-- Windon't -- enhanced window API by LDDestroier -- intended for general use within all me new programs -- -- Unique features: -- + Transparency within windows -- + Built-in window layering local to_blit, to_colors = {}, {} for i = 1, 16 do to_blit[2 ^ (i - 1)] = ("0123456789abcdef"):sub(i, i) to_colors[("0123456789abcdef"):sub(i, i)] = 2 ^ (i - 1) end to_blit[0], to_colors["-"] = "-", 0 local getTime = function() return 24 * os.day() + os.time() end local windont = { baseTerm = term.current(), -- default base terminal for all windows config = { defaultTextColor = "0", -- default text color (what " " corresponds to in term.blit's second argument) defaultBackColor = "f", -- default background color (what " " corresponds to in term.blit's third argument) clearScreen = true, -- if true, will clear the screen during render }, info = { BLIT_CALLS = 0, -- amount of term.blit calls during the last render LAST_RENDER_TIME = 0, -- last time in which render was called LAST_RENDER_AMOUNT = 0, -- amount of windows drawn during last render LAST_RENDER_WINDOWS = {}, -- table of the last window objects that were rendered } } -- check if space on screenBuffer is transparent local check = function(buff, x, y, blitLayer) if buff[blitLayer or 1][y] then return (blitLayer or buff[1][y][x]) and ( (not buff[blitLayer or 2][y][x] or buff[blitLayer or 2][y][x] ~= "-") or (not buff[blitLayer or 3][y][x] or buff[blitLayer or 3][y][x] ~= "-") ) and ( not (buff[1][y][x] == " " and buff[3][y][x] == "-") ) end end -- draws one or more windon't objects -- should not draw over any terminal space that isn't occupied by a window windont.render = function(...) local windows = {...} local bT local screenBuffer = {{}, {}, {}} local scr_x, scr_y local blitList = {} -- list of blit commands per line local c = 1 -- current blitList entry local cTime = getTime() local AMNT_OF_BLITS = 0 -- how many blit calls are there? local cx, cy -- each window's absolute X and Y local char_cx, text_cx, back_cx -- each window's transformed absolute X's in table form local char_cy, text_cy, back_cy -- each window's transformed absolute X's in table form local buffer -- each window's buffer local newChar, newText, newBack -- if the transformation function declares a new dot, this is it local baseTerms = {} for i = 1, #windows do baseTerms[windows[i].meta.baseTerm] = baseTerms[windows[i].meta.baseTerm] or {} baseTerms[windows[i].meta.baseTerm][i] = true end if bT == output then bT = output.meta.baseTerm end for bT, bT_list in pairs(baseTerms) do scr_x, scr_y = bT.getSize() for y = 1, scr_y do screenBuffer[1][y] = {} screenBuffer[2][y] = {} screenBuffer[3][y] = {} blitList = {} c = 1 for x = 1, scr_x do for i = #windows, 1, -1 do if bT_list[i] then newChar, newText, newBack = nil if windows[i].meta.visible then buffer = windows[i].meta.buffer cx = x - windows[i].meta.x + 1 cy = y - windows[i].meta.y + 1 char_cx, text_cx, back_cx = cx, cx, cx char_cy, text_cy, back_cy = cy, cy, cy -- try char transformation if windows[i].meta.charTransformation then char_cx, char_cy, newChar = windows[i].meta.charTransformation(cx, cy, windows[i].meta) if char_cx ~= math.floor(char_cx) or char_cy ~= math.floor(char_cy) then newChar = " " end char_cx = math.floor(char_cx) char_cy = math.floor(char_cy) end -- try text transformation if windows[i].meta.textTransformation then text_cx, text_cy, newText = windows[i].meta.textTransformation(cx, cy, windows[i].meta) text_cx = math.floor(text_cx) text_cy = math.floor(text_cy) end -- try back transformation if windows[i].meta.backTransformation then back_cx, back_cy, newBack = windows[i].meta.backTransformation(cx, cy, windows[i].meta) back_cx = math.floor(back_cx) back_cy = math.floor(back_cy) end if check(buffer, char_cx, char_cy) or check(buffer, text_cx, text_cy) or check(buffer, back_cx, back_cy) then screenBuffer[1][y][x] = newChar or check(buffer, char_cx, char_cy ) and (buffer[1][char_cy][char_cx]) or screenBuffer[1][y][x] screenBuffer[2][y][x] = newText or check(buffer, text_cx, text_cy, 2) and (buffer[2][text_cy][text_cx]) or screenBuffer[3][y][x] screenBuffer[3][y][x] = newBack or check(buffer, back_cx, back_cy, 3) and (buffer[3][back_cy][back_cx]) or screenBuffer[3][y][x] end end end end if windont.config.clearScreen then screenBuffer[1][y][x] = screenBuffer[1][y][x] or " " end screenBuffer[2][y][x] = screenBuffer[2][y][x] or windont.config.defaultBackColor -- intentionally not the default text color screenBuffer[3][y][x] = screenBuffer[3][y][x] or windont.config.defaultBackColor if check(screenBuffer, x, y) then