### cook.janet ### ### Library to help build janet natives and other ### build artifacts. ### ### Copyright 2019 © Calvin Rose # # Basic Path Settings # # Windows is the OS outlier (def- is-win (= (os/which) :windows)) (def- is-mac (= (os/which) :macos)) (def- sep (if is-win "\\" "/")) (def- objext (if is-win ".obj" ".o")) (def- modext (if is-win ".dll" ".so")) (def- statext (if is-win ".static.lib" ".a")) (def- absprefix (if is-win "C:\\" "/")) # # Rule Engine # (defn- getrules [] (if-let [rules (dyn :rules)] rules (setdyn :rules @{}))) (defn- gettarget [target] (def item ((getrules) target)) (unless item (error (string "No rule for target " target))) item) (defn- rule-impl [target deps thunk &opt phony] (put (getrules) target @[(array/slice deps) thunk phony])) (defmacro rule "Add a rule to the rule graph." [target deps & body] ~(,rule-impl ,target ,deps (fn [] nil ,;body))) (defmacro phony "Add a phony rule to the rule graph. A phony rule will run every time (it is always considered out of date). Phony rules are good for defining user facing tasks." [target deps & body] ~(,rule-impl ,target ,deps (fn [] nil ,;body) true)) (defn add-dep "Add a dependency to an existing rule. Useful for extending phony rules or extending the dependency graph of existing rules." [target dep] (def [deps] (gettarget target)) (array/push deps dep)) (defn- add-thunk [target more] (def item (gettarget target)) (def [_ thunk] item) (put item 1 (fn [] (more) (thunk)))) (defmacro add-body "Add recipe code to an existing rule. This makes existing rules do more but does not modify the dependency graph." [target & body] ~(,add-thunk ,target (fn [] ,;body))) (defn- needs-build [dest src] (let [mod-dest (os/stat dest :modified) mod-src (os/stat src :modified)] (< mod-dest mod-src))) (defn- needs-build-some [dest sources] (def f (file/open dest)) (if (not f) (break true)) (file/close f) (some (partial needs-build dest) sources)) (defn do-rule "Evaluate a given rule." [target] (def item ((getrules) target)) (unless item (if (os/stat target :mode) (break target) (error (string "No rule for file " target " found.")))) (def [deps thunk phony] item) (def realdeps (seq [dep :in deps :let [x (do-rule dep)] :when x] x)) (when (or phony (needs-build-some target realdeps)) (thunk)) (unless phony target)) # # Configuration # (def JANET_MODPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_MODPATH") (dyn :syspath))) (def JANET_HEADERPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_HEADERPATH") (if-let [j JANET_MODPATH] (string j "/../../include/janet")))) (def JANET_BINPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_BINPATH") (if-let [j JANET_MODPATH] (string j "/../../bin")))) (def JANET_LIBPATH (or (os/getenv "JANET_LIBPATH") (if-let [j JANET_MODPATH] (string j "/..")))) # # Compilation Defaults # (def default-compiler (if is-win "cl" "cc")) (def default-linker (if is-win "link" "cc")) (def default-archiver (if is-win "link" "ar")) # Default flags for natives, but not required (def default-lflags (if is-win ["/nologo"] [])) (def default-cflags (if is-win ["/nologo"] ["-std=c99" "-Wall" "-Wextra"])) # Required flags for dynamic libraries. These # are used no matter what for dynamic libraries. (def- dynamic-cflags (if is-win [] ["-fpic"])) (def- dynamic-lflags (if is-win ["/DLL"] (if is-mac ["-shared" "-undefined" "dynamic_lookup"] ["-shared"]))) (defn- opt "Get an option, allowing overrides via dynamic bindings AND some default value dflt if no dynamic binding is set." [opts key dflt] (def ret (or (opts key) (dyn key dflt))) (if (= nil ret) (error (string "option :" key " not set"))) ret) # # Importing a file # (def- _env (fiber/getenv (fiber/current))) (defn- proto-flatten [into x] (when x (proto-flatten into (table/getproto x)) (loop [k :keys x] (put into k (x k)))) into) (defn import-rules "Import another file that defines more cook rules. This ruleset is merged into the current ruleset." [path] (def env (make-env)) (unless (os/stat path :mode) (error (string "cannot open " path))) (loop [k :keys _env :when (symbol? k)] (unless ((_env k) :private) (put env k (_env k)))) (def currenv (proto-flatten @{} (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))) (loop [k :keys currenv :when (keyword? k)] (put env k (currenv k))) (dofile path :env env) (when-let [rules (env :rules)] (merge-into (getrules) rules))) # # OS and shell helpers # (def- filepath-replacer "Convert url with potential bad characters into a file path element." (peg/compile ~(% (any (+ (/ '(set "<>:\"/\\|?