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synced 2024-12-01 04:19:55 +00:00
383 lines
14 KiB
383 lines
14 KiB
#include <gst/datatypes.h>
#include <gst/vm.h>
#include <gst/values.h>
#include <gst/ds.h>
#include <gst/util.h>
* Data format
* State is encoded as a string of unsigned bytes.
* Types:
* Byte 0 to 200: small integer byte - 100
* Byte 201: Nil
* Byte 202: True
* Byte 203: False
* Byte 204: Number - double format
* Byte 205: String - [u32 length]*[u8... characters]
* Byte 206: Symbol - [u32 length]*[u8... characters]
* Byte 207: Buffer - [u32 length]*[u8... characters]
* Byte 208: Array - [u32 length]*[value... elements]
* Byte 209: Tuple - [u32 length]*[value... elements]
* Byte 210: Thread - [u8 state][u32 frames]*[[value callee][value env]
* [u32 pcoffset][u32 erroffset][u16 ret][u16 errloc][u16 size]*[value ...stack]
* Byte 211: Object - [value meta][u32 length]*2*[value... kvs]
* Byte 212: FuncDef - [u32 locals][u32 arity][u32 flags][u32 literallen]*[value...
* literals][u32 bytecodelen]*[u16... bytecode]
* Byte 213: FunEnv - [value thread][u32 length]*[value ...upvalues]
* (upvalues is not read if thread is a thread object)
* Byte 214: Func - [value parent][value def][value env]
* (nil values indicate empty)
* Byte 215: LUdata - [value meta][u32 length]*[u8... bytes]
* Byte 216: CFunc - [u32 length]*[u8... idstring]
* Byte 217: Ref - [u32 id]
/* Error at buffer end */
static const char UEB[] = "unexpected end of buffer";
/* Read 4 bytes as an unsigned integer */
static uint32_t bytes2u32(uint8_t bytes[4]) {
union {
uint8_t bytes[4];
uint32_t u32;
} u;
u.bytes = bytes;
return u.u32;
/* Read 2 bytes as unsigned short */
static uint16_t bytes2u16(uint8_t bytes[2]) {
union {
uint8_t bytes[2];
uint16_t u16;
} u;
u.bytes = bytes;
return u.u16;
/* Read 8 bytes as a double */
static uint32_t bytes2dbl(uint8_t bytes[8]) {
union {
uint8_t bytes[8];
double dbl;
} u;
u.bytes = bytes;
return u.dbl;
/* Read a string and turn it into a gst value */
static GstValue gst_deserialize_impl(
Gst *vm,
uint8_t *data,
uint8_t *end,
uint8_t **newData,
GstArray *visited) {
GstValue ret;
ret.type = GST_NIL;
GstValue *buffer;
uint32_t length, i;
/* Handle errors as needed */
#define deser_error(e) (exit(-1), NULL)
/* Assertions */
#define deser_assert(c, e) do{if(!(c))deser_error(e);}while(0)
/* Assert enough buffer */
#define deser_datacheck(len) (end - data < (len) ? deser_error(UEB) : data)
/* Check for enough space to read uint32_t */
#define read_u32() (deser_datacheck(4), bytes2u32(data))
/* Check for enough space to read uint16_t */
#define read_u16() (deser_datacheck(2), bytes2u16(data))
/* Check for enough space to read uint32_t */
#define read_dbl() (deser_datacheck(8), bytes2dbl(data))
/* Check enough buffer left to read one byte */
if (data >= end) deser_error(UEB);
/* Small integer */
if (*data < 201) {
ret.type = GST_NUMBER;
ret.data.number = *data - 100;
newData = data + 1;
return ret;
/* Main switch for types */
switch (*data++) {
case 201: /* Nil */
ret.type = GST_NIL;
*newData = data;
return ret;
case 202: /* True */
ret.type = GST_BOOLEAN;
ret.data.boolean = 1;
*newData = data;
return ret;
case 203: /* False */
ret.type = GST_BOOLEAN;
ret.data.boolean = 0;
*newData = data;
return ret;
case 204: /* Long number (double) */
ret.type = GST_NUMBER;
ret.data.number = read_dbl();
*newData = data + 8;
return ret;
case 205: /* String */
case 206: /* Symbol */
ret.type = data[-1] == 205 ? GST_STRING : GST_SYMBOL;
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
data = deser_datacheck(length);
ret.data.string =
gst_alloc(vm, 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + length + 1) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
gst_string_length(ret.data.string) = length;
gst_string_hash(ret.data.string) = 0;
gst_memcpy(ret.data.string, data, length);
ret.data.string[length] = 0;
*newData = data + length;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 207: /* Buffer */
ret.type = GST_BUFFER;
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
data = deser_datacheck(length);
ret.data.buffer = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstBuffer));
ret.data.buffer->data = gst_alloc(vm, length);
gst_memcpy(ret.data.string, data, length;
ret.data.buffer->count = length;
ret.data.buffer->capacity = length;
*newData = data + length;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 208: /* Array */
ret.type = GST_ARRAY;
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
buffer = gst_alloc(vm, length * sizeof(GstValue));
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
buffer[i] = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
ret.data.array = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstArray));
ret.data.array->data = buffer;
ret.data.array->count = length;
ret.data.array->capacity = length;
*newData = data;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 209: /* Tuple */
ret.type = GST_TUPLE;
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
buffer = gst_alloc(vm, length * sizeof(GstValue) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t))
+ 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
buffer[i] = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
gst_tuple_hash(buffer) = 0;
gst_tuple_length(buffer) = length;
ret.data.tuple = buffer;
*newData = data;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 210: /* Thread */
