package categories import ( "" "" "" "" "io" "log" "net/http" "strings" ) // InitHandlers initializes HTTP handlers for the given router. Call somewhere in package web. func InitHandlers(r *mux.Router) { r.PathPrefix("/add-to-category").HandlerFunc(handlerAddToCategory).Methods("POST") r.PathPrefix("/remove-from-category").HandlerFunc(handlerRemoveFromCategory).Methods("POST") r.PathPrefix("/category/").HandlerFunc(handlerCategory).Methods("GET") r.PathPrefix("/edit-category/").HandlerFunc(handlerEditCategory).Methods("GET") r.PathPrefix("/category").HandlerFunc(handlerListCategory).Methods("GET") prepareViews() } func handlerEditCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) { util.PrepareRq(rq) catName := util.CanonicalName(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(rq.URL.Path, "/edit-category"), "/")) if catName == "" { http.Error(w, "No category name", http.StatusBadRequest) return } log.Println("Editing category", catName) categoryEdit(viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq), catName) } func handlerListCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) { log.Println("Viewing list of categories") categoryList(viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq)) } func handlerCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) { util.PrepareRq(rq) catName := util.CanonicalName(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(rq.URL.Path, "/category"), "/")) if catName == "" { handlerListCategory(w, rq) return } log.Println("Viewing category", catName) categoryPage(viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq), catName) } // A request for removal of hyphae can either remove one hypha (used in the card on /hypha) or many hyphae (used in /edit-category). Both approaches are handled by /remove-from-category. This function finds all passed hyphae. // // There is one hypha from the hypha field. Then there are n hyphae in fields prefixed by _. It seems like I have to do it myself. Compare with PHP which handles it for you. I hope I am doing this wrong. func hyphaeFromRequest(rq *http.Request) (canonicalNames []string) { if err := rq.ParseForm(); err != nil { log.Println(err) } if hyphaName := util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("hypha")); hyphaName != "" { canonicalNames = append(canonicalNames, hyphaName) } // According to, // // > If a checkbox is unchecked when its form is submitted, there is no value submitted to the server to represent its unchecked state // // It means, that if there is a value, it is checked. And we can ignore values altogether. for key, _ := range rq.PostForm { // No prefix or "_": if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "_") || len(key) == 1 { continue } canonicalNames = append(canonicalNames, util.CanonicalName(key[1:])) } return } func handlerRemoveFromCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) { util.PrepareRq(rq) var ( u = user.FromRequest(rq) hyphaNames = hyphaeFromRequest(rq) catName = util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("cat")) redirectTo = rq.PostFormValue("redirect-to") ) if !u.CanProceed("remove-from-category") { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) _, _ = io.WriteString(w, "403 Forbidden") return } if len(hyphaNames) == 0 || catName == "" { log.Printf("%s passed no data for removal of hyphae from a category\n", u.Name) http.Redirect(w, rq, redirectTo, http.StatusSeeOther) return } for _, hyphaName := range hyphaNames { // TODO: Make it more effective. removeHyphaFromCategory(hyphaName, catName) } log.Printf("%s removed %q from category %s\n", u.Name, hyphaNames, catName) http.Redirect(w, rq, redirectTo, http.StatusSeeOther) } func handlerAddToCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) { util.PrepareRq(rq) var ( hyphaName = util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("hypha")) catName = util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("cat")) redirectTo = rq.PostFormValue("redirect-to") ) if !user.FromRequest(rq).CanProceed("add-to-category") { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) _, _ = io.WriteString(w, "403 Forbidden") return } if hyphaName == "" || catName == "" { http.Redirect(w, rq, redirectTo, http.StatusSeeOther) return } log.Println(user.FromRequest(rq).Name, "added", hyphaName, "to", catName) AddHyphaToCategory(hyphaName, catName) http.Redirect(w, rq, redirectTo, http.StatusSeeOther) }