# Top bar The **top bar** is present on every single page of the wiki. It is the primary navigation means. On big screens, the top bar is spread onto two lines. * First line ** Link to the [[/ | home page]] ** Search bar ** //If authorization is enabled,// *** //If logged in,// **** Link to your user hypha **** //For admins,// link to the admin panel *** //If not logged in,// **** Login link **** Register link * Second line, most used links. These are the defaults: ** Recent changes ** All hyphae ** Random ** Help On small screens, the authorization section and the most-used-links section are hidden behind a menu. Click the button to see them. If your browser does not support JavaScript, they are always shown. ## Using the top bar Wiki administrators are meant to configure the top bar links. Here is what you should put there: * Popular articles * Lists of something * Recent changes * Whatever you want, but not too much, of course. The space is limited ## Configuring the links //This section is for administrators only.// To change the default link, you first have to choose a hypha where you will store the configuration. A good choice would be to store as a subhypha of an administrator's profile hypha. In `config.ini`, in the `[Hyphae]` section set the hypha: ```ini ... [Hyphae] HeaderLinksHypha = u/admin/header_links ... ``` Reload the wiki. ---- Edit the hypha. You can put any markup there. Rocket links will be used for generating the top bar: ```myco => /recent-changes Recent changes => Highlights => Philosophy Our views on life => Essays ``` Now, for changes to take effect, a moderator or an administrator has to visit [[/update-header-links]].