/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "compile.h" #include "state.h" #include "util.h" /* Generated bytes */ extern const unsigned char *janet_gen_core; extern int32_t janet_gen_core_size; /* Use LoadLibrary on windows or dlopen on posix to load dynamic libaries * with native code. */ #if defined(JANET_NO_DYNAMIC_MODULES) typedef int Clib; #define load_clib(name) ((void) name, 0) #define symbol_clib(lib, sym) ((void) lib, (void) sym, 0) #define error_clib() "dynamic libraries not supported" #elif defined(JANET_WINDOWS) #include typedef HINSTANCE Clib; #define load_clib(name) LoadLibrary((name)) #define symbol_clib(lib, sym) GetProcAddress((lib), (sym)) #define error_clib() "could not load dynamic library" #else #include typedef void *Clib; #define load_clib(name) dlopen((name), RTLD_NOW) #define symbol_clib(lib, sym) dlsym((lib), (sym)) #define error_clib() dlerror() #endif JanetModule janet_native(const char *name, const uint8_t **error) { Clib lib = load_clib(name); JanetModule init; if (!lib) { *error = janet_cstring(error_clib()); return NULL; } init = (JanetModule) symbol_clib(lib, "_janet_init"); if (!init) { *error = janet_cstring("could not find _janet_init symbol"); return NULL; } return init; } static Janet janet_core_native(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetModule init; JanetTable *env = janet_table(0); janet_fixarity(argc, 1); const uint8_t *path = janet_getstring(argv, 0); const uint8_t *error = NULL; init = janet_native((const char *)path, &error); if (!init) { janet_panicf("could not load native %S: %S", path, error); } init(env); return janet_wrap_table(env); } static Janet janet_core_print(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { int32_t j, len; const uint8_t *vstr = janet_to_string(argv[i]); len = janet_string_length(vstr); for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) { putc(vstr[j], stdout); } } putc('\n', stdout); return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet janet_core_describe(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetBuffer b; janet_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) janet_description_b(&b, argv[i]); Janet ret = janet_stringv(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } static Janet janet_core_string(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetBuffer b; janet_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) janet_to_string_b(&b, argv[i]); Janet ret = janet_stringv(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } static Janet janet_core_symbol(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetBuffer b; janet_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) janet_to_string_b(&b, argv[i]); Janet ret = janet_symbolv(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } static Janet janet_core_keyword(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetBuffer b; janet_buffer_init(&b, 0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) janet_to_string_b(&b, argv[i]); Janet ret = janet_keywordv(b.data, b.count); janet_buffer_deinit(&b); return ret; } static Janet janet_core_buffer(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetBuffer *b = janet_buffer(0); for (int32_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i) janet_to_string_b(b, argv[i]); return janet_wrap_buffer(b); } static Janet janet_core_is_abstract(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); return janet_wrap_boolean(janet_checktype(argv[0], JANET_ABSTRACT)); } static Janet janet_core_scannumber(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { double number; janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetByteView view = janet_getbytes(argv, 1); if (janet_scan_number(view.bytes, view.len, &number)) return janet_wrap_nil(); return janet_wrap_number(number); } static Janet janet_core_tuple(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { return janet_wrap_tuple(janet_tuple_n(argv, argc)); } static Janet janet_core_array(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { JanetArray *array = janet_array(argc); array->count = argc; memcpy(array->data, argv, argc * sizeof(Janet)); return janet_wrap_array(array); } static Janet janet_core_table(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { int32_t i; if (argc & 1) janet_panic("expected even number of arguments"); JanetTable *table = janet_table(argc >> 1); for (i = 0; i < argc; i += 