local class = require('opus.class') local entry = require('opus.entry') local UI = require('opus.ui') local Util = require('opus.util') local _rep = string.rep local function transform(directive) local transforms = { lowercase = string.lower, uppercase = string.upper, number = tonumber, } return transforms[directive] end UI.TextEntry = class(UI.Window) UI.TextEntry.docs = { } UI.TextEntry.defaults = { UIElement = 'TextEntry', shadowText = '', focused = false, textColor = 'white', shadowTextColor = 'gray', markBackgroundColor = 'gray', backgroundColor = 'black', backgroundFocusColor = 'black', height = 1, cursorBlink = true, accelerators = { [ 'control-c' ] = 'copy', } } function UI.TextEntry:postInit() self.entry = entry({ limit = self.limit, offset = 2, transform = transform(self.transform) }) end function UI.TextEntry:layout() UI.Window.layout(self) self.entry.width = self.width - 2 end function UI.TextEntry:setValue(value) self.value = value self.entry:unmark() self.entry.value = value self.entry:updateScroll() end function UI.TextEntry:setPosition(pos) self.entry.pos = pos self.entry.value = self.value -- WHY HERE ? self.entry:updateScroll() end function UI.TextEntry:draw() local bg = self.backgroundColor local tc = self.textColor if self.focused then bg = self.backgroundFocusColor end local text = tostring(self.value or '') if #text > 0 then if self.entry.scroll > 0 then text = text:sub(1 + self.entry.scroll) end if self.mask then text = _rep('*', #text) end else tc = self.shadowTextColor text = self.shadowText end local ss = self.entry.scroll > 0 and '\183' or ' ' self:write(2, 1, Util.widthify(text, self.width - 2) .. ' ', bg, tc) self:write(1, 1, ss, bg, self.shadowTextColor) if self.entry.mark.active then local tx = math.max(self.entry.mark.x - self.entry.scroll, 0) local tex = self.entry.mark.ex - self.entry.scroll if tex > self.width - 2 then -- unsure about this tex = self.width - 2 - tx end if tx ~= tex then self:write(tx + 2, 1, text:sub(tx + 1, tex), self.markBackgroundColor, tc) end end if self.focused then self:setCursorPos(self.entry.pos - self.entry.scroll + 2, 1) end end UI.TextEntry.docs.reset = [[reset() Clears the value and resets the cursor.]] function UI.TextEntry:reset() self.entry:reset() self.value = nil--'' self:draw() self:updateCursor() end function UI.TextEntry:updateCursor() self:setCursorPos(self.entry.pos - self.entry.scroll + 2, 1) end function UI.TextEntry:markAll() self.entry:markAll() end function UI.TextEntry:focus() self:draw() end function UI.TextEntry:eventHandler(event) local text = self.value self.entry.value = text if event.ie and self.entry:process(event.ie) then if self.entry.textChanged then local changed = self.value ~= self.entry.value self.value = self.entry.value self:draw() if changed then -- we get entry.textChanged when marking is updated -- no need to emit in that case self:emit({ type = 'text_change', text = self.value, element = self }) end elseif self.entry.posChanged then self:updateCursor() end return true end return false end function UI.TextEntry.example() return UI.Window { text = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = 2, width = 12, limit = 36, shadowText = 'normal', }, upper = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = 3, width = 12, limit = 36, shadowText = 'upper', transform = 'uppercase', }, lower = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = 4, width = 12, limit = 36, shadowText = 'lower', transform = 'lowercase', }, number = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = 5, width = 12, limit = 36, transform = 'number', shadowText = 'number', }, } end