/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Calvin Rose * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef JANET_AMALG #include "features.h" #include #include "gc.h" #include "util.h" #include #endif /* Begin creation of a struct */ JanetKV *janet_struct_begin(int32_t count) { /* Calculate capacity as power of 2 after 2 * count. */ int32_t capacity = janet_tablen(2 * count); if (capacity < 0) capacity = janet_tablen(count + 1); size_t size = sizeof(JanetStructHead) + (size_t) capacity * sizeof(JanetKV); JanetStructHead *head = janet_gcalloc(JANET_MEMORY_STRUCT, size); head->length = count; head->capacity = capacity; head->hash = 0; head->proto = NULL; JanetKV *st = (JanetKV *)(head->data); janet_memempty(st, capacity); return st; } /* Find an item in a struct without looking for prototypes. Should be similar to janet_dict_find, but * specialized to structs (slightly more compact). */ const JanetKV *janet_struct_find(const JanetKV *st, Janet key) { int32_t cap = janet_struct_capacity(st); int32_t index = janet_maphash(cap, janet_hash(key)); int32_t i; for (i = index; i < cap; i++) if (janet_checktype(st[i].key, JANET_NIL) || janet_equals(st[i].key, key)) return st + i; for (i = 0; i < index; i++) if (janet_checktype(st[i].key, JANET_NIL) || janet_equals(st[i].key, key)) return st + i; return NULL; } /* Put a kv pair into a struct that has not yet been fully constructed. * Nil keys and values are ignored, extra keys are ignore, and duplicate keys are * ignored. * * Runs will be in sorted order, as the collisions resolver essentially * preforms an in-place insertion sort. This ensures the internal structure of the * hash map is independent of insertion order. */ void janet_struct_put_ext(JanetKV *st, Janet key, Janet value, int replace) { int32_t cap = janet_struct_capacity(st); int32_t hash = janet_hash(key); int32_t index = janet_maphash(cap, hash); int32_t i, j, dist; int32_t bounds[4] = {index, cap, 0, index}; if (janet_checktype(key, JANET_NIL) || janet_checktype(value, JANET_NIL)) return; if (janet_checktype(key, JANET_NUMBER) && isnan(janet_unwrap_number(key))) return; /* Avoid extra items */ if (janet_struct_hash(st) == janet_struct_length(st)) return; for (dist = 0, j = 0; j < 4; j += 2) for (i = bounds[j]; i < bounds[j + 1]; i++, dist++) { int status; int32_t otherhash; int32_t otherindex, otherdist; JanetKV *kv = st + i; /* We found an empty slot, so just add key and value */ if (janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { kv->key = key; kv->value = value; /* Update the temporary count */ janet_struct_hash(st)++; return; } /* Robinhood hashing - check if colliding kv pair * is closer to their source than current. We use robinhood * hashing to ensure that equivalent structs that are constructed * with different order have the same internal layout, and therefor * will compare properly - i.e., {1 2 3 4} should equal {3 4 1 2}. * Collisions are resolved via an insertion sort insertion. */ otherhash = janet_hash(kv->key); otherindex = janet_maphash(cap, otherhash); otherdist = (i + cap - otherindex) & (cap - 1); if (dist < otherdist) status = -1; else if (otherdist < dist) status = 1; else if (hash < otherhash) status = -1; else if (otherhash < hash) status = 1; else status = janet_compare(key, kv->key); /* If other is closer to their ideal slot */ if (status == 1) { /* Swap current kv pair with pair in slot */ JanetKV temp = *kv; kv->key = key; kv->value = value; key = temp.key; value = temp.value; /* Save dist and hash of new kv pair */ dist = otherdist; hash = otherhash; } else if (status == 0) { if (replace) { /* A key was added to the struct more than once - replace old value */ kv->value = value; } return; } } } void janet_struct_put(JanetKV *st, Janet key, Janet value) { janet_struct_put_ext(st, key, value, 1); } /* Finish building a struct */ const JanetKV *janet_struct_end(JanetKV *st) { if (janet_struct_hash(st) != janet_struct_length(st)) { /* Error building struct, probably duplicate values. We need to rebuild * the struct using only the values that went in. The second creation should always * succeed. */ JanetKV *newst = janet_struct_begin(janet_struct_hash(st)); for (int32_t i = 0; i < janet_struct_capacity(st); i++) { JanetKV *kv = st + i; if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { janet_struct_put(newst, kv->key, kv->value); } } st = newst; } janet_struct_hash(st) = janet_kv_calchash(st, janet_struct_capacity(st)); if (janet_struct_proto(st)) { janet_struct_hash(st) += 2654435761u * janet_struct_hash(janet_struct_proto(st)); } return (const JanetKV *)st; } /* Get an item from a struct without looking into prototypes. */ Janet