local mainPath = ".sysmail" local yourID = os.getComputerID() local onlyUseWiredModems = true local defaultTimer = 3 local config = { channel = 1024, keyPath = fs.combine(mainPath, "keys"), mailPath = fs.combine(mainPath, "mail"), apiPath = fs.combine(mainPath, "api"), nameFile = fs.combine(mainPath, "names"), attachmentPath = "attachments" } local getTableLength = function(tbl) local output = 0 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do output = output + 1 end return output end -- used for picking attachments local lddfm = {scroll = 0, ypaths = {}} lddfm.scr_x, lddfm.scr_y = term.getSize() lddfm.setPalate = function(_p) if type(_p) ~= "table" then _p = {} end lddfm.p = { --the DEFAULT color palate bg = _p.bg or colors.gray, -- whole background color d_txt = _p.d_txt or colors.yellow, -- directory text color d_bg = _p.d_bg or colors.gray, -- directory bg color f_txt = _p.f_txt or colors.white, -- file text color f_bg = _p.f_bg or colors.gray, -- file bg color p_txt = _p.p_txt or colors.black, -- path text color p_bg = _p.p_bg or colors.lightGray, -- path bg color close_txt = _p.close_txt or colors.gray, -- close button text color close_bg = _p.close_bg or colors.lightGray,-- close button bg color scr = _p.scr or colors.lightGray, -- scrollbar color scrbar = _p.scrbar or colors.gray, -- scroll tab color } end lddfm.setPalate() lddfm.foldersOnTop = function(floop,path) local output = {} for a = 1, #floop do if fs.isDir(fs.combine(path,floop[a])) then table.insert(output,1,floop[a]) else table.insert(output,floop[a]) end end return output end lddfm.filterFileFolders = function(list,path,_noFiles,_noFolders,_noCD,_doHidden) local output = {} for a = 1, #list do local entry = fs.combine(path,list[a]) if fs.isDir(entry) then if entry == ".." then if not (_noCD or _noFolders) then table.insert(output,list[a]) end else if not ((not _doHidden) and list[a]:sub(1,1) == ".") then if not _noFolders then table.insert(output,list[a]) end end end else if not ((not _doHidden) and list[a]:sub(1,1) == ".") then if not _noFiles then table.insert(output,list[a]) end end end end return output end lddfm.isColor = function(col) for k,v in pairs(colors) do if v == col then return true, k end end return false end lddfm.clearLine = function(x1,x2,_y,_bg,_char) local cbg, bg = term.getBackgroundColor() local x,y = term.getCursorPos() local sx,sy = term.getSize() if type(_char) == "string" then char = _char else char = " " end if type(_bg) == "number" then if lddfm.isColor(_bg) then bg = _bg else bg = cbg end else bg = cbg end term.setCursorPos(x1 or 1, _y or y) term.setBackgroundColor(bg) if x2 then --it pains me to add an if statement to something as simple as this term.write((char or " "):rep(x2-x1)) else term.write((char or " "):rep(sx-(x1 or 0))) end term.setBackgroundColor(cbg) term.setCursorPos(x,y) end lddfm.render = function(_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2,_rlist,_path,_rscroll,_canClose,_scrbarY) local px,py = term.getCursorPos() local x1, x2, y1, y2 = _x1 or 1, _x2 or lddfm.scr_x, _y1 or 1, _y2 or lddfm.scr_y local rlist = _rlist or {"Invalid directory."} local path = _path or "And that's terrible." ypaths = {} local rscroll = _rscroll or 0 for a = y1, y2 do lddfm.clearLine(x1,x2,a,lddfm.p.bg) end term.setCursorPos(x1,y1) term.setTextColor(lddfm.p.p_txt) lddfm.clearLine(x1,x2+1,y1,lddfm.p.p_bg) term.setBackgroundColor(lddfm.p.p_bg) term.write(("/"..path):sub(1,x2-x1)) for a = 1,(y2-y1) do if rlist[a+rscroll] then term.setCursorPos(x1,a+(y1)) if fs.isDir(fs.combine(path,rlist[a+rscroll])) then lddfm.clearLine(x1,x2,a+(y1),lddfm.p.d_bg) term.setTextColor(lddfm.p.d_txt) term.setBackgroundColor(lddfm.p.d_bg) else lddfm.clearLine(x1,x2,a+(y1),lddfm.p.f_bg) term.setTextColor(lddfm.p.f_txt) term.setBackgroundColor(lddfm.p.f_bg) end term.write(rlist[a+rscroll]:sub(1,x2-x1)) ypaths[a+(y1)] = rlist[a+rscroll] else lddfm.clearLine(x1,x2,a+(y1),lddfm.p.bg) end end local scrbarY = _scrbarY or math.ceil( (y1+1)+( (_rscroll/(#_rlist-(y2-(y1+1))))*(y2-(y1+1)) ) ) for a = y1+1, y2 do term.setCursorPos(x2,a) if a == scrbarY then term.setBackgroundColor(lddfm.p.scrbar) else term.setBackgroundColor(lddfm.p.scr) end term.write(" ") end if _canClose then term.setCursorPos(x2-4,y1) term.setTextColor(lddfm.p.close_txt) term.setBackgroundColor(lddfm.p.close_bg) term.write("close") end term.setCursorPos(px,py) return scrbarY end lddfm.coolOutro = function(x1,y1,x2,y2,_bg,_txt,char) local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() local bg, txt = term.getBackgroundColor(), term.getTextColor() term.setTextColor(_txt or colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(_bg or colors.black) local _uwah = 0 for y = y1, y2 do for x = x1, x2 do _uwah = _uwah + 1 term.setCursorPos(x,y) term.write(char or " ") if _uwah >= math.ceil((x2-x1)*1.63) then sleep(0) _uwah = 0 end end end term.setTextColor(txt) term.setBackgroundColor(bg) term.setCursorPos(cx,cy) end lddfm.scrollMenu = function(amount,list,y1,y2) if #list >= y2-y1 then lddfm.scroll = lddfm.scroll + amount if lddfm.scroll < 0 then lddfm.scroll = 0 end if lddfm.scroll > #list-(y2-y1) then lddfm.scroll = #list-(y2-y1) end end end lddfm.makeMenu = function(_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2,_path,_noFiles,_noFolders,_noCD,_noSelectFolders,_doHidden,_p,_canClose) if _noFiles and _noFolders then return false, "C'mon, man..." end if _x1 == true then return false, "arguments: x1, y1, x2, y2, path, noFiles, noFolders, noCD, noSelectFolders, doHidden, palate, canClose" -- a little help end lddfm.setPalate(_p) local path, list = _path or "" lddfm.scroll = 0 local _pbg, _ptxt = term.getBackgroundColor(), term.getTextColor() local x1, x2, y1, y2 = _x1 or 1, _x2 or lddfm.scr_x, _y1 or 1, _y2 or lddfm.scr_y local keysDown = {} local _barrY while true do list = lddfm.foldersOnTop(lddfm.filterFileFolders(fs.list(path),path,_noFiles,_noFolders,_noCD,_doHidden),path) if (fs.getDir(path) ~= "..") and not (_noCD or _noFolders) then table.insert(list,1,"..") end _res, _barrY = pcall( function() return lddfm.render(x1,y1,x2,y2,list,path,lddfm.scroll,_canClose) end) if not _res then error(_barrY) end local evt = {os.pullEvent()} if evt[1] == "mouse_scroll" then lddfm.scrollMenu(evt[2],list,y1,y2) elseif evt[1] == "mouse_click" then local butt,mx,my = evt[2],evt[3],evt[4] if (butt == 1 and my == y1 and mx <= x2 and mx >= x2-4) and _canClose then --lddfm.coolOutro(x1,y1,x2,y2) term.setTextColor(_ptxt) term.setBackgroundColor(_pbg) return false elseif ypaths[my] and (mx >= x1 and mx < x2) then --x2 is reserved for the scrollbar, breh if fs.isDir(fs.combine(path,ypaths[my])) then if _noCD or butt == 3 then if not _noSelectFolders or _noFolders then --lddfm.coolOutro(x1,y1,x2,y2) term.setTextColor(_ptxt) term.setBackgroundColor(_pbg) return fs.combine(path,ypaths[my]) end else path = fs.combine(path,ypaths[my]) lddfm.scroll = 0 end else term.setTextColor(_ptxt) term.setBackgroundColor(_pbg) return fs.combine(path,ypaths[my]) end end elseif evt[1] == "key" then keysDown[evt[2]] = true if evt[2] == keys.enter and not (_noFolders or _noCD or _noSelectFolders) then --the logic for _noCD being you'd normally need to go back a directory to select the current directory. --lddfm.coolOutro(x1,y1,x2,y2) term.setTextColor(_ptxt) term.setBackgroundColor(_pbg) return path end if evt[2] == keys.up then lddfm.scrollMenu(-1,list,y1,y2) elseif evt[2] == keys.down then lddfm.scrollMenu(1,list,y1,y2) end if evt[2] == keys.pageUp then lddfm.scrollMenu(y1-y2,list,y1,y2) elseif evt[2] == keys.pageDown then lddfm.scrollMenu(y2-y1,list,y1,y2) end if evt[2] == keys.home then lddfm.scroll = 0 elseif evt[2] == keys["end"] then if #list > (y2-y1) then lddfm.scroll = #list-(y2-y1) end end if evt[2] == keys.h then if keysDown[keys.leftCtrl] or keysDown[keys.rightCtrl] then _doHidden = not _doHidden end elseif _canClose and (evt[2] == keys.x or evt[2] == keys.q or evt[2] == keys.leftCtrl) then --lddfm.coolOutro(x1,y1,x2,y2) term.setTextColor(_ptxt) term.setBackgroundColor(_pbg) return false end elseif evt[1] == "key_up" then keysDown[evt[2]] = false end end end local alphasort = function(tbl) table.sort(tbl, function(a,b) if type(a) == "table" then return string.lower(a.time) > string.lower(b.time) else return string.lower(a) > string.lower(b) end end) return tbl end local readFile = function(path) if fs.exists(path) then local file = fs.open(path, "r") local contents = file.readAll() file.close() return contents else return nil end end local writeFile = function(path, contents) if fs.isReadOnly(path) then return false else local file = fs.open(path, "w") file.write(contents) file.close() return true end end local keyList, names = {}, {} local makeKey = function(ID, key) return writeFile(fs.combine(config.keyPath, ID), key) end local getKey = function(ID) return readFile(fs.combine(config.keyPath, ID)) end local readNames = function() return textutils.unserialize(readFile(config.nameFile) or "{}") or {} end local writeNames = function(_names) return writeFile(config.nameFile, textutils.serialize(_names