mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/mycorrhiza.git synced 2025-03-30 15:27:04 +00:00
2021-06-14 14:20:37 +07:00

132 lines
4.5 KiB

{% import "net/http" %}
{% import "strings" %}
{% import "path" %}
{% import "os" %}
{% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/cfg" %}
{% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/hyphae" %}
{% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/mimetype" %}
{% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/tree" %}
{% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/user" %}
{% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/util" %}
{% func AttachmentMenuHTML(rq *http.Request, h *hyphae.Hypha, u *user.User) %}
{%= NavHTML(rq, h.Name, "attachment") %}
<div class="layout">
<main class="main-width">
<h1>Attachment of {%s util.BeautifulName(h.Name) %}</h1>
{% if h.BinaryPath == "" %}
<p class="warning">This hypha has no attachment, you can upload it here.</p>
{% else %}
<p class="warning">You can manage the hypha's attachment on this page.</p>
{% endif %}
<section class="amnt-grid">
{% if h.BinaryPath != "" %}
{% code
mime := mimetype.FromExtension(path.Ext(h.BinaryPath))
fileinfo, err := os.Stat(h.BinaryPath) %}
{% if err == nil %}
<fieldset class="amnt-menu-block">
<legend class="modal__title modal__title_small">Stat</legend>
<p class="modal__confirmation-msg"><b>File size:</b> {%dl fileinfo.Size() %} bytes</p>
<p><b>MIME type:</b> {%s mime %}</p>
{% endif %}
{% if strings.HasPrefix(mime, "image/") %}
<fieldset class="amnt-menu-block">
<legend class="modal__title modal__title_small">Include</legend>
<p class="modal__confirmation-msg">This attachment is an image. To include it n a hypha, use a syntax like this:</p>
<pre class="codebleck"><code>img { {%s h.Name %} }</code></pre>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if u.CanProceed("upload-binary") %}
<form action="/upload-binary/{%s h.Name %}"
method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
class="upload-binary modal amnt-menu-block">
<fieldset class="modal__fieldset">
<legend class="modal__title modal__title_small">Attach</legend>
<p class="modal__confirmation-msg">You can upload a new attachment. Please do not upload too big pictures unless you need to because may not want to wait for big pictures to load.</p>
<label for="upload-binary__input"></label>
<input type="file" id="upload-binary__input" name="binary">
<input type="submit" class="btn stick-to-bottom" value="Upload">
{% endif %}
{% if h.BinaryPath != "" && u.CanProceed("unattach-confirm") %}
<form action="/unattach-confirm/{%s h.Name %}" method="post" class="modal amnt-menu-block">
<fieldset class="modal__fieldset">
<legend class="modal__title modal__title_small">Unattach</legend>
<p class="modal__confirmation-msg">Please note that you don't have to unattach before uploading a new attachment.</p>
<input type="submit" class="btn" value="Unattach">
{% endif %}
{% endfunc %}
If `contents` == "", a helpful message is shown instead.
{% func HyphaHTML(rq *http.Request, h *hyphae.Hypha, contents string) %}
{% code
relatives, subhyphae, prevHyphaName, nextHyphaName := tree.Tree(h.Name)
u := user.FromRequest(rq)
{%= NavHTML(rq, h.Name, "hypha") %}
<div class="layout">
<main class="main-width">
{%s= NaviTitleHTML(h) %}
{% if h.Exists %}
{%s= contents %}
{% else %}
{%= nonExistentHyphaNotice(h, u) %}
{% endif %}
<section class="prevnext">
{% if prevHyphaName != "" %}
<a class="prevnext__el prevnext__prev" href="/hypha/{%s prevHyphaName %}" rel="prev">← {%s util.BeautifulName(path.Base(prevHyphaName)) %}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if nextHyphaName != "" %}
<a class="prevnext__el prevnext__next" href="/hypha/{%s nextHyphaName %}" rel="next">{%s util.BeautifulName(path.Base(nextHyphaName)) %} →</a>
{% endif %}
{%= SubhyphaeHTML(subhyphae) %}
{%= RelativeHyphaeHTML(relatives) %}
{%= viewScripts() %}
{% endfunc %}
{% func RevisionHTML(rq *http.Request, h *hyphae.Hypha, contents, revHash string) %}
{% code
relatives, subhyphae, _, _ := tree.Tree(h.Name)
{%= NavHTML(rq, h.Name, "revision", revHash) %}
<div class="layout">
<main class="main-width">
<p>Please note that viewing binary parts of hyphae is not supported in history for now.</p>
{%s= NaviTitleHTML(h) %}
{%s= contents %}
{%= SubhyphaeHTML(subhyphae) %}
{%= RelativeHyphaeHTML(relatives) %}
{%= viewScripts() %}
{% endfunc %}
{% func viewScripts() %}
{% for _, scriptPath := range cfg.ViewScripts %}
<script src="{%s scriptPath %}"></script>
{% endfor %}
{% endfunc %}