local class = require('opus.class') local UI = require('opus.ui') local Util = require('opus.util') local fs = _G.fs UI.FileSelect = class(UI.Window) UI.FileSelect.defaults = { UIElement = 'FileSelect', } function UI.FileSelect:postInit() self.grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { x = 2, y = 2, ex = -2, ey = -4, dir = '/', sortColumn = 'name', columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name' }, { heading = 'Size', key = 'size', width = 5 } }, getDisplayValues = function(_, row) return { name = row.name, size = row.size and Util.toBytes(row.size), } end, getRowTextColor = function(_, file) return file.isDir and 'cyan' or file.isReadOnly and 'pink' or 'white' end, sortCompare = function(self, a, b) if self.sortColumn == 'size' then return a.size < b.size end if a.isDir == b.isDir then return a.name:lower() < b.name:lower() end return a.isDir end, draw = function(self) local files = fs.listEx(self.dir) if #self.dir > 0 then table.insert(files, { name = '..', isDir = true, }) end self:setValues(files) self:setIndex(1) UI.Grid.draw(self) end, } self.path = UI.TextEntry { x = 2, y = -2, ex = -11, accelerators = { enter = 'path_enter', } } self.cancel = UI.Button { x = -9, y = -2, text = 'Cancel', event = 'select_cancel', } end function UI.FileSelect:draw() self:fillArea(1, 1, self.width, self.height, string.rep('\127', self.width), 'black', 'gray') self:drawChildren() end function UI.FileSelect:enable(path) self:setPath(path or '') UI.Window.enable(self) end function UI.FileSelect:setPath(path) self.grid.dir = path while not fs.isDir(self.grid.dir) do self.grid.dir = fs.getDir(self.grid.dir) end self.path.value = self.grid.dir end function UI.FileSelect:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then self.grid.dir = fs.combine(self.grid.dir, event.selected.name) self.path.value = self.grid.dir if event.selected.isDir then self.grid:draw() self.path:draw() else self:emit({ type = 'select_file', file = '/' .. self.path.value, element = self }) end return true elseif event.type == 'path_enter' then if self.path.value then if fs.isDir(self.path.value) then self:setPath(self.path.value) self.grid:draw() self.path:draw() else self:emit({ type = 'select_file', file = '/' .. self.path.value, element = self }) end end return true end end