local tArg = {...} local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local images = { handOpen = { { " €ƒƒ ", "—ƒƒ„€€€€€•", "ŒŒ€€€€€€•", "ƒƒŒŒ€€€€€Ÿ…", "Š‡ƒŸ€€‡ ", " —€Ÿ ", " ‚ƒ ", }, { " 00ffff ", "fffff000000", "ffff0000000", " ff0000000", " f000 ", " f000 ", " 00 ", }, { " f00000 ", "0000000000f", "0000000000f", " 0000000ff", " 000f ", " 00ff ", " ff ", }}, handClosed = { { "  ", " ŸŒ€€€€€€•", " Œ€€€€€€€•", " ŒŒ€€€€€Ÿ…", " ‚ŒŒ†€€‡ ", " ƒƒƒ ", }, { " fffff ", " fff0000000", " ff00000000", " ff00000000", " 0fff000 ", " 0000 ", }, { " 00000 ", " 000000000f", " 000000000f", " 0000000fff", " f00000f ", " ffff ", }}, trashCan = { { "€‚ƒƒƒƒƒƒ€", "•€œ“ƒƒœ“ƒƒœ“€…", "‚€‚‚€€••€€€ ", " €€••€ŸŸ€• ", " •€••€••€••€ ", " €€€€••€€€— ", " ”€””••——€ ", " Š€Š…••Š…Ÿ ", " … ", }, { "888ffffffff888", "f8877787778788", "8878888788878 ", " f88788788788 ", " f8878878878 ", " 8878878788 ", " f887878788 ", " 887787778 ", " 88888888 ", }, { "7788888888887f", "8878887888788f", " 887887888788 ", " 88788788788f ", " 88788788788 ", " 887878878f ", " 887878788f ", " f8887888f ", " ffffffff ", }}, trashLid = { { " Ÿ", "ƒ€€€€ƒƒ€€€€ƒ", }, { " fffffff8", "f888877778888f", }, { " 8888888f", "88888888888888", }} } -- start up lddterm local lddterm = {} lddterm.alwaysRender = false -- renders after any and all screen-changing functions. lddterm.useColors = true -- normal computers do not allow color, but this variable doesn't do anything yet lddterm.baseTerm = term.current() -- will draw to this terminal lddterm.transformation = nil -- will modify the current buffer as an NFT image before rendering lddterm.cursorTransformation = nil -- will modify the cursor position lddterm.drawFunction = nil -- will draw using this function instead of basic NFT drawing lddterm.adjustX = 0 -- moves entire screen X lddterm.adjustY = 0 -- moves entire screen Y lddterm.selectedWindow = 1 -- determines which window controls the cursor lddterm.windows = {} -- converts hex colors to colors api, and back local to_colors, to_blit = { [' '] = 0, ['0'] = 1, ['1'] = 2, ['2'] = 4, ['3'] = 8, ['4'] = 16, ['5'] = 32, ['6'] = 64, ['7'] = 128, ['8'] = 256, ['9'] = 512, ['a'] = 1024, ['b'] = 2048, ['c'] = 4096, ['d'] = 8192, ['e'] = 16384, ['f'] = 32768, }, {} for k,v in pairs(to_colors) do to_blit[v] = k end -- separates string into table based on divider local explode = function(div, str, replstr, includeDiv) if (div == '') then return false end local pos, arr = 0, {} for st, sp in function() return string.find(str, div, pos, false) end do table.insert(arr, string.sub(replstr or str, pos, st - 1 + (includeDiv and #div or 0))) pos = sp + 1 end table.insert(arr, string.sub(replstr or str, pos)) return arr end -- determines the size of the terminal before rendering always local determineScreenSize = function() scr_x, scr_y = lddterm.baseTerm.getSize() lddterm.screenWidth = scr_x lddterm.screenHeight = scr_y end determineScreenSize() -- takes two or more windows and checks if the first of them overlap the other(s) lddterm.checkWindowOverlap = function(window, ...) if #lddterm.windows < 2 then return false end local list, win = {...} for i = 1, #list do win = list[i] if win ~= window then if ( window.x < win.x + win.width and win.x < window.x + window.width and window.y < win.y + win.height and win.y < window.y + window.height ) then return true end end end return false end local fixCursorPos = function() local cx, cy if lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow] then if lddterm.cursorTransformation then cx, cy = lddterm.cursorTransformation( lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[1], lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[2] ) lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos( cx + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].x - 1, cy + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].y - 1 ) else lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos( -1 + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[1] + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].x, lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[2] + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].y - 