/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "state.h" #include "symcache.h" #include "gc.h" /* GC State */ JANET_THREAD_LOCAL void *janet_vm_blocks; JANET_THREAD_LOCAL uint32_t janet_vm_gc_interval; JANET_THREAD_LOCAL uint32_t janet_vm_next_collection; JANET_THREAD_LOCAL int janet_vm_gc_suspend = 0; /* Roots */ JANET_THREAD_LOCAL Janet *janet_vm_roots; JANET_THREAD_LOCAL uint32_t janet_vm_root_count; JANET_THREAD_LOCAL uint32_t janet_vm_root_capacity; /* Helpers for marking the various gc types */ static void janet_mark_funcenv(JanetFuncEnv *env); static void janet_mark_funcdef(JanetFuncDef *def); static void janet_mark_function(JanetFunction *func); static void janet_mark_array(JanetArray *array); static void janet_mark_table(JanetTable *table); static void janet_mark_struct(const JanetKV *st); static void janet_mark_tuple(const Janet *tuple); static void janet_mark_buffer(JanetBuffer *buffer); static void janet_mark_string(const uint8_t *str); static void janet_mark_fiber(JanetFiber *fiber); static void janet_mark_abstract(void *adata); /* Local state that is only temporary */ static JANET_THREAD_LOCAL uint32_t depth = JANET_RECURSION_GUARD; static JANET_THREAD_LOCAL uint32_t orig_rootcount; /* Mark a value */ void janet_mark(Janet x) { if (depth) { depth--; switch (janet_type(x)) { default: break; case JANET_STRING: case JANET_KEYWORD: case JANET_SYMBOL: janet_mark_string(janet_unwrap_string(x)); break; case JANET_FUNCTION: janet_mark_function(janet_unwrap_function(x)); break; case JANET_ARRAY: janet_mark_array(janet_unwrap_array(x)); break; case JANET_TABLE: janet_mark_table(janet_unwrap_table(x)); break; case JANET_STRUCT: janet_mark_struct(janet_unwrap_struct(x)); break; case JANET_TUPLE: janet_mark_tuple(janet_unwrap_tuple(x)); break; case JANET_BUFFER: janet_mark_buffer(janet_unwrap_buffer(x)); break; case JANET_FIBER: janet_mark_fiber(janet_unwrap_fiber(x)); break; case JANET_ABSTRACT: janet_mark_abstract(janet_unwrap_abstract(x)); break; } depth++; } else { janet_gcroot(x); } } static void janet_mark_string(const uint8_t *str) { janet_gc_mark(janet_string_raw(str)); } static void janet_mark_buffer(JanetBuffer *buffer) { janet_gc_mark(buffer); } static void janet_mark_abstract(void *adata) { if (janet_gc_reachable(janet_abstract_header(adata))) return; janet_gc_mark(janet_abstract_header(adata)); if (janet_abstract_header(adata)->type->gcmark) { janet_abstract_header(adata)->type->gcmark(adata, janet_abstract_size(adata)); } } /* Mark a bunch of items in memory */ static void janet_mark_many(const Janet *values, int32_t n) { const Janet *end = values + n; while (values < end) { janet_mark(*values); values += 1; } } /* Mark a bunch of key values items in memory */ static void janet_mark_kvs(const JanetKV *kvs, int32_t n) { const JanetKV *end = kvs + n; while (kvs < end) { janet_mark(kvs->key); janet_mark(kvs->value); kvs++; } } static void janet_mark_array(JanetArray *array) { if (janet_gc_reachable(array)) return; janet_gc_mark(array); janet_mark_many(array->data, array->count); } static void janet_mark_table(JanetTable *table) { recur: /* Manual tail recursion */ if (janet_gc_reachable(table)) return; janet_gc_mark(table); janet_mark_kvs(table->data, table->capacity); if (table->proto) { table = table->proto; goto recur; } } static void janet_mark_struct(const JanetKV *st) { if (janet_gc_reachable(janet_struct_raw(st))) return; janet_gc_mark(janet_struct_raw(st)); janet_mark_kvs(st, janet_struct_capacity(st)); } static void janet_mark_tuple(const Janet *tuple) { if (janet_gc_reachable(janet_tuple_raw(tuple))) return; janet_gc_mark(janet_tuple_raw(tuple)); janet_mark_many(tuple, janet_tuple_length(tuple)); } /* Helper to mark function environments */ static void janet_mark_funcenv(JanetFuncEnv *env) { if (janet_gc_reachable(env)) return; janet_gc_mark(env); if (env->offset) { /* On stack */ janet_mark_fiber(env->as.fiber); } else { /* Not on stack */ janet_mark_many(env->as.values, env->length); } } /* GC helper to mark a FuncDef */ static void janet_mark_funcdef(JanetFuncDef *def) { int32_t i; if (janet_gc_reachable(def)) return; janet_gc_mark(def); janet_mark_many(def->constants, def->constants_length); for (i = 0; i < def->defs_length; ++i) { janet_mark_funcdef(def->defs[i]); } if (def->source) janet_mark_string(def->source); if (def->name) janet_mark_string(def->name); } static void janet_mark_function(JanetFunction *func) { int32_t i; int32_t numenvs; if (janet_gc_reachable(func)) return; janet_gc_mark(func); numenvs = func->def->environments_length; for (i = 0; i < numenvs; ++i) { janet_mark_funcenv(func->envs[i]); } janet_mark_funcdef(func->def); } static void janet_mark_fiber(JanetFiber *fiber) { int32_t i, j; JanetStackFrame *frame; recur: if (janet_gc_reachable(fiber)) return; janet_gc_mark(fiber); /* Mark values on the argument stack */ janet_mark_many(fiber->data + fiber->stackstart, fiber->stacktop - fiber->stackstart); i = fiber->frame; j = fiber->stackstart - JANET_FRAME_SIZE; while (i > 0) { frame = (JanetStackFrame *)(fiber->data + i - JANET_FRAME_SIZE); if (NULL != frame->func) janet_mark_function(frame->func); if (NULL != frame->env) janet_mark_funcenv(frame->env); /* Mark all values in the stack frame */ janet_mark_many(fiber->data + i, j - i); j = i - JANET_FRAME_SIZE; i = frame->prevframe; } /* Explicit tail recursion */ if (fiber->child) { fiber = fiber->child; goto recur; } } /* Deinitialize a block of memory */ static void janet_deinit_block(JanetGCMemoryHeader *block) { void *mem = ((char *)(block + 1)); JanetAbstractHeader *h = (JanetAbstractHeader *)mem; switch (block->flags & JANET_MEM_TYPEBITS) { default: case JANET_MEMORY_FUNCTION: break; /* Do nothing for non gc types */ case JANET_MEMORY_SYMBOL: janet_symbol_deinit((const uint8_t *)mem + 2 * sizeof(int32_t)); break; case JANET_MEMORY_ARRAY: janet_array_deinit((JanetArray*) mem); break; case JANET_MEMORY_TABLE: janet_table_deinit((JanetTable*) mem); break; case JANET_MEMORY_FIBER: free(((JanetFiber *)mem)->data); break; case JANET_MEMORY_BUFFER: janet_buffer_deinit((JanetBuffer *) mem); break; case JANET_MEMORY_ABSTRACT: if (h->type->gc) { janet_assert(!h->type->gc((void *)(h + 1), h->size), "finalizer failed"); } break; case JANET_MEMORY_FUNCENV: { JanetFuncEnv *env = (JanetFuncEnv *)mem; if (0 == env->offset) free(env->as.values); } break; case JANET_MEMORY_FUNCDEF: { JanetFuncDef *def = (JanetFuncDef *)mem; /* TODO - get this all with one alloc and one free */ free(def->defs); free(def->environments); free(def->constants); free(def->bytecode); free(def->sourcemap); } break; } } /* Iterate over all allocated memory, and free memory that is not * marked as reachable. Flip the gc color flag for next sweep. */ void janet_sweep() { JanetGCMemoryHeader *previous = NULL; JanetGCMemoryHeader *current = janet_vm_blocks; JanetGCMemoryHeader *next; while (NULL != current) { next = current->next; if (current->flags & (JANET_MEM_REACHABLE | JANET_MEM_DISABLED)) { previous = current; current->flags &= ~JANET_MEM_REACHABLE; } else { janet_deinit_block(current); if (NULL != previous) { previous->next = next; } else { janet_vm_blocks = next; } free(current); } current = next; } } /* Allocate some memory that is tracked for garbage collection */ void *janet_gcalloc(enum JanetMemoryType type, size_t size) { JanetGCMemoryHeader *mdata; size_t total = size + sizeof(JanetGCMemoryHeader); /* Make sure everything is inited */ janet_assert(NULL != janet_vm_cache, "please initialize janet before use"); void *mem = malloc(total); /* Check for bad malloc */ if (NULL == mem) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } mdata = (JanetGCMemoryHeader *)mem; /* Configure block */ mdata->flags = type; /* Prepend block to heap list */ janet_vm_next_collection += (int32_t) size; mdata->next = janet_vm_blocks; janet_vm_blocks = mdata; return (char *) mem + sizeof(JanetGCMemoryHeader); } /* Run garbage collection */ void janet_collect(void) { uint32_t i; if (janet_vm_gc_suspend) return; depth = JANET_RECURSION_GUARD; orig_rootcount = janet_vm_root_count; for (i = 0; i < orig_rootcount; i++) janet_mark(janet_vm_roots[i]); while (orig_rootcount < janet_vm_root_count) { Janet x = janet_vm_roots[--janet_vm_root_count]; janet_mark(x); } janet_sweep(); janet_vm_next_collection = 0; } /* Add a root value to the GC. This prevents the GC from removing a value * and all of its children. If gcroot is called on a value n times, unroot * must also be called n times to remove it as a gc root. */ void janet_gcroot(Janet root) { uint32_t newcount = janet_vm_root_count + 1; if (newcount > janet_vm_root_capacity) { uint32_t newcap = 2 * newcount; janet_vm_roots = realloc(janet_vm_roots, sizeof(Janet) * newcap); if (NULL == janet_vm_roots) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } janet_vm_root_capacity = newcap; } janet_vm_roots[janet_vm_root_count] = root; janet_vm_root_count = newcount; } /* Identity equality for GC purposes */ static int janet_gc_idequals(Janet lhs, Janet rhs) { if (janet_type(lhs) != janet_type(rhs)) return 0; switch (janet_type(lhs)) { case JANET_TRUE: case JANET_FALSE: case JANET_NIL: case JANET_NUMBER: /* These values don't really matter to the gc so returning 1 all the time is fine. */ return 1; default: return janet_unwrap_pointer(lhs) == janet_unwrap_pointer(rhs); } } /* Remove a root value from the GC. This allows the gc to potentially reclaim * a value and all its children. */ int janet_gcunroot(Janet root) { Janet *vtop = janet_vm_roots + janet_vm_root_count; Janet *v = janet_vm_roots; /* Search from top to bottom as access is most likely LIFO */ for (v = janet_vm_roots; v < vtop; v++) { if (janet_gc_idequals(root, *v)) { *v = janet_vm_roots[--janet_vm_root_count]; return 1; } } return 0; } /* Remove a root value from the GC. This sets the effective reference count to 0. */ int janet_gcunrootall(Janet root) { Janet *vtop = janet_vm_roots + janet_vm_root_count; Janet *v = janet_vm_roots; int ret = 0; /* Search from top to bottom as access is most likely LIFO */ for (v = janet_vm_roots; v < vtop; v++) { if (janet_gc_idequals(root, *v)) { *v = janet_vm_roots[--janet_vm_root_count]; vtop--; ret = 1; } } return ret; } /* Free all allocated memory */ void janet_clear_memory(void) { JanetGCMemoryHeader *current = janet_vm_blocks; while (NULL != current) { janet_deinit_block(current); JanetGCMemoryHeader *next = current->next; free(current); current = next; } janet_vm_blocks = NULL; } /* Primitives for suspending GC. */ int janet_gclock(void) { return janet_vm_gc_suspend++; } void janet_gcunlock(int handle) { janet_vm_gc_suspend = handle; }