{% import "net/http" %} {% import "github.com/bouncepaw/mycorrhiza/util" %} {% func DeleteAskHTML(rq *http.Request, hyphaName string, isOld bool) %} {%= NavHTML(rq, hyphaName, "delete-ask") %} {%= modalBegin( "delete-confirm", hyphaName, "", "Delete "+util.BeautifulName(hyphaName)+"?") %} {%= modalReallyWant(hyphaName, "unattach") %}
In this version of Mycorrhiza Wiki you cannot undelete a deleted hypha but the history can still be accessed.
{%= modalEnd(hyphaName, true) %} {% endfunc %} {% func UnattachAskHTML(rq *http.Request, hyphaName string, isOld bool) %} {%= NavHTML(rq, hyphaName, "unattach-ask") %} {%= modalBegin( "unattach", hyphaName, "", "Unattach "+util.BeautifulName(hyphaName)+"?") %} {%= modalReallyWant(hyphaName, "unattach") %} {%= modalEnd(hyphaName, true) %} {% endfunc %} {% func RenameAskHTML(rq *http.Request, hyphaName string, isOld bool) %} {%= NavHTML(rq, hyphaName, "rename-ask") %} {%= modalBegin( "rename-confirm", hyphaName, ` method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"`, "Rename "+util.BeautifulName(hyphaName)) %}If you rename this hypha, all incoming links and all relative outcoming links will break. You will also lose all history for the new name. Rename carefully.
{%= modalEnd(hyphaName, false) %} {% endfunc %} {% func modalReallyWant(hyphaName, verb string) %}Do you really want to {%s verb %} hypha {%s hyphaName %}?
{% endfunc %} {% func modalBegin(path, hyphaName, formAttrs, legend string) %}