-- Windon't -- enhanced window API by LDDestroier -- intended for general use within all me new programs -- -- Unique features: -- + Transparency within windows -- + Built-in window layering -- stores each base terminal's framebuffers to optimize rendering local oldScreenBuffer = {} local table_insert = table.insert local table_concat = table.concat local math_floor = math.floor local to_blit = {} local to_colors = {} local table_compare = function(tbl1, tbl2) if type(tbl1) ~= "table" or type(tbl2) ~= "table" then return tbl1 == tbl2 else for k,v in pairs(tbl1) do if tbl1[k] ~= tbl2[k] then return false end end for k,v in pairs(tbl2) do if tbl1[k] ~= tbl2[k] then return false end end return true end end local getTime = function() return 24 * os.day() + os.time() end for i = 1, 16 do to_blit[2 ^ (i - 1)] = ("0123456789abcdef"):sub(i, i) to_colors[("0123456789abcdef"):sub(i, i)] = 2 ^ (i - 1) end to_blit[0], to_colors["-"] = "-", 0 local nativePalette = { -- native palette colors, since some terminals are naughty and don't contain term.nativePaletteColor() [ 1 ] = { 0.94117647409439, 0.94117647409439, 0.94117647409439, }, [ 2 ] = { 0.94901961088181, 0.69803923368454, 0.20000000298023, }, [ 4 ] = { 0.89803922176361, 0.49803921580315, 0.84705883264542, }, [ 8 ] = { 0.60000002384186, 0.69803923368454, 0.94901961088181, }, [ 16 ] = { 0.87058824300766, 0.87058824300766, 0.42352941632271, }, [ 32 ] = { 0.49803921580315, 0.80000001192093, 0.098039217293262, }, [ 64 ] = { 0.94901961088181, 0.69803923368454, 0.80000001192093, }, [ 128 ] = { 0.29803922772408, 0.29803922772408, 0.29803922772408, }, [ 256 ] = { 0.60000002384186, 0.60000002384186, 0.60000002384186, }, [ 512 ] = { 0.29803922772408, 0.60000002384186, 0.69803923368454, }, [ 1024 ] = { 0.69803923368454, 0.40000000596046, 0.89803922176361, }, [ 2048 ] = { 0.20000000298023, 0.40000000596046, 0.80000001192093, }, [ 4096 ] = { 0.49803921580315, 0.40000000596046, 0.29803922772408, }, [ 8192 ] = { 0.34117648005486, 0.65098041296005, 0.30588236451149, }, [ 16384 ] = { 0.80000001192093, 0.29803922772408, 0.29803922772408, }, [ 32768 ] = { 0.066666670143604, 0.066666670143604, 0.066666670143604, } } -- check if space on screenBuffer is transparent local checkTransparent = function(buffer, x, y, blitLayer) if buffer[blitLayer or 1][y] then if blitLayer then return (buffer[blitLayer][y][x] and buffer[blitLayer][y][x] ~= "-") else if (not buffer[2][y][x] or buffer[2][y][x] == "-") and (not buffer[3][y][x] or buffer[3][y][x] == "-") then return false elseif (not buffer[3][y][x] or buffer[3][y][x] == "-") and (not buffer[1][y][x] or buffer[1][y][x] == " ") then return false else return buffer[1][y][x] and buffer[2][y][x] and buffer[3][y][x] end end end end local expect = function(value, default, valueType) if value == nil or (valueType and type(value) ~= valueType) then return default else return value end end local windont = { doClearScreen = false, -- if true, will clear the screen during render ignoreUnchangedLines = true, -- if true, the render function will check each line it renders against the last framebuffer and ignore it if they are the same useSetVisible = false, -- if true, sets the base terminal's visibility to false before rendering sameCharWillStencil = false, -- if true, if one window is layered atop another and both windows have a spot where the character is the same, and the top window's text color is transparent, it will use the TEXT color of the lower window instead of the BACKGROUND color default = { baseTerm = term.current(), -- default base terminal for all windows textColor = "0", -- default text color (what " " corresponds to in term.blit's second argument) backColor = "f", -- default background color (what " " corresponds to in term.blit's third argument) blink = true, visible = true, alwaysRender = true, -- if true, new windows will always render if they are written to }, info = { BLIT_CALLS = 0, -- amount of term.blit calls during the last render LAST_RENDER_TIME = 0, -- last time in which render was called LAST_RENDER_AMOUNT = 0, -- amount of windows drawn during last render LAST_RENDER_WINDOWS = {}, -- table of the last window objects that were rendered } } -- draws one or more windon't objects -- should not draw over any terminal space that isn't occupied by a window windont.render = function(options, ...) -- potential options: -- number: onlyX1 -- number: onlyX2 -- number: onlyY -- boolean: force (forces render / ignores optimiztaion that compares current framebuffer to old one) -- terminal: baseTerm (forces to render onto this terminal instead of the window's base terminal) local windows = {...} options = options or {} local bT, scr_x, scr_y -- checks if "options" is actually the first window, just in case if type(options.meta) == "table" then if ( type(options.meta.buffer) == "table" and type(options.meta.x) == "number" and type(options.meta.y) == "number" and type(options.meta.newBuffer) == "function" ) then table_insert(windows, 1, options) end end local screenBuffer = {{}, {}, {}} local blitList = {} -- list of blit commands per line local c = 1 -- current blitList entry local cTime = getTime() local AMNT_OF_BLITS = 0 -- how many blit calls are there? local cx, cy -- each window's absolute X and Y local char_cx, text_cx, back_cx -- each window's transformed absolute X's in table form local char_cy, text_cy, back_cy -- each window's transformed absolute X's in table form local buffer -- each window's buffer local newChar, newText, newBack -- if the transformation function declares a new dot, this is it local oriChar, oriText, oriBack local char_out, text_out, back_out -- three tables, directly returned from the transformation functions local baseTerms = {} if type(options.baseTerm) == "table" then for i = 1, #windows do baseTerms[options.baseTerm] = baseTerms[options.baseTerm] or {} baseTerms[options.baseTerm][i] = true end else for i = 1, #windows do baseTerms[windows[i].meta.baseTerm] = baseTerms[windows[i].meta.baseTerm] or {} baseTerms[windows[i].meta.baseTerm][i] = true end end for bT, bT_list in pairs(baseTerms) do if bT == output then bT = options.baseTerm or output.meta.baseTerm end if windont.useSetVisible and bT.setVisible then bT.setVisible(false) end scr_x, scr_y = bT.getSize() -- try entire buffer transformations for i = #windows, 1, -1 do if bT_list[i] then if windows[i].meta.metaTransformation then -- metaTransformation functions needn't return a value windows[i].meta.metaTransformation(windows[i].meta) end end end for y = options.onlyY or 1, options.onlyY or scr_y do screenBuffer[1][y] = {} screenBuffer[2][y] = {} screenBuffer[3][y] = {} blitList = {} c = 1 for x = options.onlyX1 or 1, math.min(scr_x, options.onlyX2 or scr_x) do for i = #windows, 1, -1 do if bT_list[i] then newChar, newText, newBack = nil if windows[i].meta.visible then buffer = windows[i].meta.buffer cx = 1 + x + -windows[i].meta.x cy = 1 + y + -windows[i].meta.y char_cx, text_cx, back_cx = cx, cx, cx char_cy, text_cy, back_cy = cy, cy, cy oriChar = (buffer[1][cy] or {})[cx] oriText = (buffer[2][cy] or {})[cx] oriBack = (buffer[3][cy] or {})[cx] -- try transformation if windows[i].meta.transformation then char_out, text_out, back_out = windows[i].meta.transformation(cx, cy, oriChar, oriText, oriBack, windows[i].meta) if char_out then char_cx = math_floor(char_out[1] or cx) char_cy = math_floor(char_out[2] or cy) if (char_out[1] % 1 ~= 0) or (char_out[2] % 1 ~= 0) then newChar = " " else newChar = char_out[3] end end if text_out then text_cx = math_floor(text_out[1] or cx) text_cy = math_floor(text_out[2] or cy) newText = text_out[3] end if back_out then back_cx = math_floor(back_out[1] or cx) back_cy = math_floor(back_out[2] or cy) newBack = back_out[3] end end if checkTransparent(buffer, char_cx, char_cy) or