or names)) end -- keyList[id] = key -- names[id] = name -- get personal key file keyList[yourID] = "" if fs.exists(fs.combine(config.keyPath, tostring(yourID))) then keyList[yourID] = readFile(fs.combine(config.keyPath, tostring(yourID))) else for i = 1, 64 do keyList[yourID] = keyList[yourID] .. string.char(math.random(11, 255)) end writeFile(fs.combine(config.keyPath, tostring(yourID)), keyList[yourID]) end local getAllKeys = function() local list = fs.list(config.keyPath) local output = {} for i = 1, #list do if tonumber(list[i]) then output[tonumber(list[i])] = getKey(list[i]) end end return output end names = readNames() keyList = getAllKeys() local apiData = { ["aeslua"] = { path = "aeslua.lua", url = "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/SquidDev/86925e07cbabd70773e53d781bd8b2fe/raw/aeslua.lua", useLoadAPI = true, } } for name, data in pairs(apiData) do data.path = fs.combine(config.apiPath, data.path) if not fs.exists(data.path) then local net = http.get(data.url) if net then local file = fs.open(data.path, "w") file.write(net.readAll()) file.close() net.close() else error("Could not download " .. name) end end if data.useLoadAPI then local res = os.loadAPI(data.path) --error(res) else _ENV[name] = dofile(data.path) end end local function interpretArgs(tInput, tArgs) local output = {} local errors = {} local usedEntries = {} for aName, aType in pairs(tArgs) do output[aName] = false for i = 1, #tInput do if not usedEntries[i] then if tInput[i] == aName and not output[aName] then if aType then usedEntries[i] = true if type(tInput[i+1]) == aType or type(tonumber(tInput[i+1])) == aType then usedEntries[i+1] = true if aType == "number" then output[aName] = tonumber(tInput[i+1]) else output[aName] = tInput[i+1] end else output[aName] = nil errors[1] = errors[1] and (errors[1] + 1) or 1 errors[aName] = "expected " .. aType .. ", got " .. type(tInput[i+1]) end else usedEntries[i] = true output[aName] = true end end end end end for i = 1, #tInput do if not usedEntries[i] then output[#output+1] = tInput[i] end end return output, errors end local argList = { ["--server"] = false } local argData, argErrors = interpretArgs({...}, argList) local isServer = argData["--server"] local serverName = argData[1] or "server" if ccemux and (not peripheral.find("modem")) then ccemux.attach("top", "wireless_modem") end local modem local getModem = function(doNotPickWireless) local output, periphList for try = 1, 40 do periphList = peripheral.getNames() for i = 1, #periphList do if peripheral.getType(periphList[i]) == "modem" then output = peripheral.wrap(periphList[i]) if not (doNotPickWireless and output.isWireless()) then output.open(config.channel) return output end end end sleep(0.15) end error("No modems were found after 40 tries. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.") end -- allowed IDs local userIDs = {} -- all data recorded local DATA = {} local transmit = function(msg, msgID) modem = getModem(onlyUseWiredModems) modem.transmit(config.channel, config.channel, { msg = msg, encrypted = false, msgID = msgID }) end local encTransmit = function(msg, msgID, recipient, encID) modem = getModem(onlyUseWiredModems) local key = keyList[encID or recipient] if not key then error("You do not possess the key of the recipient.") else modem.transmit(config.channel, config.channel, { msg = aeslua.encrypt(key, textutils.serialize(msg)), encrypted = true, msgID = msgID, recipient = recipient }) end end local receive = function(msgID, specifyCommand, encID, timer) local evt, msg, tID if timer then tID = os.startTimer(timer) end modem = getModem() while true do evt = {os.pullEvent()} if evt[1] == "modem_message" then if type(evt[5]) == "table" then if evt[5].encrypted then if true then if encID then msg = aeslua.decrypt(keyList[encID], evt[5].msg) else for id, key in pairs(keyList) do if msg then break end if id ~= encID then msg = aeslua.decrypt(key, evt[5].msg) end end end if msg then msg = textutils.unserialize(msg) end end else msg = evt[5].msg end if (not msgID) or (evt[5].msgID == msgID) then if (not specifyCommand) or (msg.command == specifyCommand) then return msg, evt[5].encrypted, evt[5].msgID end end end elseif evt[1] == "timer" and evt[2] == tID then return nil, nil, nil end end end local getNameID = function(name) for k,v in pairs(names) do if v == name then return k end end return nil end local client = {} -- all client-specific commands local server = {} -- all server-specific commands ---- ---- ---- CLIENT COMMANDS ---- ---- ---- -- if you want a super duper secure network, manually enter the server ID into this client.findServer = function(srv) local msgID = math.random(1, 2^30) srv = type(srv) == "number" and srv or getNameID(srv) assert(tonumber(srv) or (not srv), "invalid server") transmit({ id = yourID, command = "find_server" }, msgID) local reply, isEncrypted = receive(msgID, "find_server_respond", srv, defaultTimer) if type(reply) == "table" then if reply.server then return reply.server end end return nil end -- Registers your ID to a name. client.register = function(srv, username) local msgID = math.random(1, 2^30) assert(srv, "register( server, username )") srv = type(srv) == "number" and srv or getNameID(srv) assert(srv, "invalid server") encTransmit({ id = yourID, command = "register", name = username }, msgID, srv, yourID) local reply, isEncrypted = receive(msgID, "register_respond", yourID, defaultTimer) if reply then return reply.result else return false end end -- Gets a list of all registered ID names client.getNames = function(srv) local msgID = math.random(1, 2^30) assert(srv, "getNames( server )") srv = type(srv) == "number" and srv or getNameID(srv) assert(srv, "invalid server") encTransmit({ id = yourID, command = "get_names" }, msgID, srv, yourID) local reply, isEncrypted = receive(msgID, "get_names_respond", yourID, defaultTimer) if type(reply) == "table" then return reply.names else return nil end end -- Sends an email to a recipient ID. client.sendMail = function(srv, recipient, subject, message, attachments) assert(srv, "sendMail( server, recipient, subject, message, attachments )") srv = type(srv) == "number" and srv or getNameID(srv) assert(srv, "invalid server") assert(type(subject) == "string", "invalid subject") assert(type(message) == "string", "invalid message") local msgID = math.random(1, 2^30) if type(recipient) == "string" then recipient = getNameID(recipient) end assert(recipient, "invalid recipient") encTransmit({ command = "send_mail", id = yourID, recipient = recipient, subject = subject, message = message, attachments = attachments }, msgID, srv, yourID) local reply, isEncrypted = receive(msgID, "send_mail_respond", yourID, defaultTimer) if (isEncrypted and type(reply) == "table") then return reply.result else return false end end client.getMail = function(srv) local msgID = math.random(1, 2^30) assert(srv, "getMail( server )") srv = type(srv) == "number" and srv or getNameID(srv) assert(srv, "invalid server") encTransmit({ command = "get_mail", id = yourID, }, msgID, srv, yourID) local reply, isEncrypted = receive(msgID, "get_mail_respond", yourID, defaultTimer) if (isEncrypted and type(reply) == "table") then if reply.mail then return alphasort(reply.mail) end end end client.deleteMail = function(srv, mail) local msgID = math.random(1, 2^30) assert(srv, "deleteMail( server, mailEntryNumber )") srv = type(srv) == "number" and srv or getNameID(srv) assert(srv, "invalid server") assert(type(mail) == "number", "invalid mail entry") encTransmit({ command = "delete_mail", id = yourID, mail = mail, }, msgID, srv, yourID) local reply, isEncrypted = receive(msgID, "delete_mail_respond", yourID, defaultTimer) if (isEncrypted and type(reply) == "table") then return reply.result else return false end end ---- ---- ---- SERVER COMMANDS ---- ---- ---- -- check whether or not a name is valid to be used server.checkValidName = function(name) if type(name) == "string" then if #name >= 3 or #name <= 24 then return true end end return false end -- check whether or not an ID is registered server.checkRegister = function(id) -- I make the code this stupid looking in case I add other stipulations if names[id] or getNameID(names[id]) then return true else return false end end server.registerID = function(id, name) local path = fs.combine(config.mailPath, tostring(id)) if ((not server.checkRegister(name)) or getNameID(name) == id) then fs.makeDir(path) names[id] = name writeNames() return true, names[id] else return false, "name already exists" end end -- records a full email to file server.recordMail = function(sender, _recipient, subject, message, attachments) local time = os.epoch("utc") local recipient if _recipient == "*" then recipient = fs.list(config.mailPath) elseif type(_recipient) ~= "table" then recipient = {tostring(_recipient)} end local msg = textutils.serialize({ sender = sender, time = time, read = false, subject = subject, message = message, attachments = attachments }) local requiredSpace = #msg + 2 if fs.getFreeSpace(config.mailPath) < requiredSpace