-- Workspaces for ComputerCraft -- by LDDestroier local tArg = {...} local instances = {} local configPath = ".workspace_config" local config = { workspaceMoveSpeed = 0.15, defaultProgram = "rom/programs/shell.lua", timesRan = 0, useDefaultProgramWhenStarting = true, doPauseClockAndTime = true, skipAcrossEmptyWorkspaces = true, showInactiveFrame = true, doTrippyVoid = false, WSmap = { {true,true,true}, {true,true,true}, {true,true,true}, } } -- values determined after every new/removed workspace local gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY -- used by argument parser local argList, argErrors local getMapSize = function() local xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin = -math.huge, math.huge, -math.huge, math.huge local isRowEmpty for y, v in pairs(config.WSmap) do isRowEmpty = true for x, vv in pairs(v) do if vv then xmin = math.min(xmin, x) xmax = math.max(xmax, x) isRowEmpty = false end end if not isRowEmpty then ymin = math.min(ymin, y) ymax = math.max(ymax, y) end end return xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin end local readFile = function(path) local file = fs.open(path, "r") local contents = file.readAll() file.close() return contents end local saveConfig = function() local file = fs.open(configPath, "w") file.write( textutils.serialize(config) ) file.close() end local loadConfig = function() if fs.exists(configPath) then local contents = readFile(configPath) local newConfig = textutils.unserialize(contents) for k,v in pairs(newConfig) do config[k] = v end end end loadConfig() saveConfig() -- lists all keys currently pressed local keysDown = {} -- amount of time (seconds) until workspace indicator disappears local workspaceIndicatorDuration = 0.6 -- if held down while moving workspace, will swap positions local swapKey = keys.tab local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local windowWidth = scr_x local windowHeight = scr_y local doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = false local scroll = {0,0} -- change this value when scrolling local realScroll = {0,0} -- this value changes depending on scroll for smoothness purposes local focus = {} -- currently focused instance, declared when loading from config local isRunning = true local cwrite = function(text, y, terminal) terminal = terminal or term.current() local cx, cy = terminal.getCursorPos() local sx, sy = terminal.getSize() terminal.setCursorPos(sx / 2 - #text / 2, y or (sy / 2)) terminal.write(text) end -- start up lddterm (I'm starting to think I should've used window API) local lddterm = {} lddterm.alwaysRender = false -- renders after any and all screen-changing functions. lddterm.useColors = true -- normal computers do not allow color, but this variable doesn't do anything yet lddterm.baseTerm = term.current() -- will draw to this terminal lddterm.transformation = nil -- will modify the current buffer as an NFT image before rendering lddterm.cursorTransformation = nil -- will modify the cursor position lddterm.drawFunction = nil -- will draw using this function instead of basic NFT drawing lddterm.adjustX = 0 -- moves entire screen X lddterm.adjustY = 0 -- moves entire screen Y lddterm.selectedWindow = 1 -- determines which window controls the cursor lddterm.windows = {} -- internal list of all lddterm windows -- backdropColors used for the void outside of windows, if using rainbow void lddterm.backdropColors = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f"} -- draws one of three things: -- 1. workspace grid indicator -- 2. "PAUSED" screen -- 3. "UNPAUSED" screen local drawWorkspaceIndicator = function(terminal, wType) gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() terminal = terminal or lddterm.baseTerm if wType == 1 then for y = gridMinY - 1, gridHeight + 1 do for x = gridMinX - 1, gridWidth + 1 do terminal.setCursorPos((x - gridMinX) + scr_x / 2 - (gridWidth - gridMinX) / 2, (y - gridMinY) + math.ceil(scr_y / 2) - (gridHeight - gridMinY) / 2) if instances[y] then if instances[y][x] then if focus[1] == x and focus[2] == y then terminal.blit(" ", "8", "8") elseif instances[y][x].active then terminal.blit(" ", "7", "7") else terminal.blit(" ", "0", "f") end else terminal.blit(" ", "0", "0") end else terminal.blit(" ", "0", "0") end end end elseif wType == 2 then local msg = "PAUSED" terminal.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - #msg / 2 - 2, scr_y / 2 - 1) terminal.blit((" "):rep(#msg + 2), ("f"):rep(#msg + 2), ("0"):rep(#msg + 2)) terminal.