{% import "net/http" %} This dialog is to be shown to a user when they try to rename a hypha. {% func RenameAskHTML(rq *http.Request, hyphaName string, isOld bool) %} {%= navHTML(rq, hyphaName, "rename-ask") %}
{%- if isOld -%}

Rename {%s hyphaName %}

New name

If you rename this hypha, all incoming links and all relative outcoming links will break. You will also lose all history for the new name. Rename carefully.

{%- else -%} {%= cannotRenameDueToNonExistence(hyphaName) %} {%- endif -%}
{% endfunc %} {% func cannotRenameDueToNonExistence(hyphaName string) %}

Cannot rename {%s hyphaName %}

This hypha does not exist.

Go back

{% endfunc %}