/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include "features.h" #include #include "util.h" #include "state.h" #include #endif #include #include #include #include /* Implements a pretty printer for Janet. The pretty printer * is simple and not that flexible, but fast. */ /* Temporary buffer size */ #define BUFSIZE 64 /* Preprocessor hacks */ #define STR_HELPER(x) #x #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) static void number_to_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, double x) { janet_buffer_ensure(buffer, buffer->count + BUFSIZE, 2); const char *fmt = (x == floor(x) && x <= JANET_INTMAX_DOUBLE && x >= JANET_INTMIN_DOUBLE) ? "%.0f" : ("%." STR(DBL_DIG) "g"); int count; if (x == 0.0) { /* Prevent printing of '-0' */ count = 1; buffer->data[buffer->count] = '0'; } else { count = snprintf((char *) buffer->data + buffer->count, BUFSIZE, fmt, x); } buffer->count += count; } /* expects non positive x */ static int count_dig10(int32_t x) { int result = 1; for (;;) { if (x > -10) return result; if (x > -100) return result + 1; if (x > -1000) return result + 2; if (x > -10000) return result + 3; x /= 10000; result += 4; } } static void integer_to_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, int32_t x) { janet_buffer_extra(buffer, BUFSIZE); uint8_t *buf = buffer->data + buffer->count; int32_t neg = 0; int32_t len = 0; if (x == 0) { buf[0] = '0'; buffer->count++; return; } if (x > 0) { x = -x; } else { neg = 1; *buf++ = '-'; } len = count_dig10(x); buf += len; while (x) { uint8_t digit = (uint8_t) - (x % 10); *(--buf) = '0' + digit; x /= 10; } buffer->count += len + neg; } #define HEX(i) (((uint8_t *) janet_base64)[(i)]) /* Returns a string description for a pointer. Truncates * title to 32 characters */ static void string_description_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, const char *title, void *pointer) { janet_buffer_ensure(buffer, buffer->count + BUFSIZE, 2); uint8_t *c = buffer->data + buffer->count; int32_t i; union { uint8_t bytes[sizeof(void *)]; void *p; } pbuf; pbuf.p = pointer; *c++ = '<'; /* Maximum of 32 bytes for abstract type name */ for (i = 0; i < 32 && title[i]; ++i) *c++ = ((uint8_t *)title) [i]; *c++ = ' '; *c++ = '0'; *c++ = 'x'; #if defined(JANET_64) #define POINTSIZE 6 #else #define POINTSIZE (sizeof(void *)) #endif for (i = POINTSIZE; i > 0; --i) { uint8_t byte = pbuf.bytes[i - 1]; *c++ = HEX(byte >> 4); *c++ = HEX(byte & 0xF); } *c++ = '>'; buffer->count = (int32_t)(c - buffer->data); #undef POINTSIZE } static void janet_escape_string_impl(JanetBuffer *buffer, const uint8_t *str, int32_t len) { janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, '"'); for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { uint8_t c = str[i]; switch (c) { case '"': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\\"", 2); break; case '\n': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\n", 2); break; case '\r': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\r", 2); break; case '\0': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\0", 2); break; case '\f': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\f", 2); break; case '\v': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\v", 2); break; case '\a': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\a", 2); break; case '\b': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\b", 2); break; case 27: janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\e", 2); break; case '\\': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\\\", 2); break; case '\t': janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, (const uint8_t *)"\\t", 2); break; default: if (c < 32 || c > 126) { uint8_t buf[4]; buf[0] = '\\'; buf[1] = 'x'; buf[2] = janet_base64[(c >> 4) & 0xF]; buf[3] = janet_base64[c & 0xF]; janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, buf, 4); } else { janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, c); } break; } } janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, '"'); } static void janet_escape_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, const uint8_t *str) { janet_escape_string_impl(buffer, str, janet_string_length(str)); } static