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - #msg / 2 - 2, scr_y / 2) terminal.blit(" " .. msg .. " ", ("f"):rep(#msg + 2), ("0"):rep(#msg + 2)) terminal.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - #msg / 2 - 2, scr_y / 2 + 1) terminal.blit((" "):rep(#msg + 2), ("f"):rep(#msg + 2), ("0"):rep(#msg + 2)) elseif wType == 3 then local msg = "UNPAUSED" terminal.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - #msg / 2 - 2, scr_y / 2 - 1) terminal.blit((" "):rep(#msg + 2), ("f"):rep(#msg + 2), ("0"):rep(#msg + 2)) terminal.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - #msg / 2 - 2, scr_y / 2) terminal.blit(" " .. msg .. " ", ("f"):rep(#msg + 2), ("0"):rep(#msg + 2)) terminal.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - #msg / 2 - 2, scr_y / 2 + 1) terminal.blit((" "):rep(#msg + 2), ("f"):rep(#msg + 2), ("0"):rep(#msg + 2)) end end -- converts blit colors to colors api, and back local to_colors, to_blit = { [' '] = 0, ['0'] = 1, ['1'] = 2, ['2'] = 4, ['3'] = 8, ['4'] = 16, ['5'] = 32, ['6'] = 64, ['7'] = 128, ['8'] = 256, ['9'] = 512, ['a'] = 1024, ['b'] = 2048, ['c'] = 4096, ['d'] = 8192, ['e'] = 16384, ['f'] = 32768, }, {} for k,v in pairs(to_colors) do to_blit[v] = k end -- separates string into table based on divider local explode = function(div, str, replstr, includeDiv) if (div == '') then return false end local pos, arr = 0, {} for st, sp in function() return string.find(str, div, pos, false) end do table.insert(arr, string.sub(replstr or str, pos, st - 1 + (includeDiv and #div or 0))) pos = sp + 1 end table.insert(arr, string.sub(replstr or str, pos)) return arr end -- determines the size of the terminal before rendering always local determineScreenSize = function() scr_x, scr_y = lddterm.baseTerm.getSize() lddterm.screenWidth = scr_x lddterm.screenHeight = scr_y end determineScreenSize() -- takes two or more windows and checks if the first of them overlap the other(s) lddterm.checkWindowOverlap = function(window, ...) if #lddterm.windows < 2 then return false end local list, win = {...} for i = 1, #list do win = list[i] if win ~= window then if ( window.x < win.x + win.width and win.x < window.x + window.width and window.y < win.y + win.height and win.y < window.y + window.height ) then return true end end end return false end local fixCursorPos = function() local cx, cy if lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow] then if lddterm.cursorTransformation then cx, cy = lddterm.cursorTransformation( lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[1], lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[2] ) lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos( cx + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].x - 1, cy + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].y - 1 ) else lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos( -1 + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[1] + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].x, lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].cursor[2] + lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].y - 1 ) end lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorBlink(lddterm.windows[lddterm.selectedWindow].blink) end end -- renders the screen with optional transformation function lddterm.render = function(transformation, drawFunction) -- determine new screen size and change lddterm screen to fit old_scr_x, old_scr_y = scr_x, scr_y determineScreenSize() if old_scr_x ~= scr_x or old_scr_y ~= scr_y then lddterm.baseTerm.clear() end local image = lddterm.screenshot() if type(transformation) == "function" then image = transformation(image) end if drawFunction then drawFunction(image, lddterm.baseTerm) else for y = 1, #image[1] do lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos(1 + lddterm.adjustX, y + lddterm.adjustY) lddterm.baseTerm.blit(image[1][y], image[2][y], image[3][y]) end end if doDrawWorkspaceIndicator then drawWorkspaceIndicator(nil, doDrawWorkspaceIndicator) end fixCursorPos() end lddterm.newWindow = function(width, height, x, y, meta) meta = meta or {} local window = { width = math.floor(width), height = math.floor(height), blink = true, cursor = meta.cursor or {1, 1}, colors = meta.colors or {"0", "f"}, clearChar = meta.clearChar or " ", visible = meta.visible or true, x = math.floor(x) or 1, y = math.floor(y) or 1, buffer = {{},{},{}}, } for y = 1, height do window.buffer[1][y] = {} window.buffer[2][y] = {} window.buffer[3][y] = {} for x = 1, width