2) { janet_table_put(table, argv[i], argv[i + 1]); } return janet_wrap_table(table); } static Janet janet_core_struct(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { int32_t i; if (argc & 1) janet_panic("expected even number of arguments"); JanetKV *st = janet_struct_begin(argc >> 1); for (i = 0; i < argc; i += 2) { janet_struct_put(st, argv[i], argv[i + 1]); } return janet_wrap_struct(janet_struct_end(st)); } static Janet janet_core_gensym(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { (void) argv; janet_fixarity(argc, 0); return janet_wrap_symbol(janet_symbol_gen()); } static Janet janet_core_gccollect(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { (void) argv; (void) argc; janet_collect(); return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet janet_core_gcsetinterval(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); int32_t val = janet_getinteger(argv, 0); if (val < 0) janet_panic("expected non-negative integer"); janet_vm_gc_interval = val; return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet janet_core_gcinterval(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { (void) argv; janet_fixarity(argc, 0); return janet_wrap_number(janet_vm_gc_interval); } static Janet janet_core_type(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetType t = janet_type(argv[0]); if (t == JANET_ABSTRACT) { return janet_ckeywordv(janet_abstract_type(janet_unwrap_abstract(argv[0]))->name); } else { return janet_ckeywordv(janet_type_names[t]); } } static Janet janet_core_next(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 2); JanetDictView view = janet_getdictionary(argv, 0); const JanetKV *end = view.kvs + view.cap; const JanetKV *kv = janet_checktype(argv[1], JANET_NIL) ? view.kvs : janet_dict_find(view.kvs, view.cap, argv[1]) + 1; while (kv < end) { if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) return kv->key; kv++; } return janet_wrap_nil(); } static Janet janet_core_hash(int32_t argc, Janet *argv) { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); return janet_wrap_number(janet_hash(argv[0])); } static const JanetReg cfuns[] = { {"native", janet_core_native, "(native path)\n\n" "Load a native module from the given path. The path " "must be an absolute or relative path on the file system, and is " "usually a .so file on Unix systems, and a .dll file on Windows. " "Returns an environment table that contains functions and other values " "from the native module." }, {"print", janet_core_print, "(print & xs)\n\n" "Print values to the console (standard out). Value are converted " "to strings if they are not already. After printing all values, a " "newline character is printed. Returns nil." }, {"describe", janet_core_describe, "(describe x)\n\n" "Returns a string that is a human readable description of a value x." }, {"string", janet_core_string, "(string & parts)\n\n" "Creates a string by concatenating values together. Values are " "converted to bytes via describe if they are not byte sequences. " "Returns the new string." }, {"symbol", janet_core_symbol, "(symbol & xs)\n\n" "Creates a symbol by concatenating values together. Values are " "converted to bytes via describe if they are not byte sequences. Returns " "the new symbol." }, {"keyword", janet_core_keyword, "(keyword & xs)\n\n" "Creates a keyword by concatenating values together. Values are " "converted to bytes via describe if they are not byte sequences. Returns " "the new keyword." }, {"buffer", janet_core_buffer, "(buffer & xs)\n\n" "Creates a new buffer by concatenating values together. Values are " "converted to bytes via describe if they are not byte sequences. Returns " "the new buffer." }, {"abstract?", janet_core_is_abstract, "(abstract? x)\n\n" "Check if x is an abstract type." }, {"table", janet_core_table, "(table & kvs)\n\n" "Creates a new table from a variadic number of keys and values. " "kvs is a sequence k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, ... If kvs has " "an odd number of elements, an error will be thrown. Returns the " "new table." }, {"array", janet_core_array, "(array & items)\n\n" "Create a new array that contains items. Returns the new array." }, {"scan-number", janet_core_scannumber, "(scan-number str)\n\n" "Parse a number from a byte sequence an return that number, either and integer " "or a real. The number " "must be in the same format as numbers in janet source code. Will