local getAPI = function(apiname, apipath, apiurl, doDoFile, doScroll) apipath = fs.combine(".roterm-api", apipath) if (not fs.exists(apipath)) then if doScroll then term.scroll(1) end print(apiname .. " API not found! Downloading...") local prog = http.get(apiurl) if not prog then if doScroll then term.scroll(1) end error("Failed to download " .. apiname .. " API. Abort.") term.setCursorPos(1,1) return end local file = fs.open(apipath,"w") file.write(prog.readAll()) file.close() end if doDoFile then return dofile(apipath) else os.loadAPI(apipath) end if not _ENV[fs.getName(apipath)] then if doScroll then term.scroll(1) end error("Failed to load " .. apiname .. " API. Abort.") term.setCursorPos(1,1) return else return _ENV[fs.getName(apipath)] end end local nfte = getAPI("NFT Extra", "nfte.lua", "https://github.com/LDDestroier/NFT-Extra/raw/master/nfte.lua", true) local lddterm = getAPI("LDDTerm", "lddterm.lua", "https://github.com/LDDestroier/CC/raw/master/lddterm-cc.lua", true) local scr_x, scr_y = term.getSize() lddterm.alwaysRender = false lddterm.baseTerm = term.current() local win = lddterm.newWindow(scr_x, scr_y, 1, 1) local t = win.handle local angle = 0 term.redirect(t) lddterm.transformation = function(image) local output, adjX, adjY = nfte.rotateImage(image, math.rad(angle)) return output end lddterm.drawFunction = function(image, baseTerm) baseTerm.clear() nfte.drawImageCenter(image, nil, nil, baseTerm) end lddterm.cursorTransformation = function(x, y) local originX = math.floor(scr_x / 2) local originY = math.floor(scr_y / 2) local ang = math.rad(angle) return math.floor( 0.5 + (x-originX) * math.cos(ang) - (y-originY) * math.sin(ang) ) + originX, math.floor( 0.5 + (x-originX) * math.sin(ang) + (y-originY) * math.cos(ang) ) + originY end parallel.waitForAny( function() shell.run("/rom/programs/shell.lua") end, function() local evt local tID = os.startTimer(0.05) while true do evt = {os.pullEvent()} if evt[1] == "key" then if evt[2] == keys.pageDown then angle = (angle + 2) % 360 lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) elseif evt[2] == keys.pageUp then angle = (angle - 2) % 360 lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) end elseif evt[1] == "timer" then if evt[2] == tID then lddterm.render(lddterm.transformation, lddterm.drawFunction) tID = os.startTimer(0.05) end end end end )