do window.buffer[1][y][x] = window.clearChar window.buffer[2][y][x] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][y][x] = window.colors[2] end end window.handle = {} window.handle.setCursorPos = function(x, y) window.cursor = {x, y} fixCursorPos() end window.handle.getCursorPos = function() return window.cursor[1], window.cursor[2] end window.handle.setCursorBlink = function(blink) window.blink = blink or false end window.handle.getCursorBlink = function() return window.blink end window.handle.scroll = function(amount) if amount > 0 then for i = 1, amount do for c = 1, 3 do table.remove(window.buffer[c], 1) window.buffer[c][window.height] = {} for xx = 1, width do window.buffer[c][window.height][xx] = ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] ) end end end elseif amount < 0 then for i = 1, -amount do for c = 1, 3 do window.buffer[c][window.height] = nil table.insert(window.buffer[c], 1, {}) for xx = 1, width do window.buffer[c][1][xx] = ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] ) end end end end if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.scrollX = function(amount) if amount > 0 then for i = 1, amount do for c = 1, 3 do for y = 1, window.height do table.remove(window.buffer[c][y], 1) window.buffer[c][y][window.width] = ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] ) end end end elseif amount < 0 then for i = 1, -amount do for c = 1, 3 do for y = 1, window.height do window.buffer[c][y][window.width] = nil table.insert(window.buffer[c][y], 1, ( c == 1 and window.clearChar or c == 2 and window.colors[1] or c == 3 and window.colors[2] )) end end end end if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.write = function(text, x, y, ignoreAlwaysRender) assert(text ~= nil, "expected string 'text'") text = tostring(text) local cx = math.floor(tonumber(x) or window.cursor[1]) local cy = math.floor(tonumber(y) or window.cursor[2]) text = text:sub(math.max(0, -cx - 1)) for i = 1, #text do if cx >= 1 and cx <= window.width and cy >= 1 and cy <= window.height then window.buffer[1][cy][cx] = text:sub(i,i) window.buffer[2][cy][cx] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][cy][cx] = window.colors[2] end cx = math.min(cx + 1, window.width + 1) end window.cursor = {cx, cy} if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.writeWrap = function(text, x, y, ignoreAlwaysRender) local words = explode(" ", text, nil, true) local cx, cy = x or window.cursor[1], y or window.cursor[2] for i = 1, #words do if cx + #words[i] > window.width + 1 then cx = 1 if cy >= window.height then window.handle.scroll(1) cy = window.height else cy = cy + 1 end end window.handle.write(words[i], cx, cy, true) cx = cx + #words[i] end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.blit = function(char, textCol, backCol) if type(char) == "number" then char = tostring(char) end if type(textCol) == "number" then textCol = tostring(textCol) end if type(backCol) == "number" then backCol = tostring(backCol) end assert(char ~= nil, "expected string 'char'") local cx = math.floor(window.cursor[1]) local cy = math.floor(window.cursor[2]) char = char:sub(math.max(0, -cx - 1)) for i = 1, #char do if cx >= 1 and cx <= window.width and cy >= 1 and cy <= window.height then window.buffer[1][cy][cx] = char:sub(i,i) window.buffer[2][cy][cx] = textCol:sub(i,i) window.buffer[3][cy][cx] = backCol:sub(i,i) end cx = cx + 1 end window.cursor = {cx, cy} if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.print = function(text) text = text and tostring(text) window.handle.write(text, x, y, true) window.cursor[1] = 1 if window.cursor[2] >= window.height then window.handle.scroll(1) else window.cursor[2] = window.cursor[2] + 1 if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end end window.handle.clear = function(char, ignoreAlwaysRender) local cx = 1 for y = 1, window.height do for x = 1, window.width do if char then cx = (x % #char) + 1 end window.buffer[1][y][x] = char and char:sub(cx, cx) or window.clearChar window.buffer[2][y][x] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][y][x] = window.colors[2] end end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.clearLine = function(cy, char, ignoreAlwaysRender) cy = math.floor(cy or window.cursor[2]) local cx = 1 for x = 1, window.width do if char then cx = (x % #char) + 1 end window.buffer[1][cy or window.cursor[2]][x] = char and char:sub(cx, cx) or window.clearChar window.buffer[2][cy or window.cursor[2]][x] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][cy