A selection of great commit messages:
- "Safari is a great browser!" -- No one
If in doubt, just stick overflow: hidden onto it. No, seriously, I
just added it in Safari devtools and it worked. You'd think Apple has
a competent team, right?
- Bully Safari into not triggering the Show status bar menu item
If in doubt, just bully Safari. What is Safari gonna do? Tell Steve
* Add if statement for case where shortcutsGroup can be undefined
* Use "===" instead of "==". Comparison prefix "==" may cause unexpected type coercion
* Remove anonymous function wrapping
Now need to use Ctrl+Alt+Up/Left/Right instead if browser uses Alt+Up/Left/Right. (If browser don't use Alt+Up/Left/Right, it is still used for switch hyphae)
p, Alt + ←: Previous hypha
n, Alt + →: Next hypha
s, Alt + ↑: Parent hypha
gh: Home hypha
gl: List of hyphae
gr: Recent changes
gu: User's hypha
g[1-9]: First 9 header links
Follow-up to the previous commit message: actually, you can press them
simultaneously too, just tested it. Ilya approves.
This class registers shortcuts and processes key presses. It can also
register multiple shortcuts and shortcuts with multiple keys pressed
sequentially. Perhaps it should also support shortcuts with multiple
keys pressed simultaneously for folks at https://klava.wiki ...