1 ) end lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorBlink(lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].blink) end end -- renders the screen with optional transformation function lddterm.render = function(transformation, drawFunction) -- determine new screen size and change lddterm screen to fit old_scr_x, old_scr_y = scr_x, scr_y determineScreenSize() if old_scr_x ~= scr_x or old_scr_y ~= scr_y then lddterm.baseTerm.clear() end local image = lddterm.screenshot() if type(transformation) == "function" then image = transformation(image) end if drawFunction then drawFunction(image, lddterm.baseTerm) else for y = 1, #image[1] do lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos(1 + lddterm.adjustX, y + lddterm.adjustY) lddterm.baseTerm.blit(image[1][y], image[2][y], image[3][y]) end end fixCursorPos() end lddterm.newWindow = function(width, height, x, y, meta) meta = meta or {} local window = { width = math.floor(width), height = math.floor(height), blink = true, cursor = meta.cursor or {1, 1}, colors = meta.colors or {"0", "f"}, clearChar = meta.clearChar or " ", visible = meta.visible or true, x = math.floor(x) or 1, y = math.floor(y) or 1, buffer = {{},{},{}}, } for y = 1, height do window.buffer[1][y] = {} window.buffer[2][y] = {} window.buffer[3][y] = {} for x = 1, width do window.buffer[1][y][x] = window.clearChar window.buffer[2][y][x] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][y][x] = window.colors[2] end end window.handle = {} window.handle.setCursorPos = function(x, y) window.cursor = {x, y} fixCursorPos() end window.handle.getCursorPos = function() return window.cursor[1], window.cursor[2] end window.handle.setCursorBlink = function(blink) window.blink = blink or false end window.handle.getCursorBlink = function() return window.blink end window.handle.scroll = function(amount) if amount > 0 then for i = 1, amount do for c = 1, 3 do table.remove(window.buffer[c], 1) window.buffer[c][window.height] = {} for xx = 1, width do window.buffer[c][window.height][xx] = ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] ) end end end elseif amount < 0 then for i = 1, -amount do for c = 1, 3 do window.buffer[c][window.height] = nil table.insert(window.buffer[c], 1, {}) for xx = 1, width do window.buffer[c][1][xx] = ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] ) end end end end if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.scrollX = function(amount) if amount > 0 then for i = 1, amount do for c = 1, 3 do for y = 1, window.height do table.remove(window.buffer[c][y], 1) window.buffer[c][y][window.width] = ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] ) end end end elseif amount < 0 then for i = 1, -amount do for c = 1, 3 do for y = 1, window.height do window.buffer[c][y][window.width] = nil table.insert(window.buffer[c][y], 1, ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] )) end end end end if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.write = function(text, x, y, ignoreAlwaysRender) assert(text ~= nil, "expected string 'text'") text = tostring(text) local cx = math.floor(tonumber(x) or window.cursor[1]) local cy = math.floor(tonumber(y) or window.cursor[2]) text = text:sub(math.max(0, -cx - 1)) for i = 1, #text do if cx >= 1 and cx <= window.width and cy >= 1 and cy <= window.height then window.buffer[1][cy][cx] = text:sub(i,i) window.buffer[2][cy][cx] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][cy][cx] = window.colors[2] end cx = math.min(cx + 1, window.width + 1) end window.cursor = {cx, cy} if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.writeWrap = function(text, x, y, ignoreAlwaysRender) local words = explode(" ", text, nil, true) local cx, cy = x or window.cursor[1], y or window.cursor[2] for i = 1, #words do if cx + #words[i] > window.width + 1 then cx = 1 if cy >= window.height then window.handle.scroll(1) cy = window.height else cy = cy + 1 end end window.handle.write(words[i], cx, cy, true) cx = cx + #words[i] end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.blit = function(char, textCol, backCol, x, y) if type(char) == "number" then char = tostring(char) end if