# A flexible templater for janet. Compiles # templates to janet functions that produce buffers. (defn template "Compile a template string into a function" [source] # State for compilation machine (def p (parser/new)) (def forms @[]) (defn parse-chunk "Parse a string and push produced values to forms." [chunk] (parser/consume p chunk) (while (parser/has-more p) (array/push forms (parser/produce p))) (if (= :error (parser/status p)) (error (parser/error p)))) (defn code-chunk "Parse all the forms in str and return them in a tuple prefixed with 'do." [str] (parse-chunk str) true) (defn string-chunk "Insert string chunk into parser" [str] (parser/insert p str) (parse-chunk "") true) # Run peg (def grammar ~{:code-chunk (* "{%" (drop (cmt '(any (if-not "%}" 1)) ,code-chunk)) "%}") :main-chunk (drop (cmt '(any (if-not "{%" 1)) ,string-chunk)) :main (any (+ :code-chunk :main-chunk (error "")))}) (def parts (peg/match grammar source)) # Check errors in template and parser (unless parts (error "invalid template syntax")) (parse-chunk "\n") (case (parser/status p) :pending (error (string "unfinished parser state " (parser/state p))) :error (error (parser/error p))) # Make ast from forms (def ast ~(fn [params &] (default params @{}) (,buffer ,;forms))) (def ctor (compile ast *env* source)) (if-not (function? ctor) (error (string "could not compile template"))) (ctor))