local virtipheral = { -- path where virtual peripherals are stored peripheralPath = ".virtipheral/peripherals", -- default path to store the list of currently loaded peripherals configPath = ".virtipheral/p.lson", } -- list of currently loaded virtual peripherals -- K = side, V = methods local virtualPeripherals = {} local function tableCopy(tbl) local output = {} for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then output[k] = tableCopy(v) else output[k] = v end end return output end local loadPeripheral = function(name) local path = fs.combine(virtipheral.peripheralPath, name) local output if not fs.exists(path) then -- counteract edit.lua's fixation with ending every goddamn file with ".lua" path = path .. ".lua" end if fs.exists(path) then output = dofile(path) return output else return false end end local makeNewPeripheralAPI = function(old) local p = {} p.attach = function(side, name) assert(type(side) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'attach' (expected string, got " .. type(side) .. ")") assert(type(name) == "string", "bad argument #2 to 'attach' (expected string, got " .. type(name) .. ")") local methods = loadPeripheral(name) if methods then virtualPeripherals[side] = { name = name, side = side, methods = methods, } return true else return false end end p.detach = function(side) assert(type(side) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'detach' (expected string, got " .. type(side) .. ")") virtualPeripherals[side] = nil end p.saveAttach = function(configPath) configPath = configPath or virtipheral.configPath local save = {} for k,v in pairs(virtualPeripherals) do save[k] = { name = v.name, side = v.side, } end local file = fs.open(configPath, "w") file.write(textutils.serialize(save)) file.close() end p.loadAttach = function(configPath, additive) configPath = configPath or virtipheral.configPath local file = fs.open(configPath, "r") local contents = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll() or "") file.close() if not additive then virtualPeripherals = {} end if contents then for k,v in pairs(contents) do p.attach(v.side or k, v.name) end end end p.wrap = function(side) assert(type(side) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'wrap' (expected string, got " .. type(side) .. ")") if virtualPeripherals[side] then return virtualPeripherals[side].methods else return old.wrap(side) end end p.call = function(side, method, ...) assert(type(side) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'call' (expected string, got " .. type(side) .. ")") assert(type(method) == "string", "bad argument #2 to 'call' (expected string, got " .. type(method) .. ")") if virtualPeripherals[side] then if virtualPeripherals[side].methods[method] then virtualPeripherals[side].methods[method](...) else error("no such method", 0) end else return old.call(side, method, ...) end end p.find = function(pType) assert(type(pType) == "string", "bad argument #1 to 'find' (expected string, got " .. type(pType) .. ")") for k,v in pairs(virtualPeripherals) do if v.name == pType then return v.methods end end return old.find(pType) end p.getNames = function() local output = {} for k, v in pairs(virtualPeripherals) do output[#output + 1] = k end for k, v in pairs(old.getNames()) do output[#output + 1] = v end return output end p.getMethods = function(side) local output = {} local list = (virtualPeripherals[side] or {}).methods or old.wrap(side) if list then for k,v in pairs(list) do output[#output + 1] = k end else return nil end return output end p.getType = function(side) if virtualPeripherals[side] then return virtualPeripherals[side].name else return old.getType(side) end end p.isPresent = function(side) if virtualPeripherals[side] then return true elseif old.isPresent(side) then return true else return false end return true end return p end virtipheral.activate = function() if _G.virtipheralActive then error("Virtipheral is already running", 0) else fs.makeDir(virtipheral.peripheralPath) local old = tableCopy(_G.peripheral) for k,v in pairs(old) do local env = getfenv(old[k]) env.peripheral = old end _G.__old_peripheral = old _G.peripheral = makeNewPeripheralAPI(old) _G.virtipheralActive = true return true end end virtipheral.deactivate = function() if not _G.virtipheralActive then error("Virtipheral is not running", 0) else _G.peripheral = tableCopy(_G.__old_peripheral) for k,v in pairs(_G.peripheral) do local env = getfenv(_G.peripheral[k]) env.peripheral = _G.peripheral end _G.__old_peripheral = nil _G.virtipheralActive = false return true end end return virtipheral