type(textCol) == "number" then textCol = tostring(textCol) end if type(backCol) == "number" then backCol = tostring(backCol) end assert(char ~= nil, "expected string 'char'") local cx = math.floor(tonumber(x) or window.cursor[1]) local cy = math.floor(tonumber(y) or window.cursor[2]) char = char:sub(math.max(0, -cx - 1)) for i = 1, #char do if cx >= 1 and cx <= window.width and cy >= 1 and cy <= window.height then window.buffer[1][cy][cx] = char:sub(i,i) window.buffer[2][cy][cx] = textCol:sub(i,i) window.buffer[3][cy][cx] = backCol:sub(i,i) end cx = cx + 1 end window.cursor = {cx, cy} if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.print = function(text, x, y) text = text and tostring(text) window.handle.write(text, x, y, true) window.cursor[1] = 1 if window.cursor[2] >= window.height then window.handle.scroll(1) else window.cursor[2] = window.cursor[2] + 1 if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end end window.handle.clear = function(char, ignoreAlwaysRender) local cx = 1 for y = 1, window.height do for x = 1, window.width do if char then cx = (x % #char) + 1 end window.buffer[1][y][x] = char and char:sub(cx, cx) or window.clearChar window.buffer[2][y][x] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][y][x] = window.colors[2] end end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.clearLine = function(cy, char, ignoreAlwaysRender) cy = math.floor(cy or window.cursor[2]) local cx = 1 for x = 1, window.width do if char then cx = (x % #char) + 1 end window.buffer[1][cy or window.cursor[2]][x] = char and char:sub(cx, cx) or window.clearChar window.buffer[2][cy or window.cursor[2]][x] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][cy or window.cursor[2]][x] = window.colors[2] end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.clearColumn = function(cx, char, ignoreAlwaysRender) cx = math.floor(cx) char = char and char:sub(1,1) for y = 1, window.height do window.buffer[1][y][cx or window.cursor[1]] = char and char or window.clearChar window.buffer[2][y][cx or window.cursor[1]] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][y][cx or window.cursor[1]] = window.colors[2] end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.getSize = function() return window.width, window.height end window.handle.isColor = function() return lddterm.useColors end window.handle.isColour = window.handle.isColor window.handle.setTextColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then window.colors[1] = to_blit[color] end end window.handle.setTextColour = window.handle.setTextColor window.handle.setBackgroundColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then window.colors[2] = to_blit[color] end end window.handle.setBackgroundColour = window.handle.setBackgroundColor window.handle.getTextColor = function() return to_colors[window.colors[1]] or colors.white end window.handle.getTextColour = window.handle.getTextColor window.handle.getBackgroundColor = function() return to_colors[window.colors[2]] or colors.black end window.handle.getBackgroundColour = window.handle.getBackgroundColor window.handle.reposition = function(x, y) window.x = math.floor(x or window.x) window.y = math.floor(y or window.y) if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.setPaletteColor = function(...) return lddterm.baseTerm.setPaletteColor(...) end window.handle.setPaletteColour = window.handle.setPaletteColor window.handle.getPaletteColor = function(...) return lddterm.baseTerm.getPaletteColor(...) end window.handle.getPaletteColour = window.handle.getPaletteColor window.handle.getPosition = function() return window.x, window.y end window.handle.restoreCursor = function() lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos( -1 + window.cursor[1] + window.x, window.cursor[2] + window.y - 1 ) end window.handle.setVisible = function(visible) window.visible = visible or false end window.handle.redraw = lddterm.render window.handle.current = window.handle window.layer = #lddterm.windows + 1 lddterm.windows[window.layer] = window return window, window.layer end lddterm.setLayer = function(window, _layer) local layer = math.max(1, math.min(#lddterm.windows, _layer)) local win = window table.remove(lddterm.windows, win.layer) table.insert(lddterm.windows, layer, win) if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end return true end -- if the screen changes size, the effect is broken local old_scr_x, old_scr_y -- gets screenshot of whole lddterm desktop, OR a single window lddterm.screenshot = function(window) local output = {{},{},{}} local line if window then for y = 1, #window.buffer do line = {"","",""} for x = 1, #window.buffer do line = { line[1] .. window.buffer[1][y][x], line[2] .. window.buffer[2][y][x], line[3] .. window.buffer[3][y][x] } end output[1][y] = line[1] output[2][y] = line[2] output[3][y] = line[3] end else for y = 1, scr_y do line = {"","",""} for x = 1, scr_x do c = "." lt, lb = t, b t, b = "0", "f" for l = 1, #lddterm.windows do if lddterm.windows[l].visible then sx = 1 + x - lddterm.windows[l].x sy = 1 + y - lddterm.windows[l].y if lddterm.windows[l].buffer[1][sy] then if lddterm.windows[l].buffer[1][sy][sx] then c = lddterm.windows[l].buffer[1][sy][sx] or c t = lddterm.windows[l].buffer[2][sy][sx] or t b = lddterm.windows[l].buffer[3][sy][sx] or b break end end end end line = { line[1] .. c, line[2] .. t, line[3] .. b } end output[1][y] = line[1] output[2][y] = line[2] output[3][y] = line[3] end end return output end -- load an abbridged NFTE API local nfte = {} local tchar = string.char(31) -- for text colors local bchar = string.char(30) -- for background colors local nchar = string.char(29) -- for differentiating multiple frames in ANFT local round = function(num) return math.floor(num + 0.5) end local deepCopy deepCopy = function(tbl) local output = {} for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then output[k] = deepCopy(v) else output[k] = v end end return output end local function stringWrite(str,pos,ins,exc) str, ins = tostring(str), tostring(ins) local output, fn1, fn2 = str:sub(1,pos-1)..ins..str:sub(pos+#ins) if exc then repeat fn1, fn2 = str:find(exc,fn2 and fn2+1 or 1) if fn1 then output = stringWrite(output,fn1,str:sub(fn1,fn2)) end until not fn1 end return output end local checkValid = function(image) if type(image) == "table" then if #image == 3 then return (#image[1] == #image[2] and #image[2] == #image[3]) end end return false end local checkIfANFT = function(image) if type(image) == "table" then return type(image[1][1]) == "table" elseif type(image) == "string" then return image:find(nchar) and true or false end end local bl = { -- blit [' '] = 0, ['0'] = 1, ['1'] = 2, ['2'] = 4, ['3'] = 8, ['4'] = 16, ['5'] = 32, ['6'] = 64, ['7'] = 128, ['8'] = 256, ['9'] = 512, ['a'] = 1024, ['b'] = 2048, ['c'] = 4096, ['d'] = 8192, ['e'] = 16384, ['f'] = 32768, } local lb = {} -- tilb for k,v in pairs(bl) do lb[v] = k end local ldchart = { -- converts colors into a lighter shade ["0"] = "0", ["1"] = "4", ["2"] = "6", ["3"] = "0", ["4"] = "0", ["5"] = "0", ["6"] = "0", ["7"] = "8", ["8"] = "0", ["9"] = "3", ["a"] = "2", ["b"] = "9", ["c"] = "1", ["d"] = "5", ["e"] = "2", ["f"] = "7" } local dlchart = { -- converts colors into a darker shade ["0"] = "8", ["1"] = "c", ["2"] = "a", ["3"] = "9", ["4"] = "1", ["5"] = "d", ["6"] = "2", ["7"] = "f", ["8"] = "7", ["9"] = "b", ["a"] = "7", ["b"] = "7", ["c"] = "7", ["d"] = "7", ["e"] = "7", ["f"] = "f" } local getSizeNFP = function(image) local xsize = 0 if type(image) ~= "table" then return 0,0 end for y = 1, #image do xsize = math.max(xsize, #image[y]) end return xsize, #image end -- returns (x, y) size of a loaded NFT image nfte.getSize = function(image) assert(checkValid(image), "Invalid image.") local x, y = 0, #image[1] for y = 1, #image[1] do x = math.max(x, #image[1][y]) end return x, y end local loadImageDataNFT = function(image, background) -- string image local output = {{},{},{}} -- char, text, back local y = 1 background = (background or " "):sub(1,1) local text, back = " ", background local doSkip, c1, c2 = false local maxX = 0 local bx for i = 1, #image do if doSkip then doSkip = false else output[1][y] = output[1][y] or "" output[2][y] = output[2][y] or "" output[3][y] = output[3][y] or "" c1, c2 = image:sub(i,i), image:sub(i+1,i+1) if c1 == tchar then text = c2 doSkip = true elseif c1 == bchar then back = c2 doSkip = true elseif c1 == "\n" then maxX = math.max(maxX, #output[1][y]) y = y + 1 text, back = " ", background else output[1][y] = output[1][y]..c1 output[2][y] = output[2][y]..text output[3][y] = output[3][y]..back end end end for y = 1, #output[1] do output[1][y] = output[1][y] .. (" "):rep(maxX - #output[1][y]) output[2][y] = output[2][y] .. (" "):rep(maxX - #output[2][y]) output[3][y] = output[3][y] .. (background):rep(maxX - #output[3][y]) end return output end local loadImageDataNFP = function(image, background) local output = {} local x, y = 1, 1 for i = 1, #image do output[y] = output[y] or {} if bl[image:sub(i,i)] then output[y][x] = bl[image:sub(i,i)] x = x + 1 elseif image:sub(i,i) == "\n" then x, y = 1, y + 1 end end return output end -- takes a loaded image and returns a loaded NFT image nfte.convertFromNFP = function(image, background) background = background or " " local output = {{},{},{}} if type(image) == "string" then image = loadImageDataNFP(image) end local imageX, imageY = getSizeNFP(image) local bx for y = 1, imageY do output[1][y] = "" output[2][y] = "" output[3][y] = "" for x = 1, imageX do if image[y][x] then bx = (x % #background) + 1 output[1][y] = output[1][y]..lb[image[y][x] or background:sub(bx,bx)] output[2][y] = output[2][y]..lb[image[y][x] or background:sub(bx,bx)] output[3][y] = output[3][y]..lb[image[y][x] or background:sub(bx,bx)] end end end return output end -- loads the raw string NFT image data nfte.loadImageData = function(image, background) assert(type(image) == "string", "NFT image data must be string.") local output = {} -- images can be ANFT, which means they have multiple layers if checkIfANFT(image) then local L, R = 1, 1 while L do R = (image:find(nchar, L + 1) or 0) output[#output+1] = loadImageDataNFT(image:sub(L, R - 1), background) L = image:find(nchar, R + 1) if L then L = L + 2 end end return output, "anft" elseif image:find(tchar) or image:find(bchar) then return loadImageDataNFT(image, background), "nft" else return convertFromNFP(image), "nfp" end end -- loads an image file. will convert from NFP if necessary nfte.loadImage = function(path, background) local file = io.open(path, "r") if file then io.input(file) local output, format = loadImageData(io.read("*all"), background) io.close() return output, format else error("No such file exists, or is directory.") end end local unloadImageNFT = function(image) assert(checkValid(image), "Invalid image.") local output = "" local text, back = " ", " " local c, t, b for y = 1, #image[1] do for x = 1, #image[1][y] do c, t, b = image[1][y]:sub(x,x), image[2][y]:sub(x,x), image[3][y]:sub(x,x) if (t ~= text) or (x == 1) then output = output..tchar..t text = t end if (b ~= back) or (x == 1) then output = output..bchar..b back = b end output = output..c end if y ~= #image[1] then output = output.."\n" text, back = " ", " " end end return output end -- takes a loaded NFT image and converts it back into regular NFT (or ANFT) nfte.unloadImage = function(image) assert(checkValid(image), "Invalid image.") local output = "" if checkIfANFT(image) then for i = 1, #image do output = output .. unloadImageNFT(image[i]) if i ~= #image then output = output .. nchar .. "\n" end end else output = unloadImageNFT(image) end return output end -- draws an image with the topleft corner at (x, y) nfte.drawImage = function(image, x, y, terminal) assert(checkValid(image), "Invalid image.") assert(type(x) == "number", "x value must be number, got " .. type(x)) assert(type(y) == "number", "y value must be number, got " .. type(y)) terminal = terminal or term.current() local cx, cy = terminal.getCursorPos() for iy = 1, #image[1] do terminal.setCursorPos(x, y + (iy - 1)) terminal.blit(image[1][iy], image[2][iy], image[3][iy]) end terminal.setCursorPos(cx,cy) end -- draws an image with the topleft corner at (x, y), with transparency nfte.drawImageTransparent = function(image, x, y, terminal) assert(checkValid(image), "Invalid image.") assert(type(x) == "number", "x value must be number, got " .. type(x)) assert(type(y) == "number", "y value must be number, got " .. type(y)) terminal = terminal or term.current() local cx, cy = terminal.getCursorPos() local c, t, b for iy = 1, #image[1] do for ix = 1, #image[1][iy] do c, t, b = image[1][iy]:sub(ix,ix), image[2][iy]:sub(ix,ix), image[3][iy]:sub(ix,ix) if b ~= " " or c ~= " " then terminal.setCursorPos(x + (ix - 1), y + (iy - 1)) terminal.blit(c, t, b) end end end terminal.setCursorPos(cx,cy) end -- draws an image centered at (x, y) or center screen nfte.drawImageCenter = function(image, x, y, terminal) terminal = terminal or term.current() local scr_x, scr_y = terminal.getSize() local imageX, imageY = nfte.getSize(image) return nfte.drawImage( image, round(0.5 + (x and x or (scr_x/2)) - imageX/2), round(0.5 + (y and y or (scr_y/2)) - imageY/2), terminal ), round(0.5 + (x and x or (scr_x/2)) - imageX/2), round(0.5 + (y and y or (scr_y/2)) - imageY/2) end -- draws an image centered at (x, y) or center screen, with transparency nfte.drawImageCenterTransparent = function(image, x, y, terminal) terminal = terminal or term.current() local scr_x, scr_y = terminal.getSize() local imageX, imageY = getSize(image) return nfte.drawImageTransparent( image, round(0.5 + (x and x or (scr_x/2)) - imageX/2), round(0.5 + (y and y or (scr_y/2)) - imageY/2), terminal ) end -- stretches an image so that its new height and width are (sx, sy). -- if noRepeat, it will only draw one of each character for each pixel -- in the original image, so as to not mess up text in images. nfte.stretchImage = function(_image, sx, sy, noRepeat) assert(checkValid(_image), "Invalid image.") local output = {{},{},{}} local image = deepCopy(_image) if sx < 0 then image = flipX(image) end if sy < 0 then image = flipY(image) end sx, sy = math.abs(sx), math.abs(sy) local imageX, imageY = nfte.getSize(image) local tx, ty if sx == 0 or sy == 0 then for y = 1, math.max(sy, 1) do output[1][y] = "" output[2][y] = "" output[3][y] = "" end return output else for y = 1, sy do for x = 1, sx do tx = round((x / sx) * imageX) ty = math.ceil((y / sy) * imageY) if not noRepeat then output[1][y] = (output[1][y] or "")..image[1][ty]:sub(tx,tx) else output[1][y] = (output[1][y] or "").." " end output[2][y] = (output[2][y] or "")..image[2][ty]:sub(tx,tx) output[3][y] = (output[3][y] or "")..image[3][ty]:sub(tx,tx) end end if noRepeat then for y = 1, imageY do for x = 1, imageX do if image[1][y]:sub(x,x) ~= " " then tx = round(((x / imageX) * sx) - ((0.5 / imageX) * sx)) ty = round(((y / imageY) * sy) - ((0.5 / imageY) * sx)) output[1][ty] = stringWrite(output[1][ty], tx, image[1][y]:sub(x,x)) end end end end return output end end local rotatePoint = function(x, y, angle, originX, originY) return round( (x-originX) * math.cos(angle) - (y-originY) * math.sin(angle) ) + originX, round( (x-originX) * math.sin(angle) + (y-originY) * math.cos(angle) ) + originY end -- rotates an image around (originX, originY) or its center, by angle radians nfte.rotateImage = function(image, angle, originX, originY) assert(checkValid(image), "Invalid image.") if imageX == 0 or imageY == 0 then return image end local output = {{},{},{}} local realOutput = {{},{},{}} local tx, ty, corners local imageX, imageY = nfte.getSize(image) local originX, originY = originX or math.floor(imageX / 2), originY or math.floor(imageY / 2) corners = { {rotatePoint(1, 1, angle, originX, originY)}, {rotatePoint(imageX, 1, angle, originX, originY)}, {rotatePoint(1, imageY, angle, originX, originY)}, {rotatePoint(imageX, imageY, angle, originX, originY)}, } local minX = math.min(corners[1][1], corners[2][1], corners[3][1], corners[4][1]) local maxX = math.max(corners[1][1], corners[2][1], corners[3][1], corners[4][1]) local minY = math.min(corners[1][2], corners[2][2], corners[3][2], corners[4][2]) local maxY = math.max(corners[1][2], corners[2][2], corners[3][2], corners[4][2]) for y = 1, (maxY - minY) + 1 do output[1][y] = {} output[2][y] = {} output[3][y] = {} for x = 1, (maxX - minX) + 1 do tx, ty = rotatePoint(x + minX - 1, y + minY - 1, -angle, originX, originY) output[1][y][x] = " " output[2][y][x] = " " output[3][y][x] = " " if image[1][ty] then if tx >= 1 and tx <= #image[1][ty] then