local fuzzy = require('opus.fuzzy') local UI = require('opus.ui') local Util = require('opus.util') local help = _G.help UI:configure('Help', ...) local topics = { } for _,topic in pairs(help.topics()) do table.insert(topics, { name = topic, lname = topic:lower() }) end UI:addPage('main', UI.Page { UI.Text { x = 3, y = 2, value = 'Search', }, UI.TextEntry { x = 10, y = 2, ex = -3, limit = 32, }, grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { y = 4, values = topics, columns = { { heading = 'Topic', key = 'name' }, }, sortColumn = 'lname', }, accelerators = { [ 'control-q' ] = 'quit', enter = 'grid_select', }, eventHandler = function(self, event) if event.type == 'quit' then UI:quit() elseif event.type == 'grid_select' then if self.grid:getSelected() then UI:setPage('topic', self.grid:getSelected().name) end elseif event.type == 'text_change' then if not event.text then self.grid.sortColumn = 'lname' else self.grid.sortColumn = 'score' self.grid.inverseSort = false local pattern = event.text:lower() for _,v in pairs(self.grid.values) do v.score = -fuzzy(v.lname, pattern) end end self.grid:update() self.grid:setIndex(1) self.grid:draw() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end end, }) UI:addPage('topic', UI.Page { backgroundColor = 'black', titleBar = UI.TitleBar { title = 'text', event = 'back', }, helpText = UI.TextArea { x = 2, ex = -1, y = 3, ey = -2, }, accelerators = { [ 'control-q' ] = 'back', backspace = 'back', }, enable = function(self, name) local f = help.lookup(name) self.titleBar.title = name self.helpText:setText(f and Util.readFile(f) or 'No help available for ' .. name) return UI.Page.enable(self) end, eventHandler = function(self, event) if event.type == 'back' then UI:setPage('main') end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end, }) local args = Util.parse(...) UI:setPage(args[1] and 'topic' or 'main', args[1]) UI:start()