-- see: https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/blob/master/src/luarocks/tools/tar.lua -- A pure-Lua implementation of untar (unpacking .tar archives) local Util = require('opus.util') local fs = _G.fs local _sub = string.sub local blocksize = 512 local function get_typeflag(flag) if flag == "0" or flag == "\0" then return "file" elseif flag == "1" then return "link" elseif flag == "2" then return "symlink" -- "reserved" in POSIX, "symlink" in GNU elseif flag == "3" then return "character" elseif flag == "4" then return "block" elseif flag == "5" then return "directory" elseif flag == "6" then return "fifo" elseif flag == "7" then return "contiguous" -- "reserved" in POSIX, "contiguous" in GNU elseif flag == "x" then return "next file" elseif flag == "g" then return "global extended header" elseif flag == "L" then return "long name" elseif flag == "K" then return "long link name" end return "unknown" end local function octal_to_number(octal) local exp = 0 local number = 0 octal = octal:gsub("%s", "") for i = #octal,1,-1 do local digit = tonumber(octal:sub(i,i)) if not digit then break end number = number + (digit * 8^exp) exp = exp + 1 end return number end local function checksum_header(block) local sum = 256 for i = 1,148 do local b = block:byte(i) or 0 sum = sum + b end for i = 157,500 do local b = block:byte(i) or 0 sum = sum + b end return sum end local function nullterm(s) return s:match("^[^%z]*") end local function read_header_block(block) local header = {} header.name = nullterm(block:sub(1,100)) header.mode = nullterm(block:sub(101,108)):gsub(" ", "") header.uid = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(109,116))) header.gid = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(117,124))) header.size = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(125,136))) header.mtime = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(137,148))) header.chksum = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(149,156))) header.typeflag = get_typeflag(block:sub(157,157)) header.linkname = nullterm(block:sub(158,257)) header.magic = block:sub(258,263) header.version = block:sub(264,265) header.uname = nullterm(block:sub(266,297)) header.gname = nullterm(block:sub(298,329)) header.devmajor = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(330,337))) header.devminor = octal_to_number(nullterm(block:sub(338,345))) header.prefix = block:sub(346,500) if not checksum_header(block) == header.chksum then return false, "Failed header checksum" end return header end local function untar_stream(tar_handle, destdir, verbose) assert(type(destdir) == "string") local long_name, long_link_name local ok, err local make_dir = function(a) if not fs.exists(a) then fs.makeDir(a) end return true end while true do local block repeat block = tar_handle:read(blocksize) until (not block) or checksum_header(block) > 256 if not block then break end if #block < blocksize then ok, err = nil, "Invalid block size -- corrupted file?" break end local header header, err = read_header_block(block) if not header then ok = false break end local file_data = tar_handle:read(math.ceil(header.size / blocksize) * blocksize):sub(1,header.size) if header.typeflag == "long name" then long_name = nullterm(file_data) elseif header.typeflag == "long link name" then long_link_name = nullterm(file_data) else if long_name then header.name = long_name long_name = nil end if long_link_name then header.name = long_link_name long_link_name = nil end end local pathname = fs.combine(destdir, header.name) if header.typeflag == "directory" then ok, err = make_dir(pathname) if not ok then break end elseif header.typeflag == "file" then local dirname = fs.getDir(pathname) if dirname ~= "" then ok, err = make_dir(dirname) if not ok then break end end local file_handle if verbose then print(pathname) end file_handle, err = io.open(pathname, "wb") if not file_handle then ok = nil break end file_handle:write(file_data) file_handle:close() end end return ok, err end local function untar_string(str, destdir, verbose) local ctr = 1 local len = #str local handle = { read = function(_, n) if ctr < len then local s = _sub(str, ctr, ctr + n - 1) ctr = ctr + n return s end end } return untar_stream(handle, destdir, verbose) end local function untar(filename, destdir, verbose) assert(type(filename) == "string") assert(type(destdir) == "string") local tar_handle = io.open(filename, "rb") if not tar_handle then return nil, "Error opening file "..filename end local ok, err = untar_stream(tar_handle, destdir, verbose) tar_handle:close() return ok, err end local function create_header_block(filename, abspath) local block = ('\0'):rep(blocksize) local function number_to_octal(n) return ('%o'):format(n) end local function ins(pos, istr) block = block:sub(1, pos - 1) .. istr .. block:sub(pos + #istr) end ins(1, filename) -- header ins(125, number_to_octal(fs.getSize(abspath))) ins(157, '0') -- typeflag ins(149, number_to_octal(checksum_header(block))) return block end local function tar_stream(tar_handle, root, files) if not files then files = { } local function recurse(rel) local abs = fs.combine(root, rel) for _,f in ipairs(fs.list(abs)) do local fullName = fs.combine(abs, f) if fs.isDir(fullName) then -- skip virtual dirs recurse(fs.combine(rel, f)) else table.insert(files, fs.combine(rel, f)) end end end recurse('') end for _, file in pairs(files) do local abs = fs.combine(root, file) local block = create_header_block(file, abs) tar_handle:write(block) local f = Util.readFile(abs, 'rb') tar_handle:write(f) local padding = #f % blocksize if padding > 0 then tar_handle:write(('\0'):rep(blocksize - padding)) end end end local function tar_string(root, files) local t = { } local handle = { write = function(_, s) table.insert(t, s) end } tar_stream(handle, root, files) return table.concat(t) end -- the bare minimum for this program to untar local function tar(filename, root, files) assert(type(filename) == "string") assert(type(root) == "string") local tar_handle = io.open(filename, "wb") if not tar_handle then return nil, "Error opening file "..filename end local ok, err = tar_stream(tar_handle, root, files) tar_handle:close() return ok, err end return { tar = tar, untar = untar, tar_string = tar_string, untar_string = untar_string, }