output[1][y][x] = image[1][ty]:sub(tx,tx) output[2][y][x] = image[2][ty]:sub(tx,tx) output[3][y][x] = image[3][ty]:sub(tx,tx) end end end end for y = 1, #output[1] do output[1][y] = table.concat(output[1][y]) output[2][y] = table.concat(output[2][y]) output[3][y] = table.concat(output[3][y]) end return output, math.ceil(minX), math.ceil(minY) end local tWindow = lddterm.newWindow(scr_x, scr_y, 1, 1) tWindow.blink = false local tOriginal = term.redirect(tWindow.handle) local program = tArg[1] or "/rom/programs/shell.lua" table.remove(tArg, 1) local rendTimer = os.startTimer(0.05) parallel.waitForAny(function() shell.run(program, table.unpack(tArg)) end, function() local evt local keysDown = {} while true do evt = {os.pullEvent()} if evt[1] == "timer" and evt[2] == rendTimer then lddterm.render() rendTimer = os.startTimer(0.05) elseif evt[1] == "key" then keysDown[evt[2]] = true if keysDown[keys.leftCtrl] and keysDown[keys.leftShift] and evt[2] == keys.backspace then return end elseif evt[1] == "key_up" then keysDown[evt[2]] = false end end end) term.setCursorBlink(false) local fullScreenshot = lddterm.screenshot() local screenshot local screenshot_X, screenshot_Y = nfte.getSize(fullScreenshot) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) for i = screenshot_X, math.floor(screenshot_X / 4), -2 do screenshot = nfte.stretchImage(fullScreenshot, i, i / (screenshot_X / screenshot_Y)) term.clear() nfte.drawImageCenter(screenshot) lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) end local handX, handY = scr_x, -5 for x = scr_x, math.floor(scr_x / 2) + 1, -2 do term.clear() nfte.drawImageCenter(screenshot) nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.handOpen, handX, handY) lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) handX = handX - 2.0 handY = handY + 1 end handX, handY = math.floor(handX), math.floor(handY) local anchorX, anchorY = handX, handY local scrollX, scrollY = 0, 0 term.clear() local _, imageX, imageY = nfte.drawImageCenter(screenshot) nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.handClosed, handX, handY) lddterm.render() sleep(0.5) for i = 1, 10 do handX = handX + 0.5 handY = handY + 0.4 term.clear() nfte.drawImage(screenshot, imageX + (handX - anchorX), imageY + (handY - anchorY)) nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.handClosed, handX, handY) lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) end sleep(0.4) for i = 1, 10 do handX = handX - (0.6 + (i / 8)) handY = handY - (0.1 + (i / 12)) if i >= 2 then scrollX = scrollX + 1 end term.clear() nfte.drawImage(screenshot, scrollX + imageX + (handX - anchorX), scrollY + imageY + (handY - anchorY)) nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.handClosed, scrollX + handX, scrollY + handY) lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) end local imageYvel = -0.9 local imageRotate = 0 imageX = imageX + (handX - anchorX) imageY = imageY + (handY - anchorY) local rImage, rX, rY for i = 1, 41 do if i <= 5 then handX = handX - 1 handY = handY - 0.8 end term.clear() rImage, rX, rY = nfte.rotateImage(screenshot, imageRotate) nfte.drawImage(rImage, scrollX + imageX, scrollY + imageY) if i < 25 then nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.handOpen, scrollX + handX, scrollY + handY) else nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.trashCan, scrollX - 150, scrollY + 32) end lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) imageRotate = imageRotate + 0.12 scrollX = scrollX + 4 if i < 20 then scrollY = scrollY - 0.25 else scrollY = scrollY - 0.8 end imageX = imageX - 4 imageY = imageY + imageYvel imageYvel = imageYvel + 0.07 end sleep(0.5) local scene = lddterm.screenshot() for i = 1, 5 do nfte.drawImage(scene, 1, 1) nfte.drawImageTransparent(images.trashLid, (scr_x/2) - 4, i - 4) lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) end local lidAngle, rotLid = 0 for i = 1, 10 do lidAngle = lidAngle + 0.053 rotLid = nfte.rotateImage(images.trashLid, lidAngle) nfte.drawImage(scene, 1, 1) nfte.drawImageTransparent(rotLid, (scr_x/2) - 4, 1) lddterm.render() sleep(0.05) end sleep(0.5) term.redirect(tOriginal) term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y)