/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include "features.h" #include #include "util.h" #endif #include /* Conditionally compile this file */ #ifdef JANET_ASSEMBLER /* Definition for an instruction in the assembler */ typedef struct JanetInstructionDef JanetInstructionDef; struct JanetInstructionDef { const char *name; enum JanetOpCode opcode; }; /* Hold all state needed during assembly */ typedef struct JanetAssembler JanetAssembler; struct JanetAssembler { JanetAssembler *parent; JanetFuncDef *def; jmp_buf on_error; const uint8_t *errmessage; int32_t errindex; int32_t environments_capacity; int32_t defs_capacity; int32_t bytecode_count; /* Used for calculating labels */ Janet name; JanetTable labels; /* keyword -> bytecode index */ JanetTable slots; /* symbol -> slot index */ JanetTable envs; /* symbol -> environment index */ JanetTable defs; /* symbol -> funcdefs index */ }; /* Janet opcode descriptions in lexicographic order. This * allows a binary search over the elements to find the * correct opcode given a name. This works in reasonable * time and is easier to setup statically than a hash table or * prefix tree. */ static const JanetInstructionDef janet_ops[] = { {"add", JOP_ADD}, {"addim", JOP_ADD_IMMEDIATE}, {"band", JOP_BAND}, {"bnot", JOP_BNOT}, {"bor", JOP_BOR}, {"bxor", JOP_BXOR}, {"call", JOP_CALL}, {"clo", JOP_CLOSURE}, {"cmp", JOP_COMPARE}, {"cncl", JOP_CANCEL}, {"div", JOP_DIVIDE}, {"divim", JOP_DIVIDE_IMMEDIATE}, {"eq", JOP_EQUALS}, {"eqim", JOP_EQUALS_IMMEDIATE}, {"err", JOP_ERROR}, {"get", JOP_GET}, {"geti", JOP_GET_INDEX}, {"gt", JOP_GREATER_THAN}, {"gte", JOP_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL}, {"gtim", JOP_GREATER_THAN_IMMEDIATE}, {"in", JOP_IN}, {"jmp", JOP_JUMP}, {"jmpif", JOP_JUMP_IF}, {"jmpni", JOP_JUMP_IF_NIL}, {"jmpnn", JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT_NIL}, {"jmpno", JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT}, {"ldc", JOP_LOAD_CONSTANT}, {"ldf", JOP_LOAD_FALSE}, {"ldi", JOP_LOAD_INTEGER}, {"ldn", JOP_LOAD_NIL}, {"lds", JOP_LOAD_SELF}, {"ldt", JOP_LOAD_TRUE}, {"ldu", JOP_LOAD_UPVALUE}, {"len", JOP_LENGTH}, {"lt", JOP_LESS_THAN}, {"lte", JOP_LESS_THAN_EQUAL}, {"ltim", JOP_LESS_THAN_IMMEDIATE}, {"mkarr", JOP_MAKE_ARRAY}, {"mkbtp", JOP_MAKE_BRACKET_TUPLE}, {"mkbuf", JOP_MAKE_BUFFER}, {"mkstr", JOP_MAKE_STRING}, {"mkstu", JOP_MAKE_STRUCT}, {"mktab", JOP_MAKE_TABLE}, {"mktup", JOP_MAKE_TUPLE}, {"mod", JOP_MODULO}, {"movf", JOP_MOVE_FAR}, {"movn", JOP_MOVE_NEAR}, {"mul", JOP_MULTIPLY}, {"mulim", JOP_MULTIPLY_IMMEDIATE}, {"neq", JOP_NOT_EQUALS}, {"neqim", JOP_NOT_EQUALS_IMMEDIATE}, {"next", JOP_NEXT}, {"noop", JOP_NOOP}, {"prop", JOP_PROPAGATE}, {"push", JOP_PUSH}, {"push2", JOP_PUSH_2}, {"push3", JOP_PUSH_3}, {"pusha", JOP_PUSH_ARRAY}, {"put", JOP_PUT}, {"puti", JOP_PUT_INDEX}, {"rem", JOP_REMAINDER}, {"res", JOP_RESUME}, {"ret", JOP_RETURN}, {"retn", JOP_RETURN_NIL}, {"setu", JOP_SET_UPVALUE}, {"sig", JOP_SIGNAL}, {"sl", JOP_SHIFT_LEFT}, {"slim", JOP_SHIFT_LEFT_IMMEDIATE}, {"sr", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT}, {"srim", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_IMMEDIATE}, {"sru", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED}, {"sruim", JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED_IMMEDIATE}, {"sub", JOP_SUBTRACT}, {"tcall", JOP_TAILCALL}, {"tchck", JOP_TYPECHECK} }; /* Typename aliases for tchck instruction */ typedef struct TypeAlias { const char *name; int32_t mask; } TypeAlias; static const TypeAlias type_aliases[] = { {"abstract", JANET_TFLAG_ABSTRACT}, {"array", JANET_TFLAG_ARRAY}, {"boolean", JANET_TFLAG_BOOLEAN}, {"buffer", JANET_TFLAG_BUFFER}, {"callable", JANET_TFLAG_CALLABLE}, {"cfunction", JANET_TFLAG_CFUNCTION}, {"dictionary", JANET_TFLAG_DICTIONARY}, {"fiber", JANET_TFLAG_FIBER}, {"function", JANET_TFLAG_FUNCTION}, {"indexed", JANET_TFLAG_INDEXED}, {"keyword", JANET_TFLAG_KEYWORD}, {"nil", JANET_TFLAG_NIL}, {"number", JANET_TFLAG_NUMBER}, {"pointer", JANET_TFLAG_POINTER}, {"string", JANET_TFLAG_STRING}, {"struct", JANET_TFLAG_STRUCT}, {"symbol", JANET_TFLAG_SYMBOL}, {"table", JANET_TFLAG_TABLE}, {"tuple", JANET_TFLAG_TUPLE} }; /* Deinitialize an Assembler. Does not deinitialize the parents. */ static void janet_asm_deinit(JanetAssembler *a) { janet_table_deinit(&a->slots); janet_table_deinit(&a->labels); janet_table_deinit(&a->envs); janet_table_deinit(&a->defs); } static void janet_asm_longjmp(JanetAssembler *a) { #if defined(JANET_BSD) || defined(JANET_APPLE) _longjmp(a->on_error, 1); #else longjmp(a->on_error, 1); #endif } /* Throw some kind of assembly error */ static void janet_asm_error(JanetAssembler *a, const char *message) { if (a->errindex < 0) { a->errmessage = janet_formatc("%s", message); } else { a->errmessage = janet_formatc("%s, instruction %d", message, a->errindex); } janet_asm_longjmp(a); } #define janet_asm_assert(a, c, m) do { if (!