void janet_escape_buffer_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, JanetBuffer *bx) { if (bx == buffer) { /* Ensures buffer won't resize while escaping */ janet_buffer_ensure(bx, bx->count + 5 * bx->count + 3, 1); } janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, '@'); janet_escape_string_impl(buffer, bx->data, bx->count); } void janet_to_string_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { case JANET_NIL: janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, ""); break; case JANET_BOOLEAN: janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, janet_unwrap_boolean(x) ? "true" : "false"); break; case JANET_NUMBER: number_to_string_b(buffer, janet_unwrap_number(x)); break; case JANET_STRING: case JANET_SYMBOL: case JANET_KEYWORD: janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, janet_unwrap_string(x), janet_string_length(janet_unwrap_string(x))); break; case JANET_BUFFER: { JanetBuffer *to = janet_unwrap_buffer(x); /* Prevent resizing buffer while appending */ if (buffer == to) janet_buffer_extra(buffer, to->count); janet_buffer_push_bytes(buffer, to->data, to->count); break; } case JANET_ABSTRACT: { JanetAbstract p = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); const JanetAbstractType *t = janet_abstract_type(p); if (t->tostring != NULL) { t->tostring(p, buffer); } else { string_description_b(buffer, t->name, p); } } return; case JANET_CFUNCTION: { JanetCFunRegistry *reg = janet_registry_get(janet_unwrap_cfunction(x)); if (NULL != reg) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "name_prefix) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, reg->name_prefix); janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, '/'); } janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, reg->name); janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, '>'); break; } goto fallthrough; } case JANET_FUNCTION: { JanetFunction *fun = janet_unwrap_function(x); JanetFuncDef *def = fun->def; if (def == NULL) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, ""); break; } if (def->name) { const uint8_t *n = def->name; janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "'); break; } goto fallthrough; } fallthrough: default: string_description_b(buffer, janet_type_names[janet_type(x)], janet_unwrap_pointer(x)); break; } } /* See parse.c for full table */ /* Check if a symbol or keyword contains no symbol characters */ static int contains_bad_chars(const uint8_t *sym, int issym) { int32_t len = janet_string_length(sym); if (len && issym && sym[0] >= '0' && sym[0] <= '9') return 1; if (!janet_valid_utf8(sym, len)) return 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!janet_is_symbol_char(sym[i])) return 1; } return 0; } void janet_description_b(JanetBuffer *buffer, Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { default: break; case JANET_NIL: janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "nil"); return; case JANET_KEYWORD: janet_buffer_push_u8(buffer, ':'); break; case JANET_STRING: janet_escape_string_b(buffer, janet_unwrap_string(x)); return; case JANET_BUFFER: { JanetBuffer *b = janet_unwrap_buffer(x); janet_escape_buffer_b(buffer, b); return; } case JANET_ABSTRACT: { JanetAbstract p = janet_unwrap_abstract(x); const JanetAbstractType *t = janet_abstract_type(p); if (t->tostring != NULL) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, "<"); janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, t->name); janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, " "); t->tostring(p, buffer); janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, ">"); } else { string_description_b(buffer, t->name, p); } return; } } janet_to_string_b(buffer, x); } const uint8_t *janet_description(Janet x) { JanetBuffer b; janet_buffer_init(&b, 10); janet_description_b(&b, x); const uint8_t *ret = janet_string(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } /* Convert any value to a janet string. Similar to description, but * strings, symbols, and buffers will return their content. */ const uint8_t *janet_to_string(Janet x) { switch (janet_type(x)) { default: { JanetBuffer b; janet_buffer_init(&b, 