if not fs.exists("windont.lua") then print("'windont.lua' not found! Downloading...") local net = http.get("https://github.com/LDDestroier/CC/raw/master/windont/windont.lua") if net then local file = fs.open("windont.lua", "w") file.write(net.readAll()) file.close() net.close() else error("Could not download Windon't.", 0) end end local windont = require "windont" windont.default.alwaysRender = false local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local keysDown = {} local instances = {} local knownNames = { ["rom/programs/shell.lua"] = "CraftOS Shell", ["rom/programs/edit.lua"] = "Edit", ["rom/programs/gps.lua"] = "GPS", ["rom/programs/shutdown.lua"] = "Shutdown", ["rom/programs/monitor.lua"] = "Monitor Redirect", ["rom/programs/emu.lua"] = "Emu (CCEmuX)", ["rom/programs/exit.lua"] = "Goodbye!", ["rom/programs/lua.lua"] = "Lua Interpreter", ["rom/programs/fun/adventure.lua"] = "Adventure", ["rom/programs/fun/worm.lua"] = "Worm", ["rom/programs/fun/dj.lua"] = "DJ", ["rom/programs/fun/hello.lua"] = "Hello world!", ["rom/programs/turtle/dance.lua"] = "Dance!", ["rom/programs/turtle/craft.lua"] = "Craft", ["rom/programs/turtle/excavate.lua"] = "Excavate", ["rom/programs/turtle/refuel.lua"] = "Refueling...", ["rom/programs/turtle/go.lua"] = "Go (Turtle)", ["rom/programs/turtle/turn.lua"] = "Turn (Turtle)", ["rom/programs/http/pastebin.lua"] = "Pastebin", ["rom/programs/http/wget.lua"] = "Wget", ["rom/programs/pocket/falling.lua"] = "Falling", ["rom/programs/rednet/chat.lua"] = "Chat", ["rom/programs/rednet/repeat.lua"] = "Rednet Repeat", ["rom/programs/command/exec.lua"] = "Exec (Command)", ["rom/programs/command/commands.lua"] = "Commands", } -- events that can only be passed if the instance is focused local FocusEvents = { ["mouse_click"] = true, ["mouse_drag"] = true, ["mouse_up"] = true, ["key"] = true, ["key_up"] = true, ["char"] = true, ["monitor_touch"] = true, ["paste"] = true, -- mouse_scroll is intentionally excluded } -- events that must have their XY values altered according to the position of the window local CoordinateEvents = { ["mouse_click"] = {3, 4}, ["mouse_drag"] = {3, 4}, ["mouse_up"] = {3, 4}, ["mouse_scroll"] = {3, 4} } local desktop = windont.newWindow(1, 1, scr_x, scr_y, { backColor = "9" }) local overlay = windont.newWindow(1, 1, scr_x, scr_y, { backColor = "-" }) desktop.redraw() local newInstance = function(x, y, width, height, program, pName, addBorder) local output = {} if addBorder then output.mainWindow = windont.newWindow(x, y, width, height + 1, { baseTerm = desktop, alwaysRender = false, backColor = "7" }) output.termWindow = windont.newWindow(1, 2, width, height, { baseTerm = output.mainWindow, alwaysRender = true, }) else output.mainWindow = windont.newWindow(x, y, width + 2, height + 2, { baseTerm = desktop, alwaysRender = false, backColor = "7" }) output.termWindow = windont.newWindow(2, 2, width, height, { baseTerm = output.mainWindow, alwaysRender = true, }) end local mw = output.mainWindow -- contains the titlebar, and is the base terminal for termWindow local tw = output.termWindow -- contains the program's terminal output -- pausing will probably be implemented later output.paused = false output.timeMod = 0 output.clockMod = 0 output.timers = {} output.alive = true output.focused = true output.title = pName or (type(program) == "string" and (knownNames[fs.combine("", program)] or fs.getName(program))) or tostring(program) output.writeTitleBar = function() mw.setCursorPos(1, 1) if output.focused then mw.setTextColor(colors.white) else mw.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) end mw.