return nil " "on an invalid number." }, {"tuple", janet_core_tuple, "(tuple & items)\n\n" "Creates a new tuple that contains items. Returns the new tuple." }, {"struct", janet_core_struct, "(struct & kvs)\n\n" "Create a new struct from a sequence of key value pairs. " "kvs is a sequence k1, v1, k2, v2, k3, v3, ... If kvs has " "an odd number of elements, an error will be thrown. Returns the " "new struct." }, {"gensym", janet_core_gensym, "(gensym)\n\n" "Returns a new symbol that is unique across the runtime. This means it " "will not collide with any already created symbols during compilation, so " "it can be used in macros to generate automatic bindings." }, {"gccollect", janet_core_gccollect, "(gccollect)\n\n" "Run garbage collection. You should probably not call this manually." }, {"gcsetinterval", janet_core_gcsetinterval, "(gcsetinterval interval)\n\n" "Set an integer number of bytes to allocate before running garbage collection. " "Low valuesi for interval will be slower but use less memory. " "High values will be faster but use more memory." }, {"gcinterval", janet_core_gcinterval, "(gcinterval)\n\n" "Returns the integer number of bytes to allocate before running an iteration " "of garbage collection." }, {"type", janet_core_type, "(type x)\n\n" "Returns the type of x as a keyword symbol. x is one of\n" "\t:nil\n" "\t:boolean\n" "\t:integer\n" "\t:real\n" "\t:array\n" "\t:tuple\n" "\t:table\n" "\t:struct\n" "\t:string\n" "\t:buffer\n" "\t:symbol\n" "\t:keyword\n" "\t:function\n" "\t:cfunction\n\n" "or another symbol for an abstract type." }, {"next", janet_core_next, "(next dict key)\n\n" "Gets the next key in a struct or table. Can be used to iterate through " "the keys of a data structure in an unspecified order. Keys are guaranteed " "to be seen only once per iteration if they data structure is not mutated " "during iteration. If key is nil, next returns the first key. If next " "returns nil, there are no more keys to iterate through. " }, {"hash", janet_core_hash, "(hash value)\n\n" "Gets a hash value for any janet value. The hash is an integer can be used " "as a cheap hash function for all janet objects. If two values are strictly equal, " "then they will have the same hash value." }, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* Utility for inline assembly */ static void janet_quick_asm( JanetTable *env, int32_t flags, const char *name, int32_t arity, int32_t slots, const uint32_t *bytecode, size_t bytecode_size, const char *doc) { JanetFuncDef *def = janet_funcdef_alloc(); def->arity = arity; def->flags = flags; def->slotcount = slots; def->bytecode = malloc(bytecode_size); def->bytecode_length = (int32_t)(bytecode_size / sizeof(uint32_t)); def->name = janet_cstring(name); if (!def->bytecode) { JANET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } memcpy(def->bytecode, bytecode, bytecode_size); janet_def(env, name, janet_wrap_function(janet_thunk(def)), doc); } /* Macros for easier inline janet assembly */ #define SSS(op, a, b, c) ((op) | ((a) << 8) | ((b) << 16) | ((c) << 24)) #define SS(op, a, b) ((op) | ((a) << 8) | ((b) << 16)) #define SSI(op, a, b, I) ((op) | ((a) << 8) | ((b) << 16) | ((uint32_t)(I) << 24)) #define S(op, a) ((op) | ((a) << 8)) #define SI(op, a, I) ((op) | ((a) << 8) | ((uint32_t)(I) << 16)) /* Templatize a varop */ static void templatize_varop( JanetTable *env, int32_t flags, const char *name, int32_t nullary, int32_t unary, uint32_t op, const char *doc) { /* Variadic operator assembly. Must be templatized for each different opcode. */ /* Reg 0: Argument tuple (args) */ /* Reg 1: Argument count (argn) */ /* Reg 2: Jump flag (jump?) */ /* Reg 3: Accumulator (accum) */ /* Reg 4: Next operand (operand) */ /* Reg 5: Loop iterator (i) */ uint32_t varop_asm[] = { SS(JOP_LENGTH, 1, 0), /* Put number of arguments in register 1 -> argn = count(args) */ /* Check nullary */ SSS(JOP_EQUALS_IMMEDIATE, 2, 1, 0), /* Check if numargs equal to 0 */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT, 2, 3), /* If not 0, jump to next check */ /* Nullary */ SI(JOP_LOAD_INTEGER, 3, nullary), /* accum = nullary value */ S(JOP_RETURN, 3), /* return accum */ /* Check unary */ SSI(JOP_EQUALS_IMMEDIATE, 2, 1, 1), /* Check if numargs equal to 1 */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT, 2, 5), /* If not 1, jump to next check */ /* Unary */ SI(JOP_LOAD_INTEGER, 3, unary), /* accum = unary