 then table.insert(gridColumns, { heading = 'Fuel', key = 'fuel', width = 5 }) table.insert(gridColumns, { heading = 'Uptime', key = 'uptime' }) end local page = UI.Page { menuBar = UI.MenuBar { buttons = { { text = 'Connect', dropdown = { { text = 'Telnet t', event = 'telnet' }, { text = 'VNC v', event = 'vnc' }, UI.MenuBar.spacer, { text = 'Reboot r', event = 'reboot' }, } }, --{ text = 'Chat', event = 'chat' }, { text = 'Trust', dropdown = { { text = 'Establish', event = 'trust' }, { text = 'Remove', event = 'untrust' }, } }, { text = 'Help', event = 'help', noCheck = true }, { text = '\206', x = -3, dropdown = { { text = 'Show all', event = 'show_all', noCheck = true }, UI.MenuBar.spacer, { text = 'Show trusted', event = 'show_trusted', noCheck = true }, }, }, }, }, grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { y = 2, values = network, columns = gridColumns, sortColumn = 'label', autospace = true, }, notification = UI.Notification { }, accelerators = { t = 'telnet', v = 'vnc', r = 'reboot', q = 'quit', c = 'clear', }, } local function sendCommand(host, command) if not device.wireless_modem then page.notification:error('Wireless modem not present') return end page.notification:info('Connecting') page:sync() local socket = Socket.connect(host, 161) if socket then socket:write({ type = command }) socket:close() page.notification:success('Command sent') else page.notification:error('Failed to connect') end end function page:eventHandler(event) local t = self.grid:getSelected() if t then if event.type == 'telnet' then multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/telnet.lua', focused = true, args = { t.id }, title = t.label, }) elseif event.type == 'vnc' then multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/vnc.lua', focused = true, args = { t.id }, title = t.label, }) elseif event.type == 'clear' then Util.clear(network) page.grid:update() page.grid:draw() elseif event.type == 'trust' then shell.openForegroundTab('trust ' .. t.id) elseif event.type == 'untrust' then local trustList = Util.readTable('usr/.known_hosts') or { } trustList[t.id] = nil Util.writeTable('usr/.known_hosts', trustList) elseif event.type == 'chat' then multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/shell', args = { 'chat join opusChat-' .. t.id .. ' guest-' .. os.getComputerID() }, title = 'Chatroom', focused = true, }) elseif event.type == 'reboot' then sendCommand(t.id, 'reboot') elseif event.type == 'shutdown' then sendCommand(t.id, 'shutdown') end end if event.type == 'help' then UI:setPage(UI.Dialog { title = 'Network Help', height = 10, backgroundColor = colors.white, text = UI.TextArea { x = 2, y = 2, backgroundColor = colors.white, value = [[ In order to connect to another computer: 1. The target computer must have a password set (run 'password' from the shell prompt). 2. From this computer, click trust and enter the password for that computer. This only needs to be done once. ]], }, accelerators = { q = 'cancel', } }) elseif event.type == 'show_all' then config.showTrusted = false self.grid:setValues(network) Config.update('network', config) elseif event.type == 'show_trusted' then config.showTrusted = true Config.update('network', config) elseif event.type == 'quit' then Event.exitPullEvents() end UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end function page.menuBar:getActive(menuItem) local t = page.grid:getSelected() if menuItem.event == 'untrust' then local trustList = Util.readTable('usr/.known_hosts') or { } return t and trustList[t.id] end return menuItem.noCheck or not not t end function page.grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) if not row.active then return colors.orange end return UI.Grid.getRowTextColor(self, row, selected) end function page.grid:getDisplayValues(row) row = Util.shallowCopy(row) if row.uptime then if row.uptime < 60 then row.uptime = string.format("%ds", math.floor(row.uptime)) else row.uptime = string.format("%sm", math.floor(row.uptime/6)/10) end end if row.fuel then row.fuel = Util.toBytes(row.fuel) end if row.distance then row.distance = Util.round(row.distance, 1) end return row end Event.onInterval(1, function() local t = { } if config.showTrusted then for k,v in pairs(network) do if trusted[k] then t[k] = v end end page.grid:setValues(t) else page.grid:update() end page.grid:draw() page:sync() end) Event.on('device_attach', function(_, deviceName) if deviceName == 'wireless_modem' then page.notification:success('Modem connected') page:sync() end end) Event.on('device_detach', function(_, deviceName) if deviceName == 'wireless_modem' then page.notification:error('Wireless modem not attached') page:sync() end end) if not device.wireless_modem then page.notification:error('Wireless modem not attached') end UI:setPage(page) UI:pullEvents()