version: build-{build} clone_folder: c:\projects\janet image: - Visual Studio 2019 configuration: - Release - Debug platform: - x64 - x86 environment: matrix: - arch: Win64 matrix: fast_finish: true # skip unsupported combinations init: - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %platform% install: - set JANET_BUILD=%appveyor_repo_commit:~0,7% - choco install nsis -y -pre --version 3.05 # Replace makensis.exe and files with special long string build. This should # prevent issues when setting PATH during installation. - 7z e "tools\" -o"C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\" -y - build_win all - refreshenv # We need to reload vcvars after refreshing - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %platform% - build_win test-install - set janet_outname=%appveyor_repo_tag_name% - if "%janet_outname%"=="" set janet_outname=v1.8.1 build: off artifacts: - name: janet.c path: dist\janet.c type: File - name: janet.h path: dist\janet.h type: File - name: janetconf.h path: dist\janetconf.h type: File - name: shell.c path: dist\shell.c type: File - name: "janet-$(janet_outname)-windows-%platform%" path: dist type: Zip - path: "janet-$(janet_outname)-windows-installer.exe" name: "janet-$(janet_outname)-windows-%platform%-installer.exe" type: File deploy: description: 'The Janet Programming Language.' provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: lwEXy09qhj2jSH9s1C/KvCkAUqJSma8phFR+0kbsfUc3rVxpNK5uD3z9Md0SjYRx artifact: /(janet|shell).*/ draft: true on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true