/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include "features.h" #include #include "util.h" #include "state.h" #include "gc.h" #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS #include #else #include #include #include #include #endif #endif #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS #ifdef JANET_DYNAMIC_MODULES #include #ifdef JANET_MSVC #pragma comment (lib, "Psapi.lib") #endif #endif #endif #ifdef JANET_APPLE #include #endif #include /* Base 64 lookup table for digits */ const char janet_base64[65] = "0123456789" "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "_="; /* The JANET value types in order. These types can be used as * mnemonics instead of a bit pattern for type checking */ const char *const janet_type_names[16] = { "number", "nil", "boolean", "fiber", "string", "symbol", "keyword", "array", "tuple", "table", "struct", "buffer", "function", "cfunction", "abstract", "pointer" }; const char *const janet_signal_names[14] = { "ok", "error", "debug", "yield", "user0", "user1", "user2", "user3", "user4", "user5", "user6", "user7", "interrupt", "await" }; const char *const janet_status_names[16] = { "dead", "error", "debug", "pending", "user0", "user1", "user2", "user3", "user4", "user5", "user6", "user7", "interrupted", "suspended", "new", "alive" }; #ifndef JANET_PRF int32_t janet_string_calchash(const uint8_t *str, int32_t len) { if (NULL == str) return 5381; const uint8_t *end = str + len; uint32_t hash = 5381; while (str < end) hash = (hash << 5) + hash + *str++; return (int32_t) hash; } #else /* Public domain siphash implementation sourced from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/veorq/SipHash/master/halfsiphash.c We have made a few alterations, such as hardcoding the output size and then removing dead code. */ #define cROUNDS 2 #define dROUNDS 4 #define ROTL(x, b) (uint32_t)(((x) << (b)) | ((x) >> (32 - (b)))) #define U8TO32_LE(p) \ (((uint32_t)((p)[0])) | ((uint32_t)((p)[1]) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t)((p)[2]) << 16) | ((uint32_t)((p)[3]) << 24)) #define SIPROUND \ do { \ v0 += v1; \ v1 = ROTL(v1, 5); \ v1 ^= v0; \ v0 = ROTL(v0, 16); \ v2 += v3; \ v3 = ROTL(v3, 8); \ v3 ^= v2; \ v0 += v3; \ v3 = ROTL(v3, 7); \ v3 ^= v0; \ v2 += v1; \ v1 = ROTL(v1, 13); \ v1 ^= v2; \ v2 = ROTL(v2, 16); \ } while (0) static uint32_t halfsiphash(const uint8_t *in, const size_t inlen, const uint8_t *k) { uint32_t v0 = 0; uint32_t v1 = 0; uint32_t v2 = UINT32_C(0x6c796765); uint32_t v3 = UINT32_C(0x74656462); uint32_t k0 = U8TO32_LE(k); uint32_t k1 = U8TO32_LE(k + 4); uint32_t m; int i; const uint8_t *end = in + inlen - (inlen % sizeof(uint32_t)); const int left = inlen & 3; uint32_t b = ((uint32_t)inlen) << 24; v3 ^= k1; v2 ^= k0; v1 ^= k1; v0 ^= k0; for (; in != end; in += 4) { m = U8TO32_LE(in); v3 ^= m; for (i = 0; i < cROUNDS; ++i) SIPROUND; v0 ^= m; } switch (left) { case 3: b |= ((uint32_t)in[2]) << 16; /* fallthrough */ case 2: b |= ((uint32_t)in[1]) << 8; /* fallthrough */ case 1: b |= ((uint32_t)in[0]); break; case 0: break; } v3 ^= b; for (i = 0; i < cROUNDS; ++i) SIPROUND; v0 ^= b; v2 ^= 0xff; for (i = 0; i < dROUNDS; ++i) SIPROUND; b = v1 ^ v3; return b; } /* end of siphash */ static uint8_t hash_key[JANET_HASH_KEY_SIZE] = {0}; void janet_init_hash_key(uint8_t new_key[JANET_HASH_KEY_SIZE]) { memcpy(hash_key, new_key, sizeof(hash_key)); } /* Calculate hash for string */ int32_t janet_string_calchash(const uint8_t *str, int32_t len) { uint32_t hash; hash = halfsiphash(str, len, hash_key); return (int32_t)hash; } #endif uint32_t janet_hash_mix(uint32_t input, uint32_t more) { uint32_t mix1 = (more + 0x9e3779b9 + (input << 6) + (input >> 2)); return input ^ (0x9e3779b9 + (mix1 << 6) + (mix1 >> 2)); } /* Computes hash of an array of values */ int32_t janet_array_calchash(const Janet *array, int32_t len) { const Janet *end = array + len; uint32_t hash = 33; while (array < end) { hash = janet_hash_mix(hash, janet_hash(*array++)); } return (int32_t) hash; } /* Computes hash of an array of values */ int32_t janet_kv_calchash(const JanetKV *kvs, int32_t len) { const JanetKV *end = kvs + len; uint32_t hash = 33; while (kvs < end) { hash = janet_hash_mix(hash, janet_hash(kvs->key)); hash = janet_hash_mix(hash, janet_hash(kvs->value)); kvs++; } return (int32_t) hash; } /* Calculate next power of 2. May overflow. If n is 0, * will return 0. */ int32_t janet_tablen(int32_t n) { if (n < 0) return 0; n |= n >> 1; n |= n >> 2; n |= n >> 4; n |= n >> 8; n |= n >> 16; return n + 1; } /* Avoid some undefined behavior that was common in the code base. */ void safe_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) { if (!len) return; memcpy(dest, src, len); } /* Helper to find a value in a Janet struct or table. Returns the bucket * containing the key, or the first empty bucket if there is no such key. */ const JanetKV *janet_dict_find(const JanetKV *buckets, int32_t cap, Janet key) { int32_t index = janet_maphash(cap, janet_hash(key)); int32_t i; const JanetKV *first_bucket = NULL; /* Higher half */ for (i = index; i < cap; i++) { const JanetKV *kv = buckets + i; if (janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { if (janet_checktype(kv->value, JANET_NIL)) { return kv; } else if (NULL == first_bucket) { first_bucket = kv; } } else if (janet_equals(kv->key, key)) { return buckets + i; } } /* Lower half */ for (i = 0; i < index; i++) { const JanetKV *kv = buckets + i; if (janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { if (janet_checktype(kv->value, JANET_NIL)) { return kv; } else if (NULL == first_bucket) { first_bucket = kv; } } else if (janet_equals(kv->key, key)) { return buckets + i; } } return first_bucket; } /* Get a value from a janet struct or table. */ Janet janet_dictionary_get(const JanetKV *data, int32_t cap, Janet key) { const JanetKV *kv = janet_dict_find(data, cap, key); if (kv && !janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { return kv->value; } return janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Iterate through a struct or dictionary generically */ const JanetKV *janet_dictionary_next(const JanetKV *kvs, int32_t cap, const JanetKV *kv) { const JanetKV *end = kvs + cap; kv = (kv == NULL) ? kvs : kv + 1; while (kv < end) { if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) return kv; kv++; } return NULL; } /* Compare a janet string with a cstring. More efficient than loading * c string as a janet string. */ int janet_cstrcmp(const uint8_t *str, const char *other) { int32_t len = janet_string_length(str); int32_t index; for (index = 0; index < len; index++) { uint8_t c = str[index]; uint8_t k = ((const uint8_t *)other)[index]; if (c < k) return -1; if (c > k) return 1; if (k == '\0') break; } return (other[index] == '\0') ? 