local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() local midX, midY = .5 * scr_x, .5 * scr_y local origTX, origBG = term.getTextColor(), term.getBackgroundColor() local sleepDelay = 0.05 local board = {} -- connect 4 board; formatted like board[y][x] local block = {} -- bottom blockage; formatted like block[x] local waiting = false local boardX, boardY = 7, 6 -- size of board local palette = { bg = colors.black, -- color of backdrop board = colors.white, -- color of board txt = colors.white -- color of text } local tiles = { ["bl"] = palette.bg, -- blank space ["P1"] = colors.red, -- player 1 ["P2"] = colors.blue -- player 2 } local you = "P1" local nou = "P2" local cwrite = function(text, y) local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(midX - math.floor(#text / 2), y or cy) term.write(text) end local cblit = function(char, text, back, y) local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos(midX - math.floor(#text / 2), y or cy) term.blit(char, text, back) end local resetBoard = function() board = {} for y = 1, boardY do board[y] = {} for x = 1, boardX do board[y][x] = {"bl", 0} -- owner, half-in mod end end for x = 1, boardX do block[x] = true end end local addPiece = function(owner, x) if board[1][x][1] == "bl" then board[1][x] = {owner, 0, x, -1} return true else return false end end local moveTilesDown = function() local settled = true -- allows for animated falling tiles for y = boardY, 1, -1 do for x = 1, boardX do if board[y][x][1] ~= "bl" then if board[y][x][2] == -1 then board[y][x][2] = 0 settled = false elseif (y + 1 <= boardY) then if board[y + 1][x][1] == "bl" then if board[y][x][2] == 0 then board[y][x][2] = 1 settled = false elseif board[y][x][2] == 1 then board[y + 1][x] = {board[y][x][1], -1, x, y + 1} board[y][x] = {"bl", 0, x, y} settled = false end end elseif not block[x] then if board[y][x][2] == 0 then board[y][x][2] = 1 settled = false else board[y][x] = {"bl", 0, x, y} end end end end end return settled end resetBoard() local tileChar = { { "\131\148", "\143\133", }, { "10", "00", }, { "01", "11", } } local to_blit = { [0] = " ", [colors.white] = "0", [colors.orange] = "1", [colors.magenta] = "2", [colors.lightBlue] = "3", [colors.yellow] = "4", [colors.lime] = "5", [colors.pink] = "6", [colors.gray] = "7", [colors.lightGray] = "8", [colors.cyan] = "9", [colors.purple] = "a", [colors.blue] = "b", [colors.brown] = "c", [colors.green] = "d", [colors.red] = "e", [colors.black] = "f", } term.setBackgroundColor(palette.bg) term.clear() local checkIfWinner = function() local conditions = {} local winLength = 4 -- check horizontal for y = 1, boardY do for x = 1, boardX - winLength + 1 do conditions[#conditions+1] = { board[y][x+0], board[y][x+1], board[y][x+2], board[y][x+3] } end end -- check vertical for y = 1, boardY - winLength + 1 do for x = 1, boardX do conditions[#conditions+1] = { board[y+0][x], board[y+1][x], board[y+2][x], board[y+3][x] } end end -- check diagonals for y = 1, boardY - winLength + 1 do for x = 1, boardX - winLength + 1 do conditions[#conditions+1] = { board[y+3][x+0], board[y+2][x+1], board[y+1][x+2], board[y+0][x+3] } conditions[#conditions+1] = { board[y+0][x+0], board[y+1][x+1], board[y+2][x+2], board[y+3][x+3] } end end local winner, check for set = 1, #conditions do winner = true check = conditions[set][1][1] for piece = 2, #conditions[set] do if conditions[set][piece][1] == "bl" or conditions[set][piece][1] ~= check then winner = false break end end if winner then return conditions[set][1][1], conditions[set] end end return false end local renderBoard = function() local tileColRep = { ["1"] = to_blit[palette.board] } local cx, cy for y = 1, boardY + 1 do if y == boardY + 1 then term.setTextColor(palette.txt) for x = 1, boardX do term.setCursorPos(midX - (boardX) + (x - 1) * #tileChar[1][1], 4) term.write(x) end cwrite("SPACE to clear", scr_y) else for ymod = 1, #tileChar[1] do for x = 0, boardX do cx = x * #tileChar[1][1] + (midX - boardX) - 2 cy = y * #tileChar[1] + ymod + (midY - boardY) - 1 if x == 0 then term.setCursorPos(cx + 1, cy) term.blit("\149", to_blit[palette.bg], to_blit[palette.board]) else term.setCursorPos(cx, cy) if (board[y][x][2] == 0) or (board[y][x][2] == -1 and ymod == 1) or (board[y][x][2] == 1 and ymod == 2) then tileColRep["0"] = to_blit[tiles[ board[y][x][1] ]] elseif board[y][x][2] == 2 then tileColRep["0"] = to_blit[palette.board] else tileColRep["0"] = to_blit[tiles["bl"]] end term.blit( tileChar[1][ymod], tileChar[2][ymod]:gsub(".", tileColRep), tileChar[3][ymod]:gsub(".", tileColRep) ) end end end end end end local getInput = function() local evt while true do evt = {os.pullEvent()} if evt[1] == "char" then if tonumber(evt[2]) then if tonumber(evt[2]) >= 1 and tonumber(evt[2]) <= boardX then if not waiting then addPiece(you, tonumber(evt[2])) you, nou = nou, you waiting = true end end end if evt[2] == " " then os.queueEvent("clear_board") for y = 1, boardY do for x = 1, boardX do board[y][x][2] = 0 end end for x = 1, boardX do block[x] = false sleep(0.05) end you, nou = "P1", "P2" sleep(1) for x = 1, boardX do block[x] = true end elseif evt[2] == "q" then return "exit" end end end end local main = function() local winner, winPieces while true do renderBoard() while not moveTilesDown() do sleep(sleepDelay) renderBoard() end winner, winPieces = checkIfWinner() term.setTextColor(palette.txt) if winner then term.setCursorPos(1,1) term.clearLine() cblit( "Winner: " .. winner, to_blit[palette.txt]:rep(8) .. to_blit[tiles[winner]]:rep(#winner), to_blit[palette.bg]:rep(8 + #winner), 1 ) parallel.waitForAny(function() while true do for p = 1, #winPieces do board[winPieces[p][4]][winPieces[p][3]][2] = 0 end renderBoard() sleep(0.3) for p = 1, #winPieces do board[winPieces[p][4]][winPieces[p][3]][2] = 2 end renderBoard() sleep(0.2) end end, function() local evt repeat evt = {os.pullEvent()} until evt[1] == "clear_board" end) else term.setCursorPos(1,1) term.clearLine() waiting = false cblit( "It's " .. you .. "'s turn.", to_blit[palette.txt]:rep(5) .. to_blit[tiles[you]]:rep(#you) .. to_blit[palette.txt]:rep(8), to_blit[palette.bg]:rep(13 + #you), 1 ) end sleep(sleepDelay) end end parallel.waitForAny(main, getInput) cwrite("Thanks for playing!", 1) term.setCursorPos(1, scr_y) term.clearLine()