#!/usr/bin/env janet # CLI tool for building janet projects. Wraps cook. (import cook) (def- argpeg (peg/compile '(* "--" '(some (if-not "=" 1)) (+ (* "=" '(any 1)) -1)))) (defn- local-rule [rule] (cook/import-rules "./project.janet") (cook/do-rule rule)) (defn- help [] (print ` usage: jpm [--key=value, --flag] ... [subcommand] [args] ... Subcommands are: build : build all artifacts install (repo) : install artifacts. If a repo is given, install the contents of that git repository, assuming that the repository is a jpm project. If not, build and install the current project. uninstall (module) : uninstall a module. If no module is given, uninstall the module defined by the current directory. clean : remove any generated files or artifacts test : run tests deps : install dependencies. clear-cache : clear the git cache. Useful for updating dependencies. Keys are: --modpath : The directory to install modules to. Defaults to $JANET_MODPATH or (dyn :syspath) --headerpath : The directory containing janet headers. Defaults to $JANET_HEADERPATH. --binpath : The directory to install binaries and scripts. Defaults to $JANET_BINPATH. --libpath : The directory containing janet C libraries (libjanet.*). Defaults to $JANET_LIBPATH. --optimize : Optimization level for natives. Defaults to 2. --compiler : C compiler to use for natives. Defaults to cc (cl on windows). --linker : C linker to use for linking natives. Defaults to cc (link on windows). --cflags : Extra compiler flags for native modules. --lflags : Extra linker flags for native modules. Flags are: --verbose : Print shell commands as they are executed. `)) (defn build [] (local-rule "build")) (defn clean [] (local-rule "clean")) (defn install [&opt repo] (if repo (cook/install-git repo) (local-rule "install"))) (defn test [] (local-rule "test")) (defn uninstall [&opt what] (if what (cook/uninstall what) (local-rule "uninstall"))) (defn deps [] (local-rule "install-deps")) (def subcommands {"build" build "clean" clean "install" install "test" test "help" help "deps" deps "clear-cache" cook/clear-cache "uninstall" uninstall}) (def args (tuple/slice (dyn :args) 2)) (def len (length args)) (var i 0) # Get flags (while (< i len) (if-let [m (peg/match argpeg (args i))] (if (= 2 (length m)) (let [[key value] m] (setdyn (keyword key) value)) (setdyn (keyword (m 0)) true)) (break)) (++ i)) # Run subcommand (if (= i len) (help) (do (if-let [com (subcommands (args i))] (com ;(tuple/slice args (+ i 1))) (do (print "invalid command " (args i)) (help)))))