0 : -1; } /* Do a binary search on a static array of structs. Each struct must * have a string as its first element, and the struct must be sorted * lexicographically by that element. */ const void *janet_strbinsearch( const void *tab, size_t tabcount, size_t itemsize, const uint8_t *key) { size_t low = 0; size_t hi = tabcount; const char *t = (const char *)tab; while (low < hi) { size_t mid = low + ((hi - low) / 2); const char **item = (const char **)(t + mid * itemsize); const char *name = *item; int comp = janet_cstrcmp(key, name); if (comp < 0) { hi = mid; } else if (comp > 0) { low = mid + 1; } else { return (const void *)item; } } return NULL; } /* Add sourcemapping and documentation to a binding table */ static void janet_add_meta(JanetTable *table, const char *doc, const char *source_file, int32_t source_line) { if (doc) { janet_table_put(table, janet_ckeywordv("doc"), janet_cstringv(doc)); } if (source_file && source_line) { Janet triple[3]; triple[0] = janet_cstringv(source_file); triple[1] = janet_wrap_integer(source_line); triple[2] = janet_wrap_integer(1); Janet value = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n(triple, 3)); janet_table_put(table, janet_ckeywordv("source-map"), value); } } /* Add a def to an environment */ void janet_def_sm(JanetTable *env, const char *name, Janet val, const char *doc, const char *source_file, int32_t source_line) { JanetTable *subt = janet_table(2); janet_table_put(subt, janet_ckeywordv("value"), val); janet_add_meta(subt, doc, source_file, source_line); janet_table_put(env, janet_csymbolv(name), janet_wrap_table(subt)); } void janet_def(JanetTable *env, const char *name, Janet value, const char *doc) { janet_def_sm(env, name, value, doc, NULL, 0); } /* Add a var to the environment */ void janet_var_sm(JanetTable *env, const char *name, Janet val, const char *doc, const char *source_file, int32_t source_line) { JanetArray *array = janet_array(1); JanetTable *subt = janet_table(2); janet_array_push(array, val); janet_table_put(subt, janet_ckeywordv("ref"), janet_wrap_array(array)); janet_add_meta(subt, doc, source_file, source_line); janet_table_put(env, janet_csymbolv(name), janet_wrap_table(subt)); } void janet_var(JanetTable *env, const char *name, Janet val, const char *doc) { janet_var_sm(env, name, val, doc, NULL, 0); } /* Registry functions */ /* Put the registry in sorted order. */ static void janet_registry_sort(void) { for (size_t i = 1; i < janet_vm.registry_count; i++) { JanetCFunRegistry reg = janet_vm.registry[i]; size_t j; for (j = i; j > 0; j--) { if ((void *)(janet_vm.registry[j - 1].cfun) < (void *)(reg.cfun)) break; janet_vm.registry[j] = janet_vm.registry[j - 1]; } janet_vm.registry[j] = reg; } janet_vm.registry_dirty = 0; } void janet_registry_put( JanetCFunction key, const char *name, const char *name_prefix, const char *source_file, int32_t source_line) { if (janet_vm.registry_count == janet_vm.registry_cap) { size_t newcap = (janet_vm.registry_count + 1) * 2; /* Size it nicely with core by default */ if (newcap < 512) { newcap = 512; } void *newmem = janet_realloc(janet_vm.registry, newcap * sizeof(JanetCFunRegistry)); if (NULL == newmem) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } janet_vm.registry = newmem; janet_vm.registry_cap = newcap; } JanetCFunRegistry value = { key, name, name_prefix, source_file, source_line }; janet_vm.registry[janet_vm.registry_count++] = value; janet_vm.registry_dirty = 1; } JanetCFunRegistry *janet_registry_get(JanetCFunction key) { if (janet_vm.registry_dirty) { janet_registry_sort(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < janet_vm.registry_count; i++) { if (janet_vm.registry[i].cfun == key) { return janet_vm.registry + i; } } JanetCFunRegistry *lo = janet_vm.registry; JanetCFunRegistry *hi = lo + janet_vm.registry_count; while (lo < hi) { JanetCFunRegistry *mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2; if (mid->cfun == key) { return mid; } if ((void *)(mid->cfun) > (void *)(key)) { hi = mid; } else { lo = mid + 1; } } return NULL; } typedef struct { char *buf; size_t plen; } NameBuf; static void namebuf_init(NameBuf *namebuf, const char *prefix) { size_t plen = strlen(prefix); namebuf->plen = plen; namebuf->buf = janet_smalloc(namebuf->plen + 256); if (NULL == namebuf->buf) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memcpy(namebuf->buf, prefix, plen); namebuf->buf[plen] = '/'; } static void namebuf_deinit(NameBuf *namebuf) { janet_sfree(namebuf->buf); } static char *namebuf_name(NameBuf *namebuf, const char *suffix) { size_t slen = strlen(suffix); namebuf->buf = janet_srealloc(namebuf->buf, namebuf->plen + 2 + slen); if (NULL == namebuf->buf) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memcpy(namebuf->buf + namebuf->plen + 1, suffix, slen); namebuf->buf[namebuf->plen + 1 + slen] = '\0'; return (char *)(namebuf->buf); } void janet_cfuns(JanetTable *env, const char *regprefix, const JanetReg *cfuns) { while (cfuns->name) { Janet fun = janet_wrap_cfunction(cfuns->cfun); if (env) janet_def(env, cfuns->name, fun, cfuns->documentation); janet_registry_put(cfuns->cfun, cfuns->name, regprefix, NULL, 0); cfuns++; } } void janet_cfuns_ext(JanetTable *env, const char *regprefix, const JanetRegExt *cfuns) { while (cfuns->name) { Janet fun = janet_wrap_cfunction(cfuns->cfun); if (env) janet_def_sm(env, cfuns->name, fun, cfuns->documentation, cfuns->source_file, cfuns->source_line); janet_registry_put(cfuns->cfun, cfuns->name, regprefix, cfuns->source_file, cfuns->source_line); cfuns++; } } void janet_cfuns_prefix(JanetTable *env, const char *regprefix, const JanetReg *cfuns) { NameBuf nb; if (env) namebuf_init(&nb, regprefix); while (cfuns->name) { Janet fun = janet_wrap_cfunction(cfuns->cfun); if (env) janet_def(env, namebuf_name(&nb, cfuns->name), fun, cfuns->documentation); janet_registry_put(cfuns->cfun, cfuns->name, regprefix, NULL, 0); cfuns++; } if (env) namebuf_deinit(&nb); } void janet_cfuns_ext_prefix(JanetTable *env, const char *regprefix, const JanetRegExt *cfuns) { NameBuf nb; if (env) namebuf_init(&nb, regprefix); while (cfuns->name) { Janet fun = janet_wrap_cfunction(cfuns->cfun); if (env) janet_def_sm(env, namebuf_name(&nb, cfuns->name), fun, cfuns->documentation, cfuns->source_file, cfuns->source_line); janet_registry_put(cfuns->cfun, cfuns->name, regprefix, cfuns->source_file, cfuns->source_line); cfuns++; } if (env) namebuf_deinit(&nb); } /* Register a value in the global registry */ void janet_register(const char *name, JanetCFunction cfun) { janet_registry_put(cfun, name, NULL, NULL, 0); } /* Abstract type introspection */ void janet_register_abstract_type(const JanetAbstractType *at) { Janet sym = janet_csymbolv(at->name); Janet check = janet_table_get(janet_vm.abstract_registry, sym); if (!janet_checktype(check, JANET_NIL) && at != janet_unwrap_pointer(check)) { janet_panicf("cannot register abstract type %s, " "a type with the same name exists", at->name); } janet_table_put(janet_vm.abstract_registry, sym, janet_wrap_pointer((void *) at)); } const JanetAbstractType *janet_get_abstract_type(Janet key) { Janet wrapped = janet_table_get(janet_vm.abstract_registry, key); if (janet_checktype(wrapped, JANET_NIL)) { return NULL; } return (JanetAbstractType *)(janet_unwrap_pointer(wrapped)); } #ifndef JANET_BOOTSTRAP void janet_core_def_sm(JanetTable *env, const char *name, Janet x, const void *p, const void *sf, int32_t sl) { (void) sf; (void) sl; (void) p; Janet key = janet_csymbolv(name); janet_table_put(env, key, x); if (janet_checktype(x, JANET_CFUNCTION)) { janet_registry_put(janet_unwrap_cfunction(x), name, NULL, NULL, 0); } } void janet_core_cfuns_ext(JanetTable *env, const char *regprefix, const JanetRegExt *cfuns) { (void) regprefix; while (cfuns->name) { Janet fun = janet_wrap_cfunction(cfuns->cfun); janet_table_put(env, janet_csymbolv(cfuns->name), fun); janet_registry_put(cfuns->cfun, cfuns->name, regprefix, cfuns->source_file, cfuns->source_line); cfuns++; } } #endif JanetBinding janet_binding_from_entry(Janet entry) { JanetTable *entry_table; JanetBinding binding = { JANET_BINDING_NONE, janet_wrap_nil(), JANET_BINDING_DEP_NONE }; /* Check environment for entry */ if (!janet_checktype(entry, JANET_TABLE)) return binding; entry_table = janet_unwrap_table(entry); /* deprecation check */ Janet deprecate = janet_table_get(entry_table, janet_ckeywordv("deprecated")); if (janet_checktype(deprecate, JANET_KEYWORD)) { JanetKeyword depkw = janet_unwrap_keyword(deprecate); if (!janet_cstrcmp(depkw, "relaxed")) { binding.deprecation = JANET_BINDING_DEP_RELAXED; } else if (!janet_cstrcmp(depkw, "normal")) { binding.deprecation = JANET_BINDING_DEP_NORMAL; } else if (!janet_cstrcmp(depkw, "strict")) { binding.deprecation = JANET_BINDING_DEP_STRICT; } } else if (!janet_checktype(deprecate, JANET_NIL)) { binding.deprecation = JANET_BINDING_DEP_NORMAL; } int macro = janet_truthy(janet_table_get(entry_table, janet_ckeywordv("macro"))); Janet value = janet_table_get(entry_table, janet_ckeywordv("value")); Janet ref = janet_table_get(entry_table, janet_ckeywordv("ref")); int ref_is_valid = janet_checktype(ref, JANET_ARRAY); int redef = ref_is_valid && janet_truthy(janet_table_get(entry_table, janet_ckeywordv("redef"))); if (macro) { binding.value = redef ? ref : value; binding.type = redef ? JANET_BINDING_DYNAMIC_MACRO : JANET_BINDING_MACRO; return binding; } if (ref_is_valid) { binding.value = ref; binding.type = redef ? JANET_BINDING_DYNAMIC_DEF : JANET_BINDING_VAR; } else { binding.value = value; binding.type = JANET_BINDING_DEF; } return binding; } /* If the value at the given address can be coerced to a byte view, return that byte view. If it can't, replace the value at the address with the result of janet_to_string, and return a byte view over that string. */ static JanetByteView memoize_byte_view(Janet *value) { JanetByteView result; if (!janet_bytes_view(*value, &result.bytes, &result.len)) { JanetString str = janet_to_string(*value); *value = janet_wrap_string(str); result.bytes = str; result.len = janet_string_length(str); } return result; } static JanetByteView to_byte_view(Janet value) { JanetByteView result; if (!janet_bytes_view(value, &result.bytes, &result.len)) { JanetString str = janet_to_string(value); result.bytes = str; result.len = janet_string_length(str); } return result; } JanetByteView janet_text_substitution( Janet *subst, const uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t len, JanetArray *extra_argv) { int32_t extra_argc = extra_argv == NULL ? 0 : extra_argv->count; JanetType type = janet_type(*subst); switch (type) { case JANET_FUNCTION: case JANET_CFUNCTION: { int32_t argc = 1 + extra_argc; Janet *argv = janet_tuple_begin(argc); argv[0] = janet_stringv(bytes, len); for (int32_t i = 0; i < extra_argc; i++) { argv[i + 1] = extra_argv->data[i]; } janet_tuple_end(argv); if (type == JANET_FUNCTION) { return to_byte_view(janet_call(janet_unwrap_function(*subst), argc, argv)); } else { return to_byte_view(janet_unwrap_cfunction(*subst)(argc, argv)); } } default: return memoize_byte_view(subst); } } JanetBinding janet_resolve_ext(JanetTable *env, const uint8_t *sym) { Janet entry = janet_table_get(env, janet_wrap_symbol(sym)); return janet_binding_from_entry(entry); } JanetBindingType janet_resolve(JanetTable *env, const uint8_t *sym, Janet *out) { JanetBinding binding = janet_resolve_ext(env, sym); if (binding.type == JANET_BINDING_DYNAMIC_DEF || binding.type == JANET_BINDING_DYNAMIC_MACRO) { *out = janet_array_peek(janet_unwrap_array(binding.value)); } else { *out = binding.value; } return binding.type; } /* Resolve a symbol in the core environment. */ Janet janet_resolve_core(const char *name) { JanetTable *env = janet_core_env(NULL); Janet out = janet_wrap_nil(); janet_resolve(env, janet_csymbol(name), &out); return out; } /* Read both tuples and arrays as c pointers + int32_t length. Return 1 if the * view can be constructed, 0 if an invalid type. */ int janet_indexed_view(Janet seq, const Janet **data, int32_t *len) { if (janet_checktype(seq, JANET_ARRAY)) { *data = janet_unwrap_array(seq)->data; *len = janet_unwrap_array(seq)->count; return 1; } else if (janet_checktype(seq, JANET_TUPLE)) { *data = janet_unwrap_tuple(seq); *len = janet_tuple_length(janet_unwrap_tuple(seq)); return 1; } return 0; } /* Read both strings and buffer as unsigned character array + int32_t len. * Returns 1 if the view can be constructed and 0 if the type is invalid. */ int janet_bytes_view(Janet str, const uint8_t **data, int32_t *len) { JanetType t = janet_type(str); if (t == JANET_STRING || t == JANET_SYMBOL || t == JANET_KEYWORD) { *data = janet_unwrap_string(str); *len = janet_string_length(janet_unwrap_string(str)); return 1; } else if (t == JANET_BUFFER) { *data = janet_unwrap_buffer(str)->data; *len = janet_unwrap_buffer(str)->count; return 1; } else if (t == JANET_ABSTRACT) { void *abst = janet_unwrap_abstract(str); const JanetAbstractType *atype = janet_abstract_type(abst); if (NULL == atype->bytes) { return 0; } JanetByteView view = atype->bytes(abst, janet_abstract_size(abst)); *data = view.bytes; *len = view.len; return 1; } return 0; } /* Read both structs and tables as the entries of a hashtable with * identical structure. Returns 1 if the view can be constructed and * 0 if the type is invalid. */ int janet_dictionary_view(Janet tab, const JanetKV **data, int32_t *len, int32_t *cap) { if (janet_checktype(tab, JANET_TABLE)) { *data = janet_unwrap_table(tab)->data; *cap = janet_unwrap_table(tab)->capacity; *len = janet_unwrap_table(tab)->count; return 1; } else if (janet_checktype(tab, JANET_STRUCT)) { *data = janet_unwrap_struct(tab); *cap = janet_struct_capacity(janet_unwrap_struct(tab)); *len = janet_struct_length(janet_unwrap_struct(tab)); return 1; } return 0; } int janet_checkint(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); return janet_checkintrange(dval); } int janet_checkuint(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); return janet_checkuintrange(dval); } int janet_checkint64(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); return janet_checkint64range(dval); } int janet_checkuint64(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); return janet_checkuint64range(dval); } int janet_checkint16(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); return janet_checkint16range(dval); } int janet_checkuint16(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); return janet_checkuint16range(dval); } int janet_checksize(Janet x) { if (!janet_checktype(x, JANET_NUMBER)) return 0; double dval = janet_unwrap_number(x); if (dval != (double)((size_t) dval)) return 0; if (SIZE_MAX > JANET_INTMAX_INT64) { return dval <= JANET_INTMAX_INT64; } else { return dval <= SIZE_MAX; } } JanetTable *janet_get_core_table(const char *name) { JanetTable *env = janet_core_env(NULL); Janet out = janet_wrap_nil(); JanetBindingType bt = janet_resolve(env, janet_csymbol(name), &out); if (bt == JANET_BINDING_NONE) return NULL; if (!janet_checktype(out, JANET_TABLE)) return NULL; return janet_unwrap_table(out); } /* Sort keys of a dictionary type */ int32_t