--[[ Turtle Positioning System Use two turtles as an expensive and crappy GPS server! Use ALL the fuel! pastebin get PsTiQ5eu startup std PB PsTiQ5eu startup --]] local chestX = 0 -- fill this in! local chestY = 0 -- fill this in! local chestZ = 0 -- fill this in! local startx,starty,startz --if there isn't a file storing them startx = 0 starty = 64 startz = 0 local chest = true if not gps then -- I love error handling return printError("GPS API wasn't found. Are you using an older version of ComputerCraft?") else if type(gps) == "table" then if not (gps.locate) then return printError("gps.locate seems to be missing.") else if type(gps.locate) == "string" then return printError("Is this a joke? gps.locate is a string. This does not make sense.") elseif type(gps.locate) == "table" then return printError("What the... gps.locate is a table! Knock it off.") elseif type(gps.locate) == "number" then return printError("Eh? gps.locate is a number! This doesn't ADD UP!") end end end end local cfilename = ".coords" local tArg = {...} local modem = peripheral.find("modem") if not turtle then if pocket then return printError("Yo dipshit, pocket computers can't run TPS.") else return printError("Er. This is a turtle program, you know?") end end if not modem then local l = peripheral.wrap("right") local r = peripheral.wrap("left") if r and l then return printError("Dangit, you messed up! Craft a WIRELESS turtle!") else return printError("You need a wireless modem.") end end modem.open(gps.CHANNEL_GPS) local tew,tps local requests = 0 local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local fuels = { ["minecraft:coal"] = 80, ["minecraft:coal_block"] = 80*9, } local dro = function(input) return input % 4 end local fixNumber = function(num) return math.floor(num+0.5) end local getDist = function(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) return math.abs(x2-x1)+math.abs(y2-y1)+math.abs(z2-z1) end local directionNames = { [0] = "South", [1] = "West", [2] = "North", [3] = "East", } local dudes = {} local total local sendRequest = function() total = 0 for k,v in pairs(dudes) do if v > 0 then modem.transmit( k, gps.CHANNEL_GPS, { tew.x, tew.y, tew.z } ) dudes[k] = dudes[k] - 1 requests = requests + 1 total = total + 1 end end tew.lock = (total == 0) end local adjustCoords = function(dir, dist) if dir == -1 then tew.y = tew.y + 1 elseif dir == -2 then tew.y = tew.y - 1 else tew.x = fixNumber(tew.x - math.sin(math.rad(dir*90))) tew.z = fixNumber(tew.z + math.cos(math.rad(dir*90))) end tps(true) end local gotoCoords = function( gx, gy, gz ) if (gx == tew.x) and (gy == tew.y) and (gz == tew.z) then return end local cx,cy,cz = tew.x,tew.y,tew.z while (gx ~= tew.x) or (gy ~= tew.y) or (gz ~= tew.z) do for a = 1, math.abs(gy-cy) do if tew.y == gy then break end tew.lock = false if gy > cy then tew.up() else tew.down() end end if tew.x ~= gx then tew.lock = false tew.turn(3) for a = 1, math.abs(gx-cx) do if tew.x == gx then break end tew.lock = false if gx > cx then tew.forward() else tew.back() end end end if tew.z ~= gz then tew.lock = false tew.turn(0) for a = 1, math.abs(gz-cz) do if tew.z == gz then break end tew.lock = false if gz > cz then tew.forward() else tew.back() end end end end end local saveTheWhales = function() --HOPEFULLY the path is unobstructed by blocks local bC = { x = tew.x, y = tew.y, z = tew.z, direction = tew.direction, } gotoCoords(chestX,((chestY>bC.y) and (chestY-1) or (chestY+1)),chestZ) for a = 1, 16 do if turtle.inspectUp() then turtle.suckUp() elseif turtle.inspectDown() then turtle.suckDown() elseif turtle.inspect() then turtle.suck() end end gotoCoords(bC.x,bC.y,bC.z) tew.lock = false tew.turn(bC.direction) end local checkIfCanFuel = function() local currentSlot = turtle.getSelectedSlot() for a = 1, 16 do local item = turtle.getItemDetail(a) if item then if fuels[item.name] then return true end end end return false end local doRefuel = function() while true do local currentSlot = turtle.getSelectedSlot() for a = 1, 16 do local item = turtle.getItemDetail(a) if item then if fuels[item.name] then turtle.select(a) turtle.refuel(1) turtle.select(currentSlot) term.setCursorPos(1,scr_y) term.clearLine() return true end end end sleep(0) -- INSERT MORE FUEL! term.setCursorPos(1,scr_y) term.write("Insert more fuel!!") end return false end local handleFuel = function(chest) if type(turtle.getFuelLevel()) == "number" then if chest and (not checkIfCanFuel()) then local dist = getDist(tew.x,tew.y,tew.z,chestX,chestY,chestZ) if dist+10 > turtle.getFuelLevel() then -- gives me some leeway saveTheWhales() -- PANIC doRefuel() end end if turtle.getFuelLevel() == 0 then doRefuel() end else return true end end -- 'tew' is a reproduction of the turtle API, but tracked and written to a file located at cfilename (default: "/.coords") tew = { --already localized lock = false, direction = 0, x = startx, y = starty, z = startz, forward = function(dist,doFuelThing) local success, msg for a = 1, dist or 1 do if tew.lock then repeat sleep(0) until not tew.lock end handleFuel(doFuelThing) success, msg = turtle.forward() if success then adjustCoords(dro(tew.direction),1) --os.queueEvent("tew_move") sendRequest() else return success, msg end end return true end, back = function(dist,doFuelThing) local success, msg for a = 1, dist or 1 do if tew.lock then repeat sleep(0) until not tew.lock end handleFuel(doFuelThing) success, msg = turtle.back() if success then adjustCoords(dro(tew.direction+2),1) --os.queueEvent("tew_move") sendRequest() else return success, msg end end return true end, up = function(dist,doFuelThing) local success, msg for a = 1, dist or 1 do if tew.lock then repeat sleep(0) until not tew.lock end handleFuel(doFuelThing) success, msg = turtle.up() if success then adjustCoords(-1,1) --os.queueEvent("tew_move") sendRequest() else return success, msg end end return true end, down = function(dist,doFuelThing) local success, msg for a = 1, dist or 1 do if tew.lock then repeat sleep(0) until not tew.lock end handleFuel(doFuelThing) success, msg = turtle.down() if success then adjustCoords(-2,1) --os.queueEvent("tew_move") sendRequest() else return success, msg end end return true end, turnRight = function(times,doFuelThing) handleFuel(doFuelThing) for a = 1, times or 1 do if tew.lock then repeat sleep(0) until not tew.lock end turtle.turnRight() tew.direction = dro(tew.direction+1) tps(true) end return true end, turnLeft = function(times,doFuelThing) handleFuel(doFuelThing) for a = 1, times or 1 do if tew.lock then repeat sleep(0) until not tew.lock end turtle.turnRight() tew.direction = dro(tew.direction+1) tps(true) end return true end, turn = function(dir) if dir == tew.direction then return true end repeat tew.turnRight() until tew.direction == dir return true end } tps = function( doWrite ) if doWrite then local file = fs.open(cfilename,"w") file.write(tew.x.."\n"..tew.y.."\n"..tew.z.."\n"..tew.direction.."\n"..chestX.."\n"..chestY.."