Registrations are currently closed. Administrators can make an account for you by hand; contact them.
{% else %}Authentication is disabled. You can make edits anonymously.
{% endif %}{% import "net/http" %} {% import "" %} {% func RegisterHTML(rq *http.Request) %}
Registrations are currently closed. Administrators can make an account for you by hand; contact them.
{% else %}Authentication is disabled. You can make edits anonymously.
{% endif %}Authentication is disabled. You can make edits anonymously.
{% endif %}You can log in using Telegram. It only works if you have set your @username in Telegram and this username is free on this wiki.
{% endif %} {% endfunc %} {% func LoginErrorHTML(err string) %}Unknown username.
{% case "wrong password" %}Wrong password.
{% default %}{%s err %}
{% endswitch %}You cannot log out because you are not logged in.
{% endif %}