janet_sorted_keys(const JanetKV *dict, int32_t cap, int32_t *index_buffer) { /* First, put populated indices into index_buffer */ int32_t next_index = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < cap; i++) { if (!janet_checktype(dict[i].key, JANET_NIL)) { index_buffer[next_index++] = i; } } /* Next, sort those (simple insertion sort here for now) */ for (int32_t i = 1; i < next_index; i++) { int32_t index_to_insert = index_buffer[i]; Janet lhs = dict[index_to_insert].key; for (int32_t j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { index_buffer[j + 1] = index_buffer[j]; Janet rhs = dict[index_buffer[j]].key; if (janet_compare(lhs, rhs) >= 0) { index_buffer[j + 1] = index_to_insert; break; } else if (j == 0) { index_buffer[0] = index_to_insert; } } } /* Return number of indices found */ return next_index; } /* Clock shims for various platforms */ #ifdef JANET_GETTIME #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS #include int janet_gettime(struct timespec *spec, enum JanetTimeSource source) { if (source == JANET_TIME_REALTIME) { FILETIME ftime; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftime); int64_t wintime = (int64_t)(ftime.dwLowDateTime) | ((int64_t)(ftime.dwHighDateTime) << 32); /* Windows epoch is January 1, 1601 apparently */ wintime -= 116444736000000000LL; spec->tv_sec = wintime / 10000000LL; /* Resolution is 100 nanoseconds. */ spec->tv_nsec = wintime % 10000000LL * 100; } else if (source == JANET_TIME_MONOTONIC) { LARGE_INTEGER count; LARGE_INTEGER perf_freq; QueryPerformanceCounter(&count); QueryPerformanceFrequency(&perf_freq); spec->tv_sec = count.QuadPart / perf_freq.QuadPart; spec->tv_nsec = (long)((count.QuadPart % perf_freq.QuadPart) * 1000000000 / perf_freq.QuadPart); } else if (source == JANET_TIME_CPUTIME) { FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime; GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime); int64_t tmp = ((int64_t)userTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) + userTime.dwLowDateTime; spec->tv_sec = tmp / 10000000LL; spec->tv_nsec = tmp % 10000000LL * 100; } return 0; } /* clock_gettime() wasn't available on Mac until 10.12. */ #elif defined(JANET_APPLE) && !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12) #include #include int janet_gettime(struct timespec *spec, enum JanetTimeSource source) { if (source == JANET_TIME_REALTIME) { clock_serv_t cclock; mach_timespec_t mts; host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock); clock_get_time(cclock, &mts); mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock); spec->tv_sec = mts.tv_sec; spec->tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec; } else if (source == JANET_TIME_MONOTONIC) { clock_serv_t cclock; int nsecs; mach_msg_type_number_t count; host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), clock, &cclock); clock_get_attributes(cclock, CLOCK_GET_TIME_RES, (clock_attr_t)&nsecs, &count); mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock); clock_getres(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, spec); } if (source == JANET_TIME_CPUTIME) { clock_t tmp = clock(); spec->tv_sec = tmp; spec->tv_nsec = (tmp - spec->tv_sec) * 1.0e9; } return 0; } #else int janet_gettime(struct timespec *spec, enum JanetTimeSource source) { clockid_t cid = CLOCK_REALTIME; if (source == JANET_TIME_REALTIME) { cid = CLOCK_REALTIME; } else if (source == JANET_TIME_MONOTONIC) { cid = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; } else if (source == JANET_TIME_CPUTIME) { cid = CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID; } return clock_gettime(cid, spec); } #endif #endif /* Better strerror (thread-safe if available) */ const char *janet_strerror(int e) { #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS /* Microsoft strerror seems sane here and is thread safe by default */ return strerror(e); #elif defined(_GNU_SOURCE) /* See https://linux.die.net/man/3/strerror_r */ return strerror_r(e, janet_vm.strerror_buf, sizeof(janet_vm.strerror_buf)); #else strerror_r(e, janet_vm.strerror_buf, sizeof(janet_vm.strerror_buf)); return janet_vm.strerror_buf; #endif } /* Setting C99 standard makes this not available, but it should * work/link properly if we detect a BSD */ #if defined(JANET_BSD) || defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) void arc4random_buf(void *buf, size_t nbytes); #endif int janet_cryptorand(uint8_t *out, size_t n) { #ifndef JANET_NO_CRYPTORAND #ifdef JANET_WINDOWS for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i += sizeof(unsigned int)) { unsigned int v; if (rand_s(&v)) return -1; for (int32_t j = 0; (j < (int32_t) sizeof(unsigned int)) && (i + j < n); j++) { out[i + j] = v & 0xff; v = v >> 8; } } return 0; #elif defined(JANET_BSD) || defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) arc4random_buf(out, n); return 0; #else /* We should be able to call getrandom on linux, but it doesn't seem to be uniformly supported on linux distros. On Mac, arc4random_buf wasn't available on until 10.7. In these cases, use this fallback path for now... */ int rc; int randfd; RETRY_EINTR(randfd, open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if (randfd < 0) return -1; while (n > 0) { ssize_t nread; RETRY_EINTR(nread, read(randfd, out, n)); if (nread <= 0) { RETRY_EINTR(rc, close(randfd)); return -1; } out += nread; n -= nread; } RETRY_EINTR(rc, close(randfd)); return 0; #endif #else (void) out; (void) n; return -1; #endif } /* Dynamic library loading */ char *get_processed_name(const char *name) { if (name[0] == '.') return (char *) name; const char *c; for (c = name; *c; c++) { if (*c == '/') return (char *) name; } size_t l = (size_t)(c - name); char *ret = janet_malloc(l + 3); if (NULL == ret) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } ret[0] = '.'; ret[1] = '/'; memcpy(ret + 2, name, l + 1); return ret; } #if defined(JANET_NO_DYNAMIC_MODULES) const char *error_clib(void) { return "dynamic modules not supported"; } #else #if defined(JANET_WINDOWS) static char error_clib_buf[256]; char *error_clib(void) { FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), error_clib_buf, sizeof(error_clib_buf), NULL); error_clib_buf[strlen(error_clib_buf) - 1] = '\0'; return error_clib_buf; } Clib load_clib(const char *name) { if (name == NULL) { return GetModuleHandle(NULL); } else { return LoadLibrary(name); } } void free_clib(HINSTANCE clib) { if (clib != GetModuleHandle(NULL)) { FreeLibrary(clib); } } void *symbol_clib(HINSTANCE clib, const char *sym) { if (clib != GetModuleHandle(NULL)) { return GetProcAddress(clib, sym); } else { /* Look up symbols from all loaded modules */ HMODULE hMods[1024]; DWORD needed = 0; if (EnumProcessModules(GetCurrentProcess(), hMods, sizeof(hMods), &needed)) { needed /= sizeof(HMODULE); for (DWORD i = 0; i < needed; i++) { void *address = GetProcAddress(hMods[i], sym); if (NULL != address) { return address; } } } else { janet_panicf("ffi: %s", error_clib()); } return NULL; } } #endif #endif /* Alloc function macro fills */ void *(janet_malloc)(size_t size) { return janet_malloc(size); } void (janet_free)(void *ptr) { janet_free(ptr); } void *(janet_calloc)(size_t nmemb, size_t size) { return janet_calloc(nmemb, size); } void *(janet_realloc)(void *ptr, size_t size) { return janet_realloc(ptr, size); }