mirror of https://github.com/osmarks/mycorrhiza.git synced 2024-12-04 18:19:54 +00:00

Implement /edit-category

Also, /remove-from-category now accepts multiple hyphae at once, and removes them all
This commit is contained in:
Timur Ismagilov 2022-07-24 16:41:16 +05:00
parent 827c9a0005
commit 3ff57d1d03
5 changed files with 105 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -16,10 +16,22 @@ func InitHandlers(r *mux.Router) {
func handlerEditCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
catName := util.CanonicalName(strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(rq.URL.Path, "/edit-category"), "/"))
if catName == "" {
http.Error(w, "No category name", http.StatusBadRequest)
log.Println("Editing category", catName)
categoryEdit(viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq), catName)
func handlerListCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
log.Println("Viewing list of categories")
categoryList(viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq))
@ -36,24 +48,54 @@ func handlerCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
categoryPage(viewutil.MetaFrom(w, rq), catName)
// A request for removal of hyphae can either remove one hypha (used in the card on /hypha) or many hyphae (used in /edit-category). Both approaches are handled by /remove-from-category. This function finds all passed hyphae.
// There is one hypha from the hypha field. Then there are n hyphae in fields prefixed by _. It seems like I have to do it myself. Compare with PHP which handles it for you. I hope I am doing this wrong.
func hyphaeFromRequest(rq *http.Request) (canonicalNames []string) {
if err := rq.ParseForm(); err != nil {
if hyphaName := util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("hypha")); hyphaName != "" {
canonicalNames = append(canonicalNames, hyphaName)
// According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/checkbox,
// > If a checkbox is unchecked when its form is submitted, there is no value submitted to the server to represent its unchecked state
// It means, that if there is a value, it is checked. And we can ignore values altogether.
for key, _ := range rq.PostForm {
// No prefix or "_":
if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "_") || len(key) == 1 {
canonicalNames = append(canonicalNames, util.CanonicalName(key[1:]))
func handlerRemoveFromCategory(w http.ResponseWriter, rq *http.Request) {
var (
hyphaName = util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("hypha"))
u = user.FromRequest(rq)
hyphaNames = hyphaeFromRequest(rq)
catName = util.CanonicalName(rq.PostFormValue("cat"))
redirectTo = rq.PostFormValue("redirect-to")
if !user.FromRequest(rq).CanProceed("remove-from-category") {
if !u.CanProceed("remove-from-category") {
_, _ = io.WriteString(w, "403 Forbidden")
if hyphaName == "" || catName == "" {
if len(hyphaNames) == 0 || catName == "" {
log.Printf("%s passed no data for removal of hyphae from a category\n", u.Name)
http.Redirect(w, rq, redirectTo, http.StatusSeeOther)
log.Println(user.FromRequest(rq).Name, "removed", hyphaName, "from", catName)
removeHyphaFromCategory(hyphaName, catName)
for _, hyphaName := range hyphaNames {
// TODO: Make it more effective.
removeHyphaFromCategory(hyphaName, catName)
log.Printf("%s removed %q from category %s\n", u.Name, hyphaNames, catName)
http.Redirect(w, rq, redirectTo, http.StatusSeeOther)

categories/view_edit.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
{{define "edit category x"}}Edit category {{beautifulName .}}{{end}}
{{define "title"}}{{template "edit category x" .CatName}}{{end}}
{{define "body"}}
<main class="main-width category">
<h1>{{block "edit category heading" .CatName}}Edit category <a href="/category/{{.}}">{{beautifulName .}}</a>{{end}}</h1>
{{if len .Hyphae | not}}
<p>{{block "empty cat" .}}This category is empty{{end}}</p>
{{if .GivenPermissionToModify}}
<h2>{{block "add hypha" .}}Add a hypha to the category{{end}}</h2>
<form method="POST" action="/add-to-category" class="category__add-form">
<input type="text" name="hypha" id="_hypha-name"
placeholder="{{block `hypha name` .}}Hypha name{{end}}">
<input type="hidden" name="cat" value="{{.CatName}}">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect-to" value="/category/{{.CatName}}">
<input type="submit" class="btn" value="{{block `add` .}}Add{{end}}">
{{if len .Hyphae}}
<h2>{{block "remove hyphae" .}}Remove hyphae from the category{{end}}</h2>
<form method="POST" action="/remove-from-category" class="multi-remove-from-category">
{{range .Hyphae}}
<input type="checkbox" name="_{{.}}" id="_{{.}}">
<label for="_{{.}}"><a href="/hypha/{{.}}">{{beautifulName .}}</a></label>
<input type="hidden" name="cat" value="{{.CatName}}">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect-to" value="/edit-category/{{.CatName}}">
<input type="submit" class="btn" value="{{block `remove` .}}Remove{{end}}">

View File

@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
{{define "body"}}
{{$catName := .CatName}}
<main class="main-width category">
{{if .GivenPermissionToModify}}
<div class="btn btn_navititle">
<a class="btn__link_navititle" href="/edit-category/{{$catName}}">{{block "edit" .}}Edit{{end}}</a>
<h1>{{block "cat" .}}Category{{end}} <i>{{beautifulName $catName}}</i></h1>
{{if len .Hyphae | not}}
<p>{{block "empty cat" .}}This category is empty{{end}}</p>

View File

@ -24,14 +24,15 @@ const ruTranslation = `
var (
//go:embed *.html
fs embed.FS
viewListChain, viewPageChain, viewCardChain viewutil.Chain
fs embed.FS
viewListChain, viewPageChain, viewCardChain, viewEditChain viewutil.Chain
func prepareViews() {
viewCardChain = viewutil.CopyEnRuWith(fs, "view_card.html", ruTranslation)
viewListChain = viewutil.CopyEnRuWith(fs, "view_list.html", ruTranslation)
viewPageChain = viewutil.CopyEnRuWith(fs, "view_page.html", ruTranslation)
viewEditChain = viewutil.CopyEnRuWith(fs, "view_edit.html", ruTranslation)
type cardData struct {
@ -54,15 +55,26 @@ func CategoryCard(meta viewutil.Meta, hyphaName string) string {
return buf.String()
type pageData struct {
type catData struct {
CatName string
Hyphae []string
GivenPermissionToModify bool
func categoryEdit(meta viewutil.Meta, catName string) {
viewutil.ExecutePage(meta, viewEditChain, catData{
BaseData: &viewutil.BaseData{
Addr: "/edit-category/" + catName,
CatName: catName,
Hyphae: hyphaeInCategory(catName),
GivenPermissionToModify: meta.U.CanProceed("add-to-category"),
func categoryPage(meta viewutil.Meta, catName string) {
viewutil.ExecutePage(meta, viewPageChain, pageData{
viewutil.ExecutePage(meta, viewPageChain, catData{
BaseData: &viewutil.BaseData{
Addr: "/category/" + catName,

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ var minimalRights = map[string]int{
"edit": 1,
"upload-binary": 1,
"upload-text": 1,
"add-to-category": 1,
"remove-from-category": 1,
"add-to-category": 2,
"remove-from-category": 2,
"rename": 2,
"remove-media": 2,
"update-header-links": 3,