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) mw.clearLine() if #output.title <= (mw.meta.width - 4) then mw.write(output.title) -- write full title else mw.write(output.title:sub(1, mw.meta.width - 7) .. "...") -- draw abreviated title end mw.setCursorPos(mw.meta.width - 3, 1) mw.write(" \22\94\215") -- minimize / maximize / close end if type(program) == "string" then output.main = function() tw.clear() return shell.run(program) end elseif type(program) == "function" then output.main = program end --local env = {} --setmetatable(env, {__index = _G}) --setfenv(output.main, env) output.coroutine = coroutine.create(output.main) output.cFilter = nil for i = 1, #instances do instances[i].focused = false end table.insert(instances, 1, output) return output end local render = function() local wins = {} for i = 1, #instances do wins[i] = instances[i].mainWindow end windont.render({force = true}, table.unpack(wins)) windont.render({}, overlay, desktop) end local instanceBoxCheck = function(i, x, y) return ( x < 1 or x > instances[i].termWindow.meta.width or y < 1 or y > instances[i].termWindow.meta.height ) end local resumeInstance = function(i, _evt, isCoordinateEvent) local evt = {} for k,v in pairs(_evt) do evt[k] = v end if CoordinateEvents[evt[1]] then evt[3] = evt[3] - instances[i].mainWindow.meta.x + instances[i].termWindow.meta.x evt[4] = evt[4] - instances[i].mainWindow.meta.y + instances[i].mainWindow.meta.y - 1 isCoordinateEvent = true end repeat if (isCoordinateEvent and not instanceBoxCheck(i, evt[3], evt[4])) then break end oldTerm = term.redirect(instances[i].termWindow) success, result = coroutine.resume(instances[i].coroutine, table.unpack(evt)) term.redirect(oldTerm) if success then instances[i].cFilter = result else instances[i].alive = false end until true end local main = function() newInstance(3, 3, 30, 12, "rom/programs/shell.lua", nil) newInstance(8, 5, 30, 12, "rom/programs/shell.lua", nil) local evt, success, result, oldTerm local cx, cy local isCoordinateEvent local usedCoordinateEvent local usingUI = false -- if true, cannot send events to instances. Only set to true when interacting with the UI -- handles input system local keyTimer = os.startTimer(0.05) while true do evt = {coroutine.yield()} if evt[1] == "key" and not evt[3] then keysDown[evt[2]] = 0 elseif evt[1] == "key_up" then keysDown[evt[2]] = nil end if evt[1] == "timer" and evt[2] == keyTimer then keyTimer = os.startTimer(0.05) for k,v in pairs(keysDown) do keysDown[k] = v + 0.05 end -- move windows with arrow keys (for now) if keysDown[keys.right] then desktop.clear() instances[1].mainWindow.reposition(instances[1].mainWindow.meta.x + 1, instances[1].mainWindow.meta.y) end if keysDown[keys.left] then desktop.clear() instances[1].mainWindow.reposition(instances[1].mainWindow.meta.x - 1, instances[1].mainWindow.meta.y) end if keysDown[keys.up] then desktop.clear() instances[1].mainWindow.reposition(instances[1].mainWindow.meta.x, instances[1].mainWindow.meta.y - 1) end if keysDown[keys.down] then desktop.clear() instances[1].mainWindow.reposition(instances[1].mainWindow.meta.x, instances[1].mainWindow.meta.y + 1) end else usedCoordinateEvent = false isCoordinateEvent = false for i = 1, #instances do instances[i].writeTitleBar() if (not usingUI) and (instances[i].cFilter == evt[1] or instances[i].cFilter == "terminate" or (not instances[i].cFilter)) then if (instances[i].focused or not FocusEvents[evt[1]]) then resumeInstance(i, evt, isCoordinateEvent) if CoordinateEvents[evt[1]] then usedCoordinateEvent = true end else if (not instances[i].focused) and (evt[1] == "mouse_click") then if not usedCoordinateEvent then instances[i].focused = true instances[1].focused = false resumeInstance(1, evt, isCoordinateEvent) end end end end end end -- check for dead instances for i = #instances, 1, -1 do if not instances[i].alive then if instances[i].focused then if instances[i - 1] then instances[i - 1].focused = true elseif instances[i + 1] then instances[i + 1].focused = true end end table.remove(instances, i) desktop.clear() end end -- make sure the focused window is on top for i = 1, #instances do if instances[i].focused then instances[i], instances[1] = instances[1], instances[i] break end end render() end end main()