or window.cursor[2]][x] = window.colors[2] end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.clearColumn = function(cx, char, ignoreAlwaysRender) cx = math.floor(cx) char = char and char:sub(1,1) for y = 1, window.height do window.buffer[1][y][cx or window.cursor[1]] = char and char or window.clearChar window.buffer[2][y][cx or window.cursor[1]] = window.colors[1] window.buffer[3][y][cx or window.cursor[1]] = window.colors[2] end if lddterm.alwaysRender and not ignoreAlwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.getSize = function() return window.width, window.height end window.handle.isColor = function() return lddterm.useColors end window.handle.isColour = window.handle.isColor window.handle.setTextColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then window.colors[1] = to_blit[color] end end window.handle.setTextColour = window.handle.setTextColor window.handle.setBackgroundColor = function(color) if to_blit[color] then window.colors[2] = to_blit[color] end end window.handle.setBackgroundColour = window.handle.setBackgroundColor window.handle.getTextColor = function() return to_colors[window.colors[1]] or colors.white end window.handle.getTextColour = window.handle.getTextColor window.handle.getBackgroundColor = function() return to_colors[window.colors[2]] or colors.black end window.handle.getBackgroundColour = window.handle.getBackgroundColor window.handle.reposition = function(x, y) window.x = math.floor(x or window.x) window.y = math.floor(y or window.y) if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end end window.handle.setPaletteColor = function(...) return lddterm.baseTerm.setPaletteColor(...) end window.handle.setPaletteColour = window.handle.setPaletteColor window.handle.getPaletteColor = function(...) return lddterm.baseTerm.getPaletteColor(...) end window.handle.getPaletteColour = window.handle.getPaletteColor window.handle.getPosition = function() return window.x, window.y end window.handle.restoreCursor = function() lddterm.baseTerm.setCursorPos( -1 + window.cursor[1] + window.x, window.cursor[2] + window.y - 1 ) end window.handle.setVisible = function(visible) window.visible = visible or false end window.handle.redraw = lddterm.render window.handle.current = window.handle window.layer = #lddterm.windows + 1 lddterm.windows[window.layer] = window return window, window.layer end lddterm.setLayer = function(window, _layer) local layer = math.max(1, math.min(#lddterm.windows, _layer)) local win = window table.remove(lddterm.windows, win.layer) table.insert(lddterm.windows, layer, win) if lddterm.alwaysRender then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end return true end local old_scr_x, old_scr_y -- gets screenshot of whole lddterm desktop, OR a single window lddterm.screenshot = function(window) local output = {{},{},{}} local line if window then for y = 1, #window.buffer do line = {"","",""} for x = 1, #window.buffer do line = { line[1] .. window.buffer[1][y][x], line[2] .. window.buffer[2][y][x], line[3] .. window.buffer[3][y][x] } end output[1][y] = line[1] output[2][y] = line[2] output[3][y] = line[3] end else for y = 1, scr_y do line = {"","",""} for x = 1, scr_x do lt, lb = t, b if config.doTrippyVoid then c = string.char(math.random(128, 159)) t = lddterm.backdropColors[1 + math.floor((y - realScroll[2] * scr_y) % #lddterm.backdropColors)] b = lddterm.backdropColors[1 + math.floor((x - realScroll[1] * scr_x) % #lddterm.backdropColors)] else c = string.char( math.max(128, math.random(-5000, 159)) ) t = ({"7", "8"})[math.random(1, 2)] b = "f" end for l, v in pairs(lddterm.windows) do if lddterm.windows[l] then if lddterm.windows[l].visible then sx = 1 + x - lddterm.windows[l].x sy = 1 + y - lddterm.windows[l].y if lddterm.windows[l].buffer[1][sy] then if lddterm.windows[l].buffer[1][sy][sx] then c = lddterm.windows[l].buffer[1][sy][sx] or c t = lddterm.windows[l].buffer[2][sy][sx] or t b = lddterm.windows[l].buffer[3][sy][sx] or b break end end end end end line = { line[1] .. c, line[2] .. t, line[3] .. b } end output[1][y] = line[1] output[2][y] = line[2] output[3][y] = line[3] end end return output end local newInstance = function(x, y, program, initialStart) x, y = math.floor(x), math.floor(y) if instances[y] then if instances[y][x] then return end end gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() for yy = gridMinY, y do instances[yy] = instances[yy] or {} end instances[y] = instances[y] or {} for xx = gridMinX, x do