checkTransparent(buffer, text_cx, text_cy) or checkTransparent(buffer, back_cx, back_cy) then screenBuffer[2][y][x] = newText or checkTransparent(buffer, text_cx, text_cy, 2) and (buffer[2][text_cy][text_cx]) or ( (buffer[1][text_cy][text_cx] == screenBuffer[1][y][x]) and (windont.sameCharWillStencil) and screenBuffer[2][y][x] or screenBuffer[3][y][x] ) screenBuffer[1][y][x] = newChar or checkTransparent(buffer, char_cx, char_cy ) and (buffer[1][char_cy][char_cx]) or screenBuffer[1][y][x] screenBuffer[3][y][x] = newBack or checkTransparent(buffer, back_cx, back_cy, 3) and (buffer[3][back_cy][back_cx]) or screenBuffer[3][y][x] end end end end if windont.doClearScreen then screenBuffer[1][y][x] = screenBuffer[1][y][x] or " " end screenBuffer[2][y][x] = screenBuffer[2][y][x] or windont.default.backColor -- intentionally not the default text color screenBuffer[3][y][x] = screenBuffer[3][y][x] or windont.default.backColor if checkTransparent(screenBuffer, x, y) then if checkTransparent(screenBuffer, -1 + x, y) then blitList[c][1] = blitList[c][1] .. screenBuffer[1][y][x] blitList[c][2] = blitList[c][2] .. screenBuffer[2][y][x] blitList[c][3] = blitList[c][3] .. screenBuffer[3][y][x] else c = x blitList[c] = { screenBuffer[1][y][x], screenBuffer[2][y][x], screenBuffer[3][y][x] } end end end if (not oldScreenBuffer[bT]) or (not windont.ignoreUnchangedLines) or (options.force) or ( (not table_compare(screenBuffer[1][y], oldScreenBuffer[bT][1][y])) or (not table_compare(screenBuffer[2][y], oldScreenBuffer[bT][2][y])) or (not table_compare(screenBuffer[3][y], oldScreenBuffer[bT][3][y])) ) then for k,v in pairs(blitList) do bT.setCursorPos(k, y) bT.blit(v[1], v[2], v[3]) AMNT_OF_BLITS = 1 + AMNT_OF_BLITS end end end oldScreenBuffer[bT] = screenBuffer if windont.useSetVisible and bT.setVisible then if not multishell then bT.setVisible(true) elseif multishell.getFocus() == multishell.getCurrent() then bT.setVisible(true) end end end windont.info.LAST_RENDER_AMOUNT = #windows windont.info.BLIT_CALLS = AMNT_OF_BLITS windont.info.LAST_RENDER_WINDOWS = windows windont.info.LAST_RENDER_TIME = cTime windont.info.LAST_RENDER_DURATION = getTime() + -cTime end -- creates a new windon't object that can be manipulated the same as a regular window windont.newWindow = function( x, y, width, height, misc ) -- check argument types assert(type(x) == "number", "argument #1 must be number, got " .. type(x)) assert(type(y) == "number", "argument #2 must be number, got " .. type(y)) assert(type(width) == "number", "argument #3 must be number, got " .. type(width)) assert(type(height) == "number", "argument #4 must be number, got " .. type(height)) -- check argument validity assert(x > 0, "x position must be above zero") assert(y > 0, "y position must be above zero") assert(width > 0, "width must be above zero") assert(height > 0, "height must be above zero") local output = {} misc = misc or {} local meta = { x = expect(x, 1), -- x position of the window y = expect(y, 1), -- y position of the window width = width, -- width of the buffer height = height, -- height of the buffer buffer = expect(misc.buffer, {}, "table"), -- stores contents of terminal in buffer[1][y][x] format renderBuddies = expect(misc.renderBuddies, {}, "table"), -- renders any other window objects stored here after rendering here baseTerm = expect(misc.baseTerm, windont.default.baseTerm, "table"), -- base terminal for which this window draws on isColor = expect(misc.isColor, term.isColor(), "boolean"), -- if true, then it's an advanced computer transformation = expect(misc.transformation, nil, "function"), -- function that transforms the char/text/back dots of the window metaTransformation = expect(misc.miscTransformation, nil, "function"), -- function that transforms the whole output.meta function cursorX = expect(misc.cursorX, 1), cursorY = expect(misc.cursorY, 1), textColor = expect(misc.textColor, windont.default.textColor, "string"), -- current text color backColor = expect(misc.backColor, windont.default.backColor, "string"), -- current background color blink = expect(misc.blink, windont.default.blink, "boolean"), -- cursor blink alwaysRender = expect(misc.alwaysRender, windont.default.alwaysRender, "boolean"), -- render after every terminal operation visible = expect(misc.visible, windont.default.visible, "boolean"), -- if false, don't render ever -- make a new buffer (optionally uses an existing buffer as a reference) newBuffer = function(width, height, char, text, back, drawAtop) local output = {{}, {}, {}} drawAtop = drawAtop or {{}, {}, {}} for y = 1, height do output[1][y] = output[1][y] or {} output[2][y] = output[2][y] or {} output[3][y] = output[3][y] or {} for x = 1, width do output[1][y][x] = (drawAtop[1][y] or {})[x] or (output[1][y][x] or (char or " ")) output[2][y][x] = (drawAtop[2][y] or {})[x] or (output[2][y][x] or (text or "0")) output[3][y][x] = (drawAtop[3][y] or {})[x] or (output[3][y][x] or (back or "f")) end end return output end } bT = meta.baseTerm -- initialize the buffer meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor) output.meta = meta output.write = function(text) assert(type(text) == "string" or type(text) == "number", "expected string, got " .. type(text)) local initX = meta.cursorX for i = 1, #tostring(text) do if meta.cursorX >= 1 and meta.cursorX <= meta.width and meta.cursorY >= 1 and meta.cursorY <= meta.height then if not meta.buffer[1] then error("what the fuck happened") end meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = tostring(text):sub(i,i) meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = meta.textColor meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = meta.backColor end meta.cursorX = meta.cursorX + 1 end if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw( -1 + meta.x + initX, -1 + meta.x + meta.cursorX, -1 + meta.y + meta.cursorY ) end end output.blit = function(char, text, back) assert(type(char) == "string" and type(text) == "string" and type(back) == "string", "all arguments must be strings") assert(#char == #text and #text == #back, "arguments must be same length") local initX = meta.cursorX for i = 1, #char do if meta.cursorX >= 1 and meta.cursorX <= meta.width and meta.cursorY >= 1 and meta.cursorY <= meta.height then meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = char:sub(i,i) meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = text:sub(i,i) == " " and windont.default.textColor or text:sub(i,i) meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = back:sub(i,i) == " " and windont.default.backColor or back:sub(i,i) meta.cursorX = meta.cursorX + 1 end end if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw( -1 + meta.x + initX, -1 + meta.x + meta.cursorX, -1 + meta.y + meta.cursorY ) end end output.setCursorPos = function(x, y) assert(type(x) == "number", "argument #1 must be number, got " .. type(x)) assert(type(y) == "number", "argument #2 must be number, got " .. type(y)) meta.cursorX, meta.cursorY = math.floor(x), math.floor(y) if meta.alwaysRender then if bT == output then bT = output.meta.baseTerm end bT.setCursorPos( -1 + meta.x + meta.cursorX, -1 + meta.y + meta.cursorY ) end end output.getCursorPos = function() return meta.cursorX, meta.cursorY end output.setTextColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then meta.textColor = to_blit[color] else error("Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")") end end output.setTextColour = output.setTextColor output.setBackgroundColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then meta.backColor = to_blit[color] else error("Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")") end end output.setBackgroundColour = output.setBackgroundColor output.getTextColor = function() return to_colors[meta.textColor] end output.getTextColour = output.getTextColor output.getBackgroundColor = function() return to_colors[meta.backColor] end output.getBackgroundColour = output.getBackgroundColor output.setVisible = function(visible) assert(type(visible) == "boolean", "bad argument #1 (expected boolean, got " .. type(visible) .. ")") meta.visible = visible and true or false end output.clear = function() meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor) if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw() end end output.clearLine = function() meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY] = nil meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY] = nil meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY] = nil meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor, meta.buffer) if meta.alwaysRender then bT.setCursorPos(meta.x, -1 + meta.y + meta.cursorY) bT.blit( (" "):rep(meta.width), (meta.textColor):rep(meta.width), (meta.backColor):rep(meta.width) ) end end output.getLine = function(y) assert(type(y) == "number", "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(y) .. ")") assert(meta.buffer[1][y], "Line is out of range.") return table_concat(meta.buffer[1][y]), table_concat(meta.buffer[2][y]), table_concat(meta.buffer[3][y]) end output.scroll = function(amplitude) if math.abs(amplitude) < meta.height then -- minor optimization local blank = {{}, {}, {}} for x = 1, meta.width do blank[1][x] = " " blank[2][x] = meta.textColor blank[3][x] = meta.backColor end for y = 1, meta.height do meta.buffer[1][y] = meta.buffer[1][y + amplitude] or blank[1] meta.buffer[2][y] = meta.buffer[2][y + amplitude] or blank[2] meta.buffer[3][y] = meta.buffer[3][y + amplitude] or blank[3] end else meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor) end if meta.alwaysRender then if math_floor(amplitude) ~= 0 then output.redraw() end end end output.getSize = function() return meta.width, meta.height end output.isColor = function() return meta.isColor end output.isColour = output.isColor output.reposition = function(x, y, width, height) assert(type(x) == "number", "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(x) .. ")") assert(type(y) == "number", "bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type(y) .. ")") meta.x = math_floor(x) meta.y = math_floor(y) if width then assert(type(width) == "number", "bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type(width) .. ")") assert(type(height) == "number", "bad argument #4 (expected number, got " .. type(height) .. ")") meta.width = width meta.height = height meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor, meta.buffer) end if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw() end end output.restoreCursor = function() bT.setCursorPos( math.max(0, -1 + meta.x + meta.cursorX), math.max(0, -1 + meta.y + meta.cursorY) ) bT.setCursorBlink(meta.blink) end output.getPosition = function() return meta.x, meta.y end output.setCursorBlink = function(blink) meta.blink = blink and true or false end output.getCursorBlink = function(blink) return meta.blink end output.setPaletteColor = bT.setPaletteColor output.setPaletteColour = bT.setPaletteColour output.getPaletteColor = bT.getPaletteColor output.getPaletteColour = bT.getPaletteColour if bT.getPaletteColor then output.nativePaletteColor = bT.nativePaletteColor or function(col) if nativePalette[col] then return table.unpack(nativePalette[col]) else return table.unpack(nativePalette[1]) -- I don't get how this function takes in non-base2 numbers... end end end output.redraw = function(x1, x2, y, options) options = options or {} options.onlyX1 = x1 options.onlyX2 = x2 options.onlyY = y if #meta.renderBuddies > 0 then windont.render(options, output, table.unpack(meta.renderBuddies)) else windont.render(options, output) end output.restoreCursor() end if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw() end return output end return windont