/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "fiber.h" #include "state.h" #include "gc.h" #include "util.h" static void fiber_reset(JanetFiber *fiber) { fiber->maxstack = JANET_STACK_MAX; fiber->frame = 0; fiber->stackstart = JANET_FRAME_SIZE; fiber->stacktop = JANET_FRAME_SIZE; fiber->child = NULL; fiber->flags = JANET_FIBER_MASK_YIELD; janet_fiber_set_status(fiber, JANET_STATUS_NEW); } static JanetFiber *fiber_alloc(int32_t capacity) { Janet *data; JanetFiber *fiber = janet_gcalloc(JANET_MEMORY_FIBER, sizeof(JanetFiber)); if (capacity < 32) { capacity = 32; } fiber->capacity = capacity; data = malloc(sizeof(Janet) * capacity); if (NULL == data) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } fiber->data = data; return fiber; } /* Create a new fiber with argn values on the stack by reusing a fiber. */ JanetFiber *janet_fiber_reset(JanetFiber *fiber, JanetFunction *callee, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) { int32_t newstacktop; fiber_reset(fiber); if (argc) { newstacktop = fiber->stacktop + argc; if (newstacktop >= fiber->capacity) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * newstacktop); } memcpy(fiber->data + fiber->stacktop, argv, argc * sizeof(Janet)); fiber->stacktop = newstacktop; } if (janet_fiber_funcframe(fiber, callee)) return NULL; return fiber; } /* Create a new fiber with argn values on the stack. */ JanetFiber *janet_fiber(JanetFunction *callee, int32_t capacity, int32_t argc, const Janet *argv) { return janet_fiber_reset(fiber_alloc(capacity), callee, argc, argv); } /* Ensure that the fiber has enough extra capacity */ void janet_fiber_setcapacity(JanetFiber *fiber, int32_t n) { Janet *newData = realloc(fiber->data, sizeof(Janet) * n); if (NULL == newData) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } fiber->data = newData; fiber->capacity = n; } /* Push a value on the next stack frame */ void janet_fiber_push(JanetFiber *fiber, Janet x) { if (fiber->stacktop >= fiber->capacity) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * fiber->stacktop); } fiber->data[fiber->stacktop++] = x; } /* Push 2 values on the next stack frame */ void janet_fiber_push2(JanetFiber *fiber, Janet x, Janet y) { int32_t newtop = fiber->stacktop + 2; if (newtop > fiber->capacity) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * newtop); } fiber->data[fiber->stacktop] = x; fiber->data[fiber->stacktop + 1] = y; fiber->stacktop = newtop; } /* Push 3 values on the next stack frame */ void janet_fiber_push3(JanetFiber *fiber, Janet x, Janet y, Janet z) { int32_t newtop = fiber->stacktop + 3; if (newtop > fiber->capacity) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * newtop); } fiber->data[fiber->stacktop] = x; fiber->data[fiber->stacktop + 1] = y; fiber->data[fiber->stacktop + 2] = z; fiber->stacktop = newtop; } /* Push an array on the next stack frame */ void janet_fiber_pushn(JanetFiber *fiber, const Janet *arr, int32_t n) { int32_t newtop = fiber->stacktop + n; if (newtop > fiber->capacity) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * newtop); } memcpy(fiber->data + fiber->stacktop, arr, n * sizeof(Janet)); fiber->stacktop = newtop; } /* Push a stack frame to a fiber */ int janet_fiber_funcframe(JanetFiber *fiber, JanetFunction *func) { JanetStackFrame *newframe; int32_t i; int32_t oldtop = fiber->stacktop; int32_t oldframe = fiber->frame; int32_t nextframe = fiber->stackstart; int32_t nextstacktop = nextframe + func->def->slotcount + JANET_FRAME_SIZE; int32_t next_arity = fiber->stacktop - fiber->stackstart; /* Check strict arity before messing with state */ if (func->def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_FIXARITY) { if (func->def->arity != next_arity) { return 1; } } if (fiber->capacity < nextstacktop) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * nextstacktop); } /* Nil unset stack arguments (Needed for gc correctness) */ for (i = fiber->stacktop; i < nextstacktop; ++i) { fiber->data[i] = janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Set up the next frame */ fiber->frame = nextframe; fiber->stacktop = fiber->stackstart = nextstacktop; newframe = janet_fiber_frame(fiber); newframe->prevframe = oldframe; newframe->pc = func->def->bytecode; newframe->func = func; newframe->env = NULL; newframe->flags = 0; /* Check varargs */ if (func->def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG) { int32_t tuplehead = fiber->frame + func->def->arity; if (tuplehead >= oldtop) { fiber->data[tuplehead] = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n(NULL, 0)); } else { fiber->data[tuplehead] = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n( fiber->data + tuplehead, oldtop - tuplehead)); } } /* Good return */ return 0; } /* If a frame has a closure environment, detach it from * the stack and have it keep its own values */ static void janet_env_detach(JanetFuncEnv *env) { /* Check for closure environment */ if (env) { size_t s = sizeof(Janet) * env->length; Janet *vmem = malloc(s); if (NULL == vmem) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memcpy(vmem, env->as.fiber->data + env->offset, s); env->offset = 0; env->as.values = vmem; } } /* Create a tail frame for a function */ int janet_fiber_funcframe_tail(JanetFiber *fiber, JanetFunction *func) { int32_t i; int32_t nextframetop = fiber->frame + func->def->slotcount; int32_t nextstacktop = nextframetop + JANET_FRAME_SIZE; int32_t next_arity = fiber->stacktop - fiber->stackstart; int32_t stacksize; /* Check strict arity before messing with state */ if (func->def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_FIXARITY) { if (func->def->arity != next_arity) { return 1; } } if (fiber->capacity < nextstacktop) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * nextstacktop); } Janet *stack = fiber->data + fiber->frame; Janet *args = fiber->data + fiber->stackstart; /* Detach old function */ if (NULL != janet_fiber_frame(fiber)->func) janet_env_detach(janet_fiber_frame(fiber)->env); janet_fiber_frame(fiber)->env = NULL; /* Check varargs */ if (func->def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG) { int32_t tuplehead = fiber->stackstart + func->def->arity; if (tuplehead >= fiber->stacktop) { if (tuplehead >= fiber->capacity) janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * (tuplehead + 1)); for (i = fiber->stacktop; i < tuplehead; ++i) fiber->data[i] = janet_wrap_nil(); fiber->data[tuplehead] = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n(NULL, 0)); } else { fiber->data[tuplehead] = janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n( fiber->data + tuplehead, fiber->stacktop - tuplehead)); } stacksize = tuplehead - fiber->stackstart + 1; } else { stacksize = fiber->stacktop - fiber->stackstart; } if (stacksize) memmove(stack, args, stacksize * sizeof(Janet)); /* Nil unset locals (Needed for functional correctness) */ for (i = fiber->frame + stacksize; i < nextframetop; ++i) fiber->data[i] = janet_wrap_nil(); /* Set stack stuff */ fiber->stacktop = fiber->stackstart = nextstacktop; /* Set frame stuff */ janet_fiber_frame(fiber)->func = func; janet_fiber_frame(fiber)->pc = func->def->bytecode; janet_fiber_frame(fiber)->flags |= JANET_STACKFRAME_TAILCALL; /* Good return */ return 0; } /* Push a stack frame to a fiber for a c function */ void janet_fiber_cframe(JanetFiber *fiber, JanetCFunction cfun) { JanetStackFrame *newframe; int32_t oldframe = fiber->frame; int32_t nextframe = fiber->stackstart; int32_t nextstacktop = fiber->stacktop + JANET_FRAME_SIZE; if (fiber->capacity < nextstacktop) { janet_fiber_setcapacity(fiber, 2 * nextstacktop); } /* Set the next frame */ fiber->frame = nextframe; fiber->stacktop = fiber->stackstart = nextstacktop; newframe = janet_fiber_frame(fiber); /* Set up the new frame */ newframe->prevframe = oldframe; newframe->pc = (uint32_t *) cfun; newframe->func = NULL; newframe->env = NULL; newframe->flags = 0; } /* Pop a stack frame from the fiber. Returns the new stack frame, or * NULL if there are no more frames */ void janet_fiber_popframe(JanetFiber *fiber) { JanetStackFrame *frame = janet_fiber_frame(fiber); if (fiber->frame == 0) return; /* Clean up the frame (detach environments) */ if (NULL != frame->func) janet_env_detach(frame->env); /* Shrink stack */ fiber->stacktop = fiber->stackstart = fiber->frame; fiber->frame = frame->prevframe; } /* CFuns */ static Janet cfun_new(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_arity(argc, 1, 2); JanetFunction *func = janet_getfunction(argv, 0); JanetFiber *fiber; if (func->def->flags & JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_FIXARITY) { if (func->def->arity != 0) { janet_panic("expected nullary function in fiber constructor"); } } fiber = janet_fiber(func, 64, 0, NULL); if (argc == 2) { int32_t i; JanetByteView view = janet_getbytes(argv, 1); fiber->flags = 0; janet_fiber_set_status(fiber, JANET_STATUS_NEW); for (i = 0; i < view.len; i++) { if (view.bytes[i] >= '0' && view.bytes[i] <= '9') { fiber->flags |= JANET_FIBER_MASK_USERN(view.bytes[i] - '0'); } else { switch (view.bytes[i]) { default: janet_panicf("invalid flag %c, expected a, d, e, u, or y", view.bytes[i]); break; case 'a': fiber->flags |= JANET_FIBER_MASK_DEBUG | JANET_FIBER_MASK_ERROR | JANET_FIBER_MASK_USER | JANET_FIBER_MASK_YIELD; break; case 'd': fiber->flags |= JANET_FIBER_MASK_DEBUG; break; case 'e': fiber->flags |= JANET_FIBER_MASK_ERROR; break; case 'u': fiber->flags |= JANET_FIBER_MASK_USER; break; case 'y': fiber->flags |= JANET_FIBER_MASK_YIELD; break; } } } } return janet_wrap_fiber(fiber); } static Janet cfun_status(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetFiber *fiber = janet_getfiber(argv, 0); uint32_t s = (fiber->flags & JANET_FIBER_STATUS_MASK) >> JANET_FIBER_STATUS_OFFSET; return janet_ckeywordv(janet_status_names[s]); } static Janet cfun_current(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { (void) argv; janet_fixarity(argc, 0); return janet_wrap_fiber(janet_vm_fiber); } static Janet cfun_maxstack(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetFiber *fiber = janet_getfiber(argv, 0); return janet_wrap_integer(fiber->maxstack); } static Janet cfun_setmaxstack(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 2); JanetFiber *fiber = janet_getfiber(argv, 0); int32_t maxs = janet_getinteger(argv, 1); if (maxs < 0) { janet_panic("expected positive integer"); } fiber->maxstack = maxs; return argv[0]; } static const JanetReg cfuns[] = { { "fiber/new", cfun_new, JDOC("(fiber/new func [,sigmask])\n\n" "Create a new fiber with function body func. Can optionally " "take a set of signals to block from the current parent fiber " "when called. The mask is specified as a keyword where each character " "is used to indicate a signal to block. The default sigmask is :y. " "For example, \n\n" "\t(fiber/new myfun :e123)\n\n" "blocks error signals and user signals 1, 2 and 3. The signals are " "as follows: \n\n" "\ta - block all signals\n" "\td - block debug signals\n" "\te - block error signals\n" "\tu - block user signals\n" "\ty - block yield signals\n" "\t0-9 - block a specific user signal") }, { "fiber/status", cfun_status, JDOC("(fiber/status fib)\n\n" "Get the status of a fiber. The status will be one of:\n\n" "\t:dead - the fiber has finished\n" "\t:error - the fiber has errored out\n" "\t:debug - the fiber is suspended in debug mode\n" "\t:pending - the fiber has been yielded\n" "\t:user(0-9) - the fiber is suspended by a user signal\n" "\t:alive - the fiber is currently running and cannot be resumed\n" "\t:new - the fiber has just been created and not yet run") }, { "fiber/current", cfun_current, JDOC("(fiber/current)\n\n" "Returns the currently running fiber.") }, { "fiber/maxstack", cfun_maxstack, JDOC("(fiber/maxstack fib)\n\n" "Gets the maximum stack size in janet values allowed for a fiber. While memory for " "the fiber's stack is not allocated up front, the fiber will not allocated more " "than this amount and will throw a stack-overflow error if more memory is needed. ") }, { "fiber/setmaxstack", cfun_setmaxstack, JDOC("(fiber/setmaxstack fib maxstack)\n\n" "Sets the maximum stack size in janet values for a fiber. By default, the " "maximum stack size is usually 8192.") }, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* Module entry point */ void janet_lib_fiber(JanetTable *env) { janet_cfuns(env, NULL, cfuns); }