-- Turtle program that digs a rectangular area. local tArg = {...} local dx = tonumber(tArg[1]) local dy = tonumber(tArg[2]) local dz = tonumber(tArg[3]) if dy == 0 then dy = 1 end -- relative position, used for printing a graphic local pos = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, f = 0 } assert(dx, "Invalid X input.") assert(dy, "Invalid X input.") assert(dz, "Invalid X input.") -- done to offset the fact that the turtle occupies the rectangle it'll dig out, usually dz = dz - 1 local dig = function(direction) if direction == -1 then -- down while turtle.inspectDown() do turtle.digDown() end elseif direction == 1 then -- up while turtle.inspectUp() do turtle.digUp() end else -- forwards while turtle.inspect() do turtle.dig() end end end local move = function(direction) if direction == "up" then turtle.up() pos.y = pos.y + 1 elseif direction == "down" then turtle.down() pos.y = pos.y - 1 elseif direction == "forward" then turtle.forward() pos.x = pos.x + math.cos(math.rad(pos.f * 90)) elseif direction == "back" then turtle.forward() pos.x = pos.x - math.cos(math.rad(pos.f * 90)) elseif direction == "left" then turtle.turnLeft() pos.f = (pos.f - 1) % 4 elseif direction == "right" then turtle.turnRight() pos.f = (pos.f + 1) % 4 end end local UDdig = function(left, check, right, doNotDigForwards) if not doNotDigForwards then dig( 0 ) end if check > left then dig( -1 ) end if check < right then dig ( 1 ) end end local turn = function(dir, doDig, left, check, right) if dir then move( "right" ) if doDig then UDdig( left, check, right ) move( "forward" ) end move( "right" ) else move( "left" ) if doDig then UDdig( left, check, right ) move( "forward" ) end move( "left" ) end end local printData = function() local dirs = { [0] = "Forwards", [1] = "Right", [2] = "Backwards", [3] = "Left" } term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) write("Relative Pos.: (") write(pos.x .. ", ") write(pos.y .. ", ") print(pos.z .. ")") print("Relative dir.: " .. dirs[pos.f]) print("Fuel: " .. turtle.getFuelLevel()) end local doTurn = true if dy > 1 then dig( 1 ) move( "up" ) elseif dy < 1 then dig( -1 ) move( "down" ) end for y = (math.abs(dy) > 1 and 2 or 1), math.abs(dy) do if (y % 3 == 2) or (math.abs(dy) - y == 1) then for x = 1, dx do for z = 1, dz do UDdig(dy / math.abs(dy), y * (dy / math.abs(dy)), dy, false) move( "forward" ) UDdig(dy / math.abs(dy), y * (dy / math.abs(dy)), dy, true) printData() end turn(doTurn, x < dx, dy / math.abs(dy), y * (dy / math.abs(dy)), dy, false) printData() if x < dx then doTurn = not doTurn end end end if y ~= math.abs(dy) then if dy > 0 then dig( 1 ) move( "up" ) else dig( -1 ) move( "down" ) end printData() end end