# An example of using Janet's extensible module system
# to import files from URL. To try this, run `janet -l examples/urlloader.janet`
# from the repl, and then:
# (import https://raw.githubusercontent.com/janet-lang/janet/master/examples/colors.janet :as c)
# This will import a file using curl. You can then try
# (print (c/color :green "Hello!"))
# This is a bit of a toy example (it just shells out to curl), but it is very
# powerful and will work well in many cases.

(defn- load-url
  [url args]
  (def f (file/popen (string "curl " url)))
  (def res (dofile f :source url ;args))
  (try (file/close f) ([err] nil))

(defn- check-http-url
  (if (or (string/has-prefix? "http://" path)
          (string/has-prefix? "https://" path))

# Add the module loader and path tuple to right places
(array/push module/paths [check-http-url :janet-http])
(put module/loaders :janet-http load-url)