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322 lines
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rrh.l10n('List of shortcuts', { ru: 'Горячие клавиши' })
rrh.l10n('Close this dialog', { ru: 'Закрыть диалог' })
rrh.l10n('Common', { ru: 'Общее' })
rrh.l10n('Home', { ru: 'Главная' })
rrh.l10n('Hypha', { ru: 'Гифа' })
rrh.l10n('Editor', { ru: 'Редактор' })
rrh.l10n('Format', { ru: 'Форматирование' })
rrh.shortcuts = {
// map is the whole shortcut graph. active points to the node of the
// shortcut graph that's currently "selected". When the user presses a
// key, the code finds the key node in the active subgraph and sets
// active to the found node. On each key press we get a narrower view
// until we reach a leaf and execute the action. View this property in
// the JavaScript console of your browser for easier understanding.
map: {},
groups: [],
addGroup(group) {
addBindingToGroup(name, binding) {
let group = this.groups.find(group => group.name === name)
if (!group) {
console.warn('Shortcut group', name, 'not found')
_register(shortcuts, action, other = {}) {
// shortcuts looks like this: ['g r', 'Ctrl+r']
// Every item of shortcuts is a sequential key chord.
for (let chord of strToArr(shortcuts)) {
let leaf = this.map
let keys = chord.trim().split(' ')
for (let key of keys) {
// If there's no existing edge, create one
if (!leaf[key]) leaf[key] = {}
leaf = leaf[key]
if (leaf.action) throw new Error(`Shortcut ${chord} already exists`)
// Now we've traversed to the leaf. Bind the shortcut
leaf.action = action
Object.assign(leaf, other)
_handleKeyDown(event) {
if (event.defaultPrevented) return
if (['Control', 'Alt', 'Shift', 'Meta'].includes(event.key)) return
if ((!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.altKey) &&
event.target instanceof Node && isTextField(event.target)) return
let shortcut = keyEventToShortcut(event)
if (!this.active[shortcut]) {
this.active = this.active[shortcut]
if (this.active.action && (!this.active.element || event.target === this.active.element)) {
if (this.active.force) event.preventDefault()
if (this.timeout) clearTimeout(this.timeout)
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => this._resetActive(), 1500)
_resetActive() {
this.active = this.map
if (this.timeout) {
this.timeout = null
window.addEventListener('keydown', event => rrh.shortcuts._handleKeyDown(event))
// Convert a KeyboardEvent into a shortcut string for matching by
// ShortcutHandler.
function keyEventToShortcut(event) {
let elideShift = event.key.toUpperCase() === event.key && event.shiftKey
return (event.ctrlKey ? 'Ctrl+' : '') +
(event.altKey ? 'Alt+' : '') +
(event.metaKey ? 'Meta+' : '') +
(!elideShift && event.shiftKey ? 'Shift+' : '') +
(event.key === ',' ? 'Comma' : event.key === ' ' ? 'Space' : event.key)
// Prettify the shortcut string by replacing modifiers and arrow codes with
// Unicode symbol for presentation to the user.
function prettifyShortcut(shortcut) {
let keys = shortcut.split('+')
if (isMac) {
let cmdIdx = keys.indexOf('Meta')
if (cmdIdx !== -1 && keys.length - cmdIdx > 2) {
let tmp = keys[cmdIdx + 1]
keys[cmdIdx + 1] = 'Meta'
keys[cmdIdx] = tmp
// Add Shift into shortcut strings like Ctrl+L
let lastKey = keys[keys.length - 1]
if (!keys.includes('Shift') && lastKey.toUpperCase() === lastKey && lastKey.toLowerCase() !== lastKey) {
keys.splice(keys.length - 1, 0, 'Shift')
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (isMac) {
if (keys[i] === 'Ctrl') keys[i] = '⌃'
if (keys[i] === 'Alt') keys[i] = '⌥'
if (keys[i] === 'Shift') keys[i] = '⇧'
if (keys[i] === 'Meta') keys[i] = '⌘'
} else {
if (keys[i] === 'Meta') keys[i] = 'Win'
if (i === keys.length - 1 && i > 0 && keys[i].length === 1) {
// Make every key uppercase. This does not introduce any ambiguous
// cases because we insert a Shift modifier for upper-case keys
// earlier.
