# Copyright (c) 2025 Calvin Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. (import ./helper :prefix "" :exit true) (start-suite) # 8a346ec (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"]) "onetwothree") "string/join 1 argument") (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"] ", ") "one, two, three") "string/join 2 arguments") (assert (= (string/join @[] ", ") "") "string/join empty array") (assert (= (string/find "123" "abc123def") 3) "string/find positive") (assert (= (string/find "1234" "abc123def") nil) "string/find negative") # String functions # f41dab8f6 (assert (= 3 (string/find "abc" " abcdefghijklmnop")) "string/find 1") (assert (= 0 (string/find "A" "A")) "string/find 2") (assert (string/has-prefix? "" "foo") "string/has-prefix? 1") (assert (string/has-prefix? "fo" "foo") "string/has-prefix? 2") (assert (not (string/has-prefix? "o" "foo")) "string/has-prefix? 3") (assert (string/has-suffix? "" "foo") "string/has-suffix? 1") (assert (string/has-suffix? "oo" "foo") "string/has-suffix? 2") (assert (not (string/has-suffix? "f" "foo")) "string/has-suffix? 3") (assert (= (string/replace "X" "." "XXX...XXX...XXX") ".XX...XXX...XXX") "string/replace 1") (assert (= (string/replace-all "X" "." "XXX...XXX...XXX") "...............") "string/replace-all 1") (assert (= (string/replace-all "XX" "." "XXX...XXX...XXX") ".X....X....X") "string/replace-all 2") (assert (= (string/replace "xx" string/ascii-upper "xxyxyxyxxxy") "XXyxyxyxxxy") "string/replace function") (assert (= (string/replace-all "xx" string/ascii-upper "xxyxyxyxxxy") "XXyxyxyXXxy") "string/replace-all function") (assert (= (string/replace "x" 12 "xyx") "12yx") "string/replace stringable") (assert (= (string/replace-all "x" 12 "xyx") "12y12") "string/replace-all stringable") (assert (= (string/ascii-lower "ABCabc&^%!@:;.") "abcabc&^%!@:;.") "string/ascii-lower") (assert (= (string/ascii-upper "ABCabc&^%!@:;.") "ABCABC&^%!@:;.") "string/ascii-lower") (assert (= (string/reverse "") "") "string/reverse 1") (assert (= (string/reverse "a") "a") "string/reverse 2") (assert (= (string/reverse "abc") "cba") "string/reverse 3") (assert (= (string/reverse "abcd") "dcba") "string/reverse 4") (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"] ",") "one,two,three") "string/join 1") (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"] ", ") "one, two, three") "string/join 2") (assert (= (string/join @["one" "two" "three"]) "onetwothree") "string/join 3") (assert (= (string/join @[] "hi") "") "string/join 4") (assert (= (string/trim " abcd ") "abcd") "string/trim 1") (assert (= (string/trim "abcd \t\t\r\f") "abcd") "string/trim 2") (assert (= (string/trim "\n\n\t abcd") "abcd") "string/trim 3") (assert (= (string/trim "") "") "string/trim 4") (assert (= (string/triml " abcd ") "abcd ") "string/triml 1") (assert (= (string/triml "\tabcd \t\t\r\f") "abcd \t\t\r\f") "string/triml 2") (assert (= (string/triml "abcd ") "abcd ") "string/triml 3") (assert (= (string/trimr " abcd ") " abcd") "string/trimr 1") (assert (= (string/trimr "\tabcd \t\t\r\f") "\tabcd") "string/trimr 2") (assert (= (string/trimr " abcd") " abcd") "string/trimr 3") (assert (deep= (string/split "," "one,two,three") @["one" "two" "three"]) "string/split 1") (assert (deep= (string/split "," "onetwothree") @["onetwothree"]) "string/split 2") (assert (deep= (string/find-all "e" "onetwothree") @[2 9 10]) "string/find-all 1") (assert (deep= (string/find-all "," "onetwothree") @[]) "string/find-all 2") # b26a7bb22 (assert-error "string/find error 1" (string/find "" "abcd")) (assert-error "string/split error 1" (string/split "" "abcd")) (assert-error "string/replace error 1" (string/replace "" "." "abcd")) (assert-error "string/replace-all error 1" (string/replace-all "" "." "abcdabcd")) (assert-error "string/find-all error 1" (string/find-all "" "abcd")) # String bugs # bcba0c027 (assert (deep= (string/find-all "qq" "qqq") @[0 1]) "string/find-all 1") (assert (deep= (string/find-all "q" "qqq") @[0 1 2]) "string/find-all 2") (assert (deep= (string/split "qq" "1qqqqz") @["1" "" "z"]) "string/split 1") (assert (deep= (string/split "aa" "aaa") @["" "a"]) "string/split 2") # some tests for string/format # 0f0c415 (assert (= (string/format "pi = %6.3f" math/pi) "pi = 3.142") "%6.3f") (assert (= (string/format "pi = %+6.3f" math/pi) "pi = +3.142") "%6.3f") (assert (= (string/format "pi = %40.20g" math/pi) "pi = 3.141592653589793116") "%6.3f") (assert (= (string/format "🐼 = %6.3f" math/pi) "🐼 = 3.142") "UTF-8") (assert (= (string/format "π = %.8g" math/pi) "π = 3.1415927") "π") (assert (= (string/format "\xCF\x80 = %.8g" math/pi) "\xCF\x80 = 3.1415927") "\xCF\x80") # String check-set # b4e25e559 (assert (string/check-set "abc" "a") "string/check-set 1") (assert (not (string/check-set "abc" "z")) "string/check-set 2") (assert (string/check-set "abc" "abc") "string/check-set 3") (assert (string/check-set "abc" "") "string/check-set 4") (assert (not (string/check-set "" "aabc")) "string/check-set 5") (assert (not (string/check-set "abc" "abcdefg")) "string/check-set 6") # Trim empty string # issue #174 - 9b605b27b (assert (= "" (string/trim " ")) "string/trim regression") # Keyword and Symbol slice # e9911fee4 (assert (= :keyword (keyword/slice "some_keyword_slice" 5 12)) "keyword slice") (assert (= 'symbol (symbol/slice "some_symbol_slice" 5 11)) "symbol slice") (end-suite)