instances[y][xx] = instances[y][xx] or false end local window = lddterm.newWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, 1, 1) local instance = { x = x, y = y, active = initialStart, program = program or config.defaultProgram, window = window, timer = {}, clockMod = 0, lastClock = 0, timeMod = 0, lastTime = 0, extraEvents = {}, paused = false } local func = function() term.redirect(window.handle) local runProgram = function() instance.paused = false term.setCursorBlink(false) if not instance.program or type(instance.program) == "string" then setfenv(function() pcall(shell.run, instance.program) end, instance.env)() elseif type(instance.program) == "function" then pcall(function() load(instance.program, nil, nil, instance.env) end) end end local drawInactiveScreen = function() term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clear() term.setCursorBlink(false) if config.showInactiveFrame then if (instance.y + instance.x) % 2 == 0 then term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) else term.setTextColor(colors.gray) end for y = 1, scr_y do for x = 1, scr_x do if y == 1 or y == scr_y then if x <= 3 or x > scr_x - 3 then term.setCursorPos(x, y) term.write("\127") end elseif y <= 3 or y > scr_y - 3 then if x == 1 or x == scr_x then term.setCursorPos(x, y) term.write("\127") end end end end term.setTextColor(colors.white) end cwrite("This workspace is inactive.", 0 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("Press SPACE to start the workspace.", 1 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("(" .. tostring(instance.x) .. ", " .. tostring(instance.y) .. ")", 3 + scr_y / 2) end local evt while true do if initialStart then runProgram() end instance.active = false instance.paused = false if config.useDefaultProgramWhenStarting then instance.program = config.defaultProgram end drawInactiveScreen() coroutine.yield() repeat evt = {os.pullEventRaw()} if evt[1] == "workspace_swap" then drawInactiveScreen() end until (evt[1] == "key" and evt[2] == keys.space) or evt[1] == "terminate" sleep(0) if evt[1] == "terminate" then isRunning = false return end term.setCursorPos(1,1) term.clear() term.setCursorBlink(true) instance.active = true if not initialStart then runProgram() end end end instances[y][x] = instance instances[y][x].env = {} setmetatable(instances[y][x].env, {__index = _ENV}) instances[y][x].co = coroutine.create(func) end -- prevents wiseassed-ness config.workspaceMoveSpeed = math.min(math.max(config.workspaceMoveSpeed, 0.001), 1) local tickDownInstanceTimers = function(x, y) timersToDelete = {} for id, duration in pairs(instances[y][x].timer) do if duration <= 0.05 then instances[y][x].extraEvents[#instances[y][x].extraEvents + 1] = {"timer", id} timersToDelete[#timersToDelete + 1] = id else instances[y][x].timer[id] = duration - 0.05 end end for i = 1, #timersToDelete do instances[y][x].timer[timersToDelete[i]] = nil end end local scrollWindows = function(doScrollWindows, tickDownTimers) local changed = false local timersToDelete = {} if doScrollWindows then if realScroll[1] < scroll[1] then realScroll[1] = math.min(realScroll[1] + config.workspaceMoveSpeed, scroll[1]) changed = true elseif realScroll[1] > scroll[1] then realScroll[1] = math.max(realScroll[1] - config.workspaceMoveSpeed, scroll[1]) changed = true end if realScroll[2] < scroll[2] then realScroll[2] = math.min(realScroll[2] + config.workspaceMoveSpeed, scroll[2]) changed = true elseif realScroll[2] > scroll[2] then realScroll[2] = math.max(realScroll[2] - config.workspaceMoveSpeed, scroll[2]) changed = true end end gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() for y = gridMinY, gridHeight do if instances[y] then for x = gridMinX, gridWidth do if instances[y][x] then instances[y][x].window.x = math.floor(1 + (x + realScroll[1] - 1) * scr_x) instances[y][x].window.y = math.floor(1 + (y + realScroll[2] - 1) * scr_y) if not instances[y][x].paused then tickDownInstanceTimers(x, y) end end end end end return changed end local swapInstances = function(xmod, ymod) instances[focus[2]][focus[1]], instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod] = instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod], instances[focus[2]][focus[1]] instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].x, instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].x = instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].x, instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].x instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].y, instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].y = instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].y, instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].y if not instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].active then table.insert(instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].extraEvents, {"workspace_swap"}) end if not instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].active then table.insert(instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].extraEvents, {"workspace_swap"}) end end local addWorkspace = function(xmod, ymod) config.WSmap[focus[2] + ymod] = config.WSmap[focus[2] + ymod] or {} if not config.WSmap[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod] then config.WSmap[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod] = true newInstance(focus[1] + xmod, focus[2] + ymod, config.defaultProgram, false) saveConfig() gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end end local removeWorkspace = function(xmod, ymod) if config.WSmap[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod] then local good = false for m = 1, math.max(gridHeight - gridMinY + 1, gridWidth - gridMinX + 1) do for y = -1, 1 do for x = -1, 1 do if math.abs(x) + math.abs(y) == 1 then if instances[focus[2] + y * m] then if instances[focus[2] + y * m][focus[1] + x * m] then good = true break end end end end if good then break end end if good then break end end if good then lddterm.windows[instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod].window.layer] = nil config.WSmap[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod] = nil instances[focus[2] + ymod][focus[1] + xmod] = nil local isRowEmpty local remList = {} for y, v in pairs(config.WSmap) do isRowEmpty = true for x, vv in pairs(v) do if vv then isRowEmpty = false break end end if isRowEmpty then remList[#remList + 1] = y end end for i = 1, #remList do config.WSmap[remList[i]] = nil end saveConfig() gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end else -- print("There's no such workspace.") end end local displayHelp = function() cwrite("CTRL+SHIFT+ARROW to switch workspace. ", -3 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("CTRL+SHIFT+TAB+ARROW to swap. ", -2 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("CTRL+SHIFT+[WASD] to create a workspace ", -1 + scr_y / 2) cwrite(" up/left/down/right respectively. ", 0 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("CTRL+SHIFT+P to pause a workspace. ", 1 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("CTRL+SHIFT+Q to delete a workspace. ", 2 + scr_y / 2) cwrite("Terminate an inactive workspace to exit.", 3 + scr_y / 2) end local inputEvt = { key = true, key_up = true, char = true, mouse_click = true, mouse_scroll = true, mouse_drag = true, mouse_up = true, paste = true, terminate = true } local checkIfCanRun = function(evt, x, y) return ( justStarted or ( (not instances[y][x].paused) and ( not instances[y][x].eventFilter or instances[y][x].eventFilter == evt[1] or evt[1] == "terminate" ) and ( (not inputEvt[evt[1]]) and instances[y][x].active or ( x == focus[1] and y == focus[2] ) or evt[1] == "terminate" or evt[1] == "workspace_swap" ) ) ) end local main = function() local enteringCommand local justStarted = true local tID, wID local pCounter, program = 0 local oldFuncReplace = {os = {}, term = {}} -- used when replacing certain os functions per-instance for y, v in pairs(config.WSmap) do for x, vv in pairs(v) do if vv then pCounter = pCounter + 1 program = (argList[pCounter] and fs.exists(argList[pCounter])) and argList[pCounter] if not program then program = (argList[pCounter] and fs.exists(argList[pCounter] .. ".lua")) and (argList[pCounter] .. ".lua") end newInstance( x, y, program or config.defaultProgram, program and true or (pCounter == 1) ) end end end gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() focus[2] = gridMinY for x = gridMinX, gridWidth do if instances[focus[2]][x] then focus[1] = x realScroll = {-x + 1, -gridMinY + 1} scroll = {-x + 1, -gridMinY + 1} break end end scrollWindows(true, false) term.clear() if config.timesRan <= 0 then displayHelp() sleep(0.1) os.pullEvent("key") os.queueEvent("mouse_click", 0, 0, 0) end config.timesRan = config.timesRan + 1 saveConfig() local previousTerm, cSuccess local setInstanceSpecificFunctions = function(x, y) os.startTimer = function(duration) if type(duration) == "number" then local t while true do t = math.random(1, 