keys[i] = keys[i].toUpperCase()
if (keys[i] === 'ArrowLeft') keys[i] = '←'
if (keys[i] === 'ArrowRight') keys[i] = '→'
if (keys[i] === 'ArrowUp') keys[i] = '↑'
if (keys[i] === 'ArrowDown') keys[i] = '↓'
if (keys[i] === 'Comma') keys[i] = ','
if (keys[i] === 'Enter') keys[i] = '↩'
if (keys[i] === ' ') keys[i] = 'Space'
keys[i] = `<kbd>${keys[i]}</kbd>`
return keys.join(isMac ? '' : ' + ')
function isTextField(element) {
let name = element.nodeName.toLowerCase()
return name === 'textarea' ||
name === 'select' ||
(name === 'input' && !['submit', 'reset', 'checkbox', 'radio'].includes(element.type)) ||
class Shortcut {
constructor(shortcuts, target, description, other) {
this.shortcuts = shortcuts
this.target = target
this.description = rrh.l10n(description)
Object.assign(this, other)
class ShortcutGroup {
constructor(name, element = null, bindings = []) {
this.name = rrh.l10n(name)
this.shortcuts = []
this.element = element
bindings.forEach(binding => this.bind(binding))
bind({ shortcuts, target, description, ...other }) {
shortcuts = strToArr(shortcuts).map(s => s.trim())
if (!other.element) other.element = this.element
if (target instanceof Function) {
this.shortcuts.push({ shortcuts, description })
rrh.shortcuts._register(shortcuts, target, other)
} else if (target instanceof Node) {
target: () => {
if (isTextField(target)) target.focus()
description, ...other,
} else if (Array.isArray(target) && (target.length === 0 || target[0] instanceof Node)) {
shortcuts: shortcuts.map(s => `${s} 1 — 9`),
for (let i = 0; i < target.length && i < 9; i++) {
let element = target[i]
rrh.shortcuts._register(shortcuts.map(s => `${s} ${i + 1}`), () => {
if (isTextField(element)) element.focus()
else element.click()
}, other)
} else if (typeof target === 'string') {
target: () => window.location.href = target,
} else if (target !== undefined && target !== null) {
throw new Error('Invalid target type')
function openHelp() {
if ($('.shortcuts-help')) return
document.body.overflow = 'hidden'
let prevActiveElement = document.activeElement
let backdrop = rrh.html`<div class="dialog-backdrop"></div>`
backdrop.onclick = close
let dialog = rrh.html`
<div class="dialog shortcuts-help" tabindex="0">
<div class="dialog__header">
<h1 class="dialog__title">${rrh.l10n('List of shortcuts')}</h1>
<button class="dialog__close-button" aria-label="${rrh.l10n('Close this dialog')}"></button>
<div class="dialog__content"></div>
dialog.querySelector('.dialog__close-button').onclick = close
dialog.onkeydown = event => {
if (event.key === 'Escape') close()
function close() {
document.body.overflow = ''
if (prevActiveElement) prevActiveElement.focus()
function formatShortcuts(shortcuts) {
return shortcuts.map(s => s.split(' ')
.map(prettifyShortcut).join(' '))
.join(' <span class="kbd-or">or</span> ')
for (let group of rrh.shortcuts.groups) {
if (group.shortcuts.length === 0) continue
<div class="shortcuts-group">
<h2 class="shortcuts-group-heading">${group.name}</h2>
<ul class="shortcuts-list">
${group.shortcuts.map(({ description, shortcuts }) => `
<li class="shortcut-row">
<div class="shortcut-row__description">${description}</div>
<div class="shortcut-row__keys">
rrh.shortcuts.addGroup(new ShortcutGroup('Common', null, [
new Shortcut('g', $$('.top-bar__highlight-link'), 'First 9 header links'),
new Shortcut('g h', '/', 'Home'),
new Shortcut('g l', '/list/', 'List of hyphae'),
new Shortcut('g r', '/recent-changes/', 'Recent changes'),
new Shortcut('g u', $('.auth-links__user-link'), 'Your profile′s hypha'),
new Shortcut(['?', isMac ? 'Meta+/' : 'Ctrl+/'], openHelp, 'Shortcut help', { force: true }),
if (document.body.dataset.rrhAddr.startsWith('/hypha')) {
rrh.shortcuts.addGroup(new ShortcutGroup('Hypha', null, [
new Shortcut('', $$('article .wikilink'), 'First 9 hypha′s links'),
new Shortcut(['p', 'Alt+ArrowLeft', 'Ctrl+Alt+ArrowLeft'], $('.prevnext__prev'), 'Previous hypha'),
new Shortcut(['n', 'Alt+ArrowRight', 'Ctrl+Alt+ArrowRight'], $('.prevnext__next'), 'Next hypha'),
new Shortcut(['s', 'Alt+ArrowUp', 'Ctrl+Alt+ArrowUp'], $$('.navi-title a').slice(1, -1).slice(-1)[0], 'Parent hypha'),
new Shortcut(['c', 'Alt+ArrowDown', 'Ctrl+Alt+ArrowDown'], $('.subhyphae__link'), 'First child hypha'),
new Shortcut(['e', isMac ? 'Meta+Enter' : 'Ctrl+Enter'], $('.btn__link_navititle[href^="/edit/"]'), 'Edit this hypha'),
new Shortcut('v', $('.hypha-info__link[href^="/hypha/"]'), 'Go to hypha′s page'),
new Shortcut('a', $('.hypha-info__link[href^="/media/"]'), 'Go to media management'),
new Shortcut('h', $('.hypha-info__link[href^="/history/"]'), 'Go to history'),
new Shortcut('r', $('.hypha-info__link[href^="/rename/"]'), 'Rename this hypha'),
new Shortcut('b', $('.hypha-info__link[href^="/backlinks/"]'), 'Backlinks'),
if (document.body.dataset.rrhAddr.startsWith('/edit')) {
rrh.shortcuts.addGroup(new ShortcutGroup('Editor', null, [
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+Enter' : 'Ctrl+Enter', $('.edit-form__save'), 'Save changes'),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+Shift+Enter' : 'Ctrl+Shift+Enter', $('.edit-form__preview'), 'Preview changes'),
if (editTextarea) {
rrh.shortcuts.addGroup(new ShortcutGroup('Format', null, [
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+b' : 'Ctrl+b', wrapBold, 'Bold', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+i' : 'Ctrl+i', wrapItalic, 'Italic', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+Shift+m' : 'Ctrl+M', wrapMonospace, 'Monospaced', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+Shift+i' : 'Ctrl+I', wrapHighlighted, 'Highlight', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+.' : 'Ctrl+.', wrapLifted, 'Superscript', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+Comma' : 'Ctrl+Comma', wrapLowered, 'Subscript', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+Shift+x' : 'Ctrl+X', wrapStrikethrough, 'Strikethrough', { force: true }),
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+k' : 'Ctrl+k', wrapLink, 'Inline link', { force: true }),
// Apparently, ⌘; conflicts with a Safari's hotkey. Whatever.
new Shortcut(isMac ? 'Meta+;' : 'Ctrl+;', insertDate, 'Insert date UTC', { force: true }),