value */ SSI(JOP_GET_INDEX, 4, 0, 0), /* operand = args[0] */ SSS(op, 3, 3, 4), /* accum = accum op operand */ S(JOP_RETURN, 3), /* return accum */ /* Mutli (2 or more) arity */ /* Prime loop */ SSI(JOP_GET_INDEX, 3, 0, 0), /* accum = args[0] */ SI(JOP_LOAD_INTEGER, 5, 1), /* i = 1 */ /* Main loop */ SSS(JOP_GET, 4, 0, 5), /* operand = args[i] */ SSS(op, 3, 3, 4), /* accum = accum op operand */ SSI(JOP_ADD_IMMEDIATE, 5, 5, 1), /* i++ */ SSI(JOP_EQUALS, 2, 5, 1), /* jump? = (i == argn) */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT, 2, -4), /* if not jump? go back 4 */ /* Done, do last and return accumulator */ S(JOP_RETURN, 3) /* return accum */ }; janet_quick_asm( env, flags | JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG, name, 0, 6, varop_asm, sizeof(varop_asm), doc); } /* Templatize variadic comparators */ static void templatize_comparator( JanetTable *env, int32_t flags, const char *name, int invert, uint32_t op, const char *doc) { /* Reg 0: Argument tuple (args) */ /* Reg 1: Argument count (argn) */ /* Reg 2: Jump flag (jump?) */ /* Reg 3: Last value (last) */ /* Reg 4: Next operand (next) */ /* Reg 5: Loop iterator (i) */ uint32_t comparator_asm[] = { SS(JOP_LENGTH, 1, 0), /* Put number of arguments in register 1 -> argn = count(args) */ SSS(JOP_LESS_THAN_IMMEDIATE, 2, 1, 2), /* Check if numargs less than 2 */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF, 2, 10), /* If numargs < 2, jump to done */ /* Prime loop */ SSI(JOP_GET_INDEX, 3, 0, 0), /* last = args[0] */ SI(JOP_LOAD_INTEGER, 5, 1), /* i = 1 */ /* Main loop */ SSS(JOP_GET, 4, 0, 5), /* next = args[i] */ SSS(op, 2, 3, 4), /* jump? = last compare next */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT, 2, 7), /* if not jump? goto fail (return false) */ SSI(JOP_ADD_IMMEDIATE, 5, 5, 1), /* i++ */ SS(JOP_MOVE_NEAR, 3, 4), /* last = next */ SSI(JOP_EQUALS, 2, 5, 1), /* jump? = (i == argn) */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF_NOT, 2, -6), /* if not jump? go back 6 */ /* Done, return true */ S(invert ? JOP_LOAD_FALSE : JOP_LOAD_TRUE, 3), S(JOP_RETURN, 3), /* Failed, return false */ S(invert ? JOP_LOAD_TRUE : JOP_LOAD_FALSE, 3), S(JOP_RETURN, 3) }; janet_quick_asm( env, flags | JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG, name, 0, 6, comparator_asm, sizeof(comparator_asm), doc); } /* Make the apply function */ static void make_apply(JanetTable *env) { /* Reg 0: Function (fun) */ /* Reg 1: Argument tuple (args) */ /* Reg 2: Argument count (argn) */ /* Reg 3: Jump flag (jump?) */ /* Reg 4: Loop iterator (i) */ /* Reg 5: Loop values (x) */ uint32_t apply_asm[] = { SS(JOP_LENGTH, 2, 1), SSS(JOP_EQUALS_IMMEDIATE, 3, 2, 0), /* Immediate tail call if no args */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF, 3, 9), /* Prime loop */ SI(JOP_LOAD_INTEGER, 4, 0), /* i = 0 */ /* Main loop */ SSS(JOP_GET, 5, 1, 4), /* x = args[i] */ SSI(JOP_ADD_IMMEDIATE, 4, 4, 1), /* i++ */ SSI(JOP_EQUALS, 3, 4, 2), /* jump? = (i == argn) */ SI(JOP_JUMP_IF, 3, 3), /* if jump? go forward 3 */ S(JOP_PUSH, 5), (JOP_JUMP | ((uint32_t)(-5) << 8)), /* Push the array */ S(JOP_PUSH_ARRAY, 5), /* Call the funciton */ S(JOP_TAILCALL, 0) }; janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_APPLY | JANET_FUNCDEF_FLAG_VARARG, "apply", 1, 6, apply_asm, sizeof(apply_asm), "(apply f & args)\n\n" "Applies a function to a variable number of arguments. Each element in args " "is used as an argument to f, except the last element in args, which is expected to " "be an array-like. Each element in this last argument is then also pushed as an argument to " "f. For example:\n\n" "\t(apply + 1000 (range 10))\n\n" "sums the first 10 integers and 1000.)"); } JanetTable *janet_core_env(void) { static const uint32_t error_asm[] = { JOP_ERROR }; static const uint32_t debug_asm[] = { JOP_SIGNAL | (2 << 24), JOP_RETURN_NIL }; static const uint32_t yield_asm[] = { JOP_SIGNAL | (3 << 24), JOP_RETURN }; static const uint32_t resume_asm[] = { JOP_RESUME | (1 << 24), JOP_RETURN }; static const uint32_t get_asm[] = { JOP_GET | (1 << 24), JOP_RETURN }; static const uint32_t put_asm[] = { JOP_PUT | (1 << 16) | (2 << 24), JOP_RETURN }; static const uint32_t length_asm[] = { JOP_LENGTH, JOP_RETURN }; static const uint32_t bnot_asm[] = { JOP_BNOT, JOP_RETURN }; JanetTable *env = janet_table(0); Janet ret = janet_wrap_table(env); /* Load main functions */ janet_cfuns(env, NULL, cfuns); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_YIELD, "debug", 0, 1, debug_asm, sizeof(debug_asm), "(debug)\n\n" "Throws a debug signal that can be caught by a parent fiber and used to inspect " "the running state of the current fiber. Returns nil."