*") "_") '1))))) (defn filepath-replace "Remove special characters from a string or path to make it into a path segment." [repo] (get (peg/match filepath-replacer repo) 0)) (defn shell "Do a shell command" [& args] (if (dyn :verbose) (print ;(interpose " " args))) (def res (os/execute args :p)) (unless (zero? res) (error (string "command exited with status " res)))) (defn rm "Remove a directory and all sub directories." [path] (if (= (os/stat path :mode) :directory) (do (each subpath (os/dir path) (rm (string path sep subpath))) (os/rmdir path)) (os/rm path))) (defn copy "Copy a file or directory recursively from one location to another." [src dest] (print "copying " src " to " dest "...") (if is-win (shell "xcopy" src dest "/y" "/e") (shell "cp" "-rf" src dest))) # # C Compilation # (defn- embed-name "Rename a janet symbol for embedding." [path] (->> path (string/replace-all sep "___") (string/replace-all ".janet" ""))) (defn- out-path "Take a source file path and convert it to an output path." [path from-ext to-ext] (->> path (string/replace-all sep "___") (string/replace-all from-ext to-ext) (string "build" sep))) (defn- make-define "Generate strings for adding custom defines to the compiler." [define value] (if value (string (if is-win "/D" "-D") define "=" value) (string (if is-win "/D" "-D") define))) (defn- make-defines "Generate many defines. Takes a dictionary of defines. If a value is true, generates -DNAME (/DNAME on windows), otherwise -DNAME=value." [defines] (seq [[d v] :pairs defines] (make-define d (if (not= v true) v)))) (defn- getcflags "Generate the c flags from the input options." [opts] @[;(opt opts :cflags default-cflags) (string (if is-win "/I" "-I") (dyn :headerpath JANET_HEADERPATH)) (string (if is-win "/O" "-O") (opt opts :optimize 2))]) (defn- compile-c "Compile a C file into an object file." [opts src dest &opt static?] (def cc (opt opts :compiler default-compiler)) (def cflags [;(getcflags opts) ;(if static? [] dynamic-cflags)]) (def entry-defines (if-let [n (opts :entry-name)] [(make-define "JANET_ENTRY_NAME" (string "janet_module_entry_" (filepath-replace n)))] [])) (def defines [;(make-defines (opt opts :defines {})) ;entry-defines]) (def headers (or (opts :headers) [])) (rule dest [src ;headers] (print "compiling " dest "...") (if is-win (shell cc ;defines "/c" ;cflags (string "/Fo" dest) src) (shell cc "-c" src ;defines ;cflags "-o" dest)))) (defn- libjanet "Find libjanet.a (or libjanet.lib on windows) at compile time" [] (def libpath (dyn :libpath JANET_LIBPATH)) (unless libpath (error "cannot find libpath: provide --libpath or JANET_LIBPATH")) (string (dyn :libpath JANET_LIBPATH) sep "libjanet.a")) (defn- win-import-library "On windows, an import library is needed to link to a dll statically." [] (def hpath (dyn :headerpath JANET_HEADERPATH)) (unless hpath (error "cannot find headerpath: provide --headerpath or JANET_HEADERPATH")) (string hpath `\\janet.lib`)) (defn- link-c "Link object files together to make a native module." [opts target & objects] (def ld (opt opts :linker default-linker)) (def cflags (getcflags opts)) (def standalone (opts :standalone)) (def lflags [;(opt opts :lflags default-lflags) ;(if (opts :static) [] dynamic-lflags) ;(if standalone (case (os/which) :macos ["-ldl" "-lm"] :windows [] :linux ["-lm" "-ldl" "-lrt"] #default ["-lm"]) [])]) (rule target objects (print "linking " target "...") (if is-win (shell ld ;lflags (string "/OUT:" target) ;objects (if standalone (libjanet) (win-import-library))) (shell ld ;cflags `-o` target ;objects ;(if standalone [(libjanet)] []) ;lflags)))) (defn- archive-c "Link object files together to make a static library." [opts target & objects] (def ar (opt opts :archiver default-archiver)) (rule target objects (print "creating static library " target "...") (if is-win (shell ar "/lib" "/nologo" (string "/out:" target) ;objects) (shell ar "rcs" target ;objects)))) (defn- create-buffer-c-impl [bytes dest name] (def out (file/open dest :w)) (def chunks (seq [b :in bytes] (string b))) (file/write out "#include \n" "static const unsigned char bytes[] = {" ;(interpose ", " chunks) "};\n\n" "const unsigned char *" name "_embed = bytes;\n" "size_t " name "_embed_size = sizeof(bytes);\n") (file/close out)) (defn- create-buffer-c "Inline raw byte file as a c file." [source dest name] (rule dest [source] (print "generating " dest "...") (with [f (file/open source :r)] (create-buffer-c-impl (:read f :all) dest name)))) (def- root-env (table/getproto (fiber/getenv (fiber/current)))) (defn- create-executable "Links an image with libjanet.a (or .lib) to produce an executable. Also will try to link native modules into the