{% func HistoryHTML(hyphaName, tbody string) %}
{%= navHTML(hyphaName, "history") %} {%s= tbody %}
Time Hash Message
{% endfunc %} {% func RevisionHTML(hyphaName, naviTitle, contents, tree, revHash string) %}
{%= navHTML(hyphaName, "revision", revHash) %}

Please note that viewing binary parts of hyphae is not supported in history for now.

{%s= naviTitle %} {%s= contents %}

{% endfunc %} If `contents` == "", a helpful message is shown instead. {% func PageHTML(hyphaName, naviTitle, contents, tree string) %}
{%= navHTML(hyphaName, "page") %}
{%s= naviTitle %} {% if contents == "" %}

This hypha has no text. Why not create it?

{% else %} {%s= contents %} {% endif %}

{% endfunc %}