10); janet_to_string_b(&b, x); const uint8_t *ret = janet_string(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } case JANET_BUFFER: return janet_string(janet_unwrap_buffer(x)->data, janet_unwrap_buffer(x)->count); case JANET_STRING: case JANET_SYMBOL: case JANET_KEYWORD: return janet_unwrap_string(x); } } /* Hold state for pretty printer. */ struct pretty { JanetBuffer *buffer; int depth; int indent; int flags; int32_t bufstartlen; int32_t *keysort_buffer; int32_t keysort_capacity; int32_t keysort_start; JanetTable seen; }; /* Print jdn format */ static int print_jdn_one(struct pretty *S, Janet x, int depth) { if (depth == 0) return 1; switch (janet_type(x)) { case JANET_NIL: case JANET_BOOLEAN: case JANET_BUFFER: case JANET_STRING: janet_description_b(S->buffer, x); break; case JANET_NUMBER: janet_buffer_ensure(S->buffer, S->buffer->count + BUFSIZE, 2); double num = janet_unwrap_number(x); if (isnan(num)) return 1; if (isinf(num)) return 1; janet_buffer_dtostr(S->buffer, num); break; case JANET_SYMBOL: case JANET_KEYWORD: if (contains_bad_chars(janet_unwrap_keyword(x), janet_type(x) == JANET_SYMBOL)) return 1; janet_description_b(S->buffer, x); break; case JANET_TUPLE: { JanetTuple t = janet_unwrap_tuple(x); int isb = janet_tuple_flag(t) & JANET_TUPLE_FLAG_BRACKETCTOR; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, isb ? '[' : '('); for (int32_t i = 0; i < janet_tuple_length(t); i++) { if (i) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); if (print_jdn_one(S, t[i], depth - 1)) return 1; } janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, isb ? ']' : ')'); } break; case JANET_ARRAY: { janet_table_put(&S->seen, x, janet_wrap_true()); JanetArray *a = janet_unwrap_array(x); janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "@["); for (int32_t i = 0; i < a->count; i++) { if (i) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); if (print_jdn_one(S, a->data[i], depth - 1)) return 1; } janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ']'); } break; case JANET_TABLE: { janet_table_put(&S->seen, x, janet_wrap_true()); JanetTable *tab = janet_unwrap_table(x); janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "@{"); int isFirst = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < tab->capacity; i++) { const JanetKV *kv = tab->data + i; if (janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) continue; if (!isFirst) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); isFirst = 0; if (print_jdn_one(S, kv->key, depth - 1)) return 1; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); if (print_jdn_one(S, kv->value, depth - 1)) return 1; } janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '}'); } break; case JANET_STRUCT: { JanetStruct st = janet_unwrap_struct(x); janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '{'); int isFirst = 1; for (int32_t i = 0; i < janet_struct_capacity(st); i++) { const JanetKV *kv = st + i; if (janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) continue; if (!isFirst) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); isFirst = 0; if (print_jdn_one(S, kv->key, depth - 1)) return 1; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); if (print_jdn_one(S, kv->value, depth - 1)) return 1; } janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '}'); } break; default: return 1; } return 0; } static void print_newline(struct pretty *S, int just_a_space) { int i; if (just_a_space || (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_ONELINE)) { janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); return; } janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '\n'); for (i = 0; i < S->indent; i++) { janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); } } /* Color coding for types */ static const char janet_cycle_color[] = "\x1B[36m"; static const char janet_class_color[] = "\x1B[34m"; static const char *janet_pretty_colors[] = { "\x1B[32m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[35m", "\x1B[34m", "\x1B[33m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[35m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m", "\x1B[36m" }; #define JANET_PRETTY_DICT_ONELINE 4 #define JANET_PRETTY_IND_ONELINE 10 #define JANET_PRETTY_DICT_LIMIT 30 #define JANET_PRETTY_ARRAY_LIMIT 160 /* Helper for pretty printing */ static void janet_pretty_one(struct pretty *S, Janet x, int is_dict_value) { /* Add to seen */ switch (janet_type(x)) { case JANET_NIL: case JANET_NUMBER: case JANET_SYMBOL: case JANET_BOOLEAN: break; default: { Janet seenid = janet_table_get(&S->seen, x); if (janet_checktype(seenid, JANET_NUMBER)) { if (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, janet_cycle_color); } janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "buffer, janet_unwrap_integer(seenid)); janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '>'); if (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "\x1B[0m"); } return; } else { janet_table_put(&S->seen, x, janet_wrap_integer(S->seen.count)); break; } } } switch (janet_type(x)) { default: { const char *color = janet_pretty_colors[janet_type(x)]; if (color && (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR)) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, color); } if (janet_checktype(x, JANET_BUFFER) && janet_unwrap_buffer(x) == S->buffer) { janet_buffer_ensure(S->buffer, S->buffer->count + S->bufstartlen * 4 + 3, 1); janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '@'); janet_escape_string_impl(S->buffer, S->buffer->data, S->bufstartlen); } else { janet_description_b(S->buffer, x); } if (color && (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR)) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "\x1B[0m"); } break; } case JANET_ARRAY: case JANET_TUPLE: { int32_t i = 0, len = 0; const Janet *arr = NULL; int isarray = janet_checktype(x, JANET_ARRAY); janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &len); int hasbrackets = !isarray && (janet_tuple_flag(arr) & JANET_TUPLE_FLAG_BRACKETCTOR); const char *startstr = isarray ? "@[" : hasbrackets ? "[" : "("; const char endchar = isarray ? ']' : hasbrackets ? ']' : ')'; janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, startstr); S->depth--; S->indent += 2; if (S->depth == 0) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "..."); } else { if (!isarray && !(S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_ONELINE) && len >= JANET_PRETTY_IND_ONELINE) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); if (is_dict_value && len >= JANET_PRETTY_IND_ONELINE) print_newline(S, 0); if (len > JANET_PRETTY_ARRAY_LIMIT && !(S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_NOTRUNC)) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i) print_newline(S, 0); janet_pretty_one(S, arr[i], 0); } print_newline(S, 0); janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "..."); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { print_newline(S, 0); janet_pretty_one(S, arr[len - 3 + i], 0); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i) print_newline(S, len < JANET_PRETTY_IND_ONELINE); janet_pretty_one(S, arr[i], 0); } } } S->indent -= 2; S->depth++; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, endchar); break; } case JANET_STRUCT: case JANET_TABLE: { int istable = janet_checktype(x, JANET_TABLE); /* For object-like tables, print class name */ if (istable) { JanetTable *t = janet_unwrap_table(x); JanetTable *proto = t->proto; janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "@"); if (NULL != proto) { Janet name = janet_table_get(proto, janet_ckeywordv("_name")); const uint8_t *n; int32_t len; if (janet_bytes_view(name, &n, &len)) { if (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, janet_class_color); } janet_buffer_push_bytes(S->buffer, n, len); if (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "\x1B[0m"); } } } } else { JanetStruct st = janet_unwrap_struct(x); JanetStruct proto = janet_struct_proto(st); if (NULL != proto) { Janet name = janet_struct_get(proto, janet_ckeywordv("_name")); const uint8_t *n; int32_t len; if (janet_bytes_view(name, &n, &len)) { if (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, janet_class_color); } janet_buffer_push_bytes(S->buffer, n, len); if (S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_COLOR) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "\x1B[0m"); } } } } janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "{"); S->depth--; S->indent += 2; if (S->depth == 0) { janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "..."); } else { int32_t i = 0, len = 0, cap = 0; const JanetKV *kvs = NULL; janet_dictionary_view(x, &kvs, &len, &cap); if (!istable && !