final executable as well." [opts source dest] # Create executable's janet image (def cimage_dest (string dest ".c")) (rule cimage_dest [source] (print "generating executable c source...") # Load entry environment and get main function. (def entry-env (dofile source)) (def main ((entry-env 'main) :value)) # Create marshalling dictionary (def mdict (invert (env-lookup root-env))) # Build image (def image (marshal main mdict)) # Make image byte buffer (create-buffer-c-impl image cimage_dest "janet_payload_image") # Append main function (spit cimage_dest ``` int main(int argc, const char **argv) { janet_init(); /* Unmarshal bytecode */ JanetTable *env = janet_core_env(NULL); JanetTable *lookup = janet_env_lookup(env); Janet marsh_out = janet_unmarshal( janet_payload_image_embed, janet_payload_image_embed_size, 0, lookup, NULL); /* Verify the marshalled object is a function */ if (!janet_checktype(marsh_out, JANET_FUNCTION)) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid bytecode image - expected function."); return 1; } /* Collect command line arguments */ JanetArray *args = janet_array(argc); for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { janet_array_push(args, janet_cstringv(argv[i])); } /* Create enviornment */ JanetTable *runtimeEnv = janet_table(0); runtimeEnv->proto = env; janet_table_put(runtimeEnv, janet_ckeywordv("args"), janet_wrap_array(args)); janet_gcroot(janet_wrap_table(runtimeEnv)); /* Run everything */ JanetFiber *fiber = janet_fiber(janet_unwrap_function(marsh_out), 64, argc, args->data); fiber->env = runtimeEnv; Janet out; JanetSignal result = janet_continue(fiber, janet_wrap_nil(), &out); if (result) { janet_stacktrace(fiber, out); return result; } return 0; } ``` :ab)) # Compile c source (def entryo (string dest objext)) (compile-c opts cimage_dest entryo true) # Link (link-c (merge @{:static true :standalone true} opts) dest entryo)) (defn- abspath "Create an absolute path. Does not resolve . and .. (useful for generating entries in install manifest file)." [path] (if (string/has-prefix? absprefix) path (string (os/cwd) sep path))) # # Public utilities # (defn find-manifest-dir "Get the path to the directory containing manifests for installed packages." [] (string (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH) sep ".manifests")) (defn find-manifest "Get the full path of a manifest file given a package name." [name] (string (find-manifest-dir) sep name ".txt")) (defn find-cache "Return the path to the global cache." [] (def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH)) (string path sep ".cache")) (defn uninstall "Uninstall bundle named name" [name] (def manifest (find-manifest name)) (def f (file/open manifest :r)) (unless f (print manifest " does not exist") (break)) (loop [line :iterate (:read f :line)] (def path ((string/split "\n" line) 0)) (print "removing " path) (try (rm path) ([err] (unless (= err "No such file or directory") (error err))))) (print "removing " manifest) (rm manifest) (:close f) (print "Uninstalled.")) (defn clear-cache "Clear the global git cache." [] (rm (find-cache))) (defn install-git "Install a bundle from git. If the bundle is already installed, the bundle is reinistalled (but not rebuilt if artifacts are cached)." [repo] (def cache (find-cache)) (os/mkdir cache) (def id (filepath-replace repo)) (def module-dir (string cache sep id)) (when (os/mkdir module-dir) (os/execute ["git" "clone" repo module-dir] :p)) (def olddir (os/cwd)) (os/cd module-dir) (try (with-dyns [:rules @{}] (import-rules "./project.janet") (do-rule "install-deps") (do-rule "build") (do-rule "install")) ([err] nil)) (os/cd olddir)) (defn install-rule "Add install and uninstall rule for moving file from src into destdir." [src destdir] (def parts (string/split sep src)) (def name (last parts)) (def path (string destdir sep name)) (array/push (dyn :installed-files) path) (add-body "install" (try (os/mkdir destdir) ([err] nil)) (copy src destdir))) # # Declaring Artifacts - used in project.janet, targets specifically # tailored for janet. # (defn declare-native "Declare a native module. This is a shared library that can be loaded dynamically by a janet runtime. This also builds a static libary that can be used to bundle janet code and native into a single executable." [&keys opts] (def sources (opts :source)) (def name (opts :name)) (def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH)) # Make dynamic module (def lname (string "build" sep name modext)) (loop [src :in sources] (compile-c opts src (out-path src ".c" objext))) (def objects (map (fn [path] (out-path