-- ed text editor -- Port to ComputerCraft by LDDestroier local state = { output = 0, halt = false, debug = true, mode = "command", -- command or input buffer = {}, show_help = false, show_version = false, extended_regexp = false, traditional = false, loose_exit_status = false, prompt = "*", show_prompt = false, restricted = false, silent = false, verbose = false, strip_trailing_cr = false } -- takes multi-line string for text local function printMore(text, width, height) local linecount = 1 local linesize = 0 for i = 1, #text do if text:sub(i,i) == "\n" then linesize = 0 linecount = linecount + 1 else linesize = linesize + 1 end if linesize >= width then linesize = 0 linecount = linecount + 1 end end local win = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, width, linecount + 1, false) local cTerm = term.redirect(win) print(text) term.redirect(cTerm) for y = 1, linecount - 1 do print(win.getLine(y), "") -- if y % 4 == 0 then sleep(0.05) end -- i like the scrolling effect if (y + 2) % height == 0 then os.pullEvent("char") end end end local function fn_version() local versiontext = [[ CC ed 0.1pr Based on GNU ed 1.18 Copyright (C) 2023 Evan Theilig MIT License: Permission is granted to freely distribute and modify this program. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. ]] printMore(versiontext, term.getSize()) end local function fn_help() local helptext = [[ CC ed is a line-oriented text editor. It is used to create, display, modify and otherwise manipulate text files, both interactively and via shell scripts. A restricted version of ed, red, can only edit files in the current directory and cannot execute shell commands. Ed is the 'standard' text editor in the sense that it is the original editor for Unix, and thus widely available. For most purposes, however, it is superseded by full-screen editors such as GNU Emacs or GNU Moe. Usage: ed [options] [file] Options: -h, --help display this help and exit -V, --version output version information and exit -E, --extended-regexp use extended regular expressions -G, --traditional run in compatibility mode -l, --loose-exit-status exit with 0 status even if a command fails -p, --prompt=STRING use STRING as an interactive prompt -r, --restricted run in restricted mode -s, --quiet, --silent suppress diagnostics, byte counts and '!' prompt -v, --verbose be verbose; equivalent to the 'H' command --strip-trailing-cr strip carriage returns at end of text lines Start edit by reading in 'file' if given. If 'file' begins with a '!', read output of shell command. Exit status: 0 for a normal exit, 1 for environmental problems (file not found, invalid flags, I/O errors, etc), 2 to indicate a corrupt or invalid input file, 3 for an internal consistency error (e.g., bug) which caused ed to panic. Report bugs to @lddestroier on Discord. Ed home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/ed/ed.html General help using GNU software: http://www.gnu.org/gethelp]] printMore(helptext, term.getSize()) end local t_options_list = { help = { value = false, short = "h", long = "help", order = 2^16 }, version = { value = false, short = "V", long = "version", order = 2^16 }, extended_regexp = { value = nil, short = "E", long = "extended-regexp" }, traditional = { value = nil, short = "G", long = "traditional" }, loose_exit_status = { value = nil, short = "l", long = "loose-exit-status" }, prompt = { value = nil, short = "p", long = "prompt", needs_param = true, }, restricted = { value = nil, short = "r", long = "restricted" }, quiet = { value = nil, short = "s", long = "quiet" }, silent = { value = nil, short = "s", long = "silent" }, verbose = { value = nil, short = "v", long = "verbose", }, strip_trailing_cr = { value = nil, short = nil, long = "strip-trailing-cr" } } -- finds equal sign in table of arguments, then splits it into an extra index local function fn_split_equal(tbl, index) local equal_pos = tbl[index]:find("=") if equal_pos then table.insert(tbl, index + 1, tbl[index]:sub(equal_pos + 1)) tbl[index] = tbl[index]:sub(1, equal_pos - 1) return true end return false end local function fail(message, beg_help) print("ed: " .. message) if beg_help then print("Try 'ed --help' for more information.") end state.output = 1 state.halt = true end local t_args = {...} local n_args = {} local arg local found_equal, argument_done local i = 0 while i < #t_args do i = i + 1 arg = t_args[i] found_equal = false argument_done = false found_option = false if arg:sub(1,2) == "--" then -- long option found_option = false found_equal = fn_split_equal(t_args, i) for name, info in pairs(t_options_list) do if t_args[i]:sub(3) == info.long then found_option = true if info.needs_param then if t_args[i + 1] then t_options_list[name].value = t_args[i + 1] t_options_list[name].order = i i = i + 1 else fail("option '" .. t_args[i] .. "' requires an argument", true) break end else if found_equal then fail("option '" .. t_args[i] .. "' doesn't allow an argument", true) break else t_options_list[name].value = true t_options_list[name].order = i end end end end if not found_option then fail("unrecognized option '" .. t_args[i] .. "'", true) end elseif arg:sub(1,1) == "-" then -- short option -- ed's short option handling is a little silly :) found_option = false argument_done = false for p = 2, #arg do if (not argument_done) and (not state.halt) then for name, info in pairs(t_options_list) do if arg:sub(p,p) == info.short then found_option = true if info.needs_param then if arg:sub(p + 1) == "" then if t_args[i + 1] then t_options_list[name].value = t_args[i + 1] t_options_list[name].order = i i = i + 1 else fail("option requires an argument -- '" .. info.short .. "'", true) end break end t_options_list[name].value = arg:sub(p + 1) t_options_list[name].order = i argument_done = true else t_options_list[name].value = true t_options_list[name].order = i end break end end if not found_option then fail("invalid option -- '" .. arg:sub(p,p) .. "'", true) break end else break end end else table.insert(n_args, t_args[i]) end end state.extended_regexp = t_options_list.extended_regexp.value or state.extended_regexp state.traditional = t_options_list.traditional.value or state.traditional state.loose_exit_status = t_options_list.loose_exit_status.value or state.loose_exit_status state.prompt = t_options_list.prompt.value or state.prompt state.show_prompt = t_options_list.prompt.value and true or false state.restricted = t_options_list.restricted.value or state.restricted state.silent = (t_options_list.silent.value or t_options_list.quiet.value) or state.silent state.verbose = t_options_list.verbose.value or state.verbose state.strip_trailing_cr = t_options_list.strip_trailing_cr.value or state.strip_trailing_cr state.show_help = t_options_list.help.value and (t_options_list.help.order < t_options_list.version.order) state.show_version = t_options_list.version.value and (t_options_list.version.order < t_options_list.help.order) if state.halt then return state.output end if state.show_help then fn_help() return state.output end if state.show_version then fn_version() return state.output end if state.debug then print("Prompt is '" .. state.prompt .. "'") print("Extended Regexp is " .. (state.extended_regexp and "on" or "off")) print("You are " .. ((not state.verbose) and "not " or "") .. "verbose") print("Traditional is " .. (state.traditional and "on" or "off")) print("Loose exit is " .. (state.loose_exit_status and "on" or "off")) print("Restricted mode is " .. (state.restricted and "on" or "off")) print("Silent/quiet mode is " .. (state.silent and "on" or "off")) print("Verbose mode is " .. (state.verbose and "on" or "off")) print("Strip trailing cr is " .. (state.strip_trailing_cr and "on" or "off")) print("Arguments: " .. textutils.serialize(n_args)) end -- do things local function fn_input() local finished = false local interrupt = false local text = "" local cursor = 1 local ox, oy = term.getCursorPos() local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local evt local keysDown = {} term.setCursorPos(1, oy) term.write(state.prompt) term.setCursorBlink(true) while not finished do if state.show_prompt then term.setCursorPos(#state.prompt + 1, oy) term.write(text .. (" "):rep(scr_x - #text)) term.setCursorPos(#state.prompt + cursor, oy) else term.setCursorPos(1, oy) term.write(text .. (" "):rep(scr_x - #text)) term.setCursorPos(cursor, oy) end evt = {os.pullEventRaw()} if evt[1] == "terminate" then finished = true interrupt = true elseif evt[1] == "key" then keysDown[evt[2]] = true if evt[2] == keys.left then cursor = math.max(1, cursor - 1) end if evt[2] == keys.right then cursor = math.min(cursor + 1, #text + 1) end if evt[2] == keys.backspace then cursor = math.max(1, cursor - 1) text = text:sub(1, cursor - 1) .. text:sub(cursor + 1) end if evt[2] == keys.delete then text = text:sub(1, cursor - 1) .. text:sub(cursor + 1) end if evt[2] == keys.home then cursor = 1 end if evt[2] == keys["end"] then cursor = #text + 1 end if evt[2] == keys.enter then finished = true end if evt[2] == keys.d and (keysDown[keys.leftCtrl] or keysDown[keys.rightCtrl]) then finished = true interrupt = true end elseif evt[1] == "key_up" then keysDown[evt[2]] = false elseif evt[1] == "char" then text = text:sub(1, cursor - 1) .. evt[2] .. text:sub(cursor) cursor = cursor + 1 end end if oy + 1 > scr_y then term.scroll(1) term.setCursorPos(1, oy) else term.setCursorPos(1, oy + 1) end return text, interrupt end local function fn_shell_resolve(command) -- TODO: make dynamically resizing window object -- set every pixel of window to black-on-black, then always make window draw white-on-white text to mark written regions -- then, return a table of lines from the window that are just as long as needed to represent the "marked" portions return {} end local function fn_command_parse(text) local valid = false if text == "P" then valid = true state.show_prompt = not state.show_prompt end if text == "q" then valid = true return false end if text == "i" then valid = true state.mode = "input" end -- TODO: inplement every command if not valid then print("?") end return true end local function fn_input_parse(text, interrupt) if interrupt then state.mode == "command" return true else print("WIP") return false end end local function main() state.mode = "command" local running = true local text, interrupt while running do text, interrupt = fn_input() if interrupt then running = false end if state.mode == "command" then running = running and fn_command_parse(text) elseif state.mode == "input" then running = fn_input_parse(text, interrupt) else running = false state.output = 1 end end end main() return state.output