then return false, "Cannot write mail, not enough space!" end local path, file for i = 1, #recipient do server.registerID(recipient[i]) path = fs.combine(config.mailPath, recipient[i]) file = fs.open(fs.combine(path, tostring(time)), "w") file.write(msg) file.close() end return true end -- returns every email in an ID's inbox server.getMail = function(id) local output, list = {}, {} local mails = fs.list(fs.combine(config.mailPath, tostring(id))) local file for k,v in pairs(mails) do list[v] = k end for k,v in pairs(list) do file = fs.open(fs.combine(config.mailPath, "/" .. id .. "/" .. k), "r") if file then output[#output + 1] = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll()) file.close() end end return output end server.deleteMail = function(id, del) local mails = alphasort( fs.list(fs.combine(config.mailPath, tostring(id))) ) if mails[del] then fs.delete(fs.combine(config.mailPath, tostring(id) .. "/" .. mails[del])) return true else return false end end server.setName = function(newName) if server.checkValidName(newName) then names[yourID] = newName end end -- receives messages and sends the appropriate response server.makeServer = function(verbose) local msg, isEncrypted, msgID local say = function(text, id) if verbose then return print(text .. (id and (" (" .. id .. ")") or "")) end end if verbose then term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1) print("Make sure client keys are copied to key folder!") end say("SysMail server started.") while true do msg, isEncrypted, msgID = receive(nil, nil, nil, 5) if not msg then keyList = getAllKeys() else if not isEncrypted then if msg.command == "find_server" then transmit({ command = msg.command .. "_respond", server = yourID, }, msgID, msg.id, yourID) say("find_server") end elseif type(msg.id) == "number" and type(msg.command) == "string" then if msg.command == "register" then if ( type(msg.id) == "number" and type(msg.name) == "string" ) then local reply local result, name = server.registerID(msg.id, msg.name) if result then reply = { command = msg.command .. "_respond", result = result, name = name, } say("user " .. tostring(msg.id) .. " registered as " .. name) else reply = { command = msg.command .. "_respond", result = result, } say("user " .. tostring(msg.id) .. " failed to register as " .. tostring(msg.name) .. ": " .. name) end encTransmit(reply, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) end elseif not server.checkRegister(msg.id) then encTransmit({ command = msg.command .. "_respond", result = false, errorMsg = "not registered" }, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) say("unregistered user attempt to use") else -- all the real nice stuff if msg.command == "find_server" then encTransmit({ command = msg.command .. "_respond", server = yourID, result = true }, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) say("find_server (aes)") elseif msg.command == "get_names" then encTransmit({ command = msg.command .. "_respond", names = names, result = true, }, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) say("get_names", msg.id) elseif msg.command == "send_mail" then if ( msg.recipient and type(msg.subject) == "string" and type(msg.message) == "string" ) then local reply = { command = msg.command .. "_respond", result = server.recordMail(msg.id, msg.recipient, msg.subject, msg.message, msg.attachments) } encTransmit(reply, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) say("send_mail", msg.id) end elseif msg.command == "get_mail" then local mail = server.getMail(msg.id) local reply = { command = msg.command .. "_respond", result = true, mail = mail, } encTransmit(reply, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) say("get_mail", msg.id) elseif msg.command == "delete_mail" then local result = false if type(msg.mail) == "number" then result = server.deleteMail(msg.id, msg.mail, yourID) end encTransmit({ command = msg.command .. "_respond", result = result, }, msgID, msg.id, msg.id) say("delete_mail", msg.id) end end end end end end local clientInterface = function(srv) local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local inbox = {} local refresh = function() inbox = client.getMail(srv) end local cwrite = function(text, y) local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(scr_x / 2 - (#text - 1) / 2, y or cy) term.write(text) end local explode = function(div, str, replstr, includeDiv) if (div == '') then return false end local pos, arr = 0, {} for st, sp in function() return string.find(str, div, pos, false) end