if check(screenBuffer, x - 1, y) then blitList[c][1] = blitList[c][1] .. screenBuffer[1][y][x] blitList[c][2] = blitList[c][2] .. screenBuffer[2][y][x] blitList[c][3] = blitList[c][3] .. screenBuffer[3][y][x] else c = x blitList[c] = { screenBuffer[1][y][x], screenBuffer[2][y][x], screenBuffer[3][y][x] } end end end for k,v in pairs(blitList) do bT.setCursorPos(k, y) bT.blit(v[1], v[2], v[3]) AMNT_OF_BLITS = AMNT_OF_BLITS + 1 end end end windont.info.BLIT_CALLS = AMNT_OF_BLITS windont.info.LAST_RENDER_AMOUNT = #windows windont.info.LAST_RENDER_WINDOWS = windows windont.info.LAST_RENDER_TIME = cTime windont.info.LAST_RENDER_DURATION = getTime() - cTime end -- creates a new windon't object that can be manipulated the same as a regular window windont.newWindow = function( x, y, width, height, misc ) -- check argument types assert(type(x) == "number", "argument #1 must be number, got " .. type(x)) assert(type(y) == "number", "argument #2 must be number, got " .. type(y)) assert(type(width) == "number", "argument #3 must be number, got " .. type(width)) assert(type(height) == "number", "argument #4 must be number, got " .. type(height)) -- check argument validity assert(x > 0, "x position must be above zero") assert(y > 0, "y position must be above zero") assert(width > 0, "width must be above zero") assert(height > 0, "height must be above zero") local output = {} misc = misc or {} local meta = { x = x or 1, -- x position of the window y = y or 1, -- y position of the window width = width, -- width of the buffer height = height, -- height of the buffer buffer = {}, -- stores contents of terminal in buffer[1][y][x] format renderBuddies = {}, -- renders any other window objects stored here after rendering here baseTerm = misc.baseTerm or windont.baseTerm, -- base terminal for which this window draws on charTransformation = nil, -- function that transforms the characters of the window textTransformation = nil, -- function that transforms the text colors of the window backTransformation = nil, -- function that transforms the BG colors of the window cursorX = misc.cursorX or 1, cursorY = misc.cursorY or 1, textColor = misc.textColor or windont.config.defaultTextColor, -- current text color backColor = misc.backColor or windont.config.defaultBackColor, -- current background color blink = true, -- cursor blink isColor = term.isColor(), -- if true, then it's an advanced computer alwaysRender = true, -- render after every terminal operation visible = true, -- if false, don't render ever -- make a new buffer (optionally uses an existing buffer as a reference) newBuffer = function(width, height, char, text, back, drawAtop) local output = drawAtop or {{}, {}, {}} for y = 1, height do output[1][y] = output[1][y] or {} output[2][y] = output[2][y] or {} output[3][y] = output[3][y] or {} for x = 1, width do output[1][y][x] = output[1][y][x] or char or " " output[2][y][x] = output[2][y][x] or text or "0" output[3][y][x] = output[3][y][x] or back or "f" end end return output end } bT = meta.baseTerm -- initialize the buffer meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor) output.meta = meta output.write = function(text) assert(type(text) == "string", "argument must be string") for i = 1, #text do if meta.cursorX >= 1 and meta.cursorX <= meta.width and meta.cursorY >= 1 and meta.cursorY <= meta.height then meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = text:sub(i,i) meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = meta.textColor meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = meta.backColor meta.cursorX = meta.cursorX + 1 end end if meta.alwaysRender then --local limit = math.max(0, meta.width - meta.cursorX + 1) bT.setCursorPos(meta.x, meta.y + meta.cursorY - 1) bT.blit( table.concat(meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY]), table.concat(meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY]), table.concat(meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY]) ) end end output.blit = function(char, text, back) assert(type(char) == "string" and type(text) == "string" and type(back) == "string", "all arguments must be strings") assert(#char == #text and #text == #back, "arguments must be same length") for i = 1, #char do if meta.cursorX >= 1 and meta.cursorX <= meta.width and meta.cursorY >= 1 and meta.cursorY <= meta.height then meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = char:sub(i,i) meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = text:sub(i,i) == " " and windont.config.defaultTextColor or