2^30) if not instances[y][x].timer[t] then instances[y][x].timer[t] = math.floor(duration * 20) / 20 return t end end else error("bad argument #1 (number expected, got " .. type(duration) .. ")", 2) end end os.cancelTimer = function(id) if type(id) == "number" then instances[y][x].timer[id] = nil else error("bad argument #1 (number expected, got " .. type(id) .. ")", 2) end end if config.doPauseClockAndTime then os.clock = function() return oldFuncReplace.os.clock() + instances[y][x].clockMod end os.time = function() return oldFuncReplace.os.time() + instances[y][x].timeMod end end os.queueEvent = function(evt, ...) if type(evt) == "string" then if instances[y][x].paused then instances[y][x].extraEvents[#instances[y][x].extraEvents + 1] = {evt, ...} else oldFuncReplace.os.queueEvent(evt, ...) end else error("bad argument #1 (number expected, got " .. type(evt) .. ")", 2) end end end -- timer for instance timers and window scrolling tID = os.startTimer(0.05) -- if true, timer events won't be accepted by instances (unless it's an extraEvent) local banTimerEvent, evt while isRunning do gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() evt = {os.pullEventRaw()} enteringCommand = false if evt[1] == "key" then keysDown[evt[2]] = true elseif evt[1] == "key_up" then keysDown[evt[2]] = nil elseif evt[1] == "timer" then if evt[2] == wID then enteringCommand = true doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = false banTimerEvent = true else if evt[2] == tID then banTimerEvent = true tID = os.startTimer(0.05) scrollWindows(true, true) else banTimerEvent = false scrollWindows(false, true) end end end if (keysDown[keys.leftCtrl] or keysDown[keys.rightCtrl]) and (keysDown[keys.leftShift] or keysDown[keys.rightShift]) then if evt[1] == "key" and evt[2] == keys.p then if instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].active then instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].paused = not instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].paused enteringCommand = true doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].paused and 2 or 3 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) if config.doPauseClockAndTime then if instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].paused then instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].lastClock = os.clock() + instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].clockMod instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].lastTime = os.time() + instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].timeMod else instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].clockMod = instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].lastClock - os.clock() instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].timeMod = instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].lastTime - os.time() end end end end if keysDown[keys.left] then for i = 1, (not config.skipAcrossEmptyWorkspaces) and 1 or (focus[1] - gridMinX + 1) do if instances[focus[2]][focus[1] - i] then if keysDown[swapKey] then swapInstances(-i, 0) end focus[1] = focus[1] - i scroll[1] = scroll[1] + i keysDown[keys.left] = false break end end doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) enteringCommand = true end if keysDown[keys.right] then for i = 1, (not config.skipAcrossEmptyWorkspaces) and 1 or (gridWidth - focus[1]) do if instances[focus[2]][focus[1] + i] then if keysDown[swapKey] then swapInstances(i, 0) end focus[1] = focus[1] + i scroll[1] = scroll[1] - i keysDown[keys.right] = false break end end doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) enteringCommand = true end if keysDown[keys.up] then for i = 1, (not config.skipAcrossEmptyWorkspaces) and 1 or (focus[2] - gridMinY + 1) do if instances[focus[2] - i] then if instances[focus[2] - i][focus[1]] then if keysDown[swapKey] then swapInstances(0, -i) end focus[2] = focus[2] - i scroll[2] = scroll[2] + i keysDown[keys.up] = false break end end end doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) enteringCommand = true end if keysDown[keys.down] then for i = 1, (not config.skipAcrossEmptyWorkspaces) and 1 or (gridHeight - focus[2]) do if instances[focus[2] + i] then if instances[focus[2] + i][focus[1]] then if keysDown[swapKey] then swapInstances(0, i) end focus[2] = focus[2] + i scroll[2] = scroll[2] - i keysDown[keys.down] = false break end end end doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) enteringCommand = true end if