janet_struct_rawget(const JanetKV *st, Janet key) { const JanetKV *kv = janet_struct_find(st, key); return kv ? kv->value : janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Get an item from a struct */ Janet janet_struct_get(const JanetKV *st, Janet key) { for (int i = JANET_MAX_PROTO_DEPTH; st && i; --i, st = janet_struct_proto(st)) { const JanetKV *kv = janet_struct_find(st, key); if (NULL != kv && !janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { return kv->value; } } return janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Get an item from a struct, and record which prototype the item came from. */ Janet janet_struct_get_ex(const JanetKV *st, Janet key, JanetStruct *which) { for (int i = JANET_MAX_PROTO_DEPTH; st && i; --i, st = janet_struct_proto(st)) { const JanetKV *kv = janet_struct_find(st, key); if (NULL != kv && !janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { *which = st; return kv->value; } } return janet_wrap_nil(); } /* Convert struct to table */ JanetTable *janet_struct_to_table(const JanetKV *st) { JanetTable *table = janet_table(janet_struct_capacity(st)); int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < janet_struct_capacity(st); i++) { const JanetKV *kv = st + i; if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { janet_table_put(table, kv->key, kv->value); } } return table; } /* C Functions */ JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_struct_with_proto, "(struct/with-proto proto & kvs)", "Create a structure, as with the usual struct constructor but set the " "struct prototype as well.") { janet_arity(argc, 1, -1); JanetStruct proto = janet_optstruct(argv, argc, 0, NULL); if (!(argc & 1)) janet_panic("expected odd number of arguments"); JanetKV *st = janet_struct_begin(argc / 2); for (int32_t i = 1; i < argc; i += 2) { janet_struct_put(st, argv[i], argv[i + 1]); } janet_struct_proto(st) = proto; return janet_wrap_struct(janet_struct_end(st)); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_struct_getproto, "(struct/getproto st)", "Return the prototype of a struct, or nil if it doesn't have one.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetStruct st = janet_getstruct(argv, 0); return janet_struct_proto(st) ? janet_wrap_struct(janet_struct_proto(st)) : janet_wrap_nil(); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_struct_flatten, "(struct/proto-flatten st)", "Convert a struct with prototypes to a struct with no prototypes by merging " "all key value pairs from recursive prototypes into one new struct.") { janet_fixarity(argc, 1); JanetStruct st = janet_getstruct(argv, 0); /* get an upper bounds on the number of items in the final struct */ int64_t pair_count = 0; JanetStruct cursor = st; while (cursor) { pair_count += janet_struct_length(cursor); cursor = janet_struct_proto(cursor); } if (pair_count > INT32_MAX) { janet_panic("struct too large"); } JanetKV *accum = janet_struct_begin((int32_t) pair_count); cursor = st; while (cursor) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < janet_struct_capacity(cursor); i++) { const JanetKV *kv = cursor + i; if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { janet_struct_put_ext(accum, kv->key, kv->value, 0); } } cursor = janet_struct_proto(cursor); } return janet_wrap_struct(janet_struct_end(accum)); } JANET_CORE_FN(cfun_struct_to_table, "(struct/to-table st &opt recursive)", "Convert a struct to a table. If recursive is true, also convert the " "table's prototypes into the new struct's prototypes as well.") { janet_arity(argc, 1, 2); JanetStruct st = janet_getstruct(argv, 0); int recursive = argc > 1 && janet_truthy(argv[1]); JanetTable *tab = NULL; JanetStruct cursor = st; JanetTable *tab_cursor = tab; do { if (tab) { tab_cursor->proto = janet_table(janet_struct_length(cursor)); tab_cursor = tab_cursor->proto; } else { tab = janet_table(janet_struct_length(cursor)); tab_cursor = tab; } /* TODO - implement as memcpy since struct memory should be compatible * with table memory */ for (int32_t i = 0; i < janet_struct_capacity(cursor); i++) { const JanetKV *kv = cursor + i; if (!janet_checktype(kv->key, JANET_NIL)) { janet_table_put(tab_cursor, kv->key, kv->value); } } cursor = janet_struct_proto(cursor); } while (recursive && cursor); return janet_wrap_table(tab); } /* Load the struct module */ void janet_lib_struct(JanetTable *env) { JanetRegExt struct_cfuns[] = { JANET_CORE_REG("struct/with-proto", cfun_struct_with_proto), JANET_CORE_REG("struct/getproto", cfun_struct_getproto), JANET_CORE_REG("struct/proto-flatten", cfun_struct_flatten), JANET_CORE_REG("struct/to-table", cfun_struct_to_table), JANET_REG_END }; janet_core_cfuns_ext(env, NULL, struct_cfuns); }