text:sub(i,i) meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY][meta.cursorX] = back:sub(i,i) == " " and windont.config.defaultBackColor or back:sub(i,i) meta.cursorX = meta.cursorX + 1 end end if meta.alwaysRender then --local limit = math.max(0, meta.width - meta.cursorX + 1) bT.setCursorPos(meta.x, meta.y + meta.cursorY - 1) bT.blit( table.concat(meta.buffer[1][meta.cursorY]), table.concat(meta.buffer[2][meta.cursorY]), table.concat(meta.buffer[3][meta.cursorY]) ) end end output.setCursorPos = function(x, y) assert(type(x) == "number", "argument #1 must be number, got " .. type(x)) assert(type(y) == "number", "argument #2 must be number, got " .. type(y)) meta.cursorX, meta.cursorY = x, y if meta.alwaysRender then if bT == output then bT = output.meta.baseTerm end bT.setCursorPos(meta.x + meta.cursorX - 1, meta.y + meta.cursorY - 1) end end output.getCursorPos = function() return meta.cursorX, meta.cursorY end output.setTextColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then meta.textColor = to_blit[color] else error("Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")") end end output.setTextColour = output.setTextColor output.setBackgroundColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then meta.backColor = to_blit[color] else error("Invalid color (got " .. color .. ")") end end output.setBackgroundColour = output.setBackgroundColor output.getTextColor = function() return to_colors[meta.textColor] end output.getTextColour = output.getTextColor output.getBackgroundColor = function() return to_colors[meta.backColor] end output.getBackgroundColour = output.getBackgroundColor output.setVisible = function(visible) assert(type(visible) == "number", "bad argument #1 (expected boolean, got " .. type(visible) .. ")") meta.visible = visible and true or false end output.clear = function() meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor) if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw() end end output.clearLine = function() meta.buffer[meta.cursorY] = nil meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor, meta.buffer) if meta.alwaysRender then bT.setCursorPos(meta.x, meta.y + meta.cursorY - 1) bT.blit( (" "):rep(meta.width), (meta.textColor):rep(meta.width), (meta.backColor):rep(meta.width) ) end end output.getLine = function(y) assert(type(y) == "number", "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(y) .. ")") assert(meta.buffer[1][y], "Line is out of range.") return table.concat(meta.buffer[1][y]), table.concat(meta.buffer[2][y]), table.concat(meta.buffer[3][y]) end output.scroll = function(amplitude) if amplitude > 0 then for i = 1, amplitude do table.remove(meta.buffer[1], 1) table.remove(meta.buffer[2], 1) table.remove(meta.buffer[3], 1) end else for i = 1, -amplitude do table.insert(meta.buffer[1], 1, false) table.insert(meta.buffer[2], 1, false) table.insert(meta.buffer[3], 1, false) end end meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor, meta.buffer) if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw() end end output.getSize = function() return width, height end output.isColor = function() return meta.isColor end output.isColour = output.isColor output.reposition = function(x, y, width, height) assert(type(x) == "number", "bad argument #1 (expected number, got " .. type(x) .. ")") assert(type(y) == "number", "bad argument #2 (expected number, got " .. type(y) .. ")") meta.x = math.floor(x) meta.y = math.floor(y) if width then assert(type(width) == "number", "bad argument #3 (expected number, got " .. type(width) .. ")") assert(type(height) == "number", "bad argument #4 (expected number, got " .. type(height) .. ")") meta.width = width meta.height = height meta.buffer = meta.newBuffer(meta.width, meta.height, " ", meta.textColor, meta.backColor, meta.buffer) end if meta.alwaysRender then output.redraw() end end output.restoreCursor = function() bT.setCursorPos( math.max(0, meta.x + meta.cursorX - 1), math.max(0, meta.y + meta.cursorY - 1) ) bT.setCursorBlink(meta.blink) end output.getPosition = function() return meta.x, meta.y end output.setCursorBlink = function(blink) meta.blink = blink and true or false end output.getCursorBlink = function(blink) return meta.blink end output.setPaletteColor = bT.setPaletteColor output.setPaletteColour = bT.setPaletteColour output.getPaletteColor = bT.getPaletteColor output.getPaletteColour = bT.getPaletteColour output.redraw = function() if #meta.renderBuddies > 0 then windont.render(output, table.unpack(meta.renderBuddies)) else windont.render(output) end end return output end return windont