(S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_ONELINE) && len >= JANET_PRETTY_DICT_ONELINE) janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); if (is_dict_value && len >= JANET_PRETTY_DICT_ONELINE) print_newline(S, 0); int32_t ks_start = S->keysort_start; /* Ensure buffer is large enough to sort keys. */ int truncated = 0; int64_t mincap = (int64_t) len + (int64_t) ks_start; if (mincap > INT32_MAX) { truncated = 1; len = 0; mincap = ks_start; } if (S->keysort_capacity < mincap) { if (mincap >= INT32_MAX / 2) { S->keysort_capacity = INT32_MAX; } else { S->keysort_capacity = (int32_t)(mincap * 2); } S->keysort_buffer = janet_srealloc(S->keysort_buffer, sizeof(int32_t) * S->keysort_capacity); if (NULL == S->keysort_buffer) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } } janet_sorted_keys(kvs, cap, S->keysort_buffer == NULL ? NULL : S->keysort_buffer + ks_start); S->keysort_start += len; if (!(S->flags & JANET_PRETTY_NOTRUNC) && (len > JANET_PRETTY_DICT_LIMIT)) { len = JANET_PRETTY_DICT_LIMIT; truncated = 1; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i) print_newline(S, len < JANET_PRETTY_DICT_ONELINE); int32_t j = S->keysort_buffer[i + ks_start]; janet_pretty_one(S, kvs[j].key, 0); janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, ' '); janet_pretty_one(S, kvs[j].value, 1); } if (truncated) { print_newline(S, 0); janet_buffer_push_cstring(S->buffer, "..."); } S->keysort_start = ks_start; } S->indent -= 2; S->depth++; janet_buffer_push_u8(S->buffer, '}'); break; } } /* Remove from seen */ janet_table_remove(&S->seen, x); return; } static JanetBuffer *janet_pretty_(JanetBuffer *buffer, int depth, int flags, Janet x, int32_t startlen) { struct pretty S; if (NULL == buffer) { buffer = janet_buffer(0); } S.buffer = buffer; S.depth = depth; S.indent = 0; S.flags = flags; S.bufstartlen = startlen; S.keysort_capacity = 0; S.keysort_buffer = NULL; S.keysort_start = 0; janet_table_init(&S.seen, 10); janet_pretty_one(&S, x, 0); janet_table_deinit(&S.seen); return S.buffer; } /* Helper for printing a janet value in a pretty form. Not meant to be used * for serialization or anything like that. */ JanetBuffer *janet_pretty(JanetBuffer *buffer, int depth, int flags, Janet x) { return janet_pretty_(buffer, depth, flags, x, buffer ? buffer->count : 0); } static JanetBuffer *janet_jdn_(JanetBuffer *buffer, int depth, Janet x, int32_t startlen) { struct pretty S; if (NULL == buffer) { buffer = janet_buffer(0); } S.buffer = buffer; S.depth = depth; S.indent = 0; S.flags = 0; S.bufstartlen = startlen; S.keysort_capacity = 0; S.keysort_buffer = NULL; S.keysort_start = 0; janet_table_init(&S.seen, 10); int res = print_jdn_one(&S, x, depth); janet_table_deinit(&S.seen); if (res) { janet_panic("could not print to jdn format"); } return S.buffer; } JanetBuffer *janet_jdn(JanetBuffer *buffer, int depth, Janet x) { return janet_jdn_(buffer, depth, x, buffer ? buffer->count : 0); } static const char *typestr(Janet x) { JanetType t = janet_type(x); return (t == JANET_ABSTRACT) ? janet_abstract_type(janet_unwrap_abstract(x))->name : janet_type_names[t]; } static void pushtypes(JanetBuffer *buffer, int types) { int first = 1; int i = 0; while (types) { if (1 & types) { if (first) { first = 0; } else { janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, (types == 1) ? " or " : ", "); } janet_buffer_push_cstring(buffer, janet_type_names[i]); } i++; types >>= 1; } } /* * code adapted from lua/lstrlib.c http://lua.org */ #define MAX_ITEM 256 #define FMT_FLAGS "-+ #0" #define FMT_REPLACE_INTTYPES "diouxX" #define MAX_FORMAT 32 struct FmtMapping { char c; const char *mapping; }; /* Janet uses fixed width integer types for most things, so map * format specifiers to these fixed sizes */ static const struct FmtMapping