do table.insert(arr, string.sub(replstr or str, pos, st - 1 + (includeDiv and #div or 0))) pos = sp + 1 end table.insert(arr, string.sub(replstr or str, pos)) return arr end local dialogueBox = function(msg, timeout) local height = 7 local baseY = scr_y / 2 - height / 2 term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) for y = 1, height do term.setCursorPos(1, (scr_y / 2) - (baseY / 2) + (y - 1)) term.clearLine() end cwrite(("="):rep(scr_x), baseY) cwrite(msg, baseY + height / 2) cwrite(("="):rep(scr_x), baseY + height - 1) local evt local tID = os.startTimer(timeout or 2) repeat evt = {os.pullEvent()} until (evt[1] == "key") or (evt[1] == "timer" and evt[2] == tID) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) end srv = srv or tonumber( client.findServer(argData[1]) ) if not srv then error("No server was found!") end if not names[yourID] then term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.clear() local attempt cwrite("Enter your name:", 3) while true do term.setCursorPos(2, 5) term.write(":") attempt = read() if server.checkValidName(attempt) then names[yourID] = attempt writeNames() break else term.clear() cwrite("Bad name! Enter your name:", 3) end end end client.register(srv, names[yourID]) for k,v in pairs(client.getNames(srv) or {}) do names[k] = v end refresh() local keyWrite = function(text, pos) local txcol = term.getTextColor() term.write(text:sub(1, pos - 1)) term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) term.write(text:sub(pos, pos)) term.setTextColor(txcol) term.write(text:sub(pos + 1)) end local writeHeader = function(left, right, y) if y then term.setCursorPos(1, y) end term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) term.write(left) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.write(" " .. right) end local area_inbox = function() local scroll = 0 local render = function(scroll) local y = 1 term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clear() for i = 1 + scroll, scroll + scr_y - 1 do if inbox[i] then term.setCursorPos(1, y) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.write(names[inbox[i].sender]:sub(1, 10)) term.setCursorPos(11, y) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.write(inbox[i].subject:sub(1, 18)) term.setCursorPos(30, y) term.setTextColor(colors.gray) term.write(inbox[i].message:sub(1, scr_x - 30)) end y = y + 1 end term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) term.clearLine() term.setTextColor(colors.white) --term.write(names[yourID] .. ": ") keyWrite("Quit ", 1) keyWrite("New ", 1) keyWrite("Refresh ", 1) term.setCursorPos(scr_x - #names[yourID], scr_y) term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) term.write(names[yourID]) end -- logic(k) local barCommands = { [keys.q] = {1, scr_y, 4}, [keys.n] = {6, scr_y, 3}, [keys.r] = {10, scr_y, 7}, } local evt, key, mx, my local adjY -- mouse Y adjusted for scroll while true do render(scroll) inbox = alphasort(inbox) evt, key, mx, my = os.pullEvent() if evt == "mouse_click" then adjY = my + scroll if inbox[adjY] then return "view_mail", {adjY} else for key, data in pairs(barCommands) do if my == data[2] and mx >= data[1] and mx <= data[1] + data[3] - 1 then os.queueEvent("key", key) break end end end elseif evt == "mouse_scroll" then scroll = math.max(0, scroll + key) elseif evt == "key" then if key == keys.n then return "new_mail" elseif key == keys.r then return "refresh" elseif key == keys.q then return "exit" end end end end local niftyRead = function(prebuffer, startX, startY, startCursorMX, startCursorMY, allowEnter, maxLines, maxLength, history) local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() local histPos = 0 startX, startY = startX or cx, startY or cy local buffer = {{}} local unassemble = function(pBuffer) local output = {{""}} local y = 1 local x = 1 for i = 1, #pBuffer do if pBuffer:sub(i,i) == "\n" then x = 1 y = y + 1 output[y] = {""} else output[y][x] = pBuffer:sub(i,i) x = x + 1 end end return output end if prebuffer then buffer = unassemble(prebuffer) end local curY = startCursorMY and math.max(1, math.min(startCursorMY - (startY - 1), #buffer)) or 1 local curX = startCursorMX and math.max(1, math.min(startCursorMX - (startX - 1), #buffer[curY])) or 1 local biggestHeight = math.max(1, #buffer) local getLength = function() local output = 0 for ln = 1, #buffer do output = output + #buffer[ln] if ln ~= #buffer then -- account for newline chars output = output + 1 end end return output end local render = function() for y = startY, startY + (biggestHeight - 1) do term.setCursorPos(startX, y) term.write((" "):rep(maxLength)) end term.setCursorPos(startX, startY) local words local x = startX local y = startY for ln = 1, #buffer do words = explode(" ", table.concat(buffer[ln]), nil, true) for i = 1, #words do if x + #words[i] > scr_x and y < maxLines then x = startX y = y + 1 end term.setCursorPos(x, y) term.write(words[i]) x = x + #words[i] end term.write(" ") if ln ~= #buffer then y = y + 1 x = startX end end term.setCursorPos(curX + startX - 1, curY + startY - 1) biggestHeight = math.max(#buffer, biggestHeight) end local assemble = function(buffer) local output = "" for ln = 1, #buffer do output = output .. table.concat(buffer[ln]) if ln ~= #buffer then output = output .. "\n" end end return output end if history then history[0] = assemble(buffer) end local evt, key, mx, my local keysDown = {} term.setCursorBlink(true) while true do render() evt, key, mx, my = os.pullEvent() if evt == "char" then if getLength() < maxLength then table.insert(buffer[curY], curX, key) curX = curX + 1 if histPos == 0 and history then history[histPos] = assemble(buffer) end end elseif evt == "key_up" then keysDown[key] = nil elseif evt == "mouse_click" then if key == 1 then if my - (startY - 1) > maxLines or my < startY then term.setCursorBlink(false) return assemble(buffer), "mouse_click", mx, my else curY = math.max(1, math.min(my - (startY - 1), #buffer)) curX = math.max(1, math.min(mx - (startX - 1), #buffer[curY])) end end elseif evt == "key" then keysDown[key] = true if key == keys.left then if curX == 1 then if curY > 1 then curY = curY - 1 curX = #buffer[curY] + 1 end elseif curX > 1 then curX = curX - 1 end elseif key == keys.right then if curX == #buffer[curY] + 1 then if curY < #buffer then curY = curY + 1 curX = 1 end elseif curX < #buffer[curY] then curX = curX + 1 end elseif key == keys.up then if history then if histPos < #history then histPos = histPos + 1 buffer = unassemble(history[histPos]) curY = #buffer curX = #buffer[curY] + 1 end else if curY > 1 then curY = curY - 1 curX = math.min(curX, #buffer[curY] + 1) else curX = 1 end end elseif key == keys.down then if history then if histPos > 0 then histPos = histPos - 1 buffer = unassemble(history[histPos]) curY = #buffer curX = #buffer[curY] + 1 end else if curY < #buffer then curY = curY + 1 curX = math.min(curX, #buffer[curY] + 1) else curX = #buffer[curY] + 1 end end elseif key == keys.enter then if allowEnter and not (keysDown[keys.leftAlt] or keysDown[keys.rightAlt]) and #buffer < maxLines then curY = curY + 1 table.insert(buffer, curY, {}) for i = curX, #buffer[curY - 1] do buffer[curY][#buffer[curY] + 1] = buffer[curY - 1][i] buffer[curY - 1][i] = nil end curX = 1 else term.setCursorBlink(false) return assemble(buffer), "key", keys.enter end elseif key == keys.tab or (key == keys.q and (keysDown[keys.leftAlt] or keysDown[keys.rightAlt])) then term.setCursorBlink(false) return assemble(buffer), "key", key elseif key == keys.backspace then if curX > 1 then table.remove(buffer[curY], curX - 1) curX = curX - 1 elseif curY > 1 then curX = #buffer[curY - 1] + 1 for i = 1, #buffer[curY] do buffer[curY - 1][#buffer[curY - 1] + 1] = buffer[curY][i] end table.remove(buffer, curY) curY = curY - 1 end elseif key == keys.delete then if buffer[curY][curX] then table.remove(buffer[curY], curX) end end end end end local area_new_mail = function(recipient, subject, message) recipient = recipient or "" subject = subject or "" message = message or "" local attachments = {} sleep(0.05) local mode = "recipient" render = function() term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clear() writeHeader("To:", recipient, 1) writeHeader("Subject:", subject, 2) writeHeader("Attachments:", "", 3) for name, contents in pairs(attachments) do term.write(name .. " ") end term.setCursorPos(1, 4) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) term.clearLine() cwrite("(Alt+Enter = SEND, Alt+Q = QUIT)") term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) if mode ~= "message" then term.setCursorPos(1, 5) write(message) end end local mx, my, evt = 1, 1 local _mx, _my, userList while true do render() if mode == "message" then message, evt, _mx, _my = niftyRead(message, 1, 5, mx, my, true, 16, 512) elseif mode == "subject" then subject, evt, _mx, _my = niftyRead(subject, 10, 2, mx, 1, false, 1, 64) elseif mode == "recipient" then names = client.getNames(srv) or names userList = {} for k,v in pairs(names) do userList[#userList + 1] = v end recipient, evt, _mx, _my = niftyRead(recipient, 5, 1, mx, 1, false, 1, 24, userList) end if evt == "mouse_click" then mx, my = _mx, _my if my == 1 then mode = "recipient" elseif my == 2 then mode = "subject" elseif my == 3 then local newAttachment = lddfm.makeMenu(1, 4, scr_x, scr_y, "", false, false, false, true, false, nil, true) if newAttachment then local name = fs.getName(newAttachment) if attachments[name] then attachments[name] = nil else attachments[name] = readFile(newAttachment) end end elseif my >= 5 then mode = "message" end elseif evt == "key" then if _mx == keys.enter or _mx == keys.tab then if mode == "recipient" then mode = "subject" elseif mode == "subject" then mode = "message" elseif mode == "message" and _mx == keys.enter then local recip names = client.getNames(srv) or names if tonumber(recipient) then recip = tonumber(recipient) if not names[recip] then recip = nil end else recip = getNameID(recipient) end if recip then client.sendMail(srv, recip, subject, message, attachments) dialogueBox("Message sent!") refresh() return else dialogueBox("There's no such recipient.") end end elseif _mx == keys.q then return end end end niftyRead(nil, 1, 1, nil, true) end local area_view_mail = function(mailEntry) local scroll = 0 local mail = inbox[mailEntry] local render = function(scroll) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) term.clear() local y writeHeader("From:", names[mail.sender], 1) writeHeader("Subject:", mail.subject, 2) if getTableLength(mail.attachments) > 0 then writeHeader("Attachments:","",3) for name, contents in pairs(mail.attachments) do term.write(name .. " ") end y = 5 else y = 4 end term.setTextColor(colors.gray) term.setCursorPos(1, y - 1) term.write(("="):rep(scr_x)) term.setTextColor(colors.white) local words = {} local lines = explode("\n", mail.message, nil, true) for i = 1, #lines do local inWords = explode(" ", lines[i], nil, true) for ii = 1, #inWords do words[#words+1] = inWords[ii] end if i ~= #lines then words[#words+1] = "\n" end end local buffer = {""} for i = 1, #words do if words[i] == "\n" then buffer[#buffer+1] = "" elseif #buffer[#buffer] + #words[i] > scr_x then buffer[#buffer+1] = words[i] else buffer[#buffer] = buffer[#buffer] .. words[i] end end for i = scroll + 1, scroll + scr_y - y do if buffer[i] then term.setCursorPos(1, y) term.write(buffer[i]) end y = y + 1 end term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.clearLine() keyWrite("Quit ", 1) keyWrite("Reply ", 1) if getTableLength(mail.attachments) > 0 then keyWrite("DL.Attachments ", 4) end keyWrite("Delete ", 1) end local downloadAttachments = function() local path = fs.combine(config.attachmentPath, names[mail.sender]) for name, contents in pairs(mail.attachments) do writeFile(fs.combine(path, name), contents) end return path end local barCommands = { [keys.q] = {1, scr_y, 4}, [keys.r] = {6, scr_y, 5}, } if getTableLength(mail.attachments) > 0 then barCommands[keys.a] = {12, scr_y, 14} barCommands[keys.d] = {27, scr_y, 6} else barCommands[keys.d] = {12, scr_y, 6} end local evt, key, mx, my while true do render(scroll) evt, key, mx, my = os.pullEvent() if evt == "key" then if key == keys.r then area_new_mail(names[mail.sender], "Re: " .. mail.subject, "\n\n~~~\nAt UTC epoch " .. mail.time .. ", " .. names[mail.sender] .. " wrote:\n\n" .. mail.message) elseif key == keys.d then client.deleteMail(srv, mailEntry) refresh() return elseif key == keys.a and getTableLength(mail.attachments) > 0 then local path = downloadAttachments() dialogueBox("DL'd to '" .. path .. "/'") elseif key == keys.q then return "exit" end elseif evt == "mouse_click" then if my == 3 and getTableLength(mail.attachments) > 0 then local path = downloadAttachments() dialogueBox("DL'd to '" .. path .. "/'") else for key, data in pairs(barCommands) do if my == data[2] and mx >= data[1] and mx <= data[1] + data[3] - 1 then os.queueEvent("key", key) break end end end elseif evt == "mouse_scroll" then scroll = math.max(0, scroll + key) end end end local res, output while true do res, output = area_inbox() if res == "exit" then term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clearLine() sleep(0.05) return elseif res == "refresh" then refresh() elseif res == "view_mail" then area_view_mail(table.unpack(output or {})) elseif res == "new_mail" then area_new_mail(table.unpack(output or {})) end end end if isServer then names[yourID] = names[yourID] or serverName writeNames() server.makeServer(true) elseif shell then clientInterface() end return {client = client, server = server}