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_ERROR, "error", 1, 1, error_asm, sizeof(error_asm), "(error e)\n\n" "Throws an error e that can be caught and handled by a parent fiber."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_YIELD, "yield", 1, 2, yield_asm, sizeof(yield_asm), "(yield x)\n\n" "Yield a value to a parent fiber. When a fiber yields, its execution is paused until " "another thread resumes it. The fiber will then resume, and the last yield call will " "return the value that was passed to resume."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_RESUME, "resume", 2, 2, resume_asm, sizeof(resume_asm), "(resume fiber [,x])\n\n" "Resume a new or suspended fiber and optionally pass in a value to the fiber that " "will be returned to the last yield in the case of a pending fiber, or the argument to " "the dispatch function in the case of a new fiber. Returns either the return result of " "the fiber's dispatch function, or the value from the next yield call in fiber."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_GET, "get", 2, 2, get_asm, sizeof(get_asm), "(get ds key)\n\n" "Get a value from any associative data structure. Arrays, tuples, tables, structs, strings, " "symbols, and buffers are all associative and can be used with get. Order structures, name " "arrays, tuples, strings, buffers, and symbols must use integer keys. Structs and tables can " "take any value as a key except nil and return a value except nil. Byte sequences will return " "integer representations of bytes as result of a get call."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_PUT, "put", 3, 3, put_asm, sizeof(put_asm), "(put ds key value)\n\n" "Associate a key with a value in any mutable associative data structure. Indexed data structures " "(arrays and buffers) only accept non-negative integer keys, and will expand if an out of bounds " "value is provided. In an array, extra space will be filled with nils, and in a buffer, extra " "space will be filled with 0 bytes. In a table, putting a key that is contained in the table prototype " "will hide the association defined by the prototype, but will not mutate the prototype table. Putting " "a value nil into a table will remove the key from the table. Returns the data structure ds."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_LENGTH, "length", 1, 1, length_asm, sizeof(length_asm), "(length ds)\n\n" "Returns the length or count of a data structure in constant time as an integer. For " "structs and tables, returns the number of key-value pairs in the data structure."); janet_quick_asm(env, JANET_FUN_BNOT, "bnot", 1, 1, bnot_asm, sizeof(bnot_asm), "(bnot x)\n\nReturns the bitwise inverse of integer x."); make_apply(env); /* Variadic ops */ templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_ADD, "+", 0, 0, JOP_ADD, "(+ & xs)\n\n" "Returns the sum of all xs. xs must be integers or real numbers only. If xs is empty, return 0."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_SUBTRACT, "-", 0, 0, JOP_SUBTRACT, "(- & xs)\n\n" "Returns the difference of xs. If xs is empty, returns 0. If xs has one element, returns the " "negative value of that element. Otherwise, returns the first element in xs minus the sum of " "the rest of the elements."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_MULTIPLY, "*", 1, 1, JOP_MULTIPLY, "(* & xs)\n\n" "Returns the product of all elements in xs. If xs is empty, returns 1."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_DIVIDE, "/", 1, 1, JOP_DIVIDE, "(/ & xs)\n\n" "Returns the quotient of xs. If xs is empty, returns 1. If xs has one value x, returns " "the reciprocal of x. Otherwise return the first value of xs repeatedly divided by the remaining " "values. Division by two integers uses truncating division."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_BAND, "band", -1, -1, JOP_BAND, "(band & xs)\n\n" "Returns the bitwise and of all values in xs. Each x in xs must be an integer."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_BOR, "bor", 0, 0, JOP_BOR, "(bor & xs)\n\n" "Returns the bitwise or of all values in xs. Each x in xs must be an integer."