SERVICE, SERVLIST, and SQUERY are required by RFC 2812 (it states in
section 3 that "all commands described in this section MUST be implemented
by any server for this protocol." -- So we implement them without (much)
actual functionality ...
Brandon Beresini sent me a patch yesterday adding tests for JOIN under
various circumstances, which I believe he worked on with Bryan Caldwell
and Ali Shemiran. I made a few modifications; the result is below.
Code cleanup and fix for Bug #83, "ngIRCd chokes on 1-character messages" in
function Handle_Buffer(): the buffer is now correctly cleared when ngIRCd
receives 1-character messages terminated with either CR or LF (in violation
to RFC 2812, section 2.3 "Messages", 5th paragraph).
Modeless channels (+channels) are described in RFC 2811;
so my modifications to
('Add support for modeless channels')
to disable +channels for --strict-rfc configurations
were wrong. This reverts those changes.
Add support for modeless channels (+channels).
- integrate test cases
- don't support +channels when compiled with --strict-rfc
- do not set +o mode for channel creator
- force +nt mode when channel is created ]
The config file for ngircds test suite contained obsolete
ConfUID/ConfGID settings, causing ngircd to needlesly complain when
started as non-root (which is hopefully the _normal_ case...)
When trying to part a channel ("PART #channel") the client is not member of
the daemon now correctly reports the numeric ERR_NOTONCHANNEL (442) insted
client.c:72:6: warning: symbol 'Max_Users' was not declared. Should it be static?
client.c:72:21: warning: symbol 'My_Max_Users' was not declared. Should it be static?
ngircd will exit if the config file cannot be opened. While
thats okay if ngircd starts up for the first time, it isn't
when we are re-reading the config file after a /REHASH or SIGHUP.
all references to struct sockaddr/in_addr have been
removed from src/ngircd.
libngipaddr (in src/ipaddr/) hides all the gory details.
See src/ipaddr/ng_ipaddr.h for API description.
This does hit only operators that join a channel with at least 2 servers active in the net
the server the oper connects to sends "channel^Go" to the other servers
the other server first searches for the channel and then strips the modes from the channel name
he has to do the other way round: first strip and then check the channel name.