ngIRCd - Next Generation IRC Server (c)2001-2013 Alexander Barton and Contributors. ngIRCd is free software and published under the terms of the GNU General Public License. -- Commands.txt -- This file lists all commands available on ngIRCd. It is written in a format that is human readable as well as machine parseable and therefore can be used as "help text file" of the daemon. In short, the HELP command parses this file as following when a user user issues a "HELP <cmd>" command: 1. Search the file for a line "- <cmd>", 2. Output all subsequent lines that start with a TAB (ASCII 9) character to the client using NOTICE commands, treat lines containing a single "." after the TAB as empty lines. 3. Break at the first line not starting with a TAB character. This format allows to have information to each command stored in this file which will not be sent to an IRC user requesting help which enables us to have additional annotations stored here which further describe the origin, implementation details, or limits of the specific command. A special "Intro" block is returned to the user when the HELP command is used without a command name: - Intro This is ngIRCd, a server software for Internet Relay Chat (IRC) networks. You can find more information about ngIRCd on its homepage: <> . Use "HELP COMMANDS" to get a list of all available commands and "HELP <command-name>" to get help for a specific IRC command, for example "HELP quit" or "HELP privmsg". General Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - AWAY - CAP - CHARCONV - HELP HELP [<command>] . Show help information for a specific IRC <command>. The <command> name is case-insensitive. . Use the command "HELP Commands" to get a list of all available commands. The HELP command isn't specified by any RFC but implemented by most daemons. If no help text could be read in, ngIRCd outputs a list of all implemented commands when receiving a plain "HELP" command as well as on "HELP Commands". ngIRCd replies using "NOTICE" commands like ircd 2.10/2.11; other implementations are using numerics 704, 705, and 706. - MODE - NICK - NOTICE - PASS - PING - PONG - PRIVMSG - QUIT QUIT [<quit-message>] . End IRC session and disconnect from the server. . If a <quit-message> has been given, it is displayed to all the channels that you are a member of when leaving. - USER - WALLOPS - WEBIRC Status and Informational Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - INFO - ISON - LINKS - LUSERS - METADATA - MOTD - NAMES - STATS - TIME - TRACE - USERHOST - VERSION - WHO - WHOIS - WHOWAS Channel Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - INVITE - JOIN - KICK - LIST - PART - TOPIC Administrative Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ADMIN ADMIN [<server>] . Show administartive information about an IRC server in the network. If no server name has been given, the local server will respond. - CONNECT - DIE - DISCONNECT - GLINE - KILL - KLINE - OPER - REHASH - RESTART IRC Service Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - SERVICE - SERVLIST - SQUERY - SVSNICK Server Protocol Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - CHANINFO - ERROR ERROR [<message> [<> [...]]] . Return an error message to the server. The first parameter, if given, will be logged by the server, all further parameters are silently ignored. . This command is silently ignored on non-server and non-service links. - NJOIN - SERVER - SQUIT Dummy Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - SUMMON - USERS - GET - POST