\n"..chestZ) file.close() else if not fs.exists(cfilename) then tps(true) end local file = fs.open(cfilename,"r") tew.x = tonumber(file.readLine()) tew.y = tonumber(file.readLine()) tew.z = tonumber(file.readLine()) tew.direction = tonumber(file.readLine()) chestX = tonumber(file.readLine()) chestY = tonumber(file.readLine()) chestZ = tonumber(file.readLine()) file.close() end end tps(false) tew.lock = true local doTurtleMove = function() while true do tew.forward( 1,true) tew.turnRight( 1,true) tew.forward( 1,true) tew.up( 1,true) tew.turnRight( 1,true) tew.forward( 1,true) tew.turnRight( 1,true) tew.forward( 1,true) tew.down( 1,true) tew.turnRight( 1,true) end end local handleRequests = function() --also handles manual exit local evt, side, chan, repchan, message, distance while true do evt, side, chan, repchan, message, distance = os.pullEvent() if evt == "modem_message" then if (chan == gps.CHANNEL_GPS) and (message == "PING") then dudes[repchan] = 4 --os.queueEvent("tew_receive") sendRequest() end elseif evt == "key" then if side == keys.x then return end end end end local getEvents = function(...) local evt while true do evt = {os.pullEvent()} for a = 1, #arg do if arg[a] == evt[1] then return unpack(evt) end end end end local colClearLine = function(col,y,char) local cbg,ctxt,cx,cy = term.getBackgroundColor(), term.getTextColor(), term.getCursorPos() local scr_x,scr_y = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(1,y or cy) term.setBackgroundColor(col or cbg) term.write((char or " "):rep(scr_x)) term.setBackgroundColor(cbg) term.setTextColor(ctxt) term.setCursorPos(cx,cy) end local prettyPrint = function(left,right) local ctxt = term.getTextColor() term.setTextColor(term.isColor() and colors.yellow or colors.lightGray) write(left) term.setTextColor(ctxt) print(right) end local displayData = function() while true do term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) colClearLine(colors.gray) prettyPrint("\nFuel: ",turtle.getFuelLevel()) prettyPrint("X/Y/Z: ",tew.x.."/"..tew.y.."/"..tew.z) prettyPrint("Direction: ",tew.direction.." ("..directionNames[tew.direction]..")") prettyPrint("Requests: ",requests) colClearLine(colors.gray) print("\nPress 'X' to exit.") sleep(0) end end local displayHelp = function() local data = [[ Turtle GPS System (TPS) by LDDestroier/EldidiStroyrr Place a chest down, and fill it with fuel. Place the turtle down (you did), and specify its own coordinates ('1') and the chest coordinates ('2'). Start!]] print(data) sleep(0.1) os.pullEvent("key") end local okaythen = false while not okaythen do term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) print() print("Push '1' to change coordinates...") print("Push '2' to change chest coordinates...") print("Push 'X' to cancel...") print("Push 'Spacebar' to start immediately...") local _x,_y = term.getCursorPos() local buttmode = 0 local res = parallel.waitForAny( function() while true do local _,char = os.pullEvent("char") if char:lower() == "1" then buttmode = 1 return elseif char:lower() == "2" then buttmode = 2 return elseif char:lower() == " " then okaythen = true return elseif char:lower() == "x" then buttmode = -1 return end end end, function() for a = 1, 3*10 do term.setCursorPos(_x,_y) term.write("Starting in "..(3-(a/10)).." seconds...") sleep(0.1) end end) if res == 1 then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) if buttmode == 1 then print("Turtle position input.") colClearLine(colors.white) write("\nX: ") tew.x = tonumber(read()) or tew.x write("Y: ") tew.y = tonumber(read()) or tew.y write("Z: ") tew.z = tonumber(read()) or tew.z print("Direction (F3 -> 'f'): ") for k,v in pairs(directionNames) do print(" "..k.." = '"..v.."'") end write(">") tew.direction = tonumber(read()) or tew.direction tps(true) elseif buttmode == 2 then print("Refuel Chest input.") colClearLine(colors.white) write("\nChest X: ") chestX = tonumber(read()) or chestX write("Chest Y: ") chestY = tonumber(read()) or chestY write("Chest Z: ") chestZ = tonumber(read()) or chestZ tps(true) elseif buttmode == -1 then print("Cancelled.") error() end else okaythen = true end end parallel.waitForAny( handleRequests, doTurtleMove, displayData ) term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y-2) print("Thank you for using TPS!") sleep(0)