path ".c" objext)) sources)) (when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)] (loop [src :in embedded] (def c-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.c")) (def o-src (out-path src ".janet" (if is-win ".janet.obj" ".janet.o"))) (array/push objects o-src) (create-buffer-c src c-src (embed-name src)) (compile-c opts c-src o-src))) (link-c opts lname ;objects) (add-dep "build" lname) (install-rule lname path) # Make static module (unless (dyn :nostatic) (def opts (merge @{:entry-name name} opts)) (def sname (string "build" sep name statext)) (def sobjext (string ".static" objext)) (def sjobjext (string ".janet" sobjext)) (loop [src :in sources] (compile-c opts src (out-path src ".c" sobjext) true)) (def sobjects (map (fn [path] (out-path path ".c" sobjext)) sources)) (when-let [embedded (opts :embedded)] (loop [src :in embedded] (def c-src (out-path src ".janet" ".janet.c")) (def o-src (out-path src ".janet" sjobjext)) (array/push sobjects o-src) # Buffer c-src is already declared by dynamic module (compile-c opts c-src o-src true))) (archive-c opts sname ;sobjects) (add-dep "build" sname) (install-rule sname path))) (defn declare-source "Create a Janet modules. This does not actually build the module(s), but registers it for packaging and installation." [&keys {:source sources}] (def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH)) (if (bytes? sources) (install-rule sources path) (each s sources (install-rule s path)))) (defn declare-bin "Declare a generic file to be installed as an executable." [&keys {:main main}] (install-rule main (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH))) (defn declare-executable "Declare a janet file to be the entry of a standalone executable program. The entry file is evaluated and a main function is looked for in the entry file. This function is marshalled into bytecode which is then embedded in a final executable for distribution.\n\n This executable can be installed as well to the --binpath given." [&keys {:install install :name name :entry entry}] (def name (if is-win (string name ".exe") name)) (def dest (string "build" sep name)) (create-executable @{} entry dest) (add-dep "build" dest) (when install (install-rule dest (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH)))) (defn declare-binscript "Declare a janet file to be installed as an executable script. Creates a shim on windows." [&keys opts] (def main (opts :main)) (def binpath (dyn :binpath JANET_BINPATH)) (install-rule main binpath) # Create a dud batch file when on windows. (when is-win (def name (last (string/split sep main))) (def bat (string "@echo off\r\njanet %~dp0\\" name "%*")) (def newname (string binpath sep name ".bat")) (add-body "install" (spit newname bat)) (add-body "uninstall" (os/rm newname)))) (defn declare-archive "Build a janet archive. This is a file that bundles together many janet scripts into a janet image. This file can the be moved to any machine with a janet vm and the required dependencies and run there." [&keys opts] (def entry (opts :entry)) (def name (opts :name)) (def iname (string "build" sep name ".jimage")) (rule iname (or (opts :deps) []) (spit iname (make-image (require entry)))) (def path (dyn :modpath JANET_MODPATH)) (add-dep "build" iname) (install-rule iname path)) (defn declare-project "Define your project metadata. This should be the first declaration in a project.janet file. Also sets up basic phony targets like clean, build, test, etc." [&keys meta] (setdyn :project meta) (def installed-files @[]) (def manifests (find-manifest-dir)) (def manifest (find-manifest (meta :name))) (setdyn :manifest manifest) (setdyn :manifest-dir manifests) (setdyn :installed-files installed-files) (rule "./build" [] (os/mkdir "build")) (phony "build" ["./build"]) (phony "manifest" [] (print "generating " manifest "...") (os/mkdir manifests) (spit manifest (string (string/join installed-files "\n") "\n"))) (phony "install" ["uninstall" "build" "manifest"] (print "Installed as '" (meta :name) "'.")) (phony "install-deps" [] (if-let [deps (meta :dependencies)] (each dep deps (install-git dep)) (print "no dependencies found"))) (phony "uninstall" [] (uninstall (meta :name))) (phony "clean" [] (when (os/stat "./build" :mode) (rm "build") (print "Deleted build directory."))) (phony "test" ["build"] (defn dodir [dir] (each sub (os/dir dir) (def ndir (string dir sep sub)) (case (os/stat ndir :mode) :file (when (string/has-suffix? ".janet" ndir) (print "running " ndir " ...") (dofile ndir :exit true)) :directory (dodir ndir)))) (dodir "test") (print "All tests passed.")))