GstValue nil;
GstThread *t;
GstValue *stack;
uint16_t prevsize = 0;
uint8 statusbyte;
nil.type = GST_NIL;
t = gst_thread(vm, 64, nil);
ret.type = GST_THREAD;
ret.data.thread = t;
deser_assert(data < end, UEB);
statusbyte = *data++;
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
/* Check for empty thread */
if (length == 0) {
*newData = data;
return ret;
/* Set status */
if (statusbyte == 0) t->status = GST_THREAD_PENDING;
else if (statusbyte == 1) t->status = GST_THREAD_ALIVE;
else t->status = GST_THREAD_DEAD;
/* Add frames */
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
GstValue callee, env;
uint32_t pcoffset, erroffset;
uint16_t ret, errloc, size, j;
/* Create a new frame */
if (i > 0)
gst_thread_beginframe(vm, t, nil, 0);
/* Read the stack */
callee = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
env = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
pcoffset = read_u32(); data += 4;
erroffset = read_u32(); data += 4;
ret = read_u16(); data += 2;
errloc = read_u16(); data += 2;
size = read_u16(); data += 2;
/* Set up the stack */
stack = gst_thread_stack(t);
if (callee.type = GST_FUNCTION) {
gst_frame_pc(stack) = callee.data.function->def->byteCode + pcoffset;
gst_frame_errjmp(stack) = callee.data.function->def->byteCode + erroffset;
if (env.type == GST_FUNCENV)
gst_frame_env(stack) = env.data.env;
gst_frame_ret(stack) = ret;
gst_frame_errloc(stack) = errloc;
gst_frame_size(stack) = size;
gst_frame_prevsize(stack) = prevsize;
prevsize = size;
/* Push stack args */
for (j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
GstValue temp = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
gst_thread_push(vm, t, temp);
*newData = data;
return ret;
case 211: /* Object */
GstValue meta;
ret.type = GST_OBJECT;
ret.data.object = gst_object(vm, 10);
meta = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
for (i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
GstValue key, value;
key = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
value = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
gst_object_put(vm, ret.data.object, key, value);
if (meta.type == GST_OBJECT) {
ret.data.object->meta = meta.data.object;
*newData = data;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 212: /* Funcdef */
GstFuncDef *def;
uint32_t locals, arity, literalsLen, byteCodeLen, flags;
locals = read_u32(); data += 4;
arity = read_u32(); data += 4;
flags = read_u32(); data += 4;
literalsLen = read_u32(); data += 4;
def = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstFuncDef));
ret.type = GST_FUNCDEF;
ret.data.def = def;
def->locals = locals;
def->arity = arity;
def->flags = flags;
def->literalsLen = literalsLen;
if (literalsLen > 0) {
def->literals = gst_alloc(vm, literalsLen * sizeof(GstValue));
for (i = 0; i < literalsLen; ++i) {
def->literals[i] = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
byteCodeLen = read_u32(); data += 4;
def->byteCode = vm_alloc(vm, byteCodeLen * sizeof(uint16_t));
def->byteCodeLen = byteCodeLen;
for (i = 0; i < byteCodeLen; ++i) {
def->byteCode[i] = read_u16();
data += 2;
*newData = data;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 213: /* Funcenv */
GstValue thread = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, deata, &data, visited);
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
ret.type = GST_FUNCENV;
ret.data.env = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstFuncEnv));
ret.data.env->stackOffset = length;
if (thread.type == GST_THREAD) {
ret.data.env->thread = thread.data.thread;
} else {
ret.data.env->thread = NULL;
ret.data.env->values = vm_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstValue) * length);
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
GstValue item = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
ret.data.env->values[i] = item;
*newData = data;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 214: /* Function */
GstValue parent, def, env;
parent = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
def = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
env = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
ret.type = GST_FUNCTION;
ret.data.function = gst_alloc(vm, sizeof(GstFunction));
if (parent->type == GST_NIL) {
ret.data.function->parent = NULL;
} else if (parent->type == GST_FUNCTION) {
ret.data.function->parent = parent.data.function;
} else {
deser_error("expected function");
gst_assert(def->type == GST_FUNCDEF, "expected funcdef");
gst_assert(env->type == GST_FUNCENV, "expected funcenv");
ret.data.function->env = env.data.env;
ret.data.function->def = env.data.def;
*newData = data;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 215: /* LUdata */
GstValue meta;
ret.type = GST_USERDATA;
meta = gst_deserialize_impl(vm, data, end, &data, visited);
deser_assert(meta.type == GST_OBJECT, "userdata requires valid meta");
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
data = deser_datacheck(length);
ret.data.pointer = gst_userdata(vm, length, meta.data.object);
gst_memcpy(ret.data.pointer, data, length);
*newData = data + length;
gst_array_push(vm, visited, ret);
return ret;
case 216: /* C function */
return ret;
case 217: /* Reference */
length = read_u32(); data += 4;
deser_assert(visited->count > length, "invalid reference");
*newData = data;
return visited->data[length];