local function netrequire(_name, alwaysDownload, ...) assert(type(_name) == "string", "API name must be a string") local DL_path = ".netrequire_storage" local name if _name:sub(-4, -1) == ".lua" then name = _name:sub(1, -5) else name = _name end if fs.exists(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/require", name)) and not alwaysDownload then return loadfile(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/require", name))(...) elseif fs.exists(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/loadAPI", name)) and not alwaysDownload then os.loadAPI(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/loadAPI", name)) return _ENV[fs.getName(name)] else local url = "https://github.com/LDDestroier/CC/raw/master/netrequire/" .. name local net = http.get(url) if net then url = net.readLine() local useLoadAPI = net.readLine():sub(1, 4) == "true" net.close() net = http.get(url) if net then local contents = net.readAll() net.close() if useLoadAPI then local file = fs.open(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/loadAPI", name), "w") file.write(contents) file.close() os.loadAPI(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/loadAPI", name)) return _ENV[fs.getName(name)] else local file = fs.open(fs.combine(DL_path .. "/require", name), "w") file.write(contents) file.close() return loadstring(contents)(...) end else error("Couldn't connect to '" .. url .. "'") end else error("Cannot find any such API '" .. name .. "'") end end end return netrequire