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_BXOR, "bxor", 0, 0, JOP_BXOR, "(bxor & xs)\n\n" "Returns the bitwise xor of all values in xs. Each in xs must be an integer."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_LSHIFT, "blshift", 1, 1, JOP_SHIFT_LEFT, "(blshift x & shifts)\n\n" "Returns the value of x bit shifted left by the sum of all values in shifts. x " "and each element in shift must be an integer."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_RSHIFT, "brshift", 1, 1, JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT, "(brshift x & shifts)\n\n" "Returns the value of x bit shifted right by the sum of all values in shifts. x " "and each element in shift must be an integer."); templatize_varop(env, JANET_FUN_RSHIFTU, "brushift", 1, 1, JOP_SHIFT_RIGHT_UNSIGNED, "(brushift x & shifts)\n\n" "Returns the value of x bit shifted right by the sum of all values in shifts. x " "and each element in shift must be an integer. The sign of x is not preserved, so " "for positive shifts the return value will always be positive."); /* Variadic comparators */ templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_ORDER_GT, "order>", 0, JOP_GREATER_THAN, "(order> & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is strictly descending according to a total order " "over all values. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_ORDER_LT, "order<", 0, JOP_LESS_THAN, "(order< & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is strictly increasing according to a total order " "over all values. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_ORDER_GTE, "order>=", 1, JOP_LESS_THAN, "(order>= & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is not increasing according to a total order " "over all values. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_ORDER_LTE, "order<=", 1, JOP_GREATER_THAN, "(order<= & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is not decreasing according to a total order " "over all values. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_ORDER_EQ, "=", 0, JOP_EQUALS, "(= & xs)\n\n" "Returns true if all values in xs are the same, false otherwise."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_ORDER_NEQ, "not=", 1, JOP_EQUALS, "(not= & xs)\n\n" "Return true if any values in xs are not equal, otherwise false."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_GT, ">", 0, JOP_NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN, "(> & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is in numerically descending order. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_LT, "<", 0, JOP_NUMERIC_LESS_THAN, "(< & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is in numerically ascending order. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_GTE, ">=", 0, JOP_NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, "(>= & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is in numerically non-ascending order. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_LTE, "<=", 0, JOP_NUMERIC_LESS_THAN_EQUAL, "(<= & xs)\n\n" "Check if xs is in numerically non-descending order. Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_EQ, "==", 0, JOP_NUMERIC_EQUAL, "(== & xs)\n\n" "Check if all values in xs are numerically equal (4.0 == 4). Returns a boolean."); templatize_comparator(env, JANET_FUN_NEQ, "not==", 1, JOP_NUMERIC_EQUAL, "(not== & xs)\n\n" "Check if any values in xs are not numerically equal (3.0 not== 4). Returns a boolean."); /* Platform detection */ janet_def(env, "janet/version", janet_cstringv(JANET_VERSION), "The version number of the running janet program."); janet_def(env, "janet/build", janet_cstringv(JANET_BUILD), "The build identifier of the running janet program."); /* Set as gc root */ janet_gcroot(janet_wrap_table(env)); /* Load auxiliary envs */ janet_lib_io(env); janet_lib_math(env); janet_lib_array(env); janet_lib_tuple(env); janet_lib_buffer(env); janet_lib_table(env); janet_lib_fiber(env); janet_lib_os(env); janet_lib_parse(env); janet_lib_compile(env); janet_lib_debug(env); janet_lib_string(env); janet_lib_marsh(env); #ifdef JANET_ASSEMBLER janet_lib_asm(env); #endif /* Allow references to the environment */ janet_def(env, "_env", ret, "The environment table for the current scope."); /* Run bootstrap source */ janet_dobytes(env, janet_gen_core, janet_gen_core_size, "core.janet", NULL); return env; }