(defn worker-main "Sends 11 messages back to parent" [parent] (def name (:receive parent)) (def interval (:receive parent)) (for i 0 10 (os/sleep interval) (:send parent (string/format "thread %s wakeup no. %d" name i))) (:send parent name)) (defn make-worker [name interval] (-> (thread/new) (:send worker-main) (:send name) (:send interval))) (def bob (make-worker "bob" 0.02)) (def joe (make-worker "joe" 0.03)) (def sam (make-worker "sam" 0.05)) (:close joe) (try (:receive joe) ([err] (print "Got expected error: " err))) # Receive out of order (for i 0 22 (print (thread/receive [bob sam]))) # # Recursive Thread Tree - should pause for a bit, and then print a cool zigzag. # (def rng (math/rng (os/cryptorand 16))) (defn choose [& xs] (in xs (:int rng (length xs)))) (defn worker-tree [parent] (def name (:receive parent)) (def depth (:receive parent)) (if (< depth 5) (do (defn subtree [] (-> (thread/new) (:send worker-tree) (:send (string name "/" (choose "bob" "marley" "harry" "suki" "anna" "yu"))) (:send (inc depth)))) (let [l (subtree) r (subtree) lrep (thread/receive l) rrep (thread/receive r)] (:send parent [name ;lrep ;rrep]))) (do (:send parent [name])))) (def lines (:receive (-> (thread/new) (:send worker-tree) (:send "adam") (:send 0)))) (map print lines)