format_mappings[] = { {'D', PRId64}, {'I', PRIi64}, {'d', PRId64}, {'i', PRIi64}, {'o', PRIo64}, {'u', PRIu64}, {'x', PRIx64}, {'X', PRIX64}, }; static const char *get_fmt_mapping(char c) { for (size_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(format_mappings) / sizeof(struct FmtMapping)); i++) { if (format_mappings[i].c == c) return format_mappings[i].mapping; } janet_assert(0, "bad format mapping"); } static const char *scanformat( const char *strfrmt, char *form, char width[3], char precision[3]) { const char *p = strfrmt; /* Parse strfrmt */ memset(width, '\0', 3); memset(precision, '\0', 3); while (*p != '\0' && strchr(FMT_FLAGS, *p) != NULL) p++; /* skip flags */ if ((size_t)(p - strfrmt) >= sizeof(FMT_FLAGS)) janet_panic("invalid format (repeated flags)"); if (isdigit((int)(*p))) width[0] = *p++; /* skip width */ if (isdigit((int)(*p))) width[1] = *p++; /* (2 digits at most) */ if (*p == '.') { p++; if (isdigit((int)(*p))) precision[0] = *p++; /* skip precision */ if (isdigit((int)(*p))) precision[1] = *p++; /* (2 digits at most) */ } if (isdigit((int)(*p))) janet_panic("invalid format (width or precision too long)"); /* Write to form - replace characters with fixed size stuff */ *(form++) = '%'; const char *p2 = strfrmt; while (p2 <= p) { char *loc = strchr(FMT_REPLACE_INTTYPES, *p2); if (loc != NULL && *loc != '\0') { const char *mapping = get_fmt_mapping(*p2++); size_t len = strlen(mapping); memcpy(form, mapping, len); form += len; } else { *(form++) = *(p2++); } } *form = '\0'; return p; } void janet_formatbv(JanetBuffer *b, const char *format, va_list args) { const char *format_end = format + strlen(format); const char *c = format; int32_t startlen = b->count; while (c < format_end) { if (*c != '%') { janet_buffer_push_u8(b, (uint8_t) *c++); } else if (*++c == '%') { janet_buffer_push_u8(b, (uint8_t) *c++); } else { char form[MAX_FORMAT], item[MAX_ITEM]; char width[3], precision[3]; int nb = 0; /* number of bytes in added item */ c = scanformat(c, form, width, precision); switch (*c++) { case 'c': { int n = va_arg(args, int); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, n); break; } case 'd': case 'i': { int64_t n = (int64_t) va_arg(args, int32_t); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, n); break; } case 'D': case 'I': { int64_t n = va_arg(args, int64_t); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, n); break; } case 'x': case 'X': case 'o': case 'u': { uint64_t n = va_arg(args, uint64_t); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, n); break; } case 'a': case 'A': case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': { double d = va_arg(args, double); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, d); break; } case 's': case 'S': { const char *str = va_arg(args, const char *); int32_t len = c[-1] == 's' ? (int32_t) strlen(str) : janet_string_length((JanetString) str); if (form[2] == '\0') janet_buffer_push_bytes(b, (const uint8_t *) str, len); else { if (len != (int32_t) strlen((const char *) str)) janet_panic("string contains zeros"); if (!strchr(form, '.') && len >= 100) { janet_panic("no precision and string is too long to be formatted"); } else { nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, str); } } break; } case 'V': janet_to_string_b(b, va_arg(args, Janet)); break; case 'v': janet_description_b(b, va_arg(args, Janet)); break; case 't': janet_buffer_push_cstring(b, typestr(va_arg(args, Janet))); break; case 'T': { int types = va_arg(args, int); pushtypes(b, types); break; } case 'M': case 'm': case 'N': case 'n': case 'Q': case 'q': case 'P': case 'p': { /* janet pretty , precision = depth */ int depth = atoi(precision); if (depth < 1) depth = JANET_RECURSION_GUARD; char d = c[-1]; int has_color = (d == 'P') || (d == 'Q') || (d == 'M') || (d == 'N'); int has_oneline = (d == 'Q') || (d == 'q') || (d == 'N') || (d == 'n'); int has_notrunc = (d == 'M') || (d == 'm') || (d == 'N') || (d == 'n'); int flags = 0; flags |= has_color ? JANET_PRETTY_COLOR : 0; flags |= has_oneline ? JANET_PRETTY_ONELINE : 0; flags |= has_notrunc ? JANET_PRETTY_NOTRUNC : 0; janet_pretty_(b, depth, flags, va_arg(args, Janet), startlen); break; } case 'j': { int depth = atoi(precision); if (depth < 1) depth = JANET_RECURSION_GUARD; janet_jdn_(b, depth, va_arg(args, Janet), startlen); break; } default: { /* also treat cases 'nLlh' */ janet_panicf("invalid conversion '%s' to 'format'", form); } } if (nb >= MAX_ITEM) janet_panic("format buffer overflow"); if (nb > 0) janet_buffer_push_bytes(b, (uint8_t *) item, nb); } } } /* Helper function for formatting strings. Useful for generating error messages and the like. * Similar to printf, but specialized for operating with janet. */ const uint8_t *janet_formatc(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; const uint8_t *ret; JanetBuffer buffer; int32_t len = 0; /* Calculate length, init buffer and args */ while (format[len]) len++; janet_buffer_init(&buffer, len); va_start(args, format); /* Run format */ janet_formatbv(&buffer, format, args); /* Iterate length */ va_end(args); ret = janet_string(buffer.data, buffer.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&buffer); return ret; } JanetBuffer *janet_formatb(JanetBuffer *buffer, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); janet_formatbv(buffer, format, args); va_end(args); return buffer; } /* Shared implementation between string/format and * buffer/format */ void janet_buffer_format( JanetBuffer *b, const char *strfrmt, int32_t argstart, int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { size_t sfl = strlen(strfrmt); const char *strfrmt_end = strfrmt + sfl; int32_t arg = argstart; int32_t startlen = b->count; while (strfrmt < strfrmt_end) { if (*strfrmt != '%') janet_buffer_push_u8(b, (uint8_t) * strfrmt++); else if (*++strfrmt == '%') janet_buffer_push_u8(b, (uint8_t) * strfrmt++); /* %% */ else { /* format item */ char form[MAX_FORMAT], item[MAX_ITEM]; char width[3], precision[3]; int nb = 0; /* number of bytes in added item */ if (++arg >= argc) janet_panic("not enough values for format"); strfrmt = scanformat(strfrmt, form, width, precision); switch (*strfrmt++) { case 'c': { nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, (int) janet_getinteger(argv, arg)); break; } case 'D': case 'I': case 'd': case 'i': { int64_t n = janet_getinteger64(argv, arg); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, n); break; } case 'x': case 'X': case 'o': case 'u': { uint64_t n = janet_getuinteger64(argv, arg); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, n); break; } case 'a': case 'A': case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': { double d = janet_getnumber(argv, arg); nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, d); break; } case 's': { JanetByteView bytes = janet_getbytes(argv, arg); const uint8_t *s = bytes.bytes; int32_t l = bytes.len; if (form[2] == '\0') janet_buffer_push_bytes(b, s, l); else { if (l != (int32_t) strlen((const char *) s)) janet_panic("string contains zeros"); if (!strchr(form, '.') && l >= 100) { janet_panic("no precision and string is too long to be formatted"); } else { nb = snprintf(item, MAX_ITEM, form, s); } } break; } case 'V': { janet_to_string_b(b, argv[arg]); break; } case 'v': { janet_description_b(b, argv[arg]); break; } case 't': janet_buffer_push_cstring(b, typestr(argv[arg])); break; case 'M': case 'm': case 'N': case 'n': case 'Q': case 'q': case 'P': case 'p': { /* janet pretty , precision = depth */ int depth = atoi(precision); if (depth < 1) depth = JANET_RECURSION_GUARD; char d = strfrmt[-1]; int has_color = (d == 'P') || (d == 'Q') || (d == 'M') || (d == 'N'); int has_oneline = (d == 'Q') || (d == 'q') || (d == 'N') || (d == 'n'); int has_notrunc = (d == 'M') || (d == 'm') || (d == 'N') || (d == 'n'); int flags = 0; flags |= has_color ? JANET_PRETTY_COLOR : 0; flags |= has_oneline ? JANET_PRETTY_ONELINE : 0; flags |= has_notrunc ? JANET_PRETTY_NOTRUNC : 0; janet_pretty_(b, depth, flags, argv[arg], startlen); break; } case 'j': { int depth = atoi(precision); if (depth < 1) depth = JANET_RECURSION_GUARD; janet_jdn_(b, depth, argv[arg], startlen); break; } default: { /* also treat cases 'nLlh' */ janet_panicf("invalid conversion '%s' to 'format'", form); } } if (nb >= MAX_ITEM) janet_panic("format buffer overflow"); if (nb > 0) janet_buffer_push_bytes(b, (uint8_t *) item, nb); } } } #undef HEX #undef BUFSIZE