keysDown[keys.w] then addWorkspace(0, -1) doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) keysDown[keys.w] = false gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end if keysDown[keys.s] then addWorkspace(0, 1) doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) keysDown[keys.s] = false gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end if keysDown[keys.a] then addWorkspace(-1, 0) doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) keysDown[keys.a] = false gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end if keysDown[keys.d] then addWorkspace(1, 0) doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) keysDown[keys.d] = false gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end if keysDown[keys.q] then doDrawWorkspaceIndicator = 1 wID = os.startTimer(workspaceIndicatorDuration) keysDown[keys.q] = false local good = false for m = 1, math.max(gridHeight - gridMinY + 1, gridWidth - gridMinX + 1) do for y = -1, 1 do for x = -1, 1 do if math.abs(x) + math.abs(y) == 1 then if instances[focus[2] + y * m] then if instances[focus[2] + y * m][focus[1] + x * m] then removeWorkspace(0, 0) focus = { focus[1] + x * m, focus[2] + y * m } scroll = { scroll[1] - x * m, scroll[2] - y * m } good = true break end end end end if good then break end end if good then break end end gridWidth, gridHeight, gridMinX, gridMinY = getMapSize() end end if not enteringCommand then oldFuncReplace.os.startTimer = os.startTimer oldFuncReplace.os.cancelTimer = os.cancelTimer if config.doPauseClockAndTime then oldFuncReplace.os.clock = os.clock oldFuncReplace.os.time = os.time end oldFuncReplace.os.queueEvent = os.queueEvent for y = gridMinY, gridHeight do if instances[y] then for x = gridMinX, gridWidth do if instances[y][x] then if justStarted or (checkIfCanRun(evt, x, y) and not (banTimerEvent and evt[1] == "timer")) then previousTerm = term.redirect(instances[y][x].window.handle) setInstanceSpecificFunctions(x, y) cSuccess, instances[y][x].eventFilter = coroutine.resume(instances[y][x].co, table.unpack(evt)) term.redirect(previousTerm) end if #instances[y][x].extraEvents ~= 0 then for i = 1, #instances[y][x].extraEvents do if checkIfCanRun(instances[y][x].extraEvents[i], x, y) then previousTerm = term.redirect(instances[y][x].window.handle) setInstanceSpecificFunctions(x, y) cSuccess, instances[y][x].eventFilter = coroutine.resume(instances[y][x].co, table.unpack(instances[y][x].extraEvents[i])) term.redirect(previousTerm) else break end end instances[y][x].extraEvents = {} end end end end end os.startTimer = oldFuncReplace.os.startTimer os.cancelTimer = oldFuncReplace.os.cancelTimer if config.doPauseClockAndTime then os.clock = oldFuncReplace.os.clock os.time = oldFuncReplace.os.time end os.queueEvent = oldFuncReplace.os.queueEvent end lddterm.selectedWindow = instances[focus[2]][focus[1]].window.layer lddterm.render() justStarted = false end end local function interpretArgs(tInput, tArgs) local output = {} local errors = {} local usedEntries = {} for aName, aType in pairs(tArgs) do output[aName] = false for i = 1, #tInput do if not usedEntries[i] then if tInput[i] == aName and not output[aName] then if aType then usedEntries[i] = true if type(tInput[i+1]) == aType or type(tonumber(tInput[i+1])) == aType then usedEntries[i+1] = true if aType == "number" then output[aName] = tonumber(tInput[i+1]) else output[aName] = tInput[i+1] end else output[aName] = nil errors[1] = errors[1] and (errors[1] + 1) or 1 errors[aName] = "expected " .. aType .. ", got " .. type(tInput[i+1]) end else usedEntries[i] = true output[aName] = true end end end end end for i = 1, #tInput do if not usedEntries[i] then output[#output+1] = tInput[i] end end return output, errors end local argData = { ["--help"] = false, ["-h"] = false, ["--config"] = false, ["-c"] = false } argList, argErrors = interpretArgs({...}, argData) if argList["--help"] or argList["-h"] then displayHelp() write("\n") return elseif argList["--config"] or argList["-c"] then shell.run("rom/programs/edit.lua", configPath) return end if _G.currentlyRunningWorkspace then print("Workspace is already running.") return else _G.currentlyRunningWorkspace = true end _G.instances = instances local result, message = pcall(main) _G.currentlyRunningWorkspace = false term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) if result then print("Thanks for using Workspace!") else print("There was an error, and Workspace had to stop.") print("The error goes as follows:\n") print(message) end