(c)) janet_asm_error((a), (m)); } while (0) /* Throw some kind of assembly error */ static void janet_asm_errorv(JanetAssembler *a, const uint8_t *m) { a->errmessage = m; janet_asm_longjmp(a); } /* Add a closure environment to the assembler. Sub funcdefs may need * to reference outer function environments, and may change the outer environment. * Returns the index of the environment in the assembler's environments, or -1 * if not found. */ static int32_t janet_asm_addenv(JanetAssembler *a, Janet envname) { Janet check; JanetFuncDef *def = a->def; int32_t envindex; int32_t res; if (janet_equals(a->name, envname)) { return -1; } /* Check for memoized value */ check = janet_table_get(&a->envs, envname); if (janet_checktype(check, JANET_NUMBER)) { return (int32_t) janet_unwrap_number(check); } if (NULL == a->parent) return -2; res = janet_asm_addenv(a->parent, envname); if (res < -1) { return res; } envindex = def->environments_length; janet_table_put(&a->envs, envname, janet_wrap_number(envindex)); if (envindex >= a->environments_capacity) { int32_t newcap = 2 * envindex; def->environments = janet_realloc(def->environments, newcap * sizeof(int32_t)); if (NULL == def->environments) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } a->environments_capacity = newcap; } def->environments[envindex] = (int32_t) res; def->environments_length = envindex + 1; return envindex; } /* Parse an argument to an assembly instruction, and return the result as an * integer. This integer will need to be bounds checked. */ static int32_t doarg_1( JanetAssembler *a, enum JanetOpArgType argtype, Janet x) { int32_t ret = -1; JanetTable *c; switch (argtype) { default: c = NULL; break; case JANET_OAT_SLOT: c = &a->slots; break; case JANET_OAT_ENVIRONMENT: c = &a->envs; break; case JANET_OAT_LABEL: c = &a->labels; break; case JANET_OAT_FUNCDEF: c = &a->defs; break; } switch (janet_type(x)) { default: goto error; break; case JANET_NUMBER: { double y = janet_unwrap_number(x); if (janet_checkintrange(y)) { ret = (int32_t) y; } else { goto error; } break; } case JANET_TUPLE: { const Janet *t = janet_unwrap_tuple(x); if (argtype == JANET_OAT_TYPE) { int32_t i = 0; ret = 0; for (i = 0; i < janet_tuple_length(t); i++) { ret |= doarg_1(a, JANET_OAT_SIMPLETYPE, t[i]); } } else { goto error; } break; } case JANET_KEYWORD: { if (NULL != c && argtype == JANET_OAT_LABEL) { Janet result = janet_table_get(c, x); if (janet_checktype(result, JANET_NUMBER)) { ret = janet_unwrap_integer(result) - a->bytecode_count; } else { goto error; } } else if (argtype == JANET_OAT_TYPE || argtype == JANET_OAT_SIMPLETYPE) { const TypeAlias *alias = janet_strbinsearch( &type_aliases, sizeof(type_aliases) / sizeof(TypeAlias), sizeof(TypeAlias), janet_unwrap_keyword(x)); if (alias) { ret = alias->mask; } else { janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("unknown type %v", x)); } } else { goto error; } break; } case JANET_SYMBOL: { if (NULL != c) { Janet result = janet_table_get(c, x); if (janet_checktype(result, JANET_NUMBER)) { ret = (int32_t) janet_unwrap_number(result); } else { janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("unknown name %v", x)); } } else { goto error; } if (argtype == JANET_OAT_ENVIRONMENT && ret == -1) { /* Add a new env */ ret = janet_asm_addenv(a, x); if (ret < -1) { janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("unknown environment %v", x)); } } break; } } if (argtype == JANET_OAT_SLOT && ret >= a->def->slotcount) a->def->slotcount = (int32_t) ret + 1; return ret; error: janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("error parsing instruction argument %v", x)); return 0; } /* Parse a single argument to an instruction. Trims it as well as * try to convert arguments to bit patterns */ static uint32_t doarg( JanetAssembler *a, enum JanetOpArgType argtype, int nth, int nbytes, int hassign, Janet x) { int32_t arg = doarg_1(a, argtype, x); /* Calculate the min and max values that can be stored given * nbytes, and whether or not the storage is signed */ int32_t max = (1 << ((nbytes << 3) - hassign)) - 1; int32_t min = hassign ? -max - 1 : 0; if (arg < min) janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("instruction argument %v is too small, must be %d byte%s", x, nbytes, nbytes > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (arg > max) janet_asm_errorv(a, janet_formatc("instruction argument %v is too large, must be %d byte%s", x, nbytes, nbytes > 1 ? "s" : "")); return ((uint32_t) arg) << (nth << 3); } /* Provide parsing methods for the different kinds of arguments */ static uint32_t read_instruction( JanetAssembler *a, const JanetInstructionDef *idef, const Janet *argt) { uint32_t instr = idef->opcode; enum JanetInstructionType type = janet_instructions[idef->opcode]; switch (type) { case JINT_0: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 1) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 0 arguments: (op)"); break; } case JINT_S: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 2) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 1 argument: (op, slot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 2, 0, argt[1]); break; } case JINT_L: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 2) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 1 argument: (op, label)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_LABEL, 1, 3, 1, argt[1]); break; } case JINT_SS: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, slot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SL: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, label)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_LABEL, 2, 2, 1, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_ST: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, type)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_TYPE, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SI: case JINT_SU: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, integer)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_INTEGER, 2, 2, type == JINT_SI, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SD: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, funcdef)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_FUNCDEF, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } case JINT_SSS: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 4) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 3 arguments: (op, slot, slot, slot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 2, 1, 0, argt[2]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 3, 1, 0, argt[3]); break; } case JINT_SSI: case JINT_SSU: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 4) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 3 arguments: (op, slot, slot, integer)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 2, 1, 0, argt[2]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_INTEGER, 3, 1, type == JINT_SSI, argt[3]); break; } case JINT_SES: { JanetAssembler *b = a; uint32_t env; if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 4) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 3 arguments: (op, slot, environment, envslot)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); env = doarg(a, JANET_OAT_ENVIRONMENT, 0, 1, 0, argt[2]); instr |= env << 16; for (env += 1; env > 0; env--) { b = b->parent; if (NULL == b) janet_asm_error(a, "invalid environment index"); } instr |= doarg(b, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 3, 1, 0, argt[3]); break; } case JINT_SC: { if (janet_tuple_length(argt) != 3) janet_asm_error(a, "expected 2 arguments: (op, slot, constant)"); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_SLOT, 1, 1, 0, argt[1]); instr |= doarg(a, JANET_OAT_CONSTANT, 2, 2, 0, argt[2]); break; } } return instr; } /* Helper to get from a structure */ static Janet janet_get1(Janet ds, Janet key) { switch (janet_type(ds)) { default: return janet_wrap_nil(); case JANET_TABLE: return janet_table_get(janet_unwrap_table(ds), key); case JANET_STRUCT: return janet_struct_get(janet_unwrap_struct(ds), key); } } /* Helper to assembly. Return the assembly result */ static JanetAssembleResult janet_asm1(JanetAssembler *parent, Janet source, int flags) { JanetAssembleResult result; JanetAssembler a; Janet s = source; JanetFuncDef *def; int32_t count, i; const Janet *arr; Janet x; (void) flags; /* Initialize funcdef */ def = janet_funcdef_alloc(); /* Initialize Assembler */ a.def = def; a.parent = parent; a.errmessage = NULL; a.errindex = 0; a.environments_capacity = 0; a.bytecode_count = 0; a.defs_capacity = 0; a.name = janet_wrap_nil(); janet_table_init(&a.labels, 0); janet_table_init(&a.slots, 0); janet_table_init(&a.envs, 0); janet_table_init(&a.defs, 0); /* Set error jump */ #if defined(JANET_BSD) || defined(JANET_APPLE) if (_setjmp(a.on_error)) { #else if (setjmp(a.on_error)) { #endif if (NULL != a.parent) { janet_asm_deinit(&a); a.parent->errmessage = a.errmessage; janet_asm_longjmp(a.parent); } result.funcdef = NULL; result.error = a.errmessage; result.status = JANET_ASSEMBLE_ERROR; janet_asm_deinit(&a); return result; } janet_asm_assert(&a, janet_checktype(s, JANET_STRUCT) || janet_checktype(s, JANET_TABLE), "expected struct or table for assembly source"); /* Check for function name */ a.name = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("name")); if (!janet_checktype(a.name, JANET_NIL)) { def->name = janet_to_string(a.name); } /* Set function arity */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("arity")); def->arity = janet_checkint(x) ? janet_unwrap_integer(x) : 0; janet_asm_assert(&a, def->arity >= 0, "arity must be non-negative"); x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("max-arity")); def->max_arity = janet_checkint(x) ? janet_unwrap_integer(x) : def->arity; janet_asm_assert(&a, def->max_arity >= def->arity, "max-arity must be greater than or equal to arity"); x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("min-arity")); def->min_arity = janet_checkint(x) ? janet_unwrap_integer(x) : def->arity; janet_asm_assert(&a, def->min_arity <= def->arity, "min-arity must be less than or equal to arity"); /* Check vararg */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("vararg")); if (janet_truthy(x)) def->flags |= JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG; /* Check structarg */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("structarg")); if (janet_truthy(x)) def->flags |= JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_STRUCTARG; /* Check source */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("source")); if (janet_checktype(x, JANET_STRING)) def->source = janet_unwrap_string(x); /* Create slot aliases */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("slots")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Janet v = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(v, JANET_TUPLE)) { const Janet *t = janet_unwrap_tuple(v); int32_t j; for (j = 0; j < janet_tuple_length(t); j++) { if (!janet_checktype(t[j], JANET_SYMBOL)) janet_asm_error(&a, "slot names must be symbols"); janet_table_put(&a.slots, t[j], janet_wrap_integer(i)); } } else if (janet_checktype(v, JANET_SYMBOL)) { janet_table_put(&a.slots, v, janet_wrap_integer(i)); } else { janet_asm_error(&a, "slot names must be symbols or tuple of symbols"); } } } /* Parse constants */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("constants")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { def->constants_length = count; def->constants = janet_malloc(sizeof(Janet) * (size_t) count); if (NULL == def->constants) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Janet ct = arr[i]; def->constants[i] = ct; } } else { def->constants = NULL; def->constants_length = 0; } /* Parse sub funcdefs */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("closures")); if (janet_checktype(x, JANET_NIL)) { x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("defs")); } if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { JanetAssembleResult subres; Janet subname; int32_t newlen; subres = janet_asm1(&a, arr[i], flags); if (subres.status != JANET_ASSEMBLE_OK) { janet_asm_errorv(&a, subres.error); } subname = janet_get1(arr[i], janet_ckeywordv("name")); if (!janet_checktype(subname, JANET_NIL)) { janet_table_put(&a.defs, subname, janet_wrap_integer(def->defs_length)); } newlen = def->defs_length + 1; if (a.defs_capacity < newlen) { int32_t newcap = newlen; def->defs = janet_realloc(def->defs, newcap * sizeof(JanetFuncDef *)); if (NULL == def->defs) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } a.defs_capacity = newcap; } def->defs[def->defs_length] = subres.funcdef; def->defs_length = newlen; } } /* Parse bytecode and labels */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("bytecode")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { /* Do labels and find length */ int32_t blength = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Janet instr = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(instr, JANET_KEYWORD)) { janet_table_put(&a.labels, instr, janet_wrap_integer(blength)); } else if (janet_checktype(instr, JANET_TUPLE)) { blength++; } else { a.errindex = i; janet_asm_error(&a, "expected assembly instruction"); } } /* Allocate bytecode array */ def->bytecode_length = blength; def->bytecode = janet_malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * (size_t) blength); if (NULL == def->bytecode) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* Do bytecode */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Janet instr = arr[i]; if (janet_checktype(instr, JANET_KEYWORD)) { continue; } else { uint32_t op; const JanetInstructionDef *idef; const Janet *t; a.errindex = i; janet_asm_assert(&a, janet_checktype(instr, JANET_TUPLE), "expected tuple"); t = janet_unwrap_tuple(instr); if (janet_tuple_length(t) == 0) { op = 0; } else { janet_asm_assert(&a, janet_checktype(t[0], JANET_SYMBOL), "expected symbol in assembly instruction"); idef = janet_strbinsearch( &janet_ops, sizeof(janet_ops) / sizeof(JanetInstructionDef), sizeof(JanetInstructionDef), janet_unwrap_symbol(t[0])); if (NULL == idef) janet_asm_errorv(&a, janet_formatc("unknown instruction %v", t[0])); op = read_instruction(&a, idef, t); } def->bytecode[a.bytecode_count++] = op; } } } else { janet_asm_error(&a, "bytecode expected"); } a.errindex = -1; /* Check for source mapping */ x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("sourcemap")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { janet_asm_assert(&a, count == def->bytecode_length, "sourcemap must have the same length as the bytecode"); def->sourcemap = janet_malloc(sizeof(JanetSourceMapping) * (size_t) count); if (NULL == def->sourcemap) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const Janet *tup; Janet entry = arr[i]; JanetSourceMapping mapping; if (!janet_checktype(entry, JANET_TUPLE)) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected tuple"); } tup = janet_unwrap_tuple(entry); if (!janet_checkint(tup[0])) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected integer"); } if (!janet_checkint(tup[1])) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected integer"); } mapping.line = janet_unwrap_integer(tup[0]); mapping.column = janet_unwrap_integer(tup[1]); def->sourcemap[i] = mapping; } } /* Set environments */ def->environments = janet_realloc(def->environments, def->environments_length * sizeof(int32_t)); x = janet_get1(s, janet_ckeywordv("environments")); if (janet_indexed_view(x, &arr, &count)) { def->environments_length = count; for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!janet_checkint(arr[i])) { janet_asm_error(&a, "expected integer"); } def->environments[i] = janet_unwrap_integer(arr[i]); } } if (NULL == def->environments) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /* Verify the func def */ if (janet_verify(def)) { janet_asm_error(&a, "invalid assembly"); } /* Add final flags */ janet_def_addflags(def); /* Finish everything and return funcdef */ janet_asm_deinit(&a); result.error = NULL; result.funcdef = def; result.status = JANET_ASSEMBLE_OK; return result; } /* Assemble a function */ JanetAssembleResult janet_asm(Janet source, int flags) { return janet_asm1(NULL, source, flags); } /* Disassembly */ /* Find the definition of an instruction given the instruction word. Return * NULL if not found. */ static const JanetInstructionDef *janet_asm_reverse_lookup(uint32_t instr) { size_t i; uint32_t opcode = instr & 0x7F; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(janet_ops) / sizeof(JanetInstructionDef); i++) { const JanetInstructionDef *def = janet_ops + i; if (def->opcode == opcode) return def; } return NULL; } /* Create some constant sized tuples */ static const Janet *tup1(Janet x) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(1); tup[0] = x; return janet_tuple_end(tup); } static const Janet *tup2(Janet x, Janet y) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(2); tup[0] = x; tup[1] = y; return janet_tuple_end(tup); } static const Janet *tup3(Janet x, Janet y, Janet z) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(3); tup[0] = x; tup[1] = y; tup[2] = z; return janet_tuple_end(tup); } static const Janet *tup4(Janet w, Janet x, Janet y, Janet z) { Janet *tup = janet_tuple_begin(4); tup[0] = w; tup[1] = x; tup[2] = y; tup[3] = z; return janet_tuple_end(tup); } /* Given an argument, convert it to the appropriate integer or symbol */ Janet janet_asm_decode_instruction(uint32_t instr) { const JanetInstructionDef *def = janet_asm_reverse_lookup(instr); Janet name; if (NULL == def) { return janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr); } name = janet_csymbolv(def->name); const Janet *ret = NULL; #define oparg(shift, mask) ((instr >> ((shift) << 3)) & (mask)) switch (janet_instructions[def->opcode]) { case JINT_0: ret = tup1(name); break; case JINT_S: ret = tup2(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFFFFFF))); break; case JINT_L: ret = tup2(name, janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr >> 8)); break; case JINT_SS: case JINT_ST: case JINT_SC: case JINT_SU: case JINT_SD: ret = tup3(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(2, 0xFFFF))); break; case JINT_SI: case JINT_SL: ret = tup3(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr >> 16)); break; case JINT_SSS: case JINT_SES: case JINT_SSU: ret = tup4(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(2, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(3, 0xFF))); break; case JINT_SSI: ret = tup4(name, janet_wrap_integer(oparg(1, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer(oparg(2, 0xFF)), janet_wrap_integer((int32_t)instr >> 24)); break; } #undef oparg if (ret) { /* Check if break point set */ if (instr & 0x80) { janet_tuple_flag(ret) |= JANET_TUPLE_FLAG_BRACKETCTOR; } return janet_wrap_tuple(ret); } return janet_wrap_nil(); } /* * Disasm sections */ static Janet janet_disasm_arity(JanetFuncDef *def) { return janet_wrap_integer(def->arity); } static Janet janet_disasm_min_arity(JanetFuncDef *def) { return janet_wrap_integer(def->min_arity); } static Janet janet_disasm_max_arity(JanetFuncDef *def) { return janet_wrap_integer(def->max_arity); } static Janet janet_disasm_slotcount(JanetFuncDef *def) { return janet_wrap_integer(def->slotcount); } static Janet janet_disasm_bytecode(JanetFuncDef *def) { JanetArray *bcode = janet_array(def->bytecode_length); for (int32_t i = 0; i < def->bytecode_length; i++) { bcode->data[i] = janet_asm_decode_instruction(def->bytecode[i]); } bcode->count = def->bytecode_length; return janet_wrap_array(bcode); } static Janet janet_disasm_source(JanetFuncDef *def) { if (def->source != NULL) return janet_wrap_string(def->source); return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet janet_disasm_name(JanetFuncDef *def) { if (def->name != NULL) return janet_wrap_string(def->name); return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet janet_disasm_vararg(JanetFuncDef *def) { return janet_wrap_boolean(def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG); } static Janet janet_disasm_structarg(JanetFuncDef *def) { return janet_wrap_boolean(def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_STRUCTARG); } static Janet janet_disasm_constants(JanetFuncDef *def) { JanetArray *constants = janet_array(def->constants_length); for (int32_t i = 0; i < def->constants_length; i++) { constants->data[i] = def->constants[i]; } constants->count = def->constants_length; return janet_wrap_array(constants); } static Janet janet_disasm_sourcemap(JanetFuncDef *def) { if (NULL == def->sourcemap) return janet_wrap_nil(); JanetArray *sourcemap = janet_array(def->bytecode_length); for (int32_t i = 0; i < def->bytecode_length; i++) { Janet *t = janet_tuple_begin(2); JanetSourceMapping mapping = def->sourcemap[i]; t[0] = janet_wrap_integer(mapping.line); t[1] = janet_wrap_integer(mapping.column); sourcemap->data[i] = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_end(t)); } sourcemap->count = def->bytecode_length; return janet_wrap_array(sourcemap); } static Janet janet_disasm_environments(JanetFuncDef *def) { JanetArray *envs = janet_array(def->environments_length); for (int32_t i = 0; i < def->environments_length; i++) { envs->data[i] = janet_wrap_integer(def->environments[i]); } envs->count = def->environments_length; return janet_wrap_array(envs); } static Janet janet_disasm_defs(JanetFuncDef *def) { JanetArray *defs = janet_array(def->defs_length); for (int32_t i = 0; i < def->defs_length; i++) { defs->data[i] = janet_disasm(def->defs[i]); } defs->count = def->defs_length; return janet_wrap_array(defs); } Janet janet_disasm(JanetFuncDef *def) { JanetTable *ret = janet_table(10); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("arity"), janet_disasm_arity(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("min-arity"), janet_disasm_min_arity(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("max-arity"), janet_disasm_max_arity(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("bytecode"), janet_disasm_bytecode(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("source"), janet_disasm_source(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("vararg"), janet_disasm_vararg(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("structarg"), janet_disasm_structarg(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("name"), janet_disasm_name(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("slotcount"), janet_disasm_slotcount(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("constants"), janet_disasm_constants(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("sourcemap"), janet_disasm_sourcemap(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("environments"), janet_disasm_environments(def)); janet_table_put(ret, janet_ckeywordv("defs"), janet_disasm_defs(def)); return janet_wrap_struct(janet_table_to_struct(ret)); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_asm, "(asm assembly)", "Returns a new function that is the compiled result of the assembly.\n" "The syntax for the assembly can be found on the Janet website, and should correspond\n" "to the return value of disasm. Will throw an\n" "error on invalid assembly.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetAssembleResult res; res = janet_asm(argv[0], 0); if (res.status != JANET_ASSEMBLE_OK) { janet_panics(res.error ? res.error : janet_cstring("invalid assembly")); } return janet_wrap_function(janet_thunk(res.funcdef)); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_disasm, "(disasm func &opt field)", "Returns assembly that could be used to compile the given function. " "func must be a function, not a c function. Will throw on error on a badly " "typed argument. If given a field name, will only return that part of the function assembly. " "Possible fields are:\n\n" "* :arity - number of required and optional arguments.\n" "* :min-arity - minimum number of arguments function can be called with.\n" "* :max-arity - maximum number of arguments function can be called with.\n" "* :vararg - true if function can take a variable number of arguments.\n" "* :bytecode - array of parsed bytecode instructions. Each instruction is a tuple.\n" "* :source - name of source file that this function was compiled from.\n" "* :name - name of function.\n" "* :slotcount - how many virtual registers, or slots, this function uses. Corresponds to stack space used by function.\n" "* :constants - an array of constants referenced by this function.\n" "* :sourcemap - a mapping of each bytecode instruction to a line and column in the source file.\n" "* :environments - an internal mapping of which enclosing functions are referenced for bindings.\n" "* :defs - other function definitions that this function may instantiate.\n") { janet_arity(argc, 1, 2); JanetFunction *f = janet_getfunction(argv, 0); if (argc == 2) { JanetKeyword kw = janet_getkeyword(argv, 1); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "arity")) return janet_disasm_arity(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "min-arity")) return janet_disasm_min_arity(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "max-arity")) return janet_disasm_max_arity(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "bytecode")) return janet_disasm_bytecode(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "source")) return janet_disasm_source(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "name")) return janet_disasm_name(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "vararg")) return janet_disasm_vararg(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "structarg")) return janet_disasm_structarg(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "slotcount")) return janet_disasm_slotcount(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "constants")) return janet_disasm_constants(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "sourcemap")) return janet_disasm_sourcemap(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "environments")) return janet_disasm_environments(f->def); if (!janet_cstrcmp(kw, "defs")) return janet_disasm_defs(f->def); janet_panicf("unknown disasm key %v", argv[1]); } else { return janet_disasm(f->def); } } /* Load the library */ void janet_lib_asm(JanetTable *env) { JanetRegExt asm_cfuns[] = { JANET_CORE_REG("asm", cfun_asm), JANET_CORE_REG("disasm", cfun_disasm), JANET_REG